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A Howl in The Dark (Closed)

Tony blinked, but slowly curled his fluffy body around her carefully.


Amber watched him with sad eyes, before disappearing from the room
Snowflake mews again, mouth un a happy tone and licks underneath his chin, soon getting up and then wandering back home.


Jake bit his lip lightly and then went back to playing his games. He played for hours, not thinking about eating if his stomach growled, pooping or even lifting a finger to help around the house. He wasn't a lazy or good for nothing boyfriend, he was just so dependent on playing video games all the time that he got lost in high level fantasy worlds and violence, which was why he could be frequently angry.
Snowflake sat just outside of the front door and yawns with a mew, looking to him.


Jake soon got up and wanders towards Amber.
Tony gently nuzzled her back, still looking depressed.


Amber squeaked, and almost burned her hand on the frying pan that she was using
Snowflake looks up at him and then switches into her human form, cuddling him closely to her chest. "I love you big brother" She says softly.


Jake begins to fry it instead, not wanting her to hurt herself as he kept her close.
Snowflake soon wanders inside and sat by Ethan who was plays video games alone, she tries to pull the controller away so he could play with her toy animals and her tea set.

Ethan growls at her and turns away.


Jake finishes cooking and then serves up when he was done.
Tony in turn growled at Ethan, then seemed to realise how he was acting, and moved to the corner alone.


Amber softly thanked him, hugging him
Snowflake instead began to play with Tony, giggling softly as she made her toy animals talk to each other.


Jake hugs her back and then went to eating his food.
Winter was sleeping beside Sam, holding onto his hand. She woke up soon, her eyes fluttering awake.


Jake soon finishes and stretches lightly.
Snowflake soon wanders over to her parents and snuggles up in her mothers lap.


Jake went back to playing his video game.
Sam smiled softly as he slowly opened his eyes


Amber sighed, mumbling softly that she was going on a walk, before she disappeared out the door
Winter pets her daughter on the head and cuddles her, she smiles over at Sam gently.


Jake nods vaguely but decides to go with her, turning off his console.
Ethan wanders over and then curls up in his fathers lap, hugging him lightly.


Jake goes over to her and then slips his hand into hers.
Ethan says sorry to him quietly then crawls into his mothers lap with Snowflake and mumbles that he was sorry to her too.


Jake smiles and blushes.

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