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Fantasy A Mages Magical World SI!


Elder Member
Good Night

Your in your bed and all is right in the world. Its been a long day, a tiring day, one of those days that makes you wish your fantasy role play was real.You find yourself drifting off to sleep, more comfortably and easily then ever before in your life and it feels great as the darkness takes you.

Good morning

Slowly you awaken on a marble floor. Its pearly white is beautiful, and the wooden bookshelves it holds look like master pieces. The candles seem to emit a faint lavender scent even as the shine a slightly golden light down upon all that you can see.


You slowly stand and start looking over the tomes. The titles intrigue you they seem to be all magical in nature.

  • Ward Spells for beginners
  • The Pyromnacers guide for beautiful destruction
  • Basic Magic Item Crafting
  • Alchemey! Not that hard or Safe!
  • Stealth magic for the ninja wanna-be
  • Illusions for fun and profit
  • Teleporting 101
  • Runes weapon or tool?
  • Ritual magic to make you rich!

and every other magical subject you can think of, with one notable exception anything that all related to the physical aspect of life. There is nothing, for magic cast through swords, or magic kung-fu. It seems that this never ending library focuses on all magic that is not used in conjunction with the physical.

Time seems to stretch on forever until your curiosity gets the better of you and you find yourself reaching for books to see what they contain.You slowly pull out books from the shelf one by one and upon your fifth book the world changes. In a flash your gone and as your eyes open once more. You find yourself in some type of old timely hotel room. An inn? It has only the most basic of life style, simple wooden bed, a wooden chest, and candles no sigh of electricity or modern technology.

The world is comfortably warm as you slowly open your eyes. You find your self fully dressed and laying in an old fashioned bed under a thick quilt. The room is a clean oak leaving a slightly wood like scent in the air. Though as you awaken you find that smell fades as the smell of food grows, bacon, ham, eggs. Your stomach rumbles at the thought of food, not caring that your mind reels at the strange environment.

You have beside the bed a small night stand, upon which sits your five books. They exist in a very heavy way as soon as you see them. Like a gun in a school, a million dollars cash, or a bolt of lightning they have a heavy presence that makes you keenly aware of them.

The room other then that seems to lie barren just a small chest at the foot of the bed.



As Annika slowly opened her eyes, she was calm for only a moment, but as her eyes adjusted to the dim world around her, she jerked up after not finding the comforting walls of her own room. She looked around, wide eyed at the new world around her, thinking of any reasonable explanation to why, or more importantly how she had gotten there without waking up. When she couldn't find one, panic sprung in her chest and she inhaled sharply, kicking the blankets farther down the rickety, shoving herself into the corner between the headboard, and the wall adjacent to it with a dull thud.

"Hello?" she spoke to nobody in particular, staying in this position for several minutes, taking in every aspect of the room around her. After a few moments of silence she spoke again to herself "cool...coolcoolcoolcool..." she noticed how panicked her voice sounded, contradicting the easy-going words she had spoken. Her eyes landed on the books on her bedside table, and couldn't help but stare at them for several moments longer, than anything else she had saw in the room. She shook her head suddenly, knocking herself out of the books trance and closing her eyes again for a moment, taking a few deep breaths to gather her thoughts, trying to let the panic subside.

After finally standing, she looked down and saw that at least she was wearing the same thing she wore to bed that night. A bright blue shirt that was obviously much too big for her, emblazoned on it, an overly cartoonish depiction of a shark with tiger like stripes on it, large bold lettering underneath it showed "Tiger Shark Swim Team Nationals! 2014-2015". Paired with it, long dark navy sweatpants that again, were obviously much too big for her.

She couldn't help but realize how hungry she was, and how tempting the smell of bacon and eggs were at that moment. Biting the inside of her cheek, she did a once over of the room, her eyes once again falling on the books on the table. Falling into her trance, once again, she spoke for the second time that morning, speaking under her breath "Oh fuck it." With that, she scooped the five large books in her arms, and, trying to look as nonchalant as possible, opened the large wooden door (Barely avoiding a tumble, due to the aforementioned five tomes in her hands) and made her way out of the room.

(o boy sorry for the wall)
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Sarah slowly sat up in the quilted bed, her eyes not quite open as she drowsily stretched her arms out. It always took the girl forever to simply get up and do things. Way too much work. Usually, she'd open her eyes and just lay in bed for hours on end, and that's what she had planned to do before her hands rested on the quilt. Wait . . . a quilt? Sarah's comforter wasn't a quilt. It was a soft, fuzzy blanket. She opened her eyes and stared at the sheets in her hands, a puzzled expression on her face. Not my bed . . . she thought, slowly looking up. Her eyes roved around the foreign room, and panic began to settle in her heart. "What the hell?" she said aloud, in a soft whisper of a tone, too shocked to raise her voice. She rubbed her eyes furiously, hoping that somehow it would wash away the image and she'd see her room, filled with posters and books and all of her stuff. Comfort. Home.

