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Fantasy A Chase Through Time [OOC][CLOSED]

It seems like some people dropped (Other than stonewolf) ... could we get a headcount and then consider opening up if it turns out to just be the three of us? Raku Raku
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I'm working with HL860 for their character. I'm going to contact KAmber once more. I have someone who is interested if KAmber leaves.
Answer: keep sifting through memes n' crap and decide against being a part of this.
Ok. Well, safe travels through the forums. Thanks for telling me instead of just disappearing.
Ok, thank you!

I think Imma go to bed, but hopefully I'll get my CS soon
Ok I'm done. Sorry if there are mistakes, I'm not the best when it comes to making characters umu
well i was constantly thinking "Oh god, is this how it works? Agh, i'm an idiot, i'm probably doing it wrong" during our dm
like 10 hour loop constant
I know how to furry XD In just had with character sheets
Ok, now that everyone has their characters up we can start! Unfortunately it will have to wait for tomorrow as I am going to get my sleep schedule back on track as school starts next week. I'll get the IC up tomorrow morning, hopefully.

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