• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Another Day in Paradise || Main

MOOD: Super Excited

OUTFIT: Dance But Make It Quirky

LOCATION: Palisades High Gymnasium




Leigh Fallon

Leighve, laugh, love

Public school dances were never quite the life-changing romantic daydreamy spectacle that a young impressionable teen might expect they would be, having grown up on library DVDs of High School Musical 3 and Pretty In Pink.

They took place in the same old worn-down, sweat-scented gym that all other school functions took place in, only this time there were some colored construction paper streamers and a few tables dragged out and some fruit punch and candy, as well as cacophonous EDM music blasting from the old speakers.

At the last Palisades High School dance, the winter formal, someone set off the fire alarm by smoking in the bathroom and they had to end the whole thing early. Leigh Fallon remembered; he was there (not the one smoking in the bathroom, though. That was someone else.)
He swore that this time would be different. No one, not even God or the bubonic plague, could cancel the Valentine's Day Dance on Leigh's watch. If there was one person at PHS who took school spirit seriously, it was him... and let's be real, he was probably the only one who took it seriously. He had no date, no reputation to uphold, not even a solid friend group, but he treated every event like it was the pinnacle of his entire life.

"Mom, I'm heading out!" He yelled back at the nearly comatose woman on the old couch, who didn't look up from the reruns of Grey's Anatomy playing on the small dusty television set.
"...I love you!"
She groaned loudly, put out the remains of her cigarette on the coffee table, and gave her youngest son a dismissive wave. He pondered the singed mark on the table, looking to the dwindling pack of smokes that still had about 3 left.
"Can I have one?"
Leigh shrugged, trying not to be offended, eventually forcing a smile and a wave before hobbling out the front door of the trailer, not wanting to be late for the dance.

When he arrived, it was pretty clear that he was the only one giddy with excitement... not that he seemed to notice. He was far too busy grinning ear-to-ear and looking forward to fruit punch and sparkly streamers to even perceive the bored, underpaid teacher chaperones and the small scattered crowd of other teens who were mostly off chatting in their own little friend circles or looking for an empty corner to make out in.

This was it: a real school dance that no one was going to cancel. This was so cool, so sophisticated, so mature. He felt just like Carter, his older brother, only way cooler and totally more handsome.
"WHO'S READY TO PARTY?" He shouted at no one in particular, prompting some awkward glances from the other kids. Maybe they weren't ready to party.
Well, maybe they just needed a little time. Things would get going eventually, for sure. It probably just needed a good spark to get people's attention.


code by valen t.
The sound of the car horn outside made it feel as though a someone had dropped a boulder in her stomach. The nerves were running high now as she slipped her bag over her shoulder and locked up her apartment. It was definitely too late to back out of this now. So with a deep breath Luxe made her way out to Cami's car. Honestly, it was nicer than anything she had ever seen or would ever own, but of course Luxe wouldn't say anything. She'd always been an envious person, but more of the silent type.

"Hey." She said awkwardly, internally shunning herself for the introduction. She physically couldn't bring herself to be a bubbly person as much as she wished she could be. But the years of trauma that had built up, and the years of isolating herself - it had become hard to interact with people in a normal way. Well, her brother excluded. "Sorry... Anyways... Where's the first stop when we get there?" She asked, genuinely curious. The only thing Luxe needed was some sneakers, but those could be bought basically anywhere, so she was curious to see what sort of things that Cami liked.

The ride to LA was basically Luxe answering whatever Cami had to ask - she was too awkward to talk about herself since there was basically nothing interesting about herself. She bounced between work and home and that was basically it. But Cami seemed to lively in comparison and Luxe found herself hanging on to every word about this woman. Even with her doing something so miniscule as driving was beautiful and Luxe just watched, smiled, and nodded when she needed to. The drive didn't feel like it took long either so when they pulled up to the first store she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Following closely to Cami, Luxe browsed the racks with her, though nothing was really in Luxe's style range. She was mostly just trying to make it seem as though she didn't have her eyes on Cami. God she was so gorgeous. How could such a perfect person even take interest in talking to Luxe or giving her the time of day? Either way she quietly enjoyed this time together and even found a sundress that was kinda cute, "hey do you like this?" She asked, holding up the plain white dress. It was more of a "skater" style but it was definitely not something Luxe would typically go for.

Mentions: Cami - era era
coded by kaninchen
Gael loved the newness of all of this. Well, yes getting out to the villa was a nice change in pace - working and travelling was always something that tired him out. But the relationship that was forming with Tia was sort of what he always wanted. The complications that came along with falling for one best friends wife though were never something that Gael wanted to deal with before their divorce. Keeping everything he was feeling hidden while he threw himself into his career proved to be beneficial in the end. Though, there were a few songs here and there that were inspired by the situation.

"Drink and love on you... I think I can do one of those perfectly." He said and pulled her close as he gently pressed his lips to hers, keeping the kiss slow and passionate. With his past substance abuse and alcoholism Gael had a tendency to skip out on the drinking aspects of things. His shows were always wild, loud, and there were always people drinking backstage and the temptation to just join was always there. But the person he became when he fell back into his old habits was not someone he enjoyed being. Tia and Jae had already seen his spiralling when his career first started, and he didn't want her to see him that way again.

So when he pulled away, he moved to the mini bar to pour her favorite drink, "go relax, I'll put our bags in the room and maybe get changed." He told her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Going back to the front door, he hoisted up the bags and carried them away to the biggest room in the villa and set them on the bed. Even though they weren't staying long, he unpacked his clothes. He liked making places feel homey no matter where he went. When he was changed into his swim shorts and a button up shirt, he made his way back out to Tia, "so I'm thinking pool, just to cool off a bit cause it's hot as hell here. Especially with you here." He said with a wink. Yeah, that joke was cheesy.

Mentions: Tia - AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
coded by kaninchen
Dan was unsure of why he was so nervous for this "hang out" with Max. They'd hung out a gazillion times before. They had close to the same interests though Dan often times had to update Max on all the TV Show lingo. Their dynamic was good. Max was probably Dan's best friend even. Was putting his feelings first for this date thing worth ruining their friendship in case things went South? Dan had no clue if this was a good idea or not, but he was tired of putting his emotions on the back burner. He'd spent so many years of his life making sure others were okay before he made sure he was okay. So, here Dan was, getting ready for a date.

The outfit wasn't his favorite. He wished he had something nicer to wear, but his closet consisted of a bunch of his old clothes plus whatever he was able to thrift in recent months. Max never looked at him differently though, for his lack of money despite having lots which is something Dan was always able to appreciate from him. They were simply just two people struggling their way through life.