Dismay pierced her gut when the room didn't change. It was too archaic looking to be real, this had to be some kind of joke, some cruel prank. The frightened girl exhaled softly, slowly, trying to calm her nerves as she ran a hand through her hair. That was when she noticed the five books resting on the nearby nightstand. Actually, books was inaccurate. Tomes was more like it. The books were huge, the bindings in smooth leather that had intricately carved designs in them. It was hard to look away from them, as if they were drawing her in, soft little whispers of the pages begging to be read. Begging to be opened and for each and every word to be thoroughly devoured.

In fact, were it not for the tantalizing smell of bacon and eggs (especially bacon, a rare treat for her), she would have probably sat there for hours just dumbly staring at the five books. Her stomach growled ravenously, and she finally decided to get up. Sarah's eyes still lingered on the books as she got up, and she finally decided to stuff the one on top of the pile into her hoodie. She certainly couldn't carry all of them, her arms were way too noodly for such a task. With one of the books cradled underneath her hoodie, and her stomach growling pitifully again for something to eat, she hurried out of the strange room with her head down in hopes of avoiding awkward encounters.
Although asleep and comfortable in bed, Axel felt an uneasy presence before him. Desperate to ignore it and continue his rest, he quickly envelopes the heavy quilt he was wrapped in over his messy hair, shutting everything out from his protective bubble crafted from thick, warm fabric. Only a minute passed before it creeps through the seams, and he notices it again. The silence... It was different. It was speaking to him. A paradox?

His eyes pop open. Axel, wary of this sensation, slowly pushes his body up while still resting on the bed. A tinge of fear takes over as he notices the lack of familiar shapes in the darkness, namely furniture and thrown objects that resembled monsters of shadow with the curtains closed so tightly. The pallor on his face soon fades as he realizes that this wasn't his room. Undeniably, this should probably have been the real reason to feel uncomfortable. However, this wasn't the first time that something within this level of spontaneous occurrences had taken place.

"Did I go out somewhere?" he tries to recall, turning slowly and gathering as much as he can about his current location. With a finger in his mouth, his thoughts trail and his memories begin to assemble. He remembers getting home from watching that new superhero movie with his family. He remembers opening the door, throwing himself in his bed. In his room.

".... Did I get drugged?" he finally questions himself, half jokingly, and the other half poised with fear. He swallows a knot in his throat that had been forming throughout the whole process of awakening, and then the presence makes itself apparent once more. Axel turns and sees the night stand to his side, with a small collection of heavy books resting there suspiciously. Eyeing them made him feel at ease somehow, almost melting the previous sensation of discomfort away. He now rises and quickly (in a rather half-assed manner) makes his bed, with his full attention on the literary works. Or... that is until the delicious smell of bacon and eggs disperses into his room. That was a morning ritual that he wasn't brave enough to skip. Now with food on his mind, he grabs the bundle of tomes and follows the trail towards breakfast, hoping to get answers at whoever was playing host.
All three of the strangers find themselves in a hall within moments of each other. The smell quickly leads them to a larger area, a sort of bar and grill, but equally old fashioned as everything else.


Its a beautiful building and the large open windows shows it to be on top of an ocean side cliff.

The entire area is devoid of people except for one who sits behind the bar cooking.


"Oy, Hey you Lots, I've got breakfast made for ya, now will you be wanting milk or orange juice with it?"
Walking out of her room, Annika was glad that nobody appeared t be in it. She couldn't help but think that she must look absolutely ridiculous walking down a strange hallway with a pile of books almost larger than she is. After she had taken the books, she immediately started regretting it,

remembering once again that she had arms the size of spider silk. She angrily thought to herself that she should gave at least left a few of the books on the table, or at least, opened them for gods sake. But, she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, thinking that She was already outside her room holding a large pike of books, and going back would be the traitors way out.

And so she walked. Well, she walked about Teen feet, passing one door before

slamming into a woman in front of her. The fall was inevitable, the books in her hand were far too large for her to handle, abd she had to keep looking down, at them in order to maintain her bakance.

At the fall she clattered to the ground as her books did the same, many if them falling open to random pages. Embarresment crashed into her like a tidal wave, and she momentarily forgot where she was, as all she could currently think about was what she had just done to this poor stranger. @ProjectMischa
Sarah had been walking in a quick, hurried fashion, the way she always did when she was in an uncomfortable situation. Because her head was down, it was inevitable that she would crash into someone who happened to be going the opposite way. That's just what happened a few moments after she exited her room. She ran right into the stranger and fell right on her rump, her hidden book flying right out of her hoodie and sliding across the floor, closer to the stranger. The moment this happened, she felt a pang of fear, whether it was because she just crashed into someone, because her mesmerizing book was closer to the stranger, or a mixture of the two, she didn't know for sure. All she did know was that she really wanted to get out of that situation.

Sarah felt her cheeks heat up in a blush right up to her ears, and all she could do was apologize over and over profusely. She was usually clumsy, but never this clumsy. "Oh my God I'm so sorry!" she blurted out quickly, reaching for her tome, "I didn't mean to . . ." She trailed off as she noticed that the stranger had five books suspiciously similar to the one she was carrying, and she couldn't help but look up at the strange girl in confusion. What was going on here? And did this girl know about the books? Unfortunately, Sarah was too afraid to ask after that who fiasco. (@SimpleReading)
"Oy, Hey you Lots, I've got breakfast made for ya, now will you be wanting milk or orange juice with it?"

