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Fandom Anyone Up For A Metroid RP?


Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey! You can call me Fae, 21+ years old, and I am looking for a long-term RP partner!

Absolutely in love with Metroid and wanted to see if anyone would be down to RP in that world. I am looking for someone to play Samus Aran for my OC (it would be FxF just for your information) and I am more than willing to double. I know there are not that many characters that might appeal, so I am totally down to create an OC just for your liking so we both can have something we enjoy.

Just hit me up if you are interested and let´s see how we can turn this into something we both enjoy.


  • Be at least 18, but somewhere between 25-30 would be preferable due to my own age and personal experience.
  • Be LGBTQIA+ friendly, and comfortable with characters not fitting into the social beauty standard.
  • RP on this site or on Discord! But I prefer the latter. It´s easier to plan and keep everything organized there.
  • Write in 3rd person and past tense. At LEAST 400 words per message, means breaking the Discord Limit at least once (without Nitro). No, this is not negotiable. 400 words is also the length of my starter so if you cannot match that, please do not waste your time.
  • Be willing to play many side characters as I am going to do the same.
  • Be active, one message a day would be great, but I can totally wait for 1-2 days
If you fulfill all criteria and are interested, send me a writing sample! If we mesh well I will send you the starter and we can take it from there!

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