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Realistic or Modern _the place_


give 'em hell, kid.

-x the place x-

_the most dangerous road in the world. a beat-up camper and teenage friends. accidents happen. what did you expect?

_not this. not this.

_you don't survive falling 200 feet... or do you?

_in short, yes. the vehicle is totalled, but bumps, bruises and possible broken bones aside, you're fine. too fine for a fatal accident, but you don't have time to think critically right now.


_you've (unwittingly) found the place.

_of course, there's no way of knowing that, let alone what the place is. at least, not in the beginning. once night rolls around, you might do well to learn quickly.

_or not.

_it's up to them, really.

_and who are they, you may ask?

_well, that's complicated, but you could say they're souls trapped somewhere between life and death. whatever afterlife awaits, they haven't found it. it's majorly simplifying things, but i suppose you might call them ghosts.

_how do i know all this?

_i am one.

_questions, questions. i can tell what you're thinking right now, and no, you're not dead.

_at least, not yet. unlike us, you aren't cheating death... in fact, you were never supposed to die in the first place. that's why you're here, i guess.

_too dead to live, but too alive to die. a paradox. yes, you'll fit in nicely here.

_but you don't want to stay, do you? you have a life back there, you plead. unfinished business. well, that's not my problem.

_but because i'm nice, i'll let you in on a little secret: there might be a way out. might be. there's a catch, though. if it's true, and even then i'm doubtful, it will completely destroy this dimension... and us.

_so really, you shouldn't be offended if we try to stop you from uncovering it. survival of the fittest doesn't stop being a thing just because you're dead.

_good luck, i guess.

-x rules & details x-

_this roleplay is set in a mysterious dimension somewhere between life and death that's known simply as 'the place' by its residents.

_said residents are all ghosts, and have died within the last 30 years. for some reason, be it cunning or obliviousness, they've avoided whatever truly awaits them and instead linger in a small abandoned city. they're more dead than alive, but still look relatively normal...

_at least, until night falls on the place.

_that's when their true forms are revealed, and they range from slightly eerie to downright macabre depending on the individual and their cause of death. in daytime, they look as they did on their last day alive, but with one distinguishing feature. that could be an odd eye, hair or skin color, or even something a bit more extreme. it shouldn't be too shocking, though. save that for nighttime.

_the teens from the roadtrip, however, are not dead. they're trapped in a sort of purgatory in the place, but aren't as invincible as the ghosts and look exactly as they did in reality, both during night and day.

_while physical damage does little to hinder ghosts, the living characters need to be sensible as they can die for real if they're not cautious exploring the strange world they now inhabit. if that happens, there's about a 70% chance they'll return as a ghost and be able to interact once again with their companions. otherwise, they simply vanish from existence.

_escape from the place is possible, though it and its inhabitants will be completely obliterated from existence. i will not be introducing this option until the rp has progressed to the point where ghosts and living characters have bonded and formed relationships, as this should make for some excellent drama.

_living characters will not immediately know what the ghosts are, and ghosts will likely try to keep it that way. this includes hiding away at night, especially if their true form is noticeably different.

_time does not work as we know it in the place, and should we reach the end of the roleplay after the characters have chosen to escape, they'll find only a few minutes have passed since their accident.

_living character slots will be reasonably limited, but ghosts are not and can join in after the rp has already started.

_this is a semi-detailed rp, and i expect two paragraphs minimum... i'm not super strict and will make an exception here and there if there's not much to respond to, but i want a proper storyline and committed rpers.

_as usual, no godmodding, controlling other's characters, killing without permission or pvp fighting will be allowed.

_should you want to leave the rp, please let me know. it's difficult when someone drops without warning, so do us a favor and speak up. if you don't, i reserve the right to erase your character. this isn't to be mean, but i don't want the rp to die because of it.

_if you have any other questions, please let me know ^^

_thanks for reading!

code by spookie spookie
Friendly advice:
  • The border BBCode is a little fucked up, I think you should fix it (I don't know if you left out those pictures on purpose)
  • All I understood from the post is that there is someplace between life and death exists and the narrator is in there and the are's other things in there. You might want to explain a little more and make yourself clear. Why use complex metaphors like you're a Jedi Master? xD
  • You might also want to explain what kind of story you want to tell.
  • I don't know if it's a design choice but all of these hyphens, underscores and lowercase letters at the beginning of phrases are a bit unnecessary. Also, the font is too small.
  • Why restrict PVP Fighting? Don't take away the fun of DRAMA AND BLOODSHED!
Now questions about the plot:
  • How was the Place born?
  • Why do ghosts stay there and not, say, in a Haunted House in New York? Or in my basement?
  • "_too dead to live, but too alive to die. a paradox. yes, you'll fit in nicely here." Paradox? Quantum physics say otherwise my friend (lol). I've read this line about five times and I cannot comprehend it's metaphorical meaning. Mind explaining, pwetty pwease?
  • Why would ghosts linger between life and death? Isn't it more logical and productive to go to the afterlife?
Hope you can answer my questions and take away my doubts!
Thanks for taking time to read c:
i'm sorry, but if i was looking for criticism i would've posted this in the roleplay discussion and advice forum. i'm not interested in holding a long discussion on my interest check, as this will both drive away players and bump it to the top needlessly.

also, i think most (if not all) of this comes down to a difference in taste and stylistic values rather than a legitimate issue.

i have no intention of being rude, but i'm going to have to ask that you refrain from posting in my interest checks unless you're actually interested in joining the roleplay or have a question about doing so. stuff like this makes it look messy and i'd rather not have to skip over extra posts to find and tag actual players.

if this were a post in the advice forum i would welcome your perspective, but an interest check for an already existing roleplay isn't really the place for discussion.

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