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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
1581977294593.pngHira Graves
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
8:50 - Insidator Class
Interactions: Osuka Osuka Issac
Mentions: Ahmar Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Hira wasn't really trying in the race for team leader, sure she would be fine with being a team leader but considering how much chaos and fighting was going on she thought it would be best to stay out of the warzone. She was quite surprised that Kira won the race although she honestly shouldn't have been considering they did occasionally join them in more fun activities back home every once in a while. When she was choosen for Issacs team though, she was a bit surprised that the smaller boy managed to grab the top 4 spot. Although it could of been due to the fact that he wasn't getting targeted by others as much, she remembered seeing Kira getting hit by a fireball which looked pretty painful to say the least. In all honesty Hira did stop and contemplate on helping her but the girl seemed quite determined to win and beat up slam the guy to the ground with her own magic. The fact that she still got first place was very impressive too although she was surprised that she picked that guy for her team too considering that her hands were still a bit red and forgiving something like that was not something she would expect of her. Her attention soon went back to Issac though as she sized him up a bit, he was really short to say the least and was definatly the shortest kid she saw here as of yet. Although it didn't really matter much since he was team leader, she stood at Parade rest mainly out of force of habit since it did help her relax a bit strange as it is. When Issac asked a bit about them Talvyn went on first, he didn't give much but he did seem a bit off to her although she didn't pay much attention to it as of now since they were on the same team. She then went on to go on to introduce herself and notify him of some of her skill set "I am Hira Graves, i'm skilled in both unarmed and armed combat and i can only use Mortis magic." she honestly didn't know what else she should add although she could list more skills she of hers she would have to think it over a bit before notifying them all. And since they all just got called up to follow the teacher she didn't really have time to dwell on it much as she made her way tailing behind the Insidator teacher. When he pulled out the paintball rifle she grew a bit excited she always loved it when her old trainer allowed them to go on and play a game of paintball, it was one of the funnest activities they did. She went over and grabbed a rifle holding it as one would hold a weapon in a urban environment and with its barrel pointed towards the ground. She then went on over towards Issac as if waiting for him to take the lead or at least give them a briefing on what they were gonna do next.​
Mr. Alexander Artor & Mavior Eleus
Aquas Island, Artor's Class, Magister

Mavior hadn't made a comment on the fact his teacher had pulled supplies out of the stomach of his bunny-shark....if he had even pulled it from its stomach? No, that wasn't possible, it's anatomy couldn't allow for such things, obviously it was either enchanted or artificial construct, or perhaps both? He could consider it later, he had to work on questions. What could he put that his class could possibly answer, while still having a chance to leave his teacher fumbling for at least one question...perhaps an assortment of questions? General knowledge things, but things you wouldn't know right off the back of your hand. Question one, how young is the youngest ultima? Question two, who is the only known double ultima? Question three, with a steady flow caffeine of mana potions, how long can one stay awake before they start hallucinating? Question four, what nation is on the worst terms with the school? Question five, what was the final death toll of Ghengis Khan during his conquest?

As the class worked on, Artor was busy petting the shark that lounged atop the desk in front of him, glancing over at a pocket watch that he kept in his off-hand. "Annnnnd...Time! Alright, class, that should be enough for now, you should have five questions ready. What I'm going to do now, is I'll collect your quizzes, and read the hardest question from each aloud. I'll take guesses from everyone but the writer, and then I'll have the creator of each quiz come up and give a small lecture on the topic. One answer per person, and then we'll have you come up and lecture in the order you answer. If we have time left over, you'll be free to answer your classmates' full quizzes for bragging rights and extra points. Sound good? Excellent!"

Waving his hand in front of him in a grandiose fashion, the strange aquatic atmosphere of the classroom bent to his will, papers being pulled from in front of students and deposited into his hand. "Alrighty then. I'll fire through these, and then please answer. From Lilliana, what countries do ultima come from? From Lavka, find the velocity, acceleration and speed of a particle with the given positive function, r(t)=et(costi+sintj+7tk). Honestly, I think that's a bit above most folks at the moment, but I appreciate you testing knowledge! From Locoma, how much mana does it take for Benitoite to pop? From Miranda..." he paused for a moment, looking over the girls form...how creative! Personal questions aimed at him, and she hadn't made them tricks because he could answer them personally. Clever work there! "From miranda...my favorite color is red. I enjoy your creative thought process, very outside the box...excellent approach! From Collette, what is the cute mascot of the Japanese undersea empire? From ariu, What is the primary topic of the epic 'The Legend of the Ages' ? From Mavior, what was the final death toll that was caused by Ghengis Khan?... Sorry class, I'm afraid I'm not stumped here, but they're all excellent questions! Please answer, but raise your hand first as opposed to just blurting out!"
Kyrenka Kyrenka Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Deathkitten Deathkitten Peckinou Peckinou Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
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1582241601750.png With Xelon's energy boost Thomas became even more Hyper, his arms moving as fast as they possibly could making countless clockwork designs. Within half a minute he had already made a toaster, a fan, and was already working on something else. However during this entire time he wasn't focused solely on crafting, no he was staring at Yua's arm ausing his eyes to light up. "You're arms so cool!!! Do you know how it works? How do you feel with it? Is it comfortable? What alloys are used in it? Who made it? How many servo motors are in it? OH!!! Do you have the schematics? I would love to help make things like this!" He says with a friendly but overly enthusiastic tone.
However his attention soon returns to Jade. "Yayyy gadgets!!! Wait why are you so mad? Why's your tone so bossy? Oh hey what's in the case?"
His attention once again swivels, this time turning to Vulmar. "You have a... big chest... You clearly look like a girl!!!"
His attention soon turns to Siggie. "I"m going to need 17 spurred hobb gears with a diametral Pitch of 136, a Pitch Diameter of 1/2 of an inch and a face width of 4 inches, as well as 23 lug nuts of..." Thomas says rambling off a list of about 53 components of various sizes and shapes in rapid speed... most likely confusing Siggie if she didn't know anything about parts and gears.
This entire sequence of events occuring in less that 2 minutes, during which he had already made 7 magi tech items of varying complexities.
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Jet Jet Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Deathkitten Deathkitten
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~Liliana Bermudez~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:50 - Magister Class

LFB.jpg Is that...math? Liliana wished that They would come out of the shadows and swallow her whole. Are they doing real questions? She had expected questions that were more similar to Collette's; simple trivia. Instead she was apparently stuck in a class room full of geniuses who actually knew what they were doing. Her confidence shriveled up, much like she was shriveling up in her seat at that moment. Maybe I shouldn't have joined Magister. Sure she was top of her grade back home, but it wasn't hard to be one of the smart kids when your town was small and underfunded. She wasn't used to this. She wasn't used to not knowing the answer right away. You knew it was going to be harder; why are you freaking out about it now? Sticking the end of her pen into her mouth, Liliana nervously chewed on it. I can at least try, right? A doubtful voice in her mind told her that she couldn't, so the brunette didn't even bother attempting to solve the problems; instead, she stared at the notebook on her desk as she tried once again to become invisible. What was the point of making a fool of herself in front of her classmates? They were smart, they'll answer the questions. It was best to just sit back and watch. Liliana didn't even twitch as They softly petted her ankle. It was meant to bring comfort, and she appreciated that, but right now it brought none.