Taking a glance at his phone, he rolled his eyes at that Alora chick picking on Max yet again, despite Max ignoring it. He still didn't fully understand why Max refused to acknowledge his sexuality, it seemed as though the town had more opinions on Max being straight, which was odd and seemed backwards. But he knew why Max didn't step out and let people really see him. To be fair, trauma and mental health all affect people differently and Dan was in no place to judge. But maybe Max would want to date Dan if he was open? Dan certainly wouldn't mind. His feelings for his friend had developed pretty quickly over the years they'd known each other.

After spritzing some cologne - just some cheap stuff he stole from a dollar store - Dan grabbed the keys to a vehicle his boss let him borrow. One, it was a surprise so that Max could feel somewhat relaxed while they're out, so people wouldn't recognize Dan's shitty beater or (whatever Max drove?). And two, he didn't want to break down on the side of the highway if they had taken the vehicle. The borrowed car wasn't anything fancy, just a work car with the autobody shops logo on it. Eventually Dan made it to the meeting spot, which disheartened hima little with how secluded within the university lots it was, but he smiled nonetheless when Max climbed in, "are you ready?"

Mentions: Max - Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
coded by kaninchen


The Musician









The sun poured in through the window.

Rays of light danced along her skin as Scarlett laid in the large bed, cocooned in bedsheets that had been tossed about in the night. Freneticism and restless sleeps, tossing and turning throughout the night as the memories of the last months events played out behind her eyelids.

Most of it was a haze. The unimportant parts, the ones that she would much rather remember lost in the fog that had been her drug riddled mind. The steady ache of emptiness within her rearing it's ugly head every second she was unconscious. The pain being the forefront, the most prominent memory she had but it wasn't the physical pain that flowed through her. It was the loss. The life that she was supposed to protect gone, a week of trying to forget only making the situation worse.

Now Scarlett dealt with the aftershocks. The throbbing headaches that came at the worst times, the craving for something that she knew she couldn't have. It had certainly gotten better but she was nowhere near back to normal. Not yet. Truthfully Scarlett was uncertain whether she would ever go back to normal. Not after losing him. Not after almost losing them both.

As her eyelids fluttered open, taking in the emptiness of the spot beside her, Scarlett focused on the things she could feel, the things she could see, the things she could smell. She could feel the length of her hair, once sweeping past the middle of her back in loose curls now resting gently against her chin. Tickling the skin on her face. Short. Different. She could feel the warmth of the bedsheets where she laid, further warmed by the suns rays.

She could see the emptiness of the spot beside her, the slight indentation where his head once laid. She could see the empty glass that once held water on his bedside table, likely finished in the middle of the night when he woke to calm her whimpering. A new development since the fall. The nightmares a painful reminder for them both. She could see the reflection of the sun hitting the wall, bouncing off of the ring on her finger, moving each time she moved.

She could smell him. His scent one that she could pick out from a million others. The faint hint of cologne and the shampoo he used still lingering on his pillow. Scarlett wasn't sure what exactly the scent was. Something that reminded her of nature, reminded her of their hikes in Chile. Home away from home. A place where she was welcomed with open arms. Nothing could help her face the fallout from his family the next time they saw them.

Maybe they blamed her. Maybe they hated her for how she reacted. Or, and this one hurt the most for her to think about, maybe they were relieved. Perhaps there was still the chance that they hoped that he would move on after. There was certainly nothing holding him to her now.

One more feeling. One that despite everything that had happened between the fall, the loss, the fight, the week away, the cold water streaming down her body as she cried into him, one more that was the most overwhelming of them all. Love.

Because after everything he was still there. After all of the tears and the harsh words he was still there with her. He still loved her despite what had happened, despite the blame resting on her shoulders and her shoulders alone. He still loved her.

What a beautiful feeling it was. To be loved by Francisco was to soar through the skies, dancing in the clouds. A dream come true. Francisco wasn't just the light at the end of the tunnel, he was the hand that guided her. So despite the ache and the pain there was still the glimmer of hope. The slightest excitement that she felt every time she woke in his home, in his bed, in his arms. Even though she wasn't in his arms at that moment she still knew he was near.

The most beautiful thing of all was loving him and being loved by him. For the first time in a long time Scarlett woke with a soft smile lingering on her lips because despite the horrors that plagued her unconscious she woke knowing that she would spend this day of love loving the one who owned her heart.

♡coded by uxie♡

Paddy MacCormack

There didn't seem to be a break for the young Irish American. His workload had increased a lot since they started to reallocate resources to his unit. They weren't normally a serial stabber unit, but with the fact that it affected a fellow first responder the city started to pressure the Police Department. So with their intelligence unit being a special operations unit, they were the ones tasked with figuring it out.

This meant long hours at the precinct and the constant prodding of Jessie trying to play matchmaker.

You know she likes you right?
"She doesn't seem like it."

She's just ...different, just be patient.
"Yeah...I guess so..."

I'm serious, but hey I'm going to get tacos and if you don't put A1 on them you can have some.
It wouldn't be too long until Padric would be home in time to take a nap before his date. He wanted to be fresh and awake and being up for 24 hours plus after working multiple 15 hour shifts wasn't exactly his idea for fresh. So as soon as he hopped out of his truck and into apartment, laying his head down he was out. He slept so hard that he slept through his alarm and if it wasn't for his neighbor's dog going crazy he wouldn't have woken up. He looked over to his phone to note the time and then panicked as he jumped up to his feet. He scrambled around and headed to the bathroom where he took a quick shower, before throwing on his nicest smelling cologne. He threw on some clothes that he had already picked out and got outside to his truck.

He drove down to where he was supposed to meet Bells, hopping out and sliding himself through the door. He scanned the area and looked for her, before finding her and walking towards her.

"Hey sorry that I'm a little late, I kind of worked over night and slept through my alarm to come meet you." he kind of chuckled nervously rubbing the back of his neck before he shook his head, "But you look dashing as ever so hopefully you don't run away."

Now I want to sniff some glue

by The Ramones


Isabella ( Not Meat Not Meat )
mentions Mick [/font]

º º code by ditto º º
elementary school
Kalila Emerson

Kalila got ready like she normally would for her job at the elementary school. Her raven curly hair bounced with every movement, being more awake than her. After getting changed she sprayed her vanilla perfume on before looking at by the door. She grabbed her box of small treats for her students just so nobody would feel left behind if they didn't receive a Valentines Day gram. She didn't want any of them to not feel good enough like she felt growing up. Her students were all precious to her. She would protect them at all cost.

