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ATTENTION EVERYONE: Looking for an avid roleplayer to roleplay as the leader of a faction!


These Profligates Kill Legionnaires
Greetings people of RP Nation! I, and a couple of other avid roleplayers, are planning on starting a RP soon. As you may have seen from my signature, this RP will be heavily centered around factions! This RP will be set in the Fallout universe, mixed with other elements as well. (Such as The Elder Scrolls, and completely original factions.)

There are two main factions that we are looking for people to roleplay as the leader as: (The reason why we need leaders for these two factions specifically is because this RP has been going on for a long time now, and these two factions are very important to the lore of the entire RP.)

1. Red Line (A communist faction; lore is written for this already.)

2. Enclave (The Fallout faction from Fallout 2 and 3.)

To be the leader of a faction, you must make a thread for it in the "Nation Building" section of the forum. (Look at my NCR thread for reference. The link to it is in my signature.)

We will also fill you in the rest of the details once you decide to join!

Please not that if you wish to join this RP as a completely original faction, feel free to do so; we just really need people to roleplay as these two factions specifically!
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Bump. Because imma still fuck the enclave. ITS GASING TIME.
Kazami42 said:
Bump. Because imma still fuck the enclave. ITS GASING TIME.
We need to find a way to make this thread more evident through the entire forums. Is there a shoutbox or something we can post this in?
OnMelancholyHill said:
We need to find a way to make this thread more evident through the entire forums. Is there a shoutbox or something we can post this in?
Ask that tron guy who welcomes everyone.
Bobisdead123 said:
possibly but i dont understand how the rp works at all
We will explain everything. The question is whether or not you're interested in leading either the Red Line or Enclave. Do you want to know more about these factions?
Shireling said:
I might be able to help. I don't know.
Well, are you interested in leading the Red Line or Enclave? Check the link in my signature to my NCR thread, this RP is very faction driven. Each participant has his/her own faction.
OnMelancholyHill said:
Well, are you interested in leading the Red Line or Enclave? Check the link in my signature to my NCR thread, this RP is very faction driven. Each participant has his/her own faction.
Can I get the explanation of everything first and then decide? Which RP is this?
OnMelancholyHill said:
We will explain everything. The question is whether or not you're interested in leading either the Red Line or Enclave. Do you want to know more about these factions?
I don't do non-oc faction. Is the Red Line form Metro?
Shireling said:
Can I get the explanation of everything first and then decide? Which RP is this?
same. I'm not interested in the factions necessarily. You can have the coolest factions ever, but if the rp is stupid I dont really care how cool they are. (No offense, not saying its stupid. I honestly don't understand the rp at all. It doesn't appear to run like a normal rp.)

Comrade! Sign me up for red line, and I will spread the glorious proletarian revolution to all these doubters, whose lack of faith is disturbing. There will be no more counter-revolutionaries in the metro.
Archie said:
Comrade! Sign me up for red line, and I will spread the glorious proletarian revolution to all these doubters, whose lack of faith is disturbing. There will be no more counter-revolutionaries in the metro.
Excellent! We have been needing a leader for the Red Line. Just know however that the Red Line this RP's lore is not from Metro. It is a completely original faction born in the Fallout universe. Here are the details.

NOTE: Feel free to change some details about it if you want, but try to keep it as lore friendly as possible. (As in, to the Fallout lore. You can find details about my NCR faction for reference in the link to my NCR thread in my signature.)

Name: Union of Soviet Socialist Republic of America/Red Line

Continent: North America

General background: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of America, or more commonly known as the Red Line, is a large union of multiple communist republics based in Illinois with territories spanning across multiple states. It is the largest nation in Post Apocalyptic America, being even larger than the NCR, and can trace its origins to the old world city of Chicago. In the decades following the Great War, numerous survivors had made their way to the ruins of Chicago. Establishing small communities around the ruins of the Old World city, these survivors struggled to survive in the harsh conditions of the wasteland. Constantly targeted by raiders and mutated fauna, the people of Chicago were in a constant struggle for survival until one day, a man by the name of Terrance Faustin organized the Chicago survivors and united them into a single community in an effort to fight against their harassers. Once organized, the Chicago survivors renamed themselves the Peasant and Worker's Army, and fought a conflict against the raiders of Chicago, eventually driving out the raiders from the city all together and taking the entire city. Having dealt with the raiders, the PWA were able to focus on establishing a legitimate settlement within the city of Chicago. Faustin's knowledge and fascination with the Soviet Union of old inspired him to base his community heavily around communist ideals, believing that to be the definitive form of government. Eventually, the PWA renamed Chicago into New Leningrad and over time, as surrounding settlements joined them, formed the USSRA, or Red Line, with New Leningrad being their capital city in the year 2190. In the following century to come, the Red Line would grow to become the largest nation in Post Apocalyptic America, and would go on to expand its reaches across much of the American midwest, as well as parts of Canada. They have been involved in numerous wars, namely with that of the raiders in the surrounding countryside as well as with the short lived Fourth Reich, both of whom could not stand for long against the unified might of the Red Line. The most recent war the Red Line has been involved in is the First American World War, which was the most devastating war in Red Line history. In total, the Red Line suffered around 400,000 casualties in total, both military and civilian, as well as significant damage to its infrastructure. The Red Line has had four leaders in total, with the most recent being that of Premier (INSERT NAME OF YOUR CHARACTER HERE.) It was due to his strong leadership and tactical capabilities that he was able to lead his people to victory against the PDDRP invaders during the First AWW, having driven them out of Red Line land, and for that, he is seen as a hero to his people. He is arguably the most revered and popular Premier in Red Line history, with many placing him even above that of Terrance Faustin, the first Premier and founder of the Red Line. As of the year 2301, the Red Line remains a strong nation, and is slowly beginning to rebuild after the devastation of the First AWW. The Red Line is one of the most powerful member states of the NAU (New American Union), and remains a strong and powerful ally to factions such as the NCR and Eastern Brotherhood of Steel. Over time, the Red Line has adopted Russian culture due it being associated with the Soviet Union of old, the nation the Red Line has modeled itself after. This is evident in the Russian names of both people and cities and towns common throughout the Red Line.