((Mentioned Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Collette | Tagging ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles ))

Vulmar Lulana
interactions: Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Jet Jet EldridSmith EldridSmith ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Deathkitten Deathkitten
vulmar was still dumbfounded at the overly energetic humun.. more then he'd normally be in honestly. vulmar was about to give said person a piece of his mind. until jade spoke up once again, well less spoke up and more barked orders not that it was much of a problem at least everyone could hear jade speak. so they were making clothing and... magi-tek? ok... vulmar wasn't exactly sure what that was, and also book right at least two out of the three things made actual sense. vulmar zoned out again, he didn't exactly understand any terminology being used until it got back to him again. ok so he would be working with the over-excited humun who was called Thomas and also jade... hed probably be making the shirts least that's was vulmar though. of course that Thomas humun was still being overly excited... making more of those... THINGS making vulmar once again rather uncomfortable. once again what Thomas said next... left vulmar dumbfounded "You have a... big chest... You clearly look like a girl!!!"

it left vulmar straight-up confused after was that meant to be some sort of insult or joke ? was it because humuns had such flat chests? was he just jealous of vulmars chest? if so that was actually rather funny, he stood there for a moment crossing every one of his arms and just kinda watching Thomas blabber at someone about... something? seems it was an order for material. approaching siggie after a little he gave her a smile "hey... sooo err... I guess just get me whatever nice fabrics you can find... and thread a lot of that... yeah please?" vulmar asked awkwardly being rather unsure about the process of all of this, vulmar then turned his attention to Thomas curiosity getting the better of him "hey soo Thomas right? I don't get what you meant before about my chest? how does it size have anything to do with me being a girl? unless you were trying to make a joke? because I'm obviously not a girl"
Today was supposed to be a good day...but it felt like her nerves were more on edge than ever! And that Jade girl was so...intimidating! She felt like breaking down, she was going to cry...she was going to cry in front of her class and it was going to make her seem like a baby. Everyone was so different and it was an entire mess it felt like...this Thomas guy was really intense, she wished she could be that chipper...and she wasn't even going to consider the multi-armed person right now. They said they were a guy but...they had such a large chest! If she could melt, she would right now...this was going to be too much! Before her thoughts could run off and completely derail a guy came up and ruffled her hair and for some reason that seemed to give her a hard reset...probably because it's what her papa did every time she started to overload? Looking up at the guy she gave a nod, forcing a nervous little smile into place. "Th-thank you...for that."

Before she could make a lot of distance on 'calm road' Thomas piped up again, shooting her a dozen questions and causing her eyes to go wide. "I...Oh uhm...S-sorta? I sort've know how it works...I guess I feel...alright with it? It's very comfortable but I...I don't know what it's made with. Mama made it for me so...I really don't know any of this stuff. I can't give you schematics, cause I don't have them...and I wouldn't even if I did! Sorry, please don't be upset!" She doubled over into an apologetic bow, snapping to attention at Jade's voice.

"Y-Yes ma'am! Know the area pretty w-well. I'll...I'll get it handled, promise! We'll get everything you need!" Quickly, she hurried over to Jade to meekly take the funds, pausing for a moment to tear a scrap of paper out of her pocket and jot her number down onto it. "I-It's best if you have a way to stay in contact with me! Store supplies can fluctuate quite quickly, so just...just..." She stalled, staring at the imposing older girl before rebooting. "Just...just call me if you need more than what we anticipate while I'm out...Th-thank you!" She hurried back over and grabbed Siggie's hand, giving it a meek tug. "I'll...w-wait outside I just don't...want to stand in here right now."
Jet Jet EldridSmith EldridSmith Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
Leanansidhe - The Ring - Insidiator class

It would be a race, huh? Too bad for the others, I’m quite good when it come to running away. Ehehe… “Just don’t kill them, right? Doesn’t sound like they stand a chance against you, boy.” And here we go… I appreciate encouragements, but I didn’t need those from you of all folks. Not even two hours in, and I already felt the need to go autopilot and just wreck everybody’s shit in the worst possible manner. Had a shit sleep, I wasn’t about to be gentle.


What was the worst possible way to impede someone without actually reducing their spine to biscuit powder… Yeah, would be corrosion – a good dose of death magic directly in the legs would be both extremely painful and hindering. Let’s totally do that.

Now, the matter was to be quick enough to snatch a place in the top four. Fast thinking, fairy, fast thinking…

First, neutralizing the opposition. As easy to do as it is to say. With a snap of my fingers, I could feel the power ripping away at me, and I unleashed it behind me, creating an impulsion that’d be crippling for whosever’s legs that’d get caught in it. Big looking guy, huh? Too bad, I was going to win this one. Don’t look down on me because I’m small! I’ll rip you as many new ones as I want if you do. That said, I had to take the lead, now. Fast thinking, fairy, fast thinking…

Second, dash the hell away. The feeling inverted itself… It was strange, using this element. It felt strange, becoming whole again. I felt the power surge in my legs, making them stronger than what I could reach with training… Good. Now… I blinked.


Half a second is all it took. A wave of blackness, a spark of whiteness, and I was gone. Blood was thrumming in my ears, and my throat felt dry. I was flying – I was falling, more exactly. No dust settling behind, nobody blocking my path ahead… I was falling. My feet weren’t touching the ground, my arms were on the sides of my body, and I could barely see around due to the wind shear. Just like a bullet. Yeah, just like a bullet, I’d kill it. I was sure of it; I’d make it first…


That wasn’t expected. Ouch. Coming from behind, a blast of wind, throwing me off-course. From the side, I saw her, a girl with white hair, pass by me and snatch first place. “Well. You’ll do better next time. It’s not like they expected you to get so high in the rankings anyway, I’m sure. I mean, I know you’re strong, boy, but you look like you’re third from the bottom in terms of age. And you still made it second.” SHUT UP! I don’t need backhanded compliments from you! I don’t need… I hate that. I just want to do the best I can. I just want… I just want to prove that I’m not a piece of trash. That I’m not just that poor kid who needs to be with a gang to feel safe. I just want to prove myself. And in the end, I can’t even do that. I can’t even demonstrate what I can do. There’s always someone to push me off the rails and make me fail. Always. “Nah, you’re just being paranoid there, boy. That’s just what you had to expect. You didn’t give them any chance, it’s only logical they do the same.”