As the day carried on she didn't feel lonely.. for now at least. At the end of the day she knows she will be.

At that thought she lightly hit her cheeks with her hands. 'Snap out of it' she thought. Luckily her colleague, Elias, popped into her head. He was very kind to her and she considered him a friend. He tolerated her at best, at least that's what she felt like. It didn't help that being around him made her comfortable and anxious at the same time. She figured it was like a little crush that would go away at the beginning, however, it's been quite sometime and she is still feeling the same about him. Kalila caved in and bought him a Valentines Day gram. The small note she added was simple,but she couldn't help except feel her cheeks burn at the thought of her following through with it.

"Never not thinking about you x"-K

She would ask him later if he got her gift. Even if it wasn't anything special she hoped that it was enough for now. If in the end he told her that he thought of her as just a colleague it would hurt a little, but if he didn't say it then Kalila knew she was in for a roller-coaster of emotions. Part of her felt guilty to even be acting like this.

'I should be focusing on my career. My future. Yet here I am, getting giddy over a man. What am I doing?'

She thought as the bell rang in the background. She couldn't even remember if it was for lunch or to go home.. that's how much she had been distracted all day.

coded by natasha.
Last edited:








  • home (filler tab)

Doja Cat



Stella’s days had been quiet. That’s how things were now. She had been laid up in her bed for the best part of a week, wearing an unfaltering frown even as she slept. Her world had been jilted; a complete shift in the tectonic plates of her life.

It was as if she had been born again; seeing things through her eyes for the first time. It was nauseating. She hadn’t been sober since her childhood, and it wasn’t like she ever needed a reminder why.

Booze and drugs were the two strategies Stella had for coping with the disappointments, the difficulties, and downright defeat she felt were inevitable. Besides that, they made everything a little more fun, a little less serious - but they came at a price, and even Stella had her limits. No needles – that’s how her mom had gone – and no weird hard drugs that were a bag of pain and limited pleasure. Her and Scarlett had differed on that last point, and it had landed them in their current circumstances. For the first time in their lives, they were separated; a drift between them like a fork in the road, and no longer were they on the same journey.

As much as she tried, Stella couldn’t forget the night in that motel room, downright pleading with Scarlett not to shoot up. It was playing on her mind. She felt so weak – sure, Salem had talked her through picking her ass up off the bathroom floor and stopping Scarlett before she had the chance to wrap her fingers around the needle, but she wouldn’t have done anything otherwise. If it wasn’t for Salem, she would have crouched on that bathroom floor, her head in her hands, shaking and crying until she passed out on the cold linoleum.

Salem had played on her mind too, more than usual, anyhow. The relief she felt when she saw him stood that door, the weight that relieved itself from her shoulders when he had her in his arms. There had been something for a long time, different to Cooper or anybody else, yet it seemed unreachable, unattainable. She had played coy for a long time, asserted herself in all the wrong ways, but now, in the cold hard light of day, she realised she probably needed him more that she would have previously cared to admit.

Well, now everything was different.

She would get out of bed. She would slide into the little black dress. She would do her hair, her make up. She would don her jewellery – and when he arrived, letting himself into the apartment with the key he had possessed for far longer than their involvement, she would show him that she was better; subdued, but undefeated. And it was for him.

♡coded by uxie♡
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cooper attenborough

  • .

Cooper felt terribly hangover on set today and tried his best to hide it, he even let them put on concealer by the make-up girl. She was pretty cute but Elle made sure everybody knew I was fucking her and nobody else. giving him no chance with any of the naughty blondes.

Cooper shouldn't have led her on but maybe there was something in him that wanted to prove he could live without Stella. She was living without him, clearly.
If Elle found out he was still in love with Stella, she would kill him and Elle was paying for a lot of his ''medicial prescription'' right now.

Cooper reached in his pocket after they announced he was done filming, Elle was probably still in make-up or doing whatever she was doing here, He had probably never even asked her, if he was actually her boyfriend now, he was a terrible one at best.

He popped two ritalin behind the two big curtains, mumbling a quick goodbye to his coworkers. Cooper was a bit worried he wouldn't make it this entire season, being busy with a lot of other things than just filming wasn't brushing off entirely great.

When he saw a brunette walking past, he grabbed her arm reactively. 'I was looking for you, we had a date, right?'
She obviously was still busy with something and he was hoping he didn't come off too strong, he felt his heartbeat slowly raising and was pretty sure the adderal's were already kicking in.
'If you don't feel like it, we can just go to my place too,' Cooper offered, knowing very well she really just wanted that date.
It felt like the two were just using each other for someone's point to come across, Elle probably wanted to stick up with a celebrity to tell her friends and Cooper just wanted Stella.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.
Clover felt giddy from head to toe. Normally people didn't affect her this way; she understood them, admired them, cared for them. But all the people that came before Mick, were admittedly, not the best for Clover. She was easy to take advantage of with her trusting nature. She'd gotten her heart broken over and over again in the time she spent travelling. Sometimes these heartbreaks were even the reason she chose to move somewhere else. Even then, she'd never felt the way she did for them the same way she did for Mick. Which admittedly, scared the crap out of her.

At his question of whether or not there would be real meat at the place she chose, a smirk touched her lips. She had thought about choosing something to her own liking, but since it was Valentine's Day and it wasn't all about her, she chose a regular restaurant that had some vegetarian options on the menu, "yes there will be meat. I figured you should be treated too." She said with a sheepish shrug and glanced down at her phone to pull up the restaurant name and address.

Once he knew where to go, she buckled herself in and leaned her arm on the middle arm rest, "I'll have to cook you something vegetarian one night though, show you it's not as bad as you're imagining it." She said with a small laugh, "oh I brought you something!" She said suddenly, digging through her tote to pull out the little gift she had made him. Pulling out the little chorded bracelet with a small moonstone bead, she held it out to him. "I tried to make it look manly, I wasn't sure what you'd like." She told him as a blush touched her cheeks, "here." She motioned for him to hold out his wrist, "it's for strength, growth, and other things..." She shrugged again as she slipped it over his hand. "You can throw it out if you don't like it." Clover told him finally with a small laugh, "just don't tell me so it doesn't hurt my feelings."