Ideology: Communism

Nationality: North American

Race: Human, ghoul, super mutant, synth

Religions: Religion is generally tolerated within the Red Line, but the most popular one is that of the Church of Godd Howardism.

Leaders: (Your username and the name of your character's name here), Fourth Premier/General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Red Line

Amount of land owned: Illinois, with holdings in Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and parts of Canada.

Civilian size: 2,000,000

Military size: The Red Line possesses the largest military known in America, surpassing that of even the NCR. The military of the Red Line is divided into four branches: the Red Army, Red Tank Division, Red Air Force, and the elite Spetsnaz. There are around 250,000 active duty soldiers in the Red Army, Red Air Force, and Red Tank Division combined, and 300,000 in reserves. There are 8,800 total serving within the Spetsnaz. There are 550 total in the Red Line KGB.

Magic: No

General description of its members: The majority of Red Line citizens are farmers and peasants living throughout the rural lands in Red Line territory. The citizens living in the urban areas of the nation, such as New Leningrad, typically have faster paced lives as is expected from living within a large, bustling city. However, due to the communist regime, there is not much room for capitalist ventures or development. Living standards are not high, but while there are no rich people, there are no poor or homeless ones as well, something the Red Line takes pride in. In times of war, the Red Army relies on conscription to bolster its ranks, conscripting from its large population. However, after the end of the First AWW, military service has become much more voluntary. Experience, devotion, training, and even basic equipment is varied between the incredibly large and diverse Red Army, with some being battle hardened veterans, and some being fresh, green recruits. The Spetsnaz, however, are a completely different story. Strictly volunteer only, the Spetsnaz feature the most rigorous training program in the Red Line military, on a whole new level from that of the Red Army. They are roughly equivalent to the NCR Rangers in terms of training and equipment, and lone Spetsnaz operatives have been known to single-handedly defeat entire groups of raiders or thugs. The members of the Red Air Force and Red Tank Division also feature more rigorous training standards than that of the Red Army, but not on the same level as the Spetsnaz. The people of the Red Line hold their Premier, (INSERT YOUR CHARACTER HERE), in high reverence. The High Command is heavily restricted by the government to prevent corruption. The Red Line also has a security agency called the KGB that deals in clandestine operations involving that of intelligence.

Equipment: The technology within the Red Line is what one would expect from a large, communist nation. Farming techniques, irrigation, etc. are all used to maintain crops and to raise livestock. There are also industries that produce and manufacture goods as well as weapons for the military. Brahmin drawn carriages, a railroad network, and even working vehicles are used for transportation and transporting goods and supplies.

Military Equipment: While not possessing many military vehicles, the Red Line military is unique from other militaries of America in that they have managed to restore tanks to working order. The Red Line possesses an entire division of working tanks, armed with machine guns and cannons that were instrumental in fighting the PDDRP during the First AWW. They are the Red Line's equivalent of Heavy Troopers or Power Armored Units of other factions. The Red Line also possesses a few refurbished vertibirds used for transportation and by Spetsnaz operatives on special missions. Premier (INSERT YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME HERE) is also known to travel around in a vertibird. The Red Line also has an airship called the Veliky Novgorod which is used for troop transport as well as other purposes, such as being the Premier's personal means of transportation when in foreign lands. The Red Line also possesses numerous working artillery cannons and anti aircraft guns. The standard uniform for Red Army soldiers is a Red Army WW2-esque uniform consisting of brown body armor with olive green accents as well as matching helmets. Ushankas are very popular among Red Army soldiers. The standard issue rifle of all Red Army soldiers is the Kalashnikov assault rifle, with a Tokarev pistol as the primary sidearm. However, during the First AWW, due to the surprise invasion by the PDDRP, the Red Line had to manufacture as many weapons as possible to quickly arm their large army. However, due to supply shortages and difficulty arming such a vast army, the Red Line had to manufacture older models of weapons used in the past by the Red Army. The scrap rifle, a bolt action rifle, was the most popular and heavily mass produced rifle used by Red Army soldiers due to its reliability and simple mechanics. Another common weapon was the Bastard gun, a submachine gun that was cheap, efficient, and quick to manufacture. The motley assortment of scrap rifles, Bastard guns, and Kalashnikov assault rifles are the primary weapons used by the Red Army. Fragmentation grenades are also used by Red Army soldiers. Portable mortars are also used by Red Army mortar teams on the battlefield for indirect fire cannon support. Maxim machine guns are also used on the battlefield as heavy infantry machine guns for support purposes. RPKs are also used as light machine guns. Spetsnaz operatives have access to much better equipment than their Red Army counterparts. They don powerful combat armor and BDUs with matching helmets. They also utilize gas masks in addition to night vision goggles. Their primary weapons are the Kalashnikov assault rifles outfitted with numerous accessories and optics, in addition to Tokarev pistols for their sidearms. They also utilize semi automatic AMRs and heavy sniper rifles for various sniping situations.

