1x1, Caldwell and CakeOfNacho [Inactive]

That question puzzled him, especially for someone as smart as her. "Why does a kid cry? Why is the sky blue? Listen, I don't try because I don't want to. It's just not worth my time." Looking forward again he kept walking looking for the main exit.
"Well, it does benefit you in the long run. Think about it." She walks next to him. "Why don't you stay the day? Just a few times? It's not bad, I promise. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want, but they are beneficial."

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As he looked at her, he could see she was trying. He almost felt bad about having to leave. "Sorry, but I have places to go right now. I can't spend time in school." With that he walked through the door and onto the front of the campus.
Jogging out after him, she grabs his wrist. "Do you have work or something? An education will help you find more work, you know. I'll let you go for today, but please try and stay in school tomorrow, okay?" She lets go, walking back into the school with a sigh. Kaida heads back to her class.

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... "Tch." After a few moments of silence Taka kept walking. He felt shameful when someone realized that he worked as a student. After walking for about twenty minutes, he reached his regular delivery place, where he would run parcels and such. After greeting his boss and coworkers, he grabbed the store bike and deliveries and set off, beginning his 6 hour shift.
It was only a guess, but it seemed she hit the nail on the head. She stays in school for the rest of the day, then returning home and preparing for work. Kaida was a bit happy that it was supposed to be a slow day, and wouldn't see as many disrespectful customers. After completing school work, she heads to the restaurant.

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He had been working for quite a while when he made his second grab for more deliveries. The first stop was a little restaurant he heard the kids from school talk about. "Well, it's right after school, no ones going to be there." Once he reached his destination, he set his bike outside and walked quickly in parcel in hand. "Excuse me miss, I have a delivery here." Walking to the nearest employee, he politely stood there and smiled, trying to not get fired by just setting it on the doorstep and leaving.
Hearing a familiar yet polite voice, she raised her head. With a small gasp, Kaida takes a step back. It was a bit embarrassing for her to be seen at work. "Taka? What are you doing here..?" Reluctantly, she sticks out her hands to accept the delivery. "Ah, erm... Thank you, by the way..."

'This was his job, huh?'

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"Ah..AH!" Jumping back, he jabbed a finger at her. "Y-y-you! You work here?!" Looking around, he didn't see anyone he knew or that looked like a high school student. Turning slightly red, he took her towards the back away from the windows and placed two hands on her shoulders. "You absolutely can't tell anyone about this. I'll kill you if you do." He gave her his, "I'll really do it," look while staring hard at her, hoping that she'll get the totally not subtle hint.
His reaction startled her, and Kaida tenses up as well as moving a step away. His hands touch her shoulders, and she flinches. "I-I... Calm down!" she tries to brush off one of his hands while she picks her words. Like him, she didn't want anyone to know of her job, though that was impossible because of what it is. She could empathize with him. She didn't even have anyone to tell about hi job, though. Even if she wanted to. Assuming he wouldn't know that, she hatches an idea. "What do I get out of it? Also, I don't suggest threatening me," Kaida pries off his other hand.