Mentions: Mick - AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
coded by kaninchen
mood :
in loveeee

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
cass dear.szmm dear.szmm
;; Amelia
Amelia smiled as Cass took a sip from the bottle. "See? It's so good. Besides, a bar would have too many people around, I just want to be with you." She cuddled up to her fiancée, taking a quick sip from the bottle that Cass had passed back to her before leaning her head on her partner's shoulder. "Oh please, those alcoholics wish they were us," she laughed. Typically, Amelia was all about image. But around Cass all of that went away. She didn't care about anyone's opinions, all she cared about the woman she loved.

She took another swig, then shifted her head a bit to look up at Cass. "Bored? No I'm not bored. If anything it's the opposite," she sighed and took another gulp. "It's like I have work on in my head all the time. I just want to forget about it all for one night." She figured Cass would relate at least a little bit to being overworked. Even though they both enjoyed work, well, mostly the success that came with that work, they were only human. Everyone needed a break once in a while.

Handing the bottle back over to her fiancée she placed her hand into her partner's, wanting to be even closer to her. "Sorry for worrying you. I could never get bored of us. I love you, you know?" Looking at their hands intertwined, Amelia glanced at her engagement ring and smiled a bit. The question of when exactly they were going to tie the knot lingered, they were always both far too busy with major work related events to set a firm date and plan the whole thing. Still, the knowledge that it would happen, that she'd spend her life with this woman, never failed to bring her peace.

Amelia took the bottle from Cass again, taking a sip. When she was done she laughed slightly. She wasn't even that buzzed, she hadn't drunk that much and whatever she'd drunk to that point probably hadn't even had the time to hit her yet. But she felt lighter than ever. "I'm going to marry you one day," she said with such adoration, like a lovesick schoolgirl with a massive crush.
coded by reveriee.
MOOD: A ball of nerves

OUTFIT: Cool khakis

LOCATION: Russki’s Pub


Sara tamarapasek tamarapasek

Finnley Sixsmith
We ain't right, we're wrong
Who wants to belong?
A writer writes.

The sage words of Finnley's ninth grade creative writing teacher had stuck with him for nearly a decade. And with work bringing him back to his hometown, those words seemed pop into his mind often lately, buzzing in his ears like a persistently irksome gnat every time he passed by Palisades High. Reminding him of a simpler time, when the prose used to flow freely, straight from his imaginative young mind into his vintage typewriter.

Clearly, this writer wasn't doing much writing these days; not on things he actually cared about, anyway. All work on his abandoned fantasy novel had fallen by the wayside years ago, when the demands of college and internships left little time to write “for fun.” All of it leading up to a position as staff writer on an actual television show, a gig that paid him real money for his words.

Yet even as a professional writer, Finn still felt out of his depth. What the fuck did he know about making teenage characters sound authentic? He couldn't even understand other teens back when he was one. He'd always felt like an outcast, and still kinda did, even now, as a capable adult man.

A capable adult…at least, that's how he came across on the surface. He'd built a life for himself since graduation, a decent career, with no help from his wealthy parents. Yet when it came to interpersonal relationships, Finnley was seemingly just as dysfunctional as ever.

As the young man slipped on his blue button-down shirt, he reflected on the past couple of years in Los Angeles. He lived mostly like a hermit, only interacting with colleagues, expertly sidestepping any talk of dating or social lives outside work–lest they fully see what a freak he really was, as a 23-year-old virgin and all.

Unfortunately, he had no interest in the attractive women of LA, even if he could curb his crushing anxiety long enough to ask one out on a date. The only girl he'd ever desired in that way had long since married, had a child, and was now divorced. She'd lived a whole life already, while her childhood pal was mostly just stagnating alone.

Sara Allan. Her name still set loose a swarm of happy butterflies in his stomach, even after many years of friendship. She was his lifelong bestie, secret crush, his favorite person in the world. While Finn was ecstatic to be back in town, he couldn't seem to stop embarrassing himself in her presence. Staring in his bedroom mirror, he thought back to the night of the New Year’s Eve party, running a hand through his shaggy mop of sandy hair. The shame was seared in his memory, as if it was just last night. When Sara had jokingly brought up that one time she’d tried to kiss him at a party. A dream scenario with his dream girl. But Finn had been so overwhelmed that night, he just panicked, running from her like a scared little boy who couldn't take the heat of such a raw, intimate moment.

He was caught off guard by the comment, especially since they'd both carried on after the failed kiss as if nothing had happened, until the awkwardness between them faded away like a bad dream. He could barely get a word out in response, and merely laughed it off awkwardly, mumbling something unrelated in a desperate effort to change the subject. Sara brought it up so casually, as if they might share a laugh over a long-forgotten memory from the past. In truth, that moment haunted him every single day since. He couldn’t help wondering if he'd stayed that night, perhaps she wouldn't have ended up getting together with Gideon.

Finnley often pondered what he'd do, if he ever found himself faced with such an opportunity again. He was older now, still neurotic, yet slightly less awkward; he liked to think he would finally have the nerve to kiss back, and confess his shared feelings for Sara to her face.

Would he though? She was single, there was nothing stopping him from doing all that now. Except for the nagging sense of decency within, an inner voice that insisted it was out of the question to hit on his freshly divorced best friend like some kind of slimy creep. A concept Finn would cling to for dear life, to avoid the temptation altogether, safe from the possibility of rejection that came with it. After all, so much time had passed. There was no guarantee Sara's romantic feelings were even still going strong for him.

Finn gave his spectacles one last adjustment in the mirror before turning to leave. He shuffled through the cheap, barely furnished rental with purpose, making sure to flick the light off before exiting. It was Valentine's Day, and although Sara never outwardly said anything, he could just tell she seemed a bit down in the days leading up to it. If she was sad about her marriage ending, Finnley wanted to be there for her, as any good friend would be.

The writer locked the door behind him, ready to head out for Russki’s. Sure, he could have simply made plans with Sara, and actually waited for his friend to finish her shift, but he decided he'd rather surprise her. Just for fun. It had absolutely nothing to do with the speed dating event being held at the pub, surrounding the newly single girl with a ton of eligible bachelors. To Finn, Sara was always the prettiest girl in the room, and there were bound to be others who shared the same opinion, even if she wasn't technically participating in the event.

Russki’s was abuzz with people milling around everywhere, chatting at tables and sipping cocktails together at the bar. It didn't take long to spot Sara in the crowd though, zipping around like a hummingbird.

A small smile warmed his face as Finn watched the waitress from the edge of the crowd, installing himself against the wall near the kitchen to wait for her. Reaching out as Sara finally breezed by, to gently catch her wrist before she could hurry past him. “Hey! Sarbear!”

code by valen t.

Lisette Dupreè.

