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Fandom An Anime and Video Game Centric Search Thread - come write some trash with me!


Magical Girl
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey all! Welcome to my general interest check! I'll keep this short and sweet so we can get to the good stuff. If anything in this interest check catches your eye, please DM me and we can start chatting!

About me:
  • StarDeux
  • she/her
  • 28
  • 16 years of roleplay experience
  • comfortably writes 3-5 paragraphs per section of reply
  • Has a cute dog - will send pictures of her on request <3
  • Happily writes any and all genders
  • Doodles ocs for fun
  • Loves writing romance, horror, action, and adventure!
Looking for:
  • Someone 18+
  • 3-5 paragraphs per reply
  • open and friendly communication!
  • oc/canon
  • oc/oc
  • canon/canon (rare)
  • m/f or f/f ships
  • Doubling!
  • Possibly writing established relationships so we can skip character introductions
Writing Sample
What a strange thing it was, to see the sky as something real and true, tangible in a way it had never been through the painting frames of windows and hazy dreams. It was something Seren had marveled at as Duncan rowed them across the lake and away from what had once been her life, her destiny.

She had marveled in silence, that awe drifting in and out as it fought for purchase in her mind against her final thoughts of the Circle. Part of her hated that Duncan had intervened. In her mind’s eye she could see herself fighting, killing even, but ultimately she knew all too well that there would have been no escape for her. She would have died taking the Knight Commander down with her.

And would that have been so much better?

Likely not.

This, at least, held promise. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t warmed to the idea as they marched on. Her, a Grey Warden, brought into a fold that cared not for the magic in her blood and given freedom that had long ago been stolen from her.

She could have purpose.

Her hair was still damp when she walked back to camp, catching on her shoulders and back like translucent tentacles. At first she had feared Duncan would keep a sharp eye on her, ensure she wouldn’t run, but he hadn’t cared when she said she was going to head to the river to wash up. He had merely reminded her to be mindful of the hour and the things that lurked in the darkness that had begun to creep upon them.

That was why she liked him. She liked that he treated her like a person.

Night had settled fully upon the camp, and Duncan wasn’t easily seen when she approached. A fire burned softly, keeping the darkness at bay. While Duncan wasn’t visible, her other companion was.

Constance, Seren had learned, was a quiet sort of woman. There was a darkness in those eyes of hers that she recognized the way one recognizes their own reflection. If she were a less tactful woman, Seren might have pointed it out, might have gone so far as to assure Constance that she understood whatever shadows followed her.

But Seren was not without tact, nor was she so bold as to assume their pain to be anything more than distant relatives on the tree of sorrow.

“Where has Duncan gone?” She asked when she was close enough that speaking wouldn’t require her to raise her voice.


  • 0810916dcbfcaa9fdf9ebbb101014e640e53c550.gifv
    Characters I can write: Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Ino, Choji, Gaara, Temari, Rock Lee, Tenten, Kiba, Might Guy, Kakashi, Deidara, Kisame, Sasori, Hidan, Kakuzu

    Characters I'd like you to write: Rock Lee, Kisame, Kakuzu, Kankuro, Kiba, Gaara, Kakashi

    Plot hooks: Escort mission -- third ninja war -- enemies to lovers -- unexpected allies -- the enemy of my enemy is my friend -- childhood friends -- spy work

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I’m down to play Shanks though what do you have in mind?

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