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Aces High (MxF Action-Adventure)


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.

A world on air is a world to be fought over.


In an alternate universe, land masses on Earth now float high into the clouds, leaving under them nothing but oceans and smaller, less important islands. Thus making Earth no longer a world of automobiles, but now a world of aviation. The skies belong not just to several core nations, but to a large number of smaller nations that lie in large regions. Originally, these nations would go to war constantly, arguing and fighting over who owns the skies but never truly coming to a full agreement on who owns the entire sky. But eventually (And with great reluctance), The nations came to an agreement that ownership over the skies will be divided by nation location, thus letting everybody own their own portion of what is essentially a life line. Larger nations with more trade routes were given larger portions while smaller nations got a lot less, thus equaling out the sky and putting a temporary end to the air war.


However, several radical groups decided that the ownership of the sky should be to one nation, obviously the nation where they're from. These radicals soon came together to form one central force with only one thought in mind; total ownership of the skies. However, the nations had realized that the current ownership system kept the peace between them and quickly began mobilization against the radical group, who by now have dawned the name, "Jagschwen". Soon enough, air battles raged throughout the land once again, except this time, it was a fight against a tyranny that threatened the nations' way of life.


As the air war rages on, life still continues as it should, the only difference being the occasional Jagschwen interception of a civilian transport or recreational aircraft. However, with every attack the Jagschwen commits, more and more people begin to develop a feeling of un-justification, a feeling of unending rage. Thus, the first militia air force was created. It was spawned from a small nation located towards the East. Made up initially of 122 aircraft, they were the first small step in a lengthy walk.


Immediately, people were signing up and enlisting in these militias, some people even traveling to larger nations to enlist in better armed or more populated militias and try to earn a rank in them. Soon enough, the militias proved to be a deadly force on the battlefield, with several aces raining supreme and gunning down Jagschwen aircraft left and right, it almost seemed as though the militias suffered no casualties whatsoever, but this was soon to end. Eventually, new aircraft were spotted: Fast moving, sleek, no propellers, and with auto-cannons on the front as opposed to the standard machine gun spotted on a majority of Jagschwen craft at the time. These new aircraft, powered by jets, were vastly superior to any fighter that the nations could throw at the radical group. Citizens and the Militias grew vastly concerned as more and more fighters were shot down every day, showing how well the jets performed against standard props (propeller-driven aircraft).


With the air war still raging on; a certain pilot from Estonia, an Eastern nation, volunteers for the National Bedestined Air Force. Once put into combat, the pilot proves his worth very quickly, racking up well over fifty kills within the first year of service. As the war drags on longer and longer, the nations finally produce a successful jet fighter which was developed from a downed Jagschwen jet during an airfield raid. Once in production, the pilot is hastily assigned to the new jet wing so he can further prove his skills as a master of aerial combat.


But during his first combat patrol in the new jet fight, the mission goes horribly wrong; with little time given to adjust to the new craft and almost alien-like flight control (to the pilot, that is), he ends up crashing and is presumed dead after a quick, time-constrained search for his body. With the ace pilot gone, there appears to be little hope for a new ace to come around, seeing as the pilot was the only leading fighter out of any of the Nations' Air Forces. It seemed almost as though all hope was lost.


But three years later, with mixed results coming from the EJP (Early Jet Program) and positive results from the LJP (Late Jet Program), the CNAF (Combined National Air Force) still yearns for another wonder pilot, one that makes the grade hourly and that will win a propaganda war that's happening simultaneous to the air war, even though the Jagschwen is beginning to waver slightly on two of their five fronts. Meanwhile, a female pilot decides to join her Nation's Air Force in hopes of becoming that next "Miracle Pilot", but before she arrives at the recruiter's office, she is intercepted by a couple of Jagschwen prop planes.


Just as the pilot thinks her plane is about to be blown out of the sky, a pusher-prop (A propeller aircraft with the propeller on the back of the plane as opposed to the nose or wings, literally pushing the aircraft) bearing 20 millimeter auto-cannons disperses the enemies, downing two of the Jagschwen planes before escorting the female pilot's plane the rest of the way to the recruiter's office. As the female pilot goes to thank the pilot that saved her, she instantly recognizes him as the ace that went missing three years ago. She immediately starts trying to convince him to go back into the NBAF but is met with denials of his identity and many refusals. However, the pilot doesn't shy away from  the female pilot's request to stay in contact for her travels later on, seeing as the pilot's skill can be used for good.


Two weeks after the incident, the female pilot decided not volunteer in the Military, partly because of a couple of cons a veteran warned her about a year or two prior, but mainly because she had an idea regarding the "supposed" ace pilot.


The idea is very simple in form; to form a duo that, given that it is the real ace pilot, can win both the propaganda war and hopefully the air war.

However, there is only one problem, the female pilot only has a passenger plane that she uses for recreational use, nowhere near the thundering warplane that she needed to shoot down the enemy...

Well, at least the duo now have their first assignment.



Phew! That sure was a mouthful to type! 

Hi, I'm Der Eine and I've been craving a realistic aviation RP but haven't really found any, so I took a good week or two to think up a backstory (a bit too much backstory, in hindsight) and finally have it all typed down. So I guess you're probably wanting to get to the requirements and what I'm providing; my name is Der Eine, I usually post only once a day (may vary on post time), and I typically type around 3-4 Paragraphs per post, my lowest going post length would be two paragraphs, and that's only if I'm tight on time. I typically play the male role and really suck at playing a main female character. But I don't have any problem with playing a female NPC, in fact, I'm pretty lax anytime it comes to NPCs, they're just easy to play. I tend to write in a realistic style, by that I mean I try to visualize and make my characters act realistically, this also goes for how I go about and describe scenes in the RP. (Warning, there will be blood : ^)


So what I'm going to need out of you is pretty minimal (or at least compared to the typical needs). In terms of post length, at least 2 paragraphs would suffice as a minimum, but I would really like it if you wouldn't stay on the minimum amount for every post, y'know, maybe change it up a little. Since I have been gone for a while, I will be only accepting one or two people at most and will close the thread when I've found an eligible partner.


I will also be providing descriptions of lingo that most people might not know, so don't be afraid of any weird words you see. 


Alrighty, I think that about sums everything up, feel free to PM me and ask me about the story, plot, lore, etc. I'm glad to be of any help to you. :^ )

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