Love and Latte was a café that had been recommended to her by an acquaintance back in Louisiana. Ever since she’d landed in Paradise, she had yet to get a chance to relax. Even now she was on a time crunch. Lisette only had a small window of time before she was due at the meeting at her family’s Paradise location. While she had told her siblings that she had a meeting with their father, she had never gotten into specifics with them.

Apparently both Lee Anne and Orion were having trouble with maintaining their family’s farm and as the reliable big sister that she was, it was decided that she could handle the situation best. Seeing as Lisette had successfully managed three other of their farms, as well as her little operations on the side, she couldn’t have agreed more. A mischievous smile creeped onto her full lips. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her little sister’s face.

Lisette sauntered into the cafe, taking in the cozy atmosphere and the amount of couples inside. Even though Lisette didn’t have an official Valentine’s, she had used the holiday as a reason to doll herself up more than usual. Honestly she doubted that there was anyone who could admire her more than she could admire herself.

Lisette’s plan had been simple really. She would judge the café and see if it was up to her standards and either leave a new or disappointed customer. She had not taken into account the sheer number of couples inside of the building. The line was long and found herself cursing in Creole as she was forced to listen to a couple try and fail to whisper argue behind her.

She was just about to make her escape, Lavender-Honey Iced Latte in tow, when an arm flung out and knocked her drink right from her hands. Lisette stood shocked for a moment, not even paying any mind to the couple as they continued to argue. She did notice that the man steadily pulled his partner away when he’d noticed her slip up.

Lisette looked up from her spilled drink, only then noticing the soaked woman near her for a second before she looked down. She frowned then, moreso upset at her drink than the woman who had been splashed. The spill was too large to be dabbed away with paper towels. “Some people lack home training. It was my drink. You can send me the bill for your dry cleaning or however you wish to go about it miss…” Lisette had yet to look up since she was too busy scowling at her pumps that had also gotten wet. She resisted the urge the snatch the paper towels that had been handed to her.

Come Here

Sabrina Claudio

♡coded by uxie♡

Al Brinson

Al wasn't sure what had really possessed him to stay as long as he did. He could feel that his relationship was on the verge of a disaster. Sure, this was a favor to someone who is very much important to the success of his career, but this was also a favor he knew she would have been able to understand. Still, something compelled him to be here and dealing with this difficult patient who - wasn't technically going to be a real patient. He wasn't sure if it was ego or a true desire to help.

Al watched Oli begin to start a sentence, still apprehensive about getting close to him without him getting hurt. He even slightly flinched when Oliver started to search through his pockets, not sure what to expect, but let out a slow breath he didn't realize he was holding when he saw that it was drugs.

He was ingesting it, so it wouldn't immediately take effect, but if the act of taking it was enough to calm him down, that should be enough. He took a slow breath approaching him slowly, cautiously, moving the apparatus around his neck and securing it, but being on alert the entire time until the job was done.

Al stood up as he looked to Oliver, "Alright, I'm here if you need me to help you, but we're going to get into my car over there and I'm going to zip us right through the hospital. Going to run a few tests just to make sure you're safe and then you're free to go mister Doe." He added the last part to reassure Oli that he would not be ratting him out to whomever he was hiding from.

Another one bites the dust

by Queen

º º code by ditto º º


The Chief





See the pic


The hospital -> Lee's place


Other nurses, Lee

He lied. Again.

Clementine had gotten ready, put on the dress, posted on Instagram, and even then had a few spare moments in the locker room to make sure her makeup and hair looked absolutely perfect for when Alan was ready to take her. She was ready. Waiting and ready, but where was he? Stood up again. Alone again. Clementine checked her phone to see if maybe he had texted her. Maybe he was running a little behind? Traffic?

Of course there was nothing. How typical of him to do this to her. He was likely off prioritizing someone else over her. Someone who likely could have been helped by another doctor on call. It wasn't like he was the only one who could help. It wasn't like he was the only surgeon on staff or even the only cardio surgeon on staff. It wasn't like he needed to take all of the interesting cases and yet he did. He did this every time and Clementine was tired of being the final thought.

So she walked to the nurses station, faking a smile, and asked them if Al had been by at all. When she was told that he hadn't, Clementine looked away. Desperately she tried to hide the disappointment in her eyes. She thanked the nurses and headed out of the building, ordering herself an uber as she walked. For a moment she debated going home but she honestly didn't want to see him now. She didn't want another fight, not on Valentines Day of all days. No. Instead Clementine decided to go to her friends house.

At least there she wouldn't be alone.

The ride was short, with Clementine trying to hold in her tears as she stared out the window. No words were exchanged other then a hello when she slipped into the backseat and a thank you when she arrived to her destination. Heartbroken, Clementine walked up to Lee's door and rang the bell. She waited patiently, still in the dress she had planned to wear for the date, makeup smudged from wiping away the tears she had managed to catch a little too late.

As much as she knew it was ridiculous to be so upset over something that she should have seen coming, she couldn't help herself. It felt like the beginning of the end and although Clementine knew it was happening she still wished that she could deny it. She wished she could do something, change something, give anything to make him love her the way she loved him.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Assistant






Coffee Shop



The sun shimmered through the windows.

It reflected off the door of the coffee shop, filling her eyelids with red. Eyes fluttered open and focused on the door ahead of her as she watched a couple walk into the shop. Another breath. Isabella sat a little straighter and looked down at her phone, sending a text to her sister. If anyone could calm her down it would be her. Jessica was the one who pushed her to agree to the date in the first place. The one who urged her to take the date.

Of course Isabella still had her doubts. A part of her wondered, even though it seemed as clear as day, whether this truly was a date. She tried to recall the last date she went on. It had been years ago now, back before she had filed the restraining order against the man who took her on it. A past that she wasn't too keen on sharing with many people, yet it was there. A horrible reminder of what had happened. Thankfully the man in question was more afraid of the law than passionate about hurting her further so he stayed away.

She tried to remember what she had done. What they had done. It was a dinner of some sorts, she thought, something nice. This certainly wasn't that but then again she had already been dating the man before. It was almost expected for them to go out on dates semi regularly, as people do when they are in love, right? This surely wasn't that. Then again Isabella didn't know how Padric felt about her, she only knew that he was interested.

And that he had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, but that wasn't the point.

Just as Isabella sat he phone back down and started to relax into her seat again, the door opened. The sun once again glinted off the door and flashed into her eyes, causing her to look away for a moment. When she looked back, there he was. There was no fighting the small smile that crept onto her lips when she saw him. He looked handsome, fresh. The closer he got to her the warmer she felt. She could smell his cologne, see those beautiful light eyes that somehow made her heart melt.