Maybe. A very questionable maybe. I’d still prove them I was the best.


When the race was over, came the time to pick teammates. What’d I want for the team… Inconspicuousness would be the best. A team of underdogs. A team that’d do well together, without being a target because of its raw power. That meant… One spec, one big guy, one support. And me as the glass cannon. Not exactly well-rounded, but it was better than nothing. And seeing the pool of available people… First, the white gal. Her name was easy to remember, only one syllable.


Second… Big guy. Not any of the ones with horns, they looked like brothers and they wouldn’t like me for attacking them at the beginning. That left the orange boy… Honestly, he looked like a polished figurine made out of driftwood. Silent and slow to start. Just perfect. His name… A bit weird, I never heard that one before. I’d remember it.


And finally, the support. Oh, I have an idea… Yeah, he’ll be perfect; that little kid with the red hair, he looks real cute. And if he’s there, he’s capable. Gon pick him.


There we go. A full team of four. Not sure how well we’d fare, but I knew that I was damn going to make us succeed. Now… the instructions. Hunt down the other group? Sounds like fun. But we also had to prepare ourselves. Kill while unseen was the whole thing. Aye, I could do.

Thus, I metaphorically grabbed my teammates and led them a little apart from the rest of the group, once the teacher was done with his instructions.

“Okay listen to me. Teach said it, we must – quote unquote – “kill” the Patronus guys. Without being seen. That means Teach is watching us. Strategy is the important thing here, which means that for an effective strategy I’ll need to know what you guys can do. Personally, I’m primarily a mortis, and I’ve got vitae in reserve. Physically speaking I’m a killer doll, I can’t take a hit without falling to pieces, but I can hit hard given the chance. Now, your turn to tell me what your shtick is. Lee, you go first.”

[Interactions = Nayr ( Deathkitten Deathkitten ), Cayden ( Jet Jet ), Lee ( Kyrenka Kyrenka )]
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Ariu - 09:00 - Magister Class - Aquas Island

Those were some interesting questions, she thought. One was about politics, which she didn’t know about, so she’d have to skip it; the second… about math, huh? High school, maybe college math. Nothing too hard. Speed, acceleration and velocity… Why would she mention the same thing twice? Speed and velocity were one and the same. Unless she meant celerity, which was entirely different. Anyway, there were quick maths to be done. Flipping the page of her notebook, she started calculating. First, if the particle’s position function was et(costi+sintj+7tk), the speed was the derivative function of this one, and the acceleration was the derivative function of the speed. Which meant…

Speed: (-sin(ti)+cos(tj)+7tk)*t*e(cos(ti)+sin(tj)+7tk)
Acceleration: (-cos(ti)-sin(tj)+7tk)*t* e(cos(ti)+sin(tj)+7tk)+(-sin(ti)+cos(tj)+7tk)*[(cos(ti)+sin(tj)+7tk)* t*e(cos(ti)+sin(tj)+7tk)]

The tip of the pencil moved as she wrote the two lines down her notebook. So far, so good.

Sounded about right. She smiled. Math wasn’t her forte, but she could still get it done given time. Provided she didn’t make a mistake halfway through, of course; she could get the calculations done, but there was no guarantee she’d get the correct result. She was confident, though – it wasn’t ballpark math, far from it, but it wasn’t the kind of math that looked like a madman’s writing.

The third question was about physics, or the magical version of it, and she wasn’t good at that one. Therefore, the question about Benetoite was skipped. The next was about the teacher, so she obviously couldn’t answer… The next was some trivia. She pressed her lips together. She didn’t know much about the Japanese Undersea Empire, and even less about minor things like their mascot.

And the last question… Oh, it was about history. It was one she knew the answer to from memory alone. Genghis Khan, the conqueror from the east… He had wrought up as much as he had brought down, and the final death toll of his hordes was in the forty million range.

Again, the pencil was scratching the surface of the sheet.

With that done… She detached the page, and raised her hand, as to signal that she had finished answering what she could.

[Interactions : Artor ( ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles )]
Marielle - The Ring - Insidiator Class

The race… Well, she hadn’t fared as well as she hoped to do, but it was better than nothing. There was another girl around her age in the race, and for some reason she didn’t like her. It might only have been foolish girl rivalry, or something else, she’d never know. And what should have been a race had turned into a commando run, a back-and-forth trade of attacks and decoys. “Don’t kill” said the teacher. That would not be a hard rule to follow for Marielle, since her powers did not really allow for a killing blow, nor even a wounding one.

In the end, she didn’t manage to become a team leader. Not that it truly mattered, truth be told. She had never believed she was fit to be a leader; she was more of the supportive type. Which meant that the current situation was perfect for her, she could put her talents to use while not having to also demonstrate cruelly lacking leadership skills. Now, about her team…

The leader was a girl about as tall as her, with black hair, pale skin and dead eyes. As far as she understood, the girl – Yanvara – was blind. She seemed like a good-natured person, though, so that was a good start. The next person was… Steve. She couldn’t make an impression out of him, so she didn’t really pay heed to him. Finally, was the boy who talked to her. Sergei was his name. His tone of voice was relaxed, familiar even, but not impolite or disagreeable.

He wanted to know what he had missed… Alright.

“Sergei, is it? Marielle, nice to meet you. As far as the day has gone for now, you only missed team making. Yanvara and Steve here are our teammates, and the goal is to shoot the Patronus students with those paintball rifles, while remaining unseen to them. If you have any more questions, I’ll be glad to answer them.”

Yes, it sounded pretty good. She just hoped he would maintain this kind of amicable temperament all the way.