Axel stops in his tracks and peers at the origin of the grumble-y voice, an older man who was undeniably prepping the source of his appetite. "Milk", he calls back, eyes still narrowed as he sizes up what may or may not be the barkeeper. For the man's age, he was quite burly, and the fact that he was sporting a large sheathed knife dissuaded any thoughts of approaching him with any excuse for him to have use for it. On another point, if his life would have been one of those fancy MMO games that has a number of specialty classes, his statistics would probably show his physical combat experience as the most insufficient of the lot. Up to current events, the most serious punch he had thrown was by mistake, and the majority of them were directed at good friends as friendly rib shots, or surprise attacks.

His thoughts idle as he feels his arms and chest heat up, now feeling the effects of carrying the heavy load of leather bound tomes. Axel remembers to take a deep breath and practically throws the tomes on top of the beautifully smooth oak bar, crashing with a loud thud. He grabs a stool and tries to make himself comfortable, obviously ignoring the deafening sound even though sure, yes, he was with a complete stranger in the middle of somewhere he had no recollection of, and could be at the hands of a hostage for all he knew. With all of that weighing in on his mind, he finally gathers the courage to speak again.

"So.... Umm... Just, who are you?"

His question rolls awkwardly as he was sitting by himself. He could have sworn he had heard a similar crash from somewhere else, but quickly focuses on whatever the man might reveal. @Zedalb
Annika scrambled to pick up the cluttered mess around her, redness crept it's way into her face as she tried not to make yeye contact with the stranger she had just ran into. "No its my fault I'm sorry" she spoke as she stacked her books back into her arms. "Wait" she said to herself more than anything, noticing that there were books that weren't hers in the pile in front of her. How could this lady also have books? Was she in the same situation that I was? Why were they so similar? The questions curled into Annikas mind as the awkward silence ensued. She had to ask the girl how she got them! What if the same thing WAS happening to her and she knew more about their situation than she did. Once again, feeling anxious about the situation, she took a deep breath, and forced the words out. "Were those... Just on your bed side table... Thing?" She regretted saying that, and after she had finished speaking she realized that she could have simply asked her where she got the books, which brought more red to her face. @ProjectMischa
Arvios said:
"Oy, Hey you Lots, I've got breakfast made for ya, now will you be wanting milk or orange juice with it?"
Axel stops in his tracks and peers at the origin of the grumble-y voice, an older man who was undeniably prepping the source of his appetite. "Milk", he calls back, eyes still narrowed as he sizes up what may or may not be the barkeeper. For the man's age, he was quite burly, and the fact that he was sporting a large sheathed knife dissuaded any thoughts of approaching him with any excuse for him to have use for it. On another point, if his life would have been one of those fancy MMO games that has a number of specialty classes, his statistics would probably show his physical combat experience as the most insufficient of the lot. Up to current events, the most serious punch he had thrown was by mistake, and the majority of them were directed at good friends as friendly rib shots, or surprise attacks.

His thoughts idle as he feels his arms and chest heat up, now feeling the effects of carrying the heavy load of leather bound tomes. Axel remembers to take a deep breath and practically throws the tomes on top of the beautifully smooth oak bar, crashing with a loud thud. He grabs a stool and tries to make himself comfortable, obviously ignoring the deafening sound even though sure, yes, he was with a complete stranger in the middle of somewhere he had no recollection of, and could be at the hands of a hostage for all he knew. With all of that weighing in on his mind, he finally gathers the courage to speak again.

"So.... Umm... Just, who are you?"

His question rolls awkwardly as he was sitting by himself. He could have sworn he had heard a similar crash from somewhere else, but quickly focuses on whatever the man might reveal. @Zedalb
"Aye, milk it is lad"

He quickly opens up some type of ice box, taking out a large pitcher and pouring you a large chilled glass.

"Aye, hope the food be to your satisfaction,you and the others were quiet clear on good meals."

He looks at you with an open look of confusion as you ask your question.

"Tis, odd you not to remember,I'm the man you and the others in your strange clothing came in and paid for a week of room and board. Paid fairly well for privacy and food. You lot said you need some time to study before, and I be quoting you here, "Shit got real""

He shrugs.

"Aye maybe its just a slow morning for ya, you didn't seem drunk last night, but there's no refunds either way. I've got to keep paying for me little girls academia education and we all know that's not cheap one bit"
SimpleReading said:
Annika scrambled to pick up the cluttered mess around her, redness crept it's way into her face as she tried not to make yeye contact with the stranger she had just ran into. "No its my fault I'm sorry" she spoke as she stacked her books back into her arms. "Wait" she said to herself more than anything, noticing that there were books that weren't hers in the pile in front of her. How could this lady also have books? Was she in the same situation that I was? Why were they so similar? The questions curled into Annikas mind as the awkward silence ensued. She had to ask the girl how she got them! What if the same thing WAS happening to her and she knew more about their situation than she did. Once again, feeling anxious about the situation, she took a deep breath, and forced the words out. "Were those... Just on your bed side table... Thing?" She regretted saying that, and after she had finished speaking she realized that she could have simply asked her where she got the books, which brought more red to her face. @ProjectMischa
The awkward silence was too much for Sarah, usually she'd just apologize and quickly move on, but the fact that this other girl had books suspiciously similar to hers made her pause way too long. Now it was too late to just scramble up and dash away, that'd be rude. Especially since the stranger asked her a question. She grabbed her tome, clutching it to her chest with one arm while she shyly pushed her frame-less glasses back up the bridge of her nose with her other hand. "Y-You mean the nightstand. . . ?" she asked quietly, looking at the girl curiously. Her eyes darted from the stranger's face to the five books scattered about her. She wanted to help pick them up, but if those books had the same draw towards the stranger that her own books had for Sarah, maybe it wasn't the best of ideas. She didn't want an even more awkward situation if she managed to accidentally elicit a more aggressive reaction.