Then he spoke, apologizing for being late although Isabella was almost certain he was right on time. Even so, it wasn't like she had been waiting for a long time. Ten minutes? Maybe fifteen? That didn't bother her, really, especially when she had been early.

"Don't worry about it." She replied almost too quickly, waving it off. She sat a little straighter in her seat and put away her headphones, slipping them into her pocket. Her cheeks flushed slightly when he complimented her. She cleared her throat and offered him another smile. "I wouldn't dream of it. You look handsome yourself. So I suppose that feeling is mutual. I.. hope you don't mind that I already ordered. I was early." Absentmindedly she fiddled with the ends of her hair, trying not to sound awkward and yet she knew she was failing. "I can wait here while you order. It's not a problem."

♡coded by uxie♡
mood :

location :
russki's pub
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Lulu travelbypages travelbypages
;; Landon
As Landon sipped his whiskey, he spotted a woman walking towards his table. She was gorgeous. Like the kind of gorgeous a man could lose his mind over. Not Landon though, he was in the business of not getting attached to the people he hooked up with. He found himself staring at her for a moment, pleasantly surprised that the night was going even better than he'd hoped it would so far. He noted that she also took a second to check him out before motioning for him to start the timer.

He grinned as he started the timer and listened to her introduce herself. "Hey, nice to meet you Lulu. I'm Landon." He put out his hand to meet hers in a handshake. The shake was strong, determined, like she was a woman on a mission, which he respected. He enjoyed being with headstrong women who knew what they were after, but those sort were hard to find. He couldn't help but immediately become even more interested in Lulu. Still, he refused to get his heart broken, so he reminded himself to be careful not to get sucked in by this woman's charms.

"Oh, I grew up here, then left for a bit to go to school, then a couple of years ago I got a job in Paradise as a physical therapist. Didn't really think I'd end up back here, but now I've met you so that's one good thing to come out of that I suppose," he gave a small laugh before taking another sip of his drink. "How about you? I don't think I've seen you around before, are you new in town?" He asked, gazing at Lulu with genuine interest sparkling in his eyes. He was pretty good at remembering people, and he'd definitely have remembered running into a woman this beautiful, so he was confident she hadn't been in Paradise too long.
coded by reveriee.
MOOD: Nervous

OUTFIT: Please kill me

LOCATION: Dan's work car

Dan travelbypages travelbypages



Max Berkowitz

We accept the love we think we deserve.


Max could feel his heart pounding in his throat as soon as he could see Dan’s gentle smile through the rolled-down window of the vehicle. He matched it with his own nervous, lopsided grin, a trademark of his for when he desperately wanted something to go well. He couldn’t help but glance to either side before he climbed in. Did he look paranoid? He probably looked paranoid. He felt paranoid. But maybe Dan did too… Max had noticed right away that he wasn’t driving his usual decrepit car, but something that belonged to the auto shop he worked at. Maybe he didn’t want to be recognized here either.

With all this cloak and dagger, it almost felt more like a top-secret espionage mission than a first date. Realizing that probably wasn’t the right mood to set, Max decided to switch gears, nervously ruffling his fingers through his hair as he tried to come up with a good way to say what he was going to say next that would turn this from clandestine to daydreamy.

“You look nice.” He eventually blurted out, cringing a bit at his own blunt phrasing. Not off to a very romantic start. “Sorry. I mean… you always look nice.”

“So, I… I brought you something. I would’ve liked to get you flowers… not cut flowers, but like… a flower plant, that you can have for a long time… and I will one day. I just, uh…”
He paused, awkwardly waving his hand to gesture to the people milling around them. “...I didn’t want anyone to see me, you know, giving flowers to a guy.”

Just feeling those words roll off of his wrists made him feel horribly pathetic.
Dan probably thought he had the backbone of a piece of wet tissue paper.

“So I… I got you this.” He reached into his pocket and carefully removed a small silver chain of smooth black speckled stones. “Give me your wrist for a second.” He took his time carefully fastening the bracelet around Dan’s wrist, as gently as if he thought the slightest error in touch would cause his skin to catch fire. “It’s snowflake obsidian. The person at the shop said it was good for like… fear. I thought, you know, we could probably both use some help with that.” He laughed sheepishly, glancing down at his lap and trying to collect his thoughts. “I mean, I don’t know if I believe in all of that, but the reality is still kind of cool, I thought. It’s hardened lava. From volcanoes. Remember in the hospital, how they were talking about mental health and volcanoes and stuff? It was some kind of metaphor. I don’t think my interpreter was explaining it very well, so I don’t remember what it meant, but like… volcanoes. Yeah.” Max was thoroughly rambling now, starting to turn red from his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears. Oh, god. He knew he was going to be terrible at this, but he didn’t know he’d be this terrible. Maybe he should’ve spent more time frantically Googling “how to survive a gay first date” (or actually remembered to put that search in Incognito mode…)

This was going to be a long drive. But hey, with Dan, it was okay if time slowed to a halt.

code by valen t.

Just seeing Max was sending a flutter of crazy butterflies in Dan’s chest and stomach. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, because the feeling was making him a little nauseous. As Max eyed up the car, Dan chewed his lip. He was probably wondering why Dan borrowed his work car, “I uh, I borrowed it because I figured you wanted some privacy till we get out of town. And also I’m not sure if my car would make it and breaking down in the middle of nowhere would not be fun.” He said with a small laugh and pulled away from the school.

He wasn’t sure exactly what to say, but he enjoyed Max’s rambling. It was sort of keeping him grounded, like he wouldn’t want to feign sickness and cancel the date. Max’s compliment made his face redden a little. He was happy Max thought so because he did spend way too much at the thrift store to splurge on slightly nicer clothing for this date, “you look great too.” He told Max as the buildings of Paradise began to disappear and they were on the highway, “but you always look great.”

When they were at the final red light in town, Max mentioned he brought something. Again, Dan’s face reddened, “Oh I uh… I didn’t. I’m sorry.” Dammit, why hadn’t he thought of that? It was Valentine's Day after all. Normally people brought their dates a little gift, like chocolates or like, a teddy bear or something. But instead of beating himself up over it, he held out his wrist for Max and smiled brightly, “wow, I love it thank you.” Maybe he could gift Max one of his sweaters or something… Isn’t that what couples do? Plus it’s not like it’d be a super obvious gift, Max could wear it whenever he wanted wherever he wanted because they kinda had similar styles. Apart from Dan’s work clothes of course.