[Interactions : Yanvara ( Peckinou Peckinou ), Steve ( Steve Freeling Steve Freeling ), Sergei ( CapRock CapRock )]
~Lee Owens~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:50 - Insidiator Class

Lee Owens.jpg Breakfast had been great, which meant that today was going to be great too! Honestly, Lee hadn't been expecting their class to do a little race, but it was more fun than sitting inside a classroom and doing work. There were a lot of kids though and most of them were older and stronger. He knew that he wasn't going to win, but it would still be fun! That was only confirmed when Talvyn took him aside and warned him of potential cheating. It hadn't even crossed Lee's mind to cheat in a race, but with magic it wouldn't be hard. So when the race started, the redheaded boy wasn't disappointed. He saw someone small like him trip a student who wasn't paying attention, he saw someone else nearly take another person out with a ball of fire, and much more. He should've felt bad for being so excited to watch his classmates try and knock each other down, but it was thrilling now that he had gotten used to how explosive and loud everyone's powers were! It wasn't scary anymore, which meant he could happily watch them use their magic against each other. Although, he had to admit he was a little disappointed Talvyn didn't cheat, but that was OK! He stayed by Lee and made sure that nobody picked on him, which was very nice! Of course, as expected, he didn't win the race, but that was fine since there weren't any prizes. Instead, they were being picked for teams by the winners. Lee pouted a little when he realized he wasn't on the same team as his roommate. He wanted to work with his friends, not against them. Maybe I should've tried to run faster, then I could've picked Talvyn for my team. It was a little too late though, so he was forced to accept his fate.

As soon as he made eye contact with his leader, Lee didn't mind his team as much anymore. They were dangerous. It was the same look that Talvyn had so he was more than familiar with it at this point. She's killed someone. Granted, not everybody who has taken a life had that look; just the ones who had killed and were itching to do it again. I wonder what she did? It wouldn't be as rude to ask a fellow student, right? He knew that he should never ever ask a teacher that, but a student was fine, right? The redheaded boy had debated it for too long. His team leader, Leanansidhe, had ushered them away from the rest of the Insidiators. He sort of recognized the other two students, but couldn't quite remember their names. Lee jumped a little at being called on; he was a little nervous, but he had to power on. "Oh! I'm a Navitas! I can pick up heavy things, but not too too heavy, and move pretty fast! I'm better at the fast thing than the strong thing," he chattered in response. Playing with the end of his sleeves, Lee hoped that he didn't seem too weak. He didn't want to be labeled as the 'baby' and get left behind. He wanted to be part of the fun stuff! Like shooting people!

((Interacting with Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne 's Leanansidhe| Mentioned Peckinou Peckinou 's Talvyn, Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Nayr, and Jet Jet 's Cayden))
1582508354315.pngKawin Twins
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:50 - Insidator Class
Kira Kawin
Interactions: Ahmad and Aswad Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Kira was defiantly annoyed with Ahmars attitude although she didn't let the smirk on her face waiver one bit as she was in command and was going to be the one calling the shots, which also meant Ahmar would not be getting the fun assignments to say the least, although she did know that she would have to use him for tactical advantages in the future as well. Before she could even remark back the teacher called upon them to enter deep into the forest, when she and her team did get there she then went on to grab one of the paintball rifles , of course she did remember playing a few games of it with Arik and some other kids from their parents program from time to time it was usually just for fun when they had spare time. She had no plans to lose this game though so as soon as their team got their rifles Kira motioned for them to follow her, and when they got a bit far enough from the other groups she walked up towards Aswad and grabbed the collar of his shirt to make him lean down to her level and whispered into his ear. "I got a special little mission for you, I want you to go and sabotage the other teams you can shoot at the Patronus students if you see them but your main goal should be to mess with the other teams, Oh and be sure to keep yourself out of sight too getting caught is not in your best interest." Kira then smirked as she went on back to the rest of her team she looked smugly at Ahmar who would be without his brother and with both her and her brother. The Insidator instructor gave no list of rules for this so she was just going to assume the rules are the same as the ones from the race.

Arik Kawin
When the teacher announced for the other Insidator students to follow them, Arik rushed behind Kira he of course knew a quite a bit about paintball and he practically enjoyed the game during his freetime. He grabbed a paintball Rifle and looked towards Kira who was beckoning the team to follow her, and he did that without much question although when they got a bit away from the other groups he noticed Kira whispering something to Aswad and when he saw the smug look she had on her face, he was sure that she was was not up to any sorta good. He was of course perfectly fine with whatever plan Kira had and was more then willing to support and help her if need be. Knowing Kira she was likely going to play dirty which should be interesting to say the least though, Arik then glanced over towards Ahmar to gauge out his reaction.​
Cayden | Ten (Temporarily shut up from the last post, but he will be back next time to annoy you all 😈)

Little girl amused. Taking hits and dishing too she'd said! Did she mean patty-cake? Or taking pop records from the shelf? Lou'd dance with but he wondered critically; is she playing soldier? Aye it seemed so, like baby gators snapping away. It was endearing at least! Plus she was eager to fight and zoned in... Hopefully it wasn't a lie, people barked before the bite with puffed chests to seem savage; put them in a fight after and they'd fold. Cayden knew from hunts that fake tough ran rampant, maybe Lea's wasn't?

Lee too was short the warrior. Even Cayd of 19' was skill-short, what could the kid do? He was a bundle of untapped potential, one unconfident in his own ability without hard experience it seemed. In a fight he'd gimp the group like the last who seemed the same. She was a young pale waif; unlikely the trained warrior. Nayr hadn't spoken but Cayd expected the same from her as Lee. The squad was shambles to a glance....

But perhaps they had an advantage?

All three were built small and light of weight. Light weight made light steps and low stature kept low profile. Their weakness could help too because it made careful people. Strong bruisers would fail by over-extending, but this group? The other three typed to move smart; and Cayden? He was stealth itself with footsteps a soft shuffle; a singularity where decibals died, a mythical beast of quiet proportion!

He'd demonstrate it too, pulling blade from back null of sound. Moves unnatural sans a stir he'd lean sword to shoulder with a muttered "Quiet" pointing index to chest with his off hand; how predictably awkward. A strange void cut two ticks later with -- "Air cushion to move silent, but I bleed the sea" said slow as a water bullet ran eights through his free hand's fingers.

Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten
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Ugh. The questions these people came up with...

She rose her hand for each but her own, Miranda's which was answered by the teacher, and the horrible math problem. At each, if she was called on, she would say the following, in order:

"Terra Augurium."
"It depends on the size of the Benitoite chunk."
"Evolution and history."
"Ghengis Khan... um... like 30 million or more? It was a ridiculous number."

She wasn't so sure about the last question... and she wasn't sure if Locoma was thinking something more specific than that for the Benitoite question. Colette sighed, and her hand found Osuka's without thinking about it. She gently held it as she tapped her pencil against her paper. Her own question's answer was pretty obvious. Tamantas. Everyone knew about the little cuties.
Locoma seemed uninterested in answering the questions and didn't bother to raise her hand to answer them. Her own question was left somewhat general... but there was a whole science behind the antimagic mineral. Yes, it was dependent on the size of the rock you had, but it still scaled. If you put it to joules... She put her head down and began to scribble notes on her paper about it, wishing she could get her hands on some.