Instead, she decided to carefully continue the conversation, speaking quietly and bashfully, "Yeah . . . that's where I found them. They were just kinda laying there. Is that where you found yours? Do you remember where you got them?" It was worth a shot asking. She really needed answers. Waking up in a strange room with five weird books that basically hypnotized someone on a glance wasn't really the most normal situation one could come across. There was no way she'd be able to understand what was going on without getting some answers first. (@SimpleReading)
Annika rubbed her eyes in a frustrated manner, this whole situation was really starting to wear her out. That, and she had essentially just woken up made it worse, even though she was typically a morning person, she wished this would have happened in the afternoon when she had more energy. She shook her head at the strangers question "No" she sighed, exasperated as her stomach rumbled loudly. "This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous" she stated.

Piling her books in front of her, and scooting the strangers books towards her, Annika stood once again, holding the teetering pile of books dangerously in her hands. She was at least relieved, that it seemed like this stranger was in the same situation as she was. "Do you have any idea how you got here? Or where we are?" the redness in her face was still plastered on her face, she wasn't used to being this forward to people, but she needed answers more than she needed food right now. Well, food was a close second, but it could wait.
"Oh, yeah... Academies never are, are they?" he responds with a forced hefty chuckle, calculating on what he meant by "others in strange clothing", and desperately trying to avoid showing signs of panic at what he had been revealed. Axel didn't recall renting a room, let alone with anyone else in this unexplored place. He glances down at his current attire; black dress up pants, a two-toned gray sleeveless hoody with a crimson graphic tee underneath paired with black and red tennis shoes, then compares himself with the barkeep. The distinction made him feel like he was teleported to medieval times, or at least thrown into a sheltered rural area that had somehow withstood centuries worth of change. Something like Scotland, or wherever the hell they film the "Lord of the Rings" movies.

Axel takes a hold of the tall, chilled glass and takes a small sip of milk. A second passes before his eyes widened, his taste buds flaring from the rich flavor of the dairy drink. The sip turns into ravenous gulps as he engorges over half the glass, just barely remembering that his stomach was previously begging for attention. He lowers the glass and wipes the creamy mustache from his upper lip, now finally glancing at the five tomes. Three of them were decorated within similar styles, with a rich carbine accent, and the other two, albeit a bit taller and wider, had a rustic, almost earthy hue to them.

This is what had made him feel so strange earlier, he recalls. Axel grabs the smaller of the five textbooks. "Windows 7, Glassorcery Edition: A Novice Approach at the Magical Arts of Glass Manipulation" he whispered to himself with a confused expression, tracing the silver text from the cover with his index finger as he read it to himself. Just the feel of the tome on his hand felt oddly pleasing to his skin. He continues to stroke the binding for a few more seconds until his curiosity begins to tug at his actions. Soon his hand makes it's way to the border of the cover, lifting it to reveal the first page of the magnificent tome. @Zedalb
"No," Sarah responded, glancing around and getting up, flashing a small, but grateful smile at the stranger as she scooted the book closer. "No for either of those questions, actually," she said as she noted the rustic and old feel to the place. "Some kind of hotel, maybe? Though it seems like a pretty old one." She brushed some dust off of her, being careful not to drop her book as she did so. Now, at least, she had some information. The stranger was dressed in modern clothes like her, so obviously they came from the same place? And they both have no idea about whatever brought them here or how they got these books. Was this a mass prank? Some kind of reality TV show? She didn't see any hidden cameras, so these people were either really good or this was an incredibly vivid dream.

Sarah exhaled softly, looking back at the stranger, "Maybe we can ask the innkeeper? There has to be someone downstairs making that delicious smelling food, right? Maybe we'll find more answers there. . . I hope." She started heading towards the stairs, gripping the smooth hand railing to help steady herself on the steps. She always had to tightly grip stair wells, she was far too prone to slip down them, and the heights did not help in the slightest with that.
Annika sighed in dismay, as the stranger confirmed her theory that none of them knew what was going on. She was trying her best not to think about her family, what they were doing, if they had even noticed she was gone yet. She was typically the first to wake everyone up, so they may all still be asleep. The thought disturbed her, and she quickly pushed it out of her head, trying to focus at the current task at hand. "great" She muttered. "Thats just what I wanted to hear" She spoke sarcastically, again mostly to herself.