There was only a moment of silence between the two before Max’s rambling started up again, like an old engine that continuously needed to be sparked. Dan couldn’t help but smile at that thought as he took glances over at Max to show he was listening, “my counselor compared mental illness to clouds, basically said that when the clouds are high up they’re absorbing the sunshine, which was happiness I guess, but then when they’re closer to the ground they cause rain, which is the depression. I don’t know it was all kinda weird…” He said with a small laugh.

When they were free of the town limits, Dan reached over and took Max’s hand in his and pulled their laced fingers toward his lap so he could lean his elbow on the arm rest. He did it partially to relax Max, show he wasn’t ashamed of his feelings, but mostly because he wanted Max to relax now that it was just them, away from all the people who might know him, “Thank you for saying yes to this date…”

Mentions: Max ~ Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
coded by kaninchen
MOOD: Out Cold


LOCATION: Hospital


Al AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

For most of the ride to the hospital, Oliver was dead quiet, anxiously chewing his knuckles and staring intently out the window, as if trying to convince himself he was somewhere else. It had been a long while since he’d been a passenger in a stranger’s car, and his last experience was… a bit haunting, to say the least. The sedative he took hadn’t kicked in yet, but the change of scenery alone was enough to unsettle him into silence.

By the time the car slowed to a stop in front of the hospital, though, he was slumped against the window with his eyes half-open and glazed over. Awake, but only barely.
He wasn’t usually in the habit of getting high on his own supply. He very easily might’ve misjudged his dose by several milligrams. The concussion certainly wasn’t helping matters, either, and it was reasonable to assume that Oliver was just genuinely exhausted to begin with. His lifestyle was anything but restful, and he was no stranger to sleepless nights and neverending anxiety. Still, though, it was very weird for him to not be on high alert in the company of a new person.

With some effort, Al would have been able to manage to drag him out of the car and through the automatic glass doors into the spotless white linoleum atrium. To Oliver, everything was a dizzying indiscernible whirlpool of blurry imagery and muffled sounds. The harsh pale glow of fluorescent lights overhead seemed to warp and streak down, obscuring the maze of hallways and sliding doors. Footfall on tile floors echoed just under the staticky scratch of the intercom voice, saying words that he couldn’t understand, as if he’d somehow forgotten how to speak English since getting out of the car.

The last thing he remembered seeing was Al turning his head to look at him as gravity tightened its grip and he crumpled backward.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Envious


LOCATION: Work (Dentist's office)

Dante AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami


Victoria tamarapasek tamarapasek

Fawn Cassidy
Half the sugar, twice the spice
Before the flower delivery guy was even out the door, Fawn was already heaving a disappointed sigh at the bouquet that was now taking up half her desk.

A sizeable yet classy arrangement, and she’d wasted no time digging around in it for the small card that would surely provide more info. Vicky, it began, dashing all hope that some handsome secret admirer had decided today was the day he would shoot his shot with a grand romantic gesture.

Who would be sending Victoria flowers at work?? Her shitty ex couldn’t be bothered when they were actually together, and she didn't even have a boyfriend at the moment. Fawn searched the card for a name, and came up with nothing but a quick sentiment about looking forward to tonight's date, all signed merely with an M.

“Viiiiic!” The receptionist shouted through the empty office, sulking over the sad state of her own love life. It was Valentine's Day, and an absolute sin that a hot girl such as herself would be stuck at home with no plans, no romantic prospects at the moment. Not even a friendly date to get trashed with, and drink away this dumb holiday.

Everyone else seemed to be paired up this year, or getting laid at the very least. Normally, during these types of occasions, she would just get wasted and drunk dial her ex. But as badly as she wanted to, she would not allow herself to hit Gibby up tonight. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of smugly stating how predictable she was.

“You got flowers,” Fawn grumbled once her sister finally peeked her head into the reception area, arms crossed petulantly as she watched Victoria admire her gift. “Who are they from? You have a date??” She pouted, not even bothering to hide her annoyance.

“Well, I have to leave early,” The brunette declared suddenly, peeling off the black blazer that made this look at least somewhat work appropriate. Standing from the desk, she smoothed down her leather miniskirt and made a grab for her purse. “I might have plans.” She didn't, of course, but would surely seize any chance to leave work a full half hour before closing time.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Nervous


LOCATION: Russki's Pub

Charlie purplecowdutch purplecowdutch


Elena tamarapasek tamarapasek

Lindsay Starr
My time has yet to come
Until then...
“Ducky! You look so handsome!” Lindsay squealed, fussing with her son's dark locks. The teen grumbled and rolled his eyes in response, but allowed her to mess with the carefully crafted hairstyle he'd just spent 20 minutes perfecting in the mirror.

“You should wear that blazer I got you,” She added, face scrunched in disapproval as she lovingly adjusted the hoodie he'd elected to throw on instead. This suggestion was only met with the usual huff of annoyance from DJ, a scowl darkening his boyish features.

The boy breathed a perturbed sigh, patience with his mother's ideas already dwindling and primed for a swift getaway. Lindsay’s pouting did make him pause though, indulging her with a quick hug and peck on the cheek before making a hasty escape out the front door.

As soon as the distraction was gone, Lindsay's heart resumed its steady pounding as she anxiously fluffed around her own mane of glossy waves. When did the thought of a day with her best friend begin to fill her with such nervous anticipation? The jitters were enough to almost make her wish she could go back to the days when her feelings for Elena were so deeply hidden, they were much easier to ignore. But truthfully, Lindsay knew she wouldn't trade this feeling for anything in the world. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before.

She hadn't heard from Charlie at all, though she knew him well enough not to expect Valentine's Day would even show up on his radar. It hardly mattered, as plans had already been made with Ellie anyway. And if Lindsay was being honest with herself, she'd realize she was actually kind of hoping Charlie wouldn't reach out, so she could justify spending the rest of the night lounging around with Ellie.

After a great deal more primping in the mirror, perfecting her makeup and clothing as much as she possibly could, Lindsay finally headed out to meet up with her bestie. She found her favorite redhead in the parking lot of Russki's Pub, impossible to miss. She always loved how Ellie's copper hair shimmered in the California sun.

“Foxy!!” Lindsay scampered over, sweeping her friend up in an eager embrace. “You look beautiful!” The unmissable twinkle of adoration in her steely eyes as she stepped back to admire her. “I'm actually kinda shocked you made it here. Figured Jay would have thrown himself in front of your car in protest or something,” She smirked, never missing a chance to disparage Ellie’s cheating dickhead of an ex.