The mineral was notoriously rare and was only really in abundance in that hellish landscape of Terra Austri. There was no easy way to get some for yourself without spending a lot of money. Then, even if you did, you had to be careful not to overload it with mana. Still... there could be uses. If she could figure out a way to defend the benitoite from the outward mana, like a ward, she could keep the mana on the inside at a stable level. Almost like a heat sink. She drew a small picture of a flask filled with liquid. At the bottom sat a ball labeled benitoite, capped by a membrane labeled ward. She, unfortunately, lacked both the mineral and the knowhow to make such a thing. for now, that was. Eventually, she could make something like that.

It could be used to treat people more effectively... or as a poison. The possibilities were vast.
Octavia took a long sip from her mug as Omar handed over the sheet. She looked it over and was going to praise him when the sound of something shattering made her just about jump out of her skin. Coffee sloshing slightly, she shook her head, "It's fine. Don't worry about it." With a wave of her hand, the shards crumbled to dust.

"You did well. I see you have a fairly good concept of how this simple addition works. Perhaps this is the wrong point to start you off at," she mused, thinking about what to try next. She didn't want this to be a waste for him. She looked back up at him and smiled a little, "You seem tense, by the way... Shall we talk about it? I'm not just here to teach you math. I'm here to try to get you up to speed on life. Part of that is going to be helping you handle little issues when they come up..."

"Is it a girl?" she asked, "Usually, a boy of your age, it's a girl that's got you nervous. I hope you're settling in well and it's not an adjustment problem..."
Cayden, Lee, Lea. Okay. Not a bad team. Nayr grabbed a gun as she passed by the boxes. She kinda wanted to do better but got caught up in slowing someone else down. Silly of her. She huddled up with her group the same as the others and watched their leader. Lee was sweet and small and... she was kinda worried the little dude was gonna get hurt or something. Trip on a root and cry he was so cute. She bit her lower lip as her brow furrowed, listening to Cayden... sort of speak. More like demonstrate.

Once it reached her, she nodded sharply, "Vitae and Aere. I'm tough, full of mana to the point of it being a pain in the ass, and don't know when to stop. Stealth isn't exactly my thing, but I'm here to learn. My parents, my parents' parents, and so on, are all ultimas. I have the longest line of them, so I'm kinda like... a little experiment, I guess. That said, it's relevant only because it makes me naturally fast and strong. My parents have made me train religiously since I could walk, so I should be able to keep up."

She paused a moment, fiddling with the paintball gun, "So... Lea. You've killed before, I take it? You have that sound to your voice. To how you explained the strategy. I guess it's good you're lead. Even if we aren't actually taking them out, the experience is always appreciated."
Diana listened to their responses and nodded along silently to them. She repeated Maria's comment, "To set an example... Yes, I do think that was part of it. Phonecia was, at the time, fairly small, having lost some of its other territories. They could have been a valuable trade partner, however, had they been maintained and in some way brought to see our side of things. There were a number of natural resources that, because of Augurium's decision, have been wiped out or rendered inaccessible. Yes, though, after the school destroyed Phonecia, it was recognized as a global superpower - moreso than it was before. It quieted a lot of the more aggressive, outward pushback the school was experiencing. Instead, tactics moved more towards a sort of shadow warfare. One where a single country cannot be blamed for the actions, so as to avoid the same sort of bombing. For instance, we know that the Great Khan Republic undermines a fair number of school-run organizations in and around their area, but the groups that do so are not directly linked to the government. This complicates things for us, but for them, it is a measure they are taking to try to keep their own people safe."

Next, Nikea's, "I agree that different nations had to assert supremacy in some way, but this was only twenty years ago. This was not the dawn of new world order, unfortunately. That said, yes. Fear does only work for so long. The school makes a lot of effort in humanitarianism, but in many peoples' eyes this still does not make up for the crater."

"I myself have mixed feelings on the Phonecian Crater. There is no denying that it took a large toll on human life and on the ecosystem. I doubt that the school would do so so lightly again. It was a brash action to a difficult situation. There were a number of reasonable concerns that Phonecia was not treating its people well. Couple that with the threat that the school felt it had on its hands, and... well... they handled the threat."

Diana rubbed the side of her neck, "It's a hard topic to talk about for some people. Since it was only twenty years ago, a lot of people were alive when it happened or knew people from that area. Let's talk now, though, about the after-effects. How do you two feel this has changed politics and laws moving forward? And how would each of you have handled the area of the crater after the attack? The... clean-up effort, as it were."
Leanansidhe - Insidiator class - The Ring

Okay. Outlook, could have been better. There were too many redundancies, and not enough concealment, which meant we’d have to do from range. Never split up the party, they said; wasn’t a goddamn party. It was a kill-fest, and I was goddamn going to get the first prize. But… remaining together did show advantages.

“From what I got, we’re a rather balanced team, though we lack on the concealment side. I’d have liked to have a spiritus or a tenebris to hide ourselves, but we’ll have to do with what we have. Which means we must not split. We’ll start looking for the Patronus students like a commando. We’ll have to get high in the trees, thankfully we should all be able to reach the branches. Nayr and I can boost ourselves, Lee, you should be able to do something like an air cannon to propel yourself, and you Cayden, you should be able to climb easily, or even reach the top with magic.

Second. We must never be seen by the Patronus students, which means we’ll have to stay at range and use concealment. And deceit, of course. Nayr, do you think yourself able to make a couple constructs and send them as decoys to spot the Patronus guys? At best we’d need four. My brand of vitae isn’t suited for life-making.”

I said, extending my arm to show them. My skin was gleaming, as if it was too hot, and blades of bone tore through quickly, before falling apart, the wounds closing themselves quickly.

“For concealment, there’s no better than you, Cayden. With air and water, you should be able to make refractions and mirrors to make the light move around us. If you can manage them, we should be able to use those to get into position. Though they wouldn’t block sound, so we’d still need to be extra careful while moving around.”

I breathed, and continued.

“That said, we still need to be wary of the other Insidiator teams. By wary I do not mean that they might out-score us. Consider this exercise to take place in live warzone, and we are stranded alone with our material in enemy territory. In front of us are enemies, around unreliable allies at best. Everyone but us is a target. If we were to meet other Insidiator, we would have to engage combat and take them out. Teach only gave us one rule, do not kill. That means maiming, crippling and putting them into a coma is authorized. Do not pull punches.