"Yeah, it's like, almost medieval. Maybe we just got kidnapped into a Renaissance fair" She snickered at her own joke, but was cut off by the insistent grumbling of her stomach. She couldn't stand it any longer, if she didn't have food soon she thought may explode. Of course there had been days where she was this hungry while in bed and was simply too lazy to get up and make herself food. But, while she was up and walking around, it felt like a sin to not be eating. "I mean, worst case-scenerio we learn nothing and get food" She suggested, finding a more comfortable position for the books as she walked, making her way carefully down the stairs, and entering the large room in front of her. @ProjectMischa @Zedalb
Arvios said:
"Oh, yeah... Academies never are, are they?" he responds with a forced hefty chuckle, calculating on what he meant by "others in strange clothing", and desperately trying to avoid showing signs of panic at what he had been revealed. Axel didn't recall renting a room, let alone with anyone else in this unexplored place. He glances down at his current attire; black dress up pants, a two-toned gray sleeveless hoody with a crimson graphic tee underneath paired with black and red tennis shoes, then compares himself with the barkeep. The distinction made him feel like he was teleported to medieval times, or at least thrown into a sheltered rural area that had somehow withstood centuries worth of change. Something like Scotland, or wherever the hell they film the "Lord of the Rings" movies.
Axel takes a hold of the tall, chilled glass and takes a small sip of milk. A second passes before his eyes widened, his taste buds flaring from the rich flavor of the dairy drink. The sip turns into ravenous gulps as he engorges over half the glass, just barely remembering that his stomach was previously begging for attention. He lowers the glass and wipes the creamy mustache from his upper lip, now finally glancing at the five tomes. Three of them were decorated within similar styles, with a rich carbine accent, and the other two, albeit a bit taller and wider, had a rustic, almost earthy hue to them.

This is what had made him feel so strange earlier, he recalls. Axel grabs the smaller of the five textbooks. "Windows 7, Glassorcery Edition: A Novice Approach at the Magical Arts of Glass Manipulation" he whispered to himself with a confused expression, tracing the silver text from the cover with his index finger as he read it to himself. Just the feel of the tome on his hand felt oddly pleasing to his skin. He continues to stroke the binding for a few more seconds until his curiosity begins to tug at his actions. Soon his hand makes it's way to the border of the cover, lifting it to reveal the first page of the magnificent tome. @Zedalb
Glass manipulation is a sub-effect of earth manipulation as such it is recommended that you first learn at least basic earth magic.

Glass magic serves a variety of functions, though most commonly it is used for defensive counter magic. The same way glass bends light one can learn to bend away, or reflect offensive magic though glass walls or in time a glass shield.

Other effects include long range communication, by sending a message through the orbiting elemental plane of earth into another source of glass, you can make contact with someone across the planet, assuming there near there bed room mirror.

Art is probably the most famous of glass magical uses, if you have not been to the halls of avalons great church then you are missing out. Within its halls the glass is stained and slowly shifting by magic long ago placed upon it. This makes the reflections of colored light upon the floors and walls move. Those moving colored shadows tell great tales of the country and its peoples history.

Chapter 1: Basic Manipulation.

If you have already learned basic earth manipulation you can probably master this in mere moments, other wise this may take a day or so.

The simplest method to start your mastery of glass is to buy a prism, (fear not there cheap,a later exercise is learning to make perfect prisms, and most people through them out or sell them later). sit it so that light hits it and it makes a rainbow, then lay your hand upon the prism. Feel its connection to the plane of earth, meditate upon it at length. Once you can feel the connection you must take your own aura, your own inner energy and manipulate it. The reason you use the prism, is so you can watch the rainbow, and get acknowledgement of what worked, if just slightly and what was mostly in your mind. As you see, the hardest part of learning any magic is knowing when your doing it right, not when you just think you may be. So in this method, simply watching the rainbow after feeling the energy lets you know how you are doing.

There it is, touch it until you feel its connection to the elemental plane of earth.

Get used to feeling it, until you can manipulate it with your own aura.

Then practice making the rainbow do what you wish to improve your new found skill.

Good Luck, remember the glass isn't half full or empty, its entirely filled WITH MAGIC.
ProjectMischa said:
"No," Sarah responded, glancing around and getting up, flashing a small, but grateful smile at the stranger as she scooted the book closer. "No for either of those questions, actually," she said as she noted the rustic and old feel to the place. "Some kind of hotel, maybe? Though it seems like a pretty old one." She brushed some dust off of her, being careful not to drop her book as she did so. Now, at least, she had some information. The stranger was dressed in modern clothes like her, so obviously they came from the same place? And they both have no idea about whatever brought them here or how they got these books. Was this a mass prank? Some kind of reality TV show? She didn't see any hidden cameras, so these people were either really good or this was an incredibly vivid dream.
Sarah exhaled softly, looking back at the stranger, "Maybe we can ask the innkeeper? There has to be someone downstairs making that delicious smelling food, right? Maybe we'll find more answers there. . . I hope." She started heading towards the stairs, gripping the smooth hand railing to help steady herself on the steps. She always had to tightly grip stair wells, she was far too prone to slip down them, and the heights did not help in the slightest with that.
SimpleReading said:
Annika sighed in dismay, as the stranger confirmed her theory that none of them knew what was going on. She was trying her best not to think about her family, what they were doing, if they had even noticed she was gone yet. She was typically the first to wake everyone up, so they may all still be asleep. The thought disturbed her, and she quickly pushed it out of her head, trying to focus at the current task at hand. "great" She muttered. "Thats just what I wanted to hear" She spoke sarcastically, again mostly to herself.
"Yeah, it's like, almost medieval. Maybe we just got kidnapped into a Renaissance fair" She snickered at her own joke, but was cut off by the insistent grumbling of her stomach. She couldn't stand it any longer, if she didn't have food soon she thought may explode. Of course there had been days where she was this hungry while in bed and was simply too lazy to get up and make herself food. But, while she was up and walking around, it felt like a sin to not be eating. "I mean, worst case-scenerio we learn nothing and get food" She suggested, finding a more comfortable position for the books as she walked, making her way carefully down the stairs, and entering the large room in front of her. @ProjectMischa @Zedalb
You two quickly see the same room and man he waves as he sees both of you with a bit of a smile.

