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Fandom A Court of Thorns and Roses [Adv. Lit/Novella]


Before I begin: spoilers are blacked out - hover over them if you've already caught up with the books or don't care to discover events that lie ahead. If you comment on this post referring to spoilers I will delete it, so please don't. PM me any interest you have if you'd like to see if we're compatible to set something up!

Ahem, moving on.

Howdy friends!

After some great success with my last hunt for a partner I've managed to find myself looking to add another to the roster. After reading the Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas, I've found myself sinking into the abyss for more content - more stories - involved in that world. If you haven't read the series, we may be able to swing something together if you have an interest in a roleplay based in a high fantasy, medieval-inclined setting, where High Fae rule various courts in a world that humans cling to survive in. Before I provide more detail regarding a few of the plot ideas I had in mind regarding the series, here's a little bit about myself and my writing preferences. I'm trying to keep this as short and sweet as possible to start discussing potential ideas/plots in my head:

About Me | Writing Preferences:
  • 26, full-time worker, more of a night owl than not (I'm typically available 10PM CST onward, and more frequently on days off).
  • I write purely for pleasure, and while I can definitely crank out at least a post a day if not every other day, I am not approaching this as a second job. I'm also a huge nerd in the sense of building models and, more frequently, gaming. Any FFXIV fans?
  • Like my post indicates, I would classify myself a novella style writer. My characters' interactions and the dialogue we share is just as important as setting the scene around them and exploring what's going on from the inside: their emotions, their thoughts—what makes them tick. I don't expect nor demand people to meet a certain length per-say, but on average I will write a page or more; so long as you provide ample enough response to give me a reason to care about your character, to want to know more about them, I will be satisfied.
  • I'm open to writing through PMs or on Discord.
  • I am open to M/F or M/M. F/F is fine on the side, but I would prefer it to not be a main focus. I prefer to play the dominant M role, so throw your ladies at me or submissive males.
  • Whether you're familiar with the books or not, please be open for plotting and chatting! I'm a friendly guy and there are few things more enjoyable then dorking out over interests we have in common.
  • I'm a horrible sucker for romance, and if you're reading this post I'm sure you are too. That being said, if you're looking for an easy conquest-like roleplay I am not the partner for you. I will string it out for as long as I possibly can for that sweet, sweet slow burn of romance; plot and achieving goals always come first, even if events in this world are very heavily intertwined with romantic character relationships. To make matters worse, I particularly enjoy triangle relationships and hope to tear your heart apart picking between characters depending on how things develop.
  • Be prepared to write side characters. In fact, it's pretty much encouraged upfront - one on one character interaction is great and I love it, but an entire world isn't made up of two characters.
Court of Thorns and Roses Notes:
  • Canon pairings are not something I'm necessarily interested in except Tamlin x OC. I may be swayed with one of the other court rulers as well, depending on the plot. I don't mind canon characters being background characters, or even being relatives/parents of our own main characters, but I'd prefer OCs in their world (save for one idea I had in mind, see below).
  • I would classify myself more of a fan of the world (and certain characters) than the actual plot for Court of Thorns and Roses. I promise this post won't contain any spoilers, but regardless of how far into the books you are, there it should be plainly obvious by now that Mary Sue and Gary Stu characters are prevalent. As a result, it felt like there were few consequences of what the characters went up against. Keeping that in mind I would prefer to take a more gritty, realistic approach to this roleplay, where weaknesses are true weaknesses and means for growth. Overpowered characters are expected with High Lord figures, but even they should be susceptible to downfalls.
  • I am open to changing the canon events of the series.
Still interested? Awesome! Here are a few plot ideas that have been swirling around in my head (and if none of them strike your fancy, feel free to throw some my way or we can brainstorm and come up with something together). I have purposefully only provided simple summaries so that we can work to flesh out our characters:

MC = My Character
YC = Your Character
If character preference isn't detailed then the roles are interchangeable.

  • The wall has stood as a testament to the Children of the Blessed that their gods do, indeed, exist. YC is the priest(ess) chosen this year to venture beyond the wall into Prythian, hopefully to be received and never to return to mortal lands. As they cross into Prythian's borders and enter the Spring Court on the night of Calanmai, they encounter a High Fae (MC) lurking near the border. [YC's story and involvement with the Children of the Blessed is entirely up to you - are they true fanatics? Or were they merely involved in the religious cult to save themselves from poverty? If you've another plot idea for the Children of the Blessed throw it my way! I found their little cult utterly fascinating.]

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