Cayden, with that big blade of yours, you’re the most threatening. Coat it in air or water, and they won’t be able to stop it. Use it to cut limbs or pierce non-vital organs, something that forces their team to help them immediately. Lee, with your magic you can reach high speeds, so hit them hard where it hurts. Head, crotch, neck, belly. Remember what I said? Do not pull punches. Just make sure not to crack their skulls.

Nayr, whether your life magic is like mine or centred around constructs, you should be able to boost yourself to hit harder and tank hits. With air magic, you can enhance your attacks and deflect the enemy’s. Do not pull punches, just make sure not to kill.

As for me… I can boost myself pretty well, if you watched the race. And when it comes to finding lethal spots, I’m very good. I also know how to cripple internally, whether it be by destruction of the nerves, or by creation of bones in places there shouldn’t be. And I haven’t forgotten what I said, I won’t pull punches.”

Phew. Almost done.

“And, Nayr, to answer your question, yes I have killed.”

I gave them all a wry smile. If I could impress them a little, then so be it.

“Second thing to remember, don’t trust the appearances. How old do you think I am? 13, 14 maybe? Nah. I’m 23, and I’ve got four corpses to my name. Tore the first apart with magic, the second with my teeth, took out the third with his own knife and the fourth with his own rifle. And about knives and rifles…”

Raising the hemline of my skirt a little, I put my scar on display. It was an ugly scar, red and star-shaped, on the side of my leg. With the other hand, I raised my t-shirt just above my belly button. There was another ugly scar, horizontal, going from side to side there.

“On the leg, a bullet wound. Fired from point-blank, the heat of the gas caused the burn. The bullet cut the artery, so I had to rebuild it around, and never got the bullet out. It’s still inside. On my belly, the aforementioned knife. Thief, tried to kill me to steal whatever I had not. Stomach slit horizontally. Took me three days to recover from this one. I got both of those in a one-week interval. I may not be really tanky in a fight, but when it comes to surviving, I can do. Never trust the appearances.”

[Interactions : Nayr ( Deathkitten Deathkitten ), Cayden ( Jet Jet ), Lee ( Kyrenka Kyrenka )]
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1575174926926.png Omar sighs in relief as she assures him it's fine. He nods when asked if the reason he was tense was a gir, his fingers still nervously shaping glass. "My friend Pandora... well she's more like family... is being pestered by another student... Taram... a third year. She's mean, controlling, and constantly around her now... I don't like it... for the first time I've actually felt like using my arm to crush someone instead of making things with it... I hate her, I hate her being around Pandora, I hate her smug face!" He says, the hot glass globbing on the floor as his arm erupts into an inferno, his anger fueling it as he thinks about Taram and how she's been around Pandora.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
(Apologies in advance. These might be a little short.)

Ivan Timurovich
Forest place thingy now, He supposed.

Well, okay, it appeared that his first problem was going to start immediately. His roommate and another teammate were already bickering and refusing to work together, and after having been given their objectives, he was going to be quick to shut down the problem. Hands on his hips and looking at the two of them, Guiren and Gavin, he wondered just how he was going to achieve such a thing in such little time. After all, there was also the chance that the challenge given by their instructor wasn't going to be the only challenge that they would have to tackle. There was still the question of Why did he notice the Insidiator class coming along? Sure, it was likely that it was just going to be them doing something further off and such, but when it came to insidiator classes, which he had considered before joining Pugnator instead, there was also the likelihood that they were the other class's challenge... And what about the rest of their own group? Would they have to fight their own group as well as the Insidiators?

"Excuse me," Ivan started after clearing his throat, looking straight to Gavin and Guiren. "We are on task now. Task comes first. Bickering and not cooperating will cause failure, and you don't want that. Other teams make fun of you, probably. So we now focus. Deal with whatever between you two later, and for now, just act like other person is literally anyone else and get along.

"That said," he continued, looking over his crew. "No time to waste. Earlier begun, sooner done. I need to know what specialties group has so I can allocate tasks. Who has camped without gear? Who knows how to scout? What abilities do you all have? Who can climb, who can dig, who can run, who can carry most, et cetera. We will need small camp that can be elevated, smokeless fire, and be able to ditch camp at moment's notice. We won't be setting up until Wyrm hunt is done. Do what you need now, and after we organize, we move."

Looking about after they had been left to their own devices, he realized that this would not exactly give them good concealment or a place to set up any sort of camp, meaning that they had to move further in, which was a task on its own. They would need to allocate their placement in movement based on what they could do and how quickly they could move.

Unless he could get the group to work together effectively, this was going to be a pain, and they didn't exactly have time on their side with what tasks the teacher had given them...

Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten EldridSmith EldridSmith Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

Nyara Innistra
Team Chepi

Weak? Alright, even if the footrace had her a little shaken up with how far she fell behind in training, she wasn't going to take being called weak laying down. She was a Marksman, first off all, and she could probably still literally carry whoever she needed to on the team for second... But how were they to know that? All they had was her performance in the footrace. She had to calm down. There wasn't really anything to prove to anyone but herself at the moment, and she had to let things fall into place rather than force them, but they had to know what she was capable of, right? With that in mind, she would speak up.

"I'm a Spiritus," Nyara found herself saying, her head picking up as she looked straight towards Kitchi. "Spiritus of the Innistra family, so I do things a little differently. If you're worried about an attack, then if you can give me a few minutes, we'll have a radial alarm system. That and I'm not something to scoff at when it comes to being a Marksman of the NRNA Border Defense Force. If you can give me a weapon of sorts, I can get high up and cover the team or provide overwatch- whichever comes first. If we split the team, if there are any spirits here, I can use them to relay information between the team so that we can stay updated on what everyone is doing. If you really end up needing me to, I can work solo or with one other person depending on what you think you'd need me to do, and I can provide first aid if we need it."

Having got all of that out, she felt herself get a touch flustered at herself. She didn't really need to go on about what she could do right then at the moment, but then again, if they didn't know everything their team members could do, then things could get complicated, but the embarrassing part in itself was actually speaking up. Nyara was only really confident in any capacity when she had a rifle in-hand, since it just let her fall back to when she trained for being part of the Border Defense. The gear was something that she missed: The armor, the radio system, the weight of the rifle - the things she could really rely on to get a job done were all out of her reach, and all she had were her hands and her abilities as a Spiritus. It was too bad they didn't need her to fully mature a Foxglove plant in less than a week, or that would've been a piece of cake, but that wasn't either here or there, and foxgloves were pretty poisonous anyway and the teachers might get a little angry if she slipped that into someone somehow.

