Other What did you want to be when you grew up?

I've grown up and would like to revert to my child years. It is not fun adulting.
Well when I was vary little it was being a an animal doctor, but overtime it changed to be an artist which for the most part I am! 
When I graduated from Elementary School, we had our graduation party at the local aquatic center. I remember sitting in the bubble jet partition of the whirlpool, with my arms resting behind my head, thinking about my future. I wanted to be a graduate student. I thought more about what subjects I wanted to study, and didn't bother over money issues. I also thought that it would be a good idea to avoid romantic relationships until I was out of school. Though I haven't followed those sentiments to a T, I still carry these intentions today, albeit a little more realistically.
I have horrible memory and apparently one of my cousins said I used to want to be soldier and what do you know, 4 years in and on a deployment. 

Then I realized how shitty this job really is. Eventually when I get out I'll have a degree in either CS or Game Design. 
As a kid, I wanted to be an astronomer. Why? The farthest reaches of our galaxy and overall universe, intrigued me, as I'm sure it did everyone else at one point.
I can only remember what I wanted to be when I was like 12. And that was a graphic designer. Over the years, my dreams have always stayed in the arts.

Now- god I don't know... I just want a career where I can be creative. I'm aiming for a voice actor or something on the artistic and visual side in game development.

But then all these career tests tell me that I'd be a great coundelor. idk, man.
It's interesting to see what people wanted to be, how it changed, and what they ended up doing.

In high school, I was really into art and writing. I roleplayed a lot, made it through NaNoWriMo three years in a row. I figured I would become a writer, an artist, or graphic designer. When university applications started, I decided I wanted to do a science degree, but somewhere over the summer before I started, I changed my mind and did some engineering courses. I fell in love with programming, the logic of it came naturally to me, which is funny because I had never done any sort of programming in my life at that point.

Five years and a computer engineering degree later, I now work at the best software company in town. I don't regret my choice at all.
I agree with @Leafa, seeing all of this is very interesting.

As for me, I was a child who changed what they wanted to be practically every month. I wanted to do most things, and thought I could do them all at the same time. Currently I wish to be a Japanese translator or the owner of a game store, which is VERY different from say a firefighter, inventor, or a train engineer! XD 
I've never had a dream personally.  I mean, sure there are the generic ideas such as doctor, firefighter, or police officer.   (I have been two of these by the way, and neither are fun jobs).

However, I've recently found my calling for life.  I want to administrate my own Sudbury School, or what is commonly referred to as Democratic Education.  If you're not sure what this is I highly recommend this video.

@Leafa  I can't quote you in this edit, or I would... I've considered this a hundred times but thinking back on all the headaches that coding gives me it gives me pause.  More because I don't actually know how to code though.  I'm a frankenstein coder.  I used to create forums on Proboards as a hobby, and side money something like eight years ago, and I remember how difficult it was to piece things together.   There was a significant feeling of accomplishment akin to an, "IT LIVES!" moment when everything starts working. lol  
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@Leafa  I can't quote you in this edit, or I would... I've considered this a hundred times but thinking back on all the headaches that coding gives me it gives me pause.  More because I don't actually know how to code though.  I'm a frankenstein coder.  I used to create forums on Proboards as a hobby, and side money something like eight years ago, and I remember how difficult it was to piece things together.   There was a significant feeling of accomplishment akin to an, "IT LIVES!" moment when everything starts working. lol  

Computers can make you feel like the dumbest person in the world and the smartest person in the world at the same time lol. That feeling of accomplishment of getting something to work after hours and hours, it's my favourite feeling, even if I have to go through torture just to feel it.
For the longest time I only focused on becoming a ballerina and nothing else because my mom was one too. I got so engrossed in ballet that I didn't even consider any other profession. Then, seven years into ballet training I discovered physics and astronomy and holy shit. I was freaking obsessed. And not in like a kiddish way, I got fucking into it. I bought books, research papers and went to space camp. I bought a telescope by saving up for two years, magazine subscriptions and all the shenanigans. I snuck out to go to planetariums, damn it xD 

So because I can't quit ballet as I'm at too high of a level (also lessons are mcfreaking expensive and prepaid) I'm hoping to do a few years of dance, then quit to go into the sciences :)

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