There is also a young man reading a book, that has the same weight that draws your eye as your own does.

"Ah hello ladies, the lad you came in with started without ya, but thats, fine I suppose you said you'd be busy studying, so what it will be with breakfast, milk or orange juice?"
Zedalb said:
Glass manipulation is a sub-effect of earth manipulation as such it is recommended that you first learn at least basic earth magic.
Glass magic serves a variety of functions, though most commonly it is used for defensive counter magic. The same way glass bends light one can learn to bend away, or reflect offensive magic though glass walls or in time a glass shield.

Other effects include long range communication, by sending a message through the orbiting elemental plane of earth into another source of glass, you can make contact with someone across the planet, assuming there near there bed room mirror.

Art is probably the most famous of glass magical uses, if you have not been to the halls of avalons great church then you are missing out. Within its halls the glass is stained and slowly shifting by magic long ago placed upon it. This makes the reflections of colored light upon the floors and walls move. Those moving colored shadows tell great tales of the country and its peoples history.

Chapter 1: Basic Manipulation.

If you have already learned basic earth manipulation you can probably master this in mere moments, other wise this may take a day or so.

The simplest method to start your mastery of glass is to buy a prism, (fear not there cheap,a later exercise is learning to make perfect prisms, and most people through them out or sell them later). sit it so that light hits it and it makes a rainbow, then lay your hand upon the prism. Feel its connection to the plane of earth, meditate upon it at length. Once you can feel the connection you must take your own aura, your own inner energy and manipulate it. The reason you use the prism, is so you can watch the rainbow, and get acknowledgement of what worked, if just slightly and what was mostly in your mind. As you see, the hardest part of learning any magic is knowing when your doing it right, not when you just think you may be. So in this method, simply watching the rainbow after feeling the energy lets you know how you are doing.

There it is, touch it until you feel its connection to the elemental plane of earth.

Get used to feeling it, until you can manipulate it with your own aura.

Then practice making the rainbow do what you wish to improve your new found skill.

Good Luck, remember the glass isn't half full or empty, its entirely filled WITH MAGIC.
Magic... with glass? As in MAGIC... with GLASS? Axel's chin was cradled by his hand, all the while with a bewildered expression. His brows furrowed, intensely rereading the text once, twice, a third time, still trying to make any sense of the tome's teaching. Was this a riddle? Was the page using symbolism somehow, having a number of figurative meanings? Was this a prank, like a satire series, or something based off of Harry Potter lore? Or the least likely of all, was it really, really a guide to magic? His thoughts are then cut short by a grumble-y voice.

"Ah hello ladies" calls out the barkeeper to two girls Axel had failed to notice prior. "The lad you came in with started without ya, but thats, fine I suppose you said you'd be busy studying, so what it will be with breakfast, milk or orange juice?"

Axel glances at them and forces a gentle smile. They didn't seem familiar at all, in accordance to the stranger's tale, but the girls' clothing and uncannily similar collection of tomes certainly enforces his story. It was honestly a bit difficult to confirm that hoodies and jeans and tennis shoes would be considered abnormal when the only one present wearing the dark ages getup was the storyteller behind the smooth oak counter. Still, as much mistrust as he was feeling towards his overall position, he couldn't help but feel a bit pleased that there was someone to relate to now. It was safe to assume at this point that maybe they were in on this together, though he wasn't sure if he should speak about it in front of the barkeeper. His story in comparison to whatever they may say in front of him might make him question the sanity of his guests, and, once again darting his vision from barkeeper, to his sheathed knife, and back to the girls, he decides to do what he can to catch them up to place.

"So.... you said that we all came together here to study, right? How long ago did we pay for the week of stay?" The question was aimed at the barkeeper as Axel pats the tower of unopened textbooks, now grinning from cheek to cheek, though he was hoping that the girls would catch the fast ball. His eggs and side of bacon were beginning to cool down, vapor now completely absent from before, so he takes a quick bite out of them before the flavor waned, as well. @Zedalb
The ground floor to the inn was absolutely gorgeous, Sarah had to admit that. Despite the old, renaissance feel to it all, it was just a mesmerizing sight to behold. She almost didn't realize she was being addressed by the man sitting behind the bar. She was a little surprised by his gruff appearance, and his attire made her feel even more out of place than she had earlier. What on Earth was going on? "I'll . . . I'll have orange juice I guess?" she said, glancing around uncertainly. They were the only ones here. In an inn as large as this one, one would think that it'd be bustling with all sorts of people. She noticed the man in similar attire to hers and the girl beside her and felt a little more relieved. They weren't the only ones here, and it seemed like the man had already gotten some information. Okay. Good. This was a start.

