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  1. Cavil

    Other RPN Memes

    They are pretty bad mimis @Windsock 
  2. Cavil

    Other Favourite animals?

    1. Dogs 2. Elephants and rhinos 3. Whales 4. Hippos 5. Dolphins
  3. Cavil

    Food Weird Favorite Foods?

    Green tea ice cream, squid, licorice, snake, fried crocodile (it literally melts in your mouth), poached eggs, raw beef or fish (my own guilty pleasure).  I've been around for a while and I'm not too picky. But I will not touch sun-dried tomatoes. 
  4. Cavil

    Other What is your mind blowing answer to existence?

    The only reason that humanity is thriving (arguably) is the same answer to the meaning of life: scientifically speaking, procreation.  Or 42.  Whichever you choose. BUT this is a vague question that had been studied to exhaustion. Really, my answer is the meaning of life and our...
  5. Cavil

    Other What did you want to be when you grew up?

    When I grow up, I want to be a florist. I'm 26.
  6. Cavil

    Other Board gamers?

    I like Citadel as far as RPGs go.
  7. Cavil

    Other What's the deal with people with ugly usernames?

    @OP your face is ugly
  8. Cavil

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Fallout 3, by far.
  9. Cavil

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    but u r so spooky. a good ghost.
  10. Cavil

    Other What's your favorite character pose from anything?

    Actually, one of my favorite poses ever involves my OC. Someone did a fan art of him a looooong time ago but all of the artwork of him is on a disc. I really miss looking at it. He had quite a fan base. He was laying down, leaning on his arms, just chillin. I think he had a cigarette. But I...
  11. Cavil

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    Are u ok
  12. Cavil

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    My teachers told me that too. Random fact number 2: I used to be so obsessed with horses actually that my art teachers had to tell me to stop drawing them so much. I would put them in every single thing I made. On the plus side, I got really good at drawing them. 
  13. Cavil

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    Random fact: I can play the cello, guitar, drums, and the clavinet
  14. Cavil

    Other What's your religion?

    Apathetic Agnostic. Leaning towards Luciferianism.
  15. Cavil

    Other Valentine's Day: Lonely, Plans, or Indifferent?

    Valentine's day is going to be weird for me. I'm in a relationship, but my girlfriend is actually in jail. Funny story.  Anyway, it'll be just me. I guess I'll visit her for the holiday. I might go to the movies and see something.  I don't really mind seeing people in public being sweet...
  16. Cavil

    Other What Would You Label Your Fashion "Style"

    Barely there. Really. I know how to not mix patterns... I like gray, black, and white. But I have 50 pairs of shoes. I don't even know what my style is.  Wtf is that?? 
  17. Cavil

    Food What Do You Usually Have For Breakfast?

    Two cups of coffee.
  18. Cavil

    Other Favorite Historical Figure?

    Cary Grant
  19. Cavil

    Other favorite mythical beast?

    Manticore, wendigo, and skin-walkers.
  20. Cavil

    Other explain your icon/avatar/profile picture/whatever

    Taxi Driver (1976)