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Fandom A Dc Universe Rp: The Age of Chaos

"Your father wouldn't KILL any of them. Still, I know what you mean. I'm struggling with easy problems that were second nature to batman."
I know he wouldn't I'm saying he could. That might be what has to happen with that new guy chaos.
"It will never be what "has to happen." There's always a way out. Even if there isn't, you never lower yourself to their level. They kill a thousand people, it's a tragedy, but it's on them, not you."
Yes I know but that just makes me think. I could have saved those thousand if I would have just took him out. But that's not what the orders are.
"Damn straight. The league needs to gather to discuss future movements. Meet me at the watchtower." He said, as he walked into a pod that teleported him to space. He then sent out a message to all members of the justice league to meet at the watchtower as soon as possible.
Blake flew up and flew as fast as he could and went to the watch tower.

Superman: What's the meeting about. What do you have Thomas have planned.

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