She carefully crossed the room with her book and sat down at the counter, a seat or two away from the guy already sitting there. Even if he was in the same situation, she was still awkward with new people. She set her book down on the counter, her mouth watering a little from the smell of the cooking food. She glanced between the young man and the older man at the bar. They were here to study . . . ? Sarah looked at the large tomes. Study these books? she thought to herself.
Annika was immensely caught off guard by the room around her. The dull empty hallway that had been in the moment before, simply didn't seem to match the large room it opened into. The room around them was large, and seemed to be flowing with people, of course part of her vision was blocked by the large pile of books that was growing ever heavier in her arms.

Hearing the sudden voice addressing the two of them took her by surprise, sputtering "Oh, yeah me too!" After the woman beside her had ordered orange juice. Finally done with carrying her book, she made her way to the bar, and sat them gently on the table. Climbing into a seat herself, a chair away from the girl she had spoken to in the hallway, listening to the man speak.

Study the books? Why would we need to study? She glanced at the man sitting at the end of the table. He was seemingly the only other person in the tavern area that was wearing modern clothes. She rubbed her eyes again, somehow becoming even more confused with every passing second. Did this mean they were all some sort of team? Because they sure didn't seem like one, in fact they seemed to be having a general communication problem. She looked again at her books, and while intrigued by them immensely, she thought that maybe it was first better to figure out at least some of the questions she had.

After a long moment of silence, she asked to everyone in earshot "So do we know why we're here to quote unquote 'study?' Or is that a mystery along with everything else thats happened so far." She spoke sarcastically, trying to put a humorous light on the situation.
Arvios said:
Magic... with glass? As in MAGIC... with GLASS? Axel's chin was cradled by his hand, all the while with a bewildered expression. His brows furrowed, intensely rereading the text once, twice, a third time, still trying to make any sense of the tome's teaching. Was this a riddle? Was the page using symbolism somehow, having a number of figurative meanings? Was this a prank, like a satire series, or something based off of Harry Potter lore? Or the least likely of all, was it really, really a guide to magic? His thoughts are then cut short by a grumble-y voice.
"Ah hello ladies" calls out the barkeeper to two girls Axel had failed to notice prior. "The lad you came in with started without ya, but thats, fine I suppose you said you'd be busy studying, so what it will be with breakfast, milk or orange juice?"

Axel glances at them and forces a gentle smile. They didn't seem familiar at all, in accordance to the stranger's tale, but the girls' clothing and uncannily similar collection of tomes certainly enforces his story. It was honestly a bit difficult to confirm that hoodies and jeans and tennis shoes would be considered abnormal when the only one present wearing the dark ages getup was the storyteller behind the smooth oak counter. Still, as much mistrust as he was feeling towards his overall position, he couldn't help but feel a bit pleased that there was someone to relate to now. It was safe to assume at this point that maybe they were in on this together, though he wasn't sure if he should speak about it in front of the barkeeper. His story in comparison to whatever they may say in front of him might make him question the sanity of his guests, and, once again darting his vision from barkeeper, to his sheathed knife, and back to the girls, he decides to do what he can to catch them up to place.

"So.... you said that we all came together here to study, right? How long ago did we pay for the week of stay?" The question was aimed at the barkeeper as Axel pats the tower of unopened textbooks, now grinning from cheek to cheek, though he was hoping that the girls would catch the fast ball. His eggs and side of bacon were beginning to cool down, vapor now completely absent from before, so he takes a quick bite out of them before the flavor waned, as well. @Zedalb
ProjectMischa said:
The ground floor to the inn was absolutely gorgeous, Sarah had to admit that. Despite the old, renaissance feel to it all, it was just a mesmerizing sight to behold. She almost didn't realize she was being addressed by the man sitting behind the bar. She was a little surprised by his gruff appearance, and his attire made her feel even more out of place than she had earlier. What on Earth was going on? "I'll . . . I'll have orange juice I guess?" she said, glancing around uncertainly. They were the only ones here. In an inn as large as this one, one would think that it'd be bustling with all sorts of people. She noticed the man in similar attire to hers and the girl beside her and felt a little more relieved. They weren't the only ones here, and it seemed like the man had already gotten some information. Okay. Good. This was a start.
She carefully crossed the room with her book and sat down at the counter, a seat or two away from the guy already sitting there. Even if he was in the same situation, she was still awkward with new people. She set her book down on the counter, her mouth watering a little from the smell of the cooking food. She glanced between the young man and the older man at the bar. They were here to study . . . ? Sarah looked at the large tomes. Study these books? she thought to herself.
"Orange Juice it is little lady"

He reaches into some ice box underneath the bar and pulls out a large chilled mug and chilled pitcher pouring some frosty orange juice for you next to a plate over loaded with eggs bacon and ham.