“Come on, let's get this crap over with,” She sighed jokingly, though the comment was hardly in jest. She had zero expectation to hit it off with any of the bachelors in attendance, and no desire to either. Lindsay was only here for moral support for her best friend finding a guy, even if the thought filled her with a sickening mix of panic, jealousy, and nausea at the same time.

“So what are the rules of this thing? Do I have to actually go on a real date with one of these guys?” She whined, locking her arm around Elena's as they headed inside. The pair navigated their way to the registration table as a unit, with Lindsay till holding onto Ellie protectively until the other would eventually need her arm back for her first speed date of the evening.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Annoyed


LOCATION: Palisades High V-day dance

Leah tamarapasek tamarapasek


Leigh Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

DJ Starr
You're the one thing I don't hate
His posture was hunched forward as the boy stalked across the faculty parking lot of Palisades High, as if weighed down by the massive chip on his shoulder. Already resigned to his fate of a terrible evening. Normally, DJ would never set foot on school grounds unless he was being forced to do so. Leah, however, would not shut up about the stupid Valentine's dance, so to save his own sanity, he agreed to go.

Catching a glimpse of his reflection in a window as he passed by, DJ scowled at the collar peeking out from under his hooded sweatshirt. Very much wishing he'd opted for one of his t-shirts over this dorky striped polo shirt his mother had bought him for the occasion.

Once inside, his bright blue eyes flickered around the gymnasium, hoping to spot Leah's blonde head amongst the sea of kids standing around. Or even just an acquaintance to shoot the shit with so he wouldn't have to boredly watch the rest of the dance unfold from the sidelines like the other wallflowers. Unfortunately, the boy didn't have many friends his own age at all. This simple fact didn't usually bother him, but for times like this, a couple more buddies would probably come in handy.

Or he could just dip altogether. This dance was already proving to be as lame and boring as he thought it would be.

Luckily, it didn't take long for a spectacle to catch his attention. His eyes narrowed as a familiar voice pierced his eardrums, gleefully shouting over the frenetic house music that echoed through the high ceilings. Sure enough, he found the dork standing in the middle of the empty dance floor, yelling requests at the DJ.

“Dude, shut up,” The boy hissed, rushing over to lightly punch Leigh in the arm. “You have absolutely no chill,” DJ chided, his attitude thoroughly masking any hint he was happy to see Leigh. In truth, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't glad to find someone to share in the prize he'd smuggled into the dance: a modest bottle of cheap vodka Kaz let him swipe from the club.

“Come on. This is lame." DJ motioned for the other to follow him. He scoffed when Leigh didn't immediately do so, rolling his eyes scornfully. “We can come back in later, just come the fuck on,” He huffed impatiently.

DJ led the way out the heavy double doors that took them outside, into the empty courtyard. Unzipping his hoodie, he pulled out the bottle that had been tucked away in the waistband of his jeans, body heat nicely warming up the swill inside.

DJ uncapped the bottle and threw back a swig, trying to keep from grimacing at the awful taste. Always a man of few words, he simply thrust it toward Leigh afterwards, curious to see if the other boy would venture a sip.

code by valen t.
Last edited:
This Landon guy was the type of guy to know he's hot. He was confident, successful, and he seemed to be smart. Those were all qualities that Tallulah tended to look in a man. Which was probably why she hadn't gotten up to leave this table, or this event in general. But the more he spoke the more she felt reeled in to him, which was a rare feat. It took a lot for people to impress here, yet here he was, checking every box.

"I'm new here. Well, sort of. I mostly model in the city so I'm not here too often. Fortunately, runway season is over until the fall so here I am." She said, a small smirk touching her lips as she placed her elbows on the table. He was certainly nice to look at. He was clean, put together, and she could tell his clothes were designer. Normally she didn't like guys with scruff, but his was manicured to perfection. "I must say, I expected tonight to be a bit of a shit show." She cussed, which isn't something she normally made a habit of. The swearing though, did suit her exact expectations of what she thought tonight would be like. "I'm glad to see that there seems to be someone here with the same interests as me. But that's just me judging by looks. What sort of things do you like?" She asked, curious now. She hoped they at least had somethings in common.

Taking a glance around the bar, she noticed that there didn't seem to be too many people interested in their chatting partners, and when the ring of timers began to set off all over, Tallulah looked back to Landon as theirs went off. Did five minutes really go by that fast? "Wanna grab a drink and go sit somewhere else?" She really had no interest in looking for someone else to talk to, and maybe with the way this was going she'd have someone to bring home. A hot someone.

Without hearing his answer, she stood and nodded for him to follow to go to the bar and get a refill. Apart from all the table that were being occupied by the speed dating, there were plenty empty ones strewn about that they could sit at. So with her fresh glass of wine, she moved to one of the booths near the back and slid in, "so about your interests..." She started, hinting for him to continue with their chat.

Mentions: Landon ~ Lizy Lizy
coded by kaninchen
mood :

location :
concert venue
outfit :

ari AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami , rob Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
;; Hayden
This was awesome. No, Hayden wasn't thinking about the concert, although that was pretty cool. He was thinking about how Ari had agreed to go on a Valentines date with him. He'd. pulled out all the stops, got a dinner reservation, flowers were waiting in his car for after the concert, and an extra present he'd picked out just for her to give to her after dinner. Was he being extra? Yes, but he really liked this girl, more than he'd liked anyone before. He didn't want her to be disappointed in him.

For now, he had to focus on the gig. Despite being slightly distracted by his plans for the night, performing was still important to him, and he knew it was majorly important to Ari as well. The only thing he hated about today was having to deal with Rob. The aggravating bastard that was always trying to get Ari back, but never treating her right. It infuriated him to no end.

Hayden stood backstage, watching one of the other bands perform. They were pretty good, but he had confidence in his group. Sure, there was no competition, but either way Hayden wanted to make sure they were the best. Ari picked their best songs, they'd be able to give a damn good performance and the audience would love them.

He glanced towards Ari, who was happily watching the other band perform. He wanted to get closer to her, maybe give her a hug or a kiss, tell her she was going to do great, but he had to hold back. They had agreed to not tell Rob what was going on between them. That was mostly Ari's wish, all Hayden wanted to do was rub it into Rob's face. The secrecy was probably for the better, he knew he wouldn't be the most tasteful about bragging to Rob.

Listening to the band before them wrap up their set, he took a step towards Rob. "They were pretty good, you think you can follow that? I know Ari and I can handle it, but you're kind of the weak link," he said pointedly, rolling his eyes.
coded by reveriee.

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