"A-anyway," she continued, rubbing her arm as she tried to get back to her point. "The only camp setup I was taught were basically burrows and elevated camouflage platforms in case I was outside of the Walls, so I'd probably be best utilized as a scout or camp defense."

Deathkitten Deathkitten Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Jet Jet

Team Short-Shit Gang
Hunting Season

Now, when he signed up for Insidiator, he was prepared to do some wacky things, but when their instructor brought up what was basically going to be a really unfair paintball fight, he found a part of himself getting almost too excited. They were going to be taking it to the Patronus group without them having anything to defend themselves with? This whole thing could really just boil down to good timing, tracking, herding, and just wearing them thin over time - a literal war of attrition, and if he was hearing his group right... They had the perfect skillset for it. Talvyn was saying that he wasn't much for direct fighting, but the use of Tenebris could make him absolutely invaluable, and that ability right there would make up for lack of rounds fired at their targets, and Hira...

They had a trained shooter in their group. Now they just had to figure out how they could take what they had and use it in more clever ways. Himself having power over Navitas and Terra could have some interesting effects when it came to the paintballs, and they could possibly set up traps to have them explode when someone was near them. Of course, he might have to be nearby to detonate paint bombs, but that was just possibilities they would have to test, and like hell was he asking if they could do so around the other students since it could give them an edge if the other students didn't know about their plans. Hell, with the right timing and a little luck, using just paint bombs could wipe out an entire team.

"So, Hira's gonna be our main shooter and Talvyn will provide support, which makes this a fackin' dream team," he found himself saying out loud. "An' I genuinely mean that. This is perfect. I got lucky havin' picked talent like you two quick as I could! Now, I've got some plans, and we'll wanna start our own ambushes when we know the teams are gonna be sittin' down at camp."

Moving closer to the two of them, after having taken the slightly-bulky-for-his-size paint rifle, Issac made sure they wouldn't be seen as he pulled one of the paint pellets from its enclosure before holding it up to them.

"My idea," he said more quietly - just barely a whisper so only Hira and Talvyn could hear. "Is ta not just use 'em in the rifle, but if we can make paint explosives or maybe even use some of these to mark other things and use 'em as both markin' a target and distractin' the team, we could really get the jump on teams that've already made camp. By that time, they might already be on alert, but if Talvyn can herd them and bunch 'em up by usin' Tenebris as a tactic to do so, I can drop paint explosives while Hira takes out who we can figure are team leaders. Take out the leaders and they won't have anyone to coordinate them as effectively, since the second-in-command will have to take a moment to register what happened and then step up. So long as we can do this without being spotted before they're all marked, we could wipe out a team in just a couple seconds. You two are perfect for this. Now, Hira, can you use Mortis to figure out positions via dead shit like plants and animals? Cuz if you can, that would make it the easiest shit in the world ta track teams in a forest."

Peckinou Peckinou Peckinou Peckinou
Sergei Makarov
Location: Insidiator Class - The Ring

Interacting with: Yanvara ( Peckinou Peckinou ), Steve ( Steve Freeling Steve Freeling ), Marielle Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne


The rules of the game were quite simple. They were likely designed like that, Sergei realized with a faint smirk, his mind already firing up like festival fireworks with the untapped exploits which stemmed from it. Regarding his first meetings, Marielle's reply came out friendlier than his wildest expectations - almost as if she wasn't of a noble house herself! Sergei furrowed his brow and gaped his mouth ever so slightly at first, but quickly shifted his expression into an amused smile, nodding in agreement.
"Oh, I got lotsa dem! But not now. Thanks!"
Sergei reached out for his paintball rifle and took it. He had began getting a feel for its grips and sights when the team leader spoke up: The girl's upbeat demeanor felt like a much needed second wind to his bumpy ride there and, before long, the boy saw himself resonating with her energy so easily that he didn't bother to give her unusual distant glance a second thought. The first topic was name, both her own and of the team's. "Name's Sergei, miss! T'your service. And watsa matter with Yan-Yan? I'm diggin' it, I say we keep it."
Later on, Yanvara would drop even more information, including her place of birth, her name again, and the fact that she was blind. Sergei struggled to escape overreacting to the latter, mentally slapping himself for not realizing it on his own. The musings in his head doubled, begging him to dive head in into the ocean of mysteries that his two new colleagues held. But he stood headstrong against temptation. Insead, he simply replied:
"I'm straight outta Khan Republic myself!" He leaned in to Yanvara and added with a mysterious whisper: "Just don' tell 'em I'm here." Leaning back, he resumed his normal tone and began adressing the true business: "Vene Aere caster here, by the way. We better get our gnoggings on trackin' dem Patronus better than they track us. Any ideas, Mari, Boy, Boss?" As he asked those questions, he stared at Marielle with begging, puppy eyes, silently asking for the nickname's approval. He would either find a way to free himself from the herculean task of pronoucing the ladies' long names or kill his own reputation trying.
Zak of Moon


Strategy is key, as is team constitution and member roles. You'd think in Death Forest a kid would mind such things; in that assumption I'd say you're usually right. Any student worth weight was sure-to turn ears at those chopping strategy! It was the simplest most basic requirement and the lowest bar to clear. Surprise-surprise Zak didn't, knowing only the part with his name dropped. Mans was lost but hey! He knew the job at least -- "Wyrm hunting" was it? A frontline role with no scratching flints for fires or tent building, that's all he knew and it was perfect! Of all the other nuances though....... screw em! Zak listened to the forest instead of that boring stuff.

He'd never been to a place like this and class-talk paled in comparison! The big trees, lush moss and ferns were insane; the animals were fascinating fucks too! All these ceatures he'd never seen darting up around and everywhere making chitters and chirps. It was new and all interesting! Plus this insect on a tree to his right was fucking awesome. At cat-size it was hefty and it's razor maw shone dangerous. With red vicious eyes gleaming from black chitin it glared deadly, mandibles jawing "come at me bro". A threat backed by scorpion stinger and a row of black spikes running its "spine". It looked dangerous; lethal and evil.

Zak poked it with a stick.

It replied as Moon joked -- "Ay dats' fuckin diabolic innit?" with a laugh, stepping back as the insect lunged stinger to stick, crawling around the tree and away from Zak who stood smiling at the creature's growl. Top tier studentry! Even for him this was ridiculous, and turning serious he'd explain -- "Sorry fam, been-zoned but I'm huntin' worms eh? Sounds ace!", using the only retained fact as an inroad.

