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Fantasy A Troubled Boarding School


Hot Dog for President
Far away and out of the sight of normal cities of modern age, children from grades 6th to 12th are sent here until they graduate! But why?! Why would I leave my child here for so long?

Because they're 'freaks of nature'...you said it yourself, ma.


Registration Office -->
Cafe -->
<-- Bulletin Board
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The RP has started! This is the introductory phase, everyone!

Her fins flapped as she flowed through the water with grace, her swimsuit shimmering slightly from the cieling lights of the school. The mermaid stared out of the glass before stopping amongst the lobby. "Ah, the students must be arriving by this time!" he said to herself aloud. Her gills upon her neck flared as she smiled with glee, "it's the start of a new school year!" she smiled as she swam to the top of the large tank that spread across the wall, a smaller tank being a passageway above the doorway to the main corridor. She rested her elbows upon the acrylic glass happily.

Another school year as a sophomore...hmm. "Closer to leaving this place." is one thing he mostly thought about. "I'm not really...ready." is what he'd add on. He stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, his heterochromatic eyes focused on nothing really. He simply walked from the dorms upon the path towards the school, a small bag slung on his shoulder. Time to greet the same teachers and the same students...maybe a few newbies like always. The summer break wasn't as long as usual, just a 3 month break. Though...the strange festivities that usually happened upon this island weren't anything new. If so, they were usually during days he was too busy doing demon things on. He walked alone yet again, his face dull and blank of any emotion.
Nathan: I walked onto campus with my luggage in hand, saying my last goodbye to Dad and Uncle Sorin before I was officially a student of Troubled Reef Academy. I walked the lane, eyeing the house-dorms and the people loading their stuff into them. I had little to load, but I preferred to live simply.
*Esmerelda Weatherwax looked up, her posessions in bags at her feet and she cant pick them up for more then a few seconds without dropping them, her expression panicjed, she was a witch, she was expelled and she had no clue what to do or how this worked, she was searching for answers in the sky she knew wouldnt come as she faded in and out, anyone looking at her might believe she was a mirage and while she was a studious person, since puberty things have been having a lot more punch to them power wise and her emotions have gone wild, today was not looking to be a good day*

(Open for interaction, currently outside)
super gay PB&J
Pabalo held onto a backpack for his dear life to prevent it from falling off, running to his destination with multiple loud, overly enthusiastic cheers that could be heard miles away. His morning had gone something like this--wake up extra early, knock down the door, apologize to the door for knocking it down, ask door if we cool, door remains silent, abandon it there, proceed to bump into at least 20 people, get into individual fights with several of them, end up with 17 bleeding gashes, fall into lake after losing directions, take lots of time wandering throughout, and still take time wandering throughout. Thankfully, he had unpacked last night. Which... Was questionable, because he didn't have anything when he originally came here. The truth, well, he.. Stole a lot of the stuff. The other things however were objects got at the junkyard in his spare time. You might as well create a home while you're here. Although, he still has many boxes hanging around, not to mention there's not an ounce of organization in his room. But for now, he was set on one goal and one goal only. Getting into school. His mind was set on excitement and joy, it felt like forever since he landed here and for today to be the day, it felt surreal. Loud laughing was heard until his train of thought was quickly interrupted once he brushed past Eiquinn, quickly losing his balance and tripping soon with a loud curse.

super gay Ms. Farlin


Today. Today.. Jose despised the word 'today', she liked 'tomorrow' better. Tomorrow and tomorrow, it was such an unreliant word for her. It was fun to use. A lot more fun than today. She had gotten drunk off her ass last night, it would be hard to deny that she felt a major hangover. In fact, it was evident that she had still been drunk. Eh, oh well, at least she had the authority to ignore students who asked. The classroom door swung as she arrived at her desk. Oh damn. Damn.. She really didn't clean up the residue from last night. What even happened last night? She remembered something along the lines of using the projector to watch several cheesy romance flicks while eating a tub of ice cream, taking advantage of her last day free of students. Did the school board allow it? God knows, but she did it anyway. They didn't know is what mattered. Everything else blacked out and she woke up at home. Her eyes landed on the first thing that caught her interest. They remained on a shirt on her desk, picking it up and identifying it as Gungar's with a disapointted scowl. She sighed, stuffing the shirt into her pocket. She would sell it to one of the students later that day, usually someone was lonely enough to buy it and she needed the quick buck. She stared back at her classroom. The desks were stacked into a fort with a blanket ontop and bottles had been clearly a reoccurring theme. Good thing she's been doing everything last minute her entire career, otherwise she would have died of a heart attack. She winced at that, finding herself suddenly unwilling to continue staring. Ugh, god, had they really been that drunk? Alright, alright, start off small. You can do this. You can certainly do this. She locked the classroom door behind her and began picking up the laid out beer bottles and wine vials, checking each one for any leftover goodness before groaning and throwing it into the small, undeserved trash can.