"well, as I was saying lad, you lot came in here last night really late like and paid good gold for a week of rooms and for 3 good meals a day, theres no refunds even if you were drunk and don't remember, not that you seemed drunk, but we got a policy against that type of money losing thing"

SimpleReading said:
After a long moment of silence, she asked to everyone in earshot "So do we know why we're here to quote unquote 'study?' Or is that a mystery along with everything else thats happened so far." She spoke sarcastically, trying to put a humorous light on the situation.
"Well I sure don't know why or what your studying, you was real hush hush about it last night, something about causality and stable time, I don't know what yea meant, my clock, is on a good solid base, really flat and stable like, or may haps you meant how long you'd need to stable horses, but ya didn't come in with horses, so I rightly don't know"
Upon hearing the response of their situation once more, Axel glances at the two newcomers with a serious glare, all in all reflecting empathy. Based solely on their sitting locations, the two seemed a bit distant, but he wasn't one to talk. He knew that he'd probably react in the same way, especially with all of this mistrust that was looming over his head.

"Umm... friend,"
he directs his attention to the barkeeper once more. "Did we by any chance say where we came from? We sure must have been tired from last night for us not to remember!" he says with a laugh, trying his damnedest to flavor the question with humor so as to not sound as if he was prying for information. Then finally without thinking as to how absurd the question would sound from a local's perspective, he blurts "Where exactly are we, anyway?"
Sarah looked around again, completely baffled as to why no one else was here. It was a large in. This was just too weird. Too suspicious. Something had to be up. She carefully ate the food on her plate, her stomach relieved from hunger. It was delicious, it tasted absolutely amazing. She wolfed down a good portion of the meal, listening to the questions the others asked. Sarah tentatively asked her own question, "Are we the only ones here?"

She glanced at the book beside her again, the temptation to great to ignore this time as she pulled it closer to her and inspected the title. "Ice" to Meet You: A Beginner's Guide to Frost Magic. She couldn't help but smile at the cheesy pun as she opened up the book. She could read and listen at the same time, right?
Arvios said:
Upon hearing the response of their situation once more, Axel glances at the two newcomers with a serious glare, all in all reflecting empathy. Based solely on their sitting locations, the two seemed a bit distant, but he wasn't one to talk. He knew that he'd probably react in the same way, especially with all of this mistrust that was looming over his head.

"Umm... friend,"
he directs his attention to the barkeeper once more. "Did we by any chance say where we came from? We sure must have been tired from last night for us not to remember!" he says with a laugh, trying his damnedest to flavor the question with humor so as to not sound as if he was prying for information. Then finally without thinking as to how absurd the question would sound from a local's perspective, he blurts "Where exactly are we, anyway?"
"aye, laddy perhaps a curse was laid upon your mind, no you didn't say but we get travelers from all over so it could be just about any where"

"Oh, it is bad if you don't know where your at, were near the top of the blue volcano, its a place where all the elemental planes are fairly close, so all four cause rock slides, snow storms,tornadoes and the occasional volcanic eruption. Don't worry though we have mighty fine wards that have stood for over a thousand years, perfectly safe inside."

ProjectMischa said:
Sarah looked around again, completely baffled as to why no one else was here. It was a large in. This was just too weird. Too suspicious. Something had to be up. She carefully ate the food on her plate, her stomach relieved from hunger. It was delicious, it tasted absolutely amazing. She wolfed down a good portion of the meal, listening to the questions the others asked. Sarah tentatively asked her own question, "Are we the only ones here?"
She glanced at the book beside her again, the temptation to great to ignore this time as she pulled it closer to her and inspected the title. "Ice" to Meet You: A Beginner's Guide to Frost Magic. She couldn't help but smile at the cheesy pun as she opened up the book. She could read and listen at the same time, right?
"Aye, just you strange lot, most of our visitors are reagent collectors looking to make a quick buck or wizards who use the energy to practice, though those lot don't tend to stay very long.Either way they all left an hour or two before sunrise."

Ice to meet you

Ice is simply another form of water, as such scholars have debated for ages whether its truly a sub-element of water magic or indeed simply water magic.

I'm here to tell you that, the argument isn't cool when we could be practicing instead.

Ice magic is primarily used for battle magic, the hard ,sharp and light nature of ice making it a wonderful projectile.

Other uses are protection, for what does a glacier fear? Summoning, ice and water elementals are, thought situational quite amazing.

And of course chilling any drink you hold at your whim after all warm beer is terrible.

So to start you must learn not to freeze. This may sound simple because it is. It is however the most important skill you will learn as an ice mage, you must learn to mix ice with your own aura so as not to freeze yourself and use the cold for power.

So the first exercise is incredibly simple. Stick your hand in a bucket of ice, don't freeze or get cold.

More explanation? If you insist.

You must find you aura and twist it around the ice, so that the ice "Flavors" it. You must feel that all things in the universe are simply energy, and you can touch that energy with your will and make your own personal energy compatible. It will take you many, many tries however you will succeed in time with hopefully no frost bite. Switch hands frequently and take care to check yourself.

Final note, no this does not protect you from other ice mages, only ice you are summoning or wielding.

So go get frosty, stay cool and you will see how ice, ice magic can be.

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