Flag: (Working on a flag)

Main Theme: [media]
Affiliation: New American Union

Motto: "Communism is not love. Communism is the hammer which we use to crush the enemy."

Motto used during times of war for inspiration and troop morale: "Comrades, you're about to begin the greatest moment of your life! The invaders have lost hundreds of troops. Their brutalized hordes are now advancing towards our motherland over mountains of their own dead bodies! Our Communist Party, our nation, our great country, have given us the task not to let the enemy reach the heart of our motherland and to defend our nation's great capital, New Leningrad! Forward against the enemy! We shall kill! If you have not killed at least one invader a day, you have wasted that day...do not count days, do not count miles, count only the number of invaders you have killed! Kill the invader - this is your mother's prayer! Kill the invader - this is the cry of your Illinoisan earth! Do not waver! Do not let up! Kill! Death to the invader! URA! URA! UUUUUUUURAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
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DO YOU ****s STILL NOT GET IT? WILL YOU ****s NOT LEARN? You've been here for Months!

The Main is for roleplaying - NOT chatting.

THAT info we see in the first post could have been put in the Overview, The OOC tab has a purpose so please stop neglecting it and oh my god, please read the bloody Forums on how to make these threads.

You are making those teenagers from the 'modern genre' tab look like bloody experts at creating threads.

Have some sense! This isn't elementary school - we are people with more than half a brain.

It looks like another mess like vader's in the main and I'm feeling the cringe.
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NeoLeaf said:
DO YOU ****s STILL NOT GET IT? WILL YOU ****s NOT LEARN? You've been here for Months!

The Main is for roleplaying - NOT chatting.

THAT info we see in the first post could have been put in the Overview, The OOC tab has a purpose so please stop neglecting it and oh my god, please read the bloody Forums on how to make these threads.

You are making those teenagers from the 'modern genre' tab look like bloody experts at creating threads.

Have some sense! This isn't elementary school - we are people with more than half a brain.

It looks like another mess like vader's in the main and I'm feeling the cringe.

Uhhh, what?
NeoLeaf said:
DO YOU ****s STILL NOT GET IT? WILL YOU ****s NOT LEARN? You've been here for Months!

The Main is for roleplaying - NOT chatting.

THAT info we see in the first post could have been put in the Overview, The OOC tab has a purpose so please stop neglecting it and oh my god, please read the bloody Forums on how to make these threads.

You are making those teenagers from the 'modern genre' tab look like bloody experts at creating threads.

Have some sense! This isn't elementary school - we are people with more than half a brain.

It looks like another mess like vader's in the main and I'm feeling the cringe.

Fun fact you idiot, you don't have to open the thread and you don't have to complain like a 30 year old who sits in his mom's basement as has nothing better to do. Now bugger off.
I like the Enclave as a faction, but I'm not sure if I can spare the commitment. I don't know how intensive the RP is. And are the leaders preset? As in, if I'm the leader of the Enclave do I have to be House? (that's the guys name right? I've never played Fallout, only read the wiki and stuff like that). Someone more well-versed in the canon might be better suited.
Shireling said:
I like the Enclave as a faction, but I'm not sure if I can spare the commitment. I don't know how intensive the RP is. And are the leaders preset? As in, if I'm the leader of the Enclave do I have to be House? (that's the guys name right? I've never played Fallout, only read the wiki and stuff like that). Someone more well-versed in the canon might be better suited.
House was leader of New Vegas, Its president.. I think Hoover? In Enclave Cannon, but we are sticking to Fallout Cannon completely I dont think
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]House was leader of New Vegas, Its president.. I think Hoover? In Enclave Cannon, but we are sticking to Fallout Cannon completely I dont think

Oh yeah. That's right. The Enclave's president was Dick Richardson.

Sidenote: Come on Bethesda, Richard Richardson?

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