He'd have to say more though, if only to look less out the loop. Mentioning what he could do? That was logical right? So he'd carry on with a confident -- "Dark's primo... flame's wild but hits right, nice in a scrap too but if-its jus' crittas a few casts'll do-em quick". It was brisk but covered the basics, and after a second to think he'd add curious -- "So which way en? Let's find em' before dat scrub B team! Anyone here know-ow' to findem?"

EldridSmith EldridSmith Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten Osuka Osuka Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
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~Lee Owens~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:50 - Insidiator Class

Lee Owens.jpg Listening to Leanansidhe was something else. She was confident. She was intelligent. In just a few seconds of knowing who they were and what they could do she had already calculated their advantages and disadvantages. I wanna be like that! She was cool! Talvyn was very cool too, but it was always a good idea to learn from different people right? Turning the unfamiliar weight of a gun around in his hands, Lee felt excited yet nervous. It wasn't a real gun so nobody would get too hurt, but the weight still felt heavy. What if I mess up? He was still so new to his powers, and while he had made some progress three days was hardly enough training. Heck, he's never shot a gun before! Just do what Leanansidhe said; go fast. Talvyn had given him some pointers before about being sneaky, so hopefully they'd pay off today. The redhead was still playing around with his gun when Leanansidhe admitted to killing someone. Lee's gaze snapped to her in interest. He actually wasn't expecting her to be honest. Killing was technically bad, at least Mom and Dad always said so, and people don't usually admit to doing bad things. Only cool kids do that! Like the ones who cheat on a test or smoke outside of class. Inching forward, his eyes widened fraction by fraction as their team leader talked. Teeth? She killed someone with her teeth? Was it hard to rip through someone's flesh? He had heard that you could technically bite your own finger off, but the mind's self-preservation prevented that. He vaguely wondered what blood tasted like; if skin had gotten caught in her teeth when it happened. As Leanansidhe revealed her scars, Lee was nearly on top of her as he examined them in wonder. "Can you feel the bullet?" He wanted to reach out to feel for himself but it was not nice to touch other people without permission. Instead, his eyes trailed to her stomach as he asked, "Did your guts come out? Is it hard to bite someone? What did it taste like?" Curious and thrilled, Lee gave a cherubic smile as he eagerly waited for her reply.

((Interacting with Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne 's Leanansidhe | Nearby Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Nayr and Jet Jet 's Cayden))
xelon nodded akwardly at soup giving a better explanation of what the tokens where meant for, god did he sound stupid now.. at least that feeling had changed his focus form the car incident to right now. Though the multi armed person made Xelon giggle a little bit With there claim that they where a guy and there almost shockingly offend look at Thomas after he questioned them he was right though... they did have a big chest, but they also had six arms? Soo? Attention shifting once again this time back to the super energetic Thomas the speed that he made the tiny magitech things was amazing although xelon couldn’t help but feel somewhat responsible for for hoe hyped he was... least he wasn’t using magic ultra hyped and tipsy would not end well. He felt a similar way for the girl with the robot arm.. she was already anxious. Soo he probably made it worse good thing that late noble seemed to help calm her nerves.

xelon attention again shifted back to jade she looked seriously agitated with everyone... fair the group would probably get on anyone’s nerves and he was helping much either. Xelon listened intently once jade decided to address everyone again coiling his long ponytail around his arm as she assigned everyone there places he wondered what he’d get. Turned out he did get customers rep jade sounded like she was actually happy with putting him in said position of course Xelon knew he would do rather well, so long as the people he was dealing with where not already irate oh and he’d be sharing the position with Pandora And her rabbits somewhat. “Don’t worry boss you can count on me” he said this with a cheerful tone and a equally cheerful smile now that he had some sense of direction. “Sooo, what do You want me to do first then?”
~Kitchi and Chepi~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:50 - Patronus Class
Joint Post with EldridSmith EldridSmith

Kitchi.jpg Chepi.png Chepi's face bloomed into a smile at Nyara's unexpected bout of fierceness. She knew that there was more than met the eye with these people! Some of the things she rattled off were still beyond the taller woman's understanding, but Chepi knew enough to understand that Nyara was an experienced healer and warrior. They could definitely use her skills for the hunter team. She could relay information to Kitchi and his team through the spirits while keeping an eye out for the other team and any would-be attackers.

"How do you know our language?" Kitchi asks Nyara in Cherokee with a raised eyebrow before he hears Zak, causing him to lean over and whispers to Chepi. "Do you have any idea what he's saying?" He says gesturing to Zak (again in Cherokee).

Chepi leaned a bit to the side as she watched the boy curiously. Continuing to use Cherokee, she asked, “Is...that scorpion talking to him?” Was it a spirit? It was speaking the same strange language he was. Zak was a person tuned to the shadows, but the spirits could choose whoever they wanted to reveal themselves to. But so plainly for all to see? Was it a trap?

"I think it's best our team moves out to investigate soon, something just doesn't feel right to me." He says looking around. "I feel we should stay low or underground if we can for camp, see if you can find a large enough hollowed out tree or one with room for us under it's roots. I feel we're not only hunting the wyrms... but also being hunted."

Kitchi was right, they had spent too much time idling around. Clapping her hands together to grab her team’s attention, Chepi spoke loudly enough in English for them to hear, “We will be splitting into two teams! Kitchi will lead the hunters, Zak and Nyara, and I will lead the campers, Willow and Venissa. Nyara and I will use the spirits to communicate between teams.” Giving them all a smile, she said, “We’ll need to work together, so I’m counting on all of you.” Nodding to Kitchi, she left Willow and Zak in his care. She turned to Willow and Venissa, gesturing for them to follow her, “Shall we?”

(Interacting with Jet Jet 's Zak, Osuka Osuka 's Nyara, Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Venissa, and Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider 's Willow)
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Miranda Olesen
Thur, the 5th of October, Year 500
9:10 - Magister
Miranda was smiling at what Artor had said to her about the question, since she wasn't expecting for him to say that. 'At least, he liked my question.' thought Miranda.
As Artor read everyone's hardest question. One of the questions was easy to answer, because she met a Tamanta on cat island. "Would the Japanese undersea empire's mascot be a Tamanta? Because there are a bunch of Tamantas on cat island, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Japanese made them their mascot because of their cuteness." said Miranda. To be honest, Miranda wanted to hug a Tamanta during the magister class. They are way too cute to be ignored, and not everybody in her class knows what they are.
Miranda didn't bother to answer the other questions, since she has no clue what the answer to those questions are to begin with.
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

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