Any tips for Combat Role Play?

Esper Alucard

Fleur's Pervy Neko Bot
Ive noticed how others are getting mad at me when i try to do a combat role play. Im not god modding, but theres something im doing wrong and i just cant figure out what! Your input could help me and others having trouble with this. Also hi im new here
If you need help with basic combat etiquette I find a good rule to use is what I call 


Basically you enter every fight with the idea you will either win the fight, lose the fight, or draw with you opponent.

So what you do is random generate a number 1-3. ( )

1 means you win the fight. Or if your hitting your opponent the hit lands.

2 means you draw. In a fight this means you tie with your opponent so both you and them end up injured but no one looses. If your trying to hit your opponent it means the hint lands but they can give a follow up attack too.

3 means you lose. In a fight this means your opponent wins. If your hitting your opponent it means you miss /your opponent hits you.

But if you do this remember to talk to your opponent so they know what is going on. If your new to fighting I would recommend talking the fight over with your opponent so you know how it's gonna go beforehand.
Well thats a good rule to follow! Also one of the reasons why some got mad is because i let my friend interrupt the fight and creep my enemy out... But you know, people get mad at you for saying sorry nowadays... How about 3+ combat rp? (More than 2 fighters)
Well as I said if your new to roleplaying I would start out with 1x1s ( just you and another person ) and I would ask that person to help you come up with the result of the fight beforehand and then just write out that result.

In groups I would again talk to the other participants beforehand ask them how they want the fight to go and just move forward from that. Or ask the owner of the thread how they typically do fights. If they have a set system like dice, random number generator, they want the players to hash it out beforehand.

Don't be afraid to admit your own ignorance, most of the time people will work with you and walk you through the things you don't know if you let them know your struggling.

To be honest judging by the extreme reactions you are alluding to I would say at least a good chunk of the issue has nothing to do with fighting and everything to do with the other players not being very understanding.
Combat Roleplay is something where being on a Fairly Equivalent Tier is highly important. you don't Send Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation to fight Natsu Dragneel of the Faerie Tail Guild. the power difference between the 2 universes means Natsu will Always Beat Zuko to a Pulp. however, this is just an honest example and proof of why T-1 Sucks Ditchwater. and here is why, the Tiers in T-1 are too darn broad. Moderate Powers and Powered Characters literally encompass a mountain of Variation and a lot of fighters want to fight on the highest tiers because they don't want to balance their character, but don't have the skill required to manage their skillset fairly.

oh i can go on and list the Millions of Accounts i knew on Ani that gave their characters massive power and skill lists, always seemed to munch, and apparently have a reputation for being keyboard warriors. because they complain to judges about their opponents munches when they too are munching just as badly if not worse. they relied on this system of addition called the prep system to balance out their characters. but they completely bastardized it to where they could literally gain a mountain of prep for free by abusing familiars and intelligent items and without risk of interruption.

if you want to be an RP Fighter, Look at the Fights on and see them as an example of how you shouldn't fight. the Worst is probably a Group called Counterbalance.
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Sounds like the Roblox Roleplayer stereotype

Dem bois be dodgin

People on Aniroleplay are Much Worse than that.

they be dodging bullets at point blank range, running at light speed, blowing up planets by punching them, and wearing surplus of uber metals like they were going out of style and with absolutely no regard nor care for the logical consrequences of said action when thier human character has absolutely no way to survive the G-Force produced by going from standing still to moving at a greater speed than that which is needed to dodge a bullet fired at them from point blank range. they even mix powers from diferent verses to make flavor of the month gods. like a Super Saiyan with the Hogyoku and the nine tailed fox and a devil fruit with Vibranium armor.
if your interested specifically in how to keep your character from being over powered here are some tips

1.ask why the character has the power/ability? Like why would these be the special skills they are given? Is it tied to a specific circumstance or just cuz you think the power sounds cool?

2. When you make a power ask how that power can be neutralized/taken advantage of? You need at least three ways at minimum that do not require their opponents to be of greater or equal power levels. Or have use some extreme tech. 

2b. If that is hard just ask yourself if your opponent was facing a normal human in a battle what would that human need to do to survive?

3. Also for each ability your character has there should be some kind of cost to using it. Whether that's just plain energy or something more specifically? 
Its funny how i set up an advise page and a chat game page and nobody has even replied on it yet, while this one is more popular
they even mix powers from diferent verses to make flavor of the month gods. like a Super Saiyan with the Hogyoku and the nine tailed fox and a devil fruit with Vibranium armor.

 What would an attack from that guy be called? Nine-Tailed Kamehameha Cannon or something? O.o

I don't roleplay fight that much, but from the limited experience I have, asking works. Just ask your opponent or some friend of yours that knows how to fight. He probably will be kind enough to help you out with your problems, like stated by @A Nerd Named Rae 'cause the people in RpN are exceedingly kind and nice to the point its scary. :v
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i will List the Nyxad Umbrie as an Example

Umbrie is a Nymph of the night. most Nymphs possess flight and cellular reconstruction, and in Umbrie's case, an Attunement to the Shroud and Overall Telepathy. but there are some downsides. as a Nymoh, her Senses are Extremely Easy to overwhelm plus her healing factor is so fast, that she produces bodily fluids like blood, sweat and tears at an accelerated rate and is quite the bleeder while she heals. she also gets extremely dizzy and nauseous in sudden brightenings of light and can be knocked out by a flashbang thrown in her general direction. while she is a child sized figure with the physical strength of a physically fit human adult. she isn't olympian Quality and every time she rsspawns in a newly formed fey body, she has to retrain muscle memory, hand-eye coordination and physical fitness from scratch using an 8th grade middle school student as the baseline, even if her mental memory transfers over.. she can also be repelled by covering all your door panes in an inch of salt, bound in a salt circle, subjugated into becoming  a familiar and dealing with all the social repurcussions of being mistaken for a 12 year old girl. which mostly restricts her weapon selection and restricts her skill selection.

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