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Stepping back, he bit his thumb thinking to himself. 'Shes smarter than I took her for... Ah damn it! I can't just let her blackmail me like this!' Grabbing his head he began squirming around, attempting to make a decision. Suddenly, he stopped, heart beating fast. "I... I'll stay at school for a whole day." This was probably what that girl wanted right? An honor student like her probably had a ton of friends, so everyone would know otherwise. Releasing a long sigh, he closed his eyes and dropped his shoulders, knowing his fate was sealed.
"Hmmmm..." She looks up, having a bit of fun with the subject. Her eyes meet his again. "Make it three days a week, at minimum. Oh, and study at least once a week. You can't be failing classes, after all. I could always be your tutor," she crosses her arms and looks to the side. "That is, unless you want me to tell everyone..." The Principal would be pleased, and she'd be progressing towards her goal.
"Ah, but I- Tch..." She had the stubborn look on again, and Taka was completely suppressed by it. "Yes ma'am..." Taka felt completely deflated, since his easy hours were going to be pushed back even further. "I agree to it all, so just please don't tell anyone." Clapping his hands together, he bowed his head, almost like in a begging stance. 'This chick... Totally beat me.' In his mind he wept as he imagined an overgrown Kaida holding a trophy and waving at the crowd, while he sat on the second place podium, defeated.
As he bows, she lays a hand on his head in a consoling manner. She felt victorious, finally in something other than her school career. Plus, it wasn't often that people could manage to beat Taka at anything, at least to what she's seen. It was almost refreshing. "Do you happen to have Wednesdays off? Or at least leave work early?" Wednesday was one of the few days she wasn't busy, and could actually tutor him.
"Yeah, I can leave early. I just do morning runs on Mondays and Wednesdays anyways." As she petted him he felt the bitter taste of defeat, by having the winner tell the loser good try. 'I don't think that's happened before.' Looking up at Kaida she seemed rather into the subject, and less stiff than at school. "Where would you want to meet?
"Ah, great. The library should be a good place. I'd like to see your test grades when we meet up, too," She shifts position, relaxing her tense muscles. "Oh, and tell me if there's anything you can't understand. Everything's pretty easy right now, so there should be no worry!" Kaida grins. "By the way, are you just here to deliver the package?"
Nodding to her other questions, the last threw him off. "Package?" Suddenly remembering the weight in his hand, Taka yelled as he thrust it at Kaida, and then sprint outside. "Behind schedule!" Was all that could be heard as he sprint peddled off, attempting to catch up on his relaxing about.
Her arms dropped with the sudden weight, but she managed to catch it. Kaida laughs and shakes her head, returning indoors and handing the package to her boss. After working for the rest of the night, she returns home two hours before midnight with tired eyes.

Kaida's sleeping mother gurgles in her sleep as she lay on the ground, then slowly rising like a zombie from her slumber. "Here," Kaida pours half her tips into her parent's hands. With a satisfied smile, the woman lays back down to rest. Her daughter retires to her bed, sleeping through the rest of the night.
That night Taka stumbled into his pathetic little home, where the bed is a few inches from the door. After disrobing, Taka laid down on a molding mattress with no sheets not pillows, where he began to doze off, tired from an incredibly long day.
Morning comes, sunlight burning at Kaida's eyelids through the window. Yawning and standing up, she drags her mother from where she sleeps onto the futon they share. "Sleep well," she smiles.

She walks to school, and wonders if Taka will keep his part of the deal. Although he was irresponsible and often comes off as arrogant and disrespectful, he didn't seem the type of person to sacrifice pride or let down a deal. Kaida nears her school, a bit earlier than usual.
After waking up, Taka took a duffel bag of items towards the school as per usual far before school starts. After using their showers and getting changed, he found himself in the first period class room, before any one else. Today he had actually brought a school bag, with a pencil and a note pad inside. He figures he might as well do something if he was going to be there all day. Being on the second floor, he was able to look out towards the school front yard, where very few people trickled in. From the crowd he spotted Kaida, making her way inside of the school doors. Resting his head on his hands, he let out a sigh. He hadn't even brought his music player to prove a point towards that girl, but now he found himself bored. With no friends, he wasn't sure what students did at school.
Her eyes move towards the sky, and see Taka in the process. She looks back down and chuckles. 'He showed up...'

Upon entering the building and travelling to her classroom, she slowly claps at the sight of Taka looking like an actual student. "Wow, I'm proud," she laughs and sets her bag down at her desk and sits. "You'll see, it isn't that bad. You may even learn something interesting."
Laughing sarcastically, he replied, Please, I am the interesting. They can't teach myself me." After chuckling, he returned to his slouch, just to be bored again. Low long does it take for other students to show up, honor student?"
She smiles at his reply, finding humor in it. "They'll be here in maybe... 5-10 minutes? Also, I have a name you know. As much as I enjoy that title, you can always call me Kaida. Not Kappa, but Kaida." She leans her head on her palm and looks out the window with an amused expression. "The teacher will be happy, you know."
Grimacing at the thought of waiting for too long for others, Taka merely sighed. "Right, Kaida." The fact that she remembered the kappa thing yesterday somewhat fazed him, but he let it go. "I doubt it, the old man practically hates me. I'll just sit here and do nothing, but he's probably going to pick a fight." With an irritated sigh, Taka was beginning to wonder if him agreeing to this was such a good idea after all.

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