my baby Gungar Angusbeard

Gungar hated being drunk. He really, really hated being drunk. He hated the taste of the alcohol, he hated the hangovers. He hated the fact he lost a shirt every time. He remembered faintly how Jose practically peer pressured him into drinking, challenging him by saying real men drink. God damn his willingness.. He questioned why he even tried to be responsible in the first place if he was just going to end up joining Jose. He questioned why he even hung out with her when she kept on doing this. He continued walking his way into the school. He felt slightly concerned. Would he come off as extra aggressive today?.. Wait, why was the hell was he concerned? He damn hoped he came off as aggressive. His appearance was very raggedy, he had blood on his shirt from injuring himself the night before. He looked away from his reflection on the tomahawk, briefly considered entering school from the roof just in case he made a fool out of himself. Would he die from falling? Probably. Maybe the tomahawk would help. He lit up at the idea. No, no, wait, don't you remember what happened last time you tried climbing walls with a tomahawk? Damn, he just couldn't win, could he? He grunted, trying to come up with more ideas to avoid the humiliation.
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The demon simply continued walking when his ears picked up noises. The lonely boy perked up as he listened to what appeared to be laughter, and he felt a gust of air as someone brushed past him. He stared at the figure with his red and indigo eyes, and his face remained blank as he watched them trip, watching them faceplant onto the dirt and gravel mixed path near the concrete paths that lead to school. They let out a curse he recognized and almost grinned at it, but his lip just barely twitched.

Gee, he didn't recognize them.

This is a chance for friends, he guessed. Grandma would be a bit disappointed, but screw her. Nicely, not harshly, but still.

"...quite the fall there." he let out dully as he walked over to the boy, "you okay?" no emotion strained in his voice whatsoever.

The 21 year old flapped her fins as she began to leave the lobby tank, trying to find the station that moved her to her wheelchair so she wouldn't soak the floor yet again so much. Her classroom could handle the water, but not really the rest of the building? Her glimmering green eyes looked around. She hadn't really used the wheelchair the whole summer, and her tank at home had actually ended up cooling a bit too much to her liking. She slept the whole summer! She sneezed loudly, but it sounded blurred from the water.

No one really understood the pain of being a mermaid here.

Rillie pursed her lips as her gills flared in frustration. "Where did I put that damned thing?" she thought aloud as she swam through the ceiling tank in the main corridor.
Holly: I skipped with several bags slung over my shoulders, in my hands, and in the crooks of my elbows. I found a dorm that looked good to me, in purple, and walked in.
The first day of school was Sycano's favorite day in the year, one superior to any holiday or tradition and one more delightful than desert after a sugar-free month. He was miles away from his parents. The only authority figures were his teachers, who wouldn't dare place the restrictive barricades around him that his parents worked so diligently to fortify. He was on his own and he was thankful for it.

The day had only just begun. He hadn't even the time to put his things away when he noted a curious sight in the nearby distance. A young woman, perhaps his age, fumbled along her way in an obvious predicament. She couldn't carry her things. The sight was laughable, but Sycano held in it for the sake of his good guy facade and approached her. Playing nice made people trust you more and gave Syacno room to start freedom-bountiful trouble. "Excuse me," He touched the young woman's shoulder to capture her attention, "Would you like a had?"

Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
*She looked over her shoulder with a yelp and something nearby went bang, a few daisys had randomly exploded, hovered at eye hight and fell to the ground and then she nodded sheepishly* "sorry about that, I cant control my powers...please?" *she seemed to solidify a little as she calmed down but it was like putting his hand on water, or jello, if you push you would sink in*
super gay PB&J

Pabalo hastily looked behind him as if he heard a ghost, Eiquinn only worsened this however, resulting in a quick instantly scrambling to get up in a frantic mess and a startled squeal. He jumped up, stumbling a bit and adjusting his shades, taking advantage of the fact Eiquinn was behind him so that he could prepare himself with a few deep breaths. He turned around using his heel, looking incredibly pissed. "Yo, YOOOO, you trippin' some balls or some shit homie?! Watch where you goin', jeez Mc.Cheese man! You looking for some beef dawg?!" He opened out his arms in the infamous way of saying "fuck you," but usually without context it can be easily assumed as, "here, here's a hug". Pabalo grinned, lifting his two thumbs to himself. " 'Cause I gotta plenty tons of those BBQ ribs to give out, ya get me?! In fact--I gotta whole butcher shop ova 'ere juss for customer delight!" His wings flapped upward a singular time but enough to make a few strands of hair bounce briefly. YES! That was so coooOOL! That was amazing, Pabalo! He was certainly going to be next best champion of all time at this rate!!

my baby Gungar Angusbeard
Step and step throughout, until he finally met the school's entrance. He was later than he should be--but it was still early. He hoped to god that his library left without harm last night, it would be a hell to pick up last second otherwise, but it's not like he cared for bad first impressions. That what he and Jose had in common. At least, he tried not to care. Truthfully, hell.. Kinda, maybe did? Argh, stop caring you god damned idiot! It'll only make you seem worse! He glared at the tattered reflection in his tomahawk, adjusting a few strand of his hair as he walked throughout. He spread a confident grin, alright, perfect. This would be great. This would be absolutely amazing. Hangover and stress. Perfect combination. He let the tomahawk drop as he now prepared himself to open the school doors. His goals were first set upon finding Jose for confrontation.
The girl certainly had an interesting texture. A walking, living, liquid the defied its container and decided it wanted to be a girl instead. Well, it certainly explained why she was having so much trouble with her bags. "It's alright. I guess I'm right to assume your a magic-user?" He grabbed her bags by their straps and handles, and carefully held them in his dominant hand.

Sycano wasn't new to the school and he wasn't nessasarily a loner either. He knew most of the students by their names and faces. This girl, however, had a face he couldn't name. She must be new. "Well, I'm Sycano. I'm a Leshy."

Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123

Location: Head building
Talking to: No one
Currently: Open
Charlotte looked at the Fisher boat leaving in the distance. She had sneaked onto the boat, in the middle of the night, and hid in the cooler room. She knew it passed by this island, but she was lucky it passed so close to land. If there was one weakness Charlotte had, it was water.

She stood in front of the school, with nothing but the suit on her back. She had no time to pack, nor did she have anything to pack. All she needed was the suit. It gave her protection and strength, which she would need.
Walking to the entrance of the school, Charlotte had expected people to look at her. What she hadn't expected, was how few, actually did.

When inside the head building, Charlotte scanned the room for some sort of authority. She hoped they could lead her to a place, where she could sign up as a student. She saw no one of particular interest, but she still glanced at the abnormal beings, who passed her. "What does one have to do, to get some help around here? she mumbled to herself.
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xXRassBerriXx xXRassBerriXx
"Nice to meet you Sycano, my name is Esmerelda Weatherwax, and yes I am a witch...I cant control my powers though...atleast not very well" *she looked slightly embarrassed about that fact as she tried to help with the bag, of course unable to grip it so she gave up* "a real witch should be able to control her own powers though so...jurys still out?"
The demon eyed his wings, letting out a breath of very breathy laughter. "I'm not really looking for...beef...or ribs." his heterochromatic eyes merely stared at him in what could be confusion, but also amusement. His face didn't move a bit, as his vision in his indigo eye became blurry. He backed away from him a bit to spare himself anything that'd surely drain him of energy. "I was just wondering--" he trailed off before taking in a breath, he usually didn't talk to people for so long unless he had to, "I was just wondering if a fellow peer was okay." Something about this boy was making his vision blurry, and he tried to be careful because of it. Can't cause conflict on the first day, right?

Thank goodness that his red eye was stronger than the other.

The woman had soon found her wheelchair, it had been put in her classroom! When she found it, after doubting it being there...her cheeks flushed in embarrassment despite no one really watching her or knowing what she was doing. She shut her classroom door for a moment with her fin, landing in the wheelchair after a struggle like usual. She put on a blouse over her swimsuit, that covered her pretty nicely despite her tail and fins. She opened her classroom door as she rolled out, giving her usual cheery greeting to any students that said hi to her.

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