Search results for query: *

  1. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    @Gizaira if you don't at least tell us in OoC that you're still here, I'm going to open up your reserved characters for others to use.
  2. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon!) OOC!

    All right. I'll probably come up with something for Reynald to do too
  3. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    If you think you can handle three characters. Though I'd wait until after a little RP. I'm not looking for a new master immediately until there are about a dozen servants since Gudako can't bring all of them on a mission at once. Although it might work out just fine if one person uses only one...
  4. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    Now that there are more than six servants, I would suggest that a new master be created before too many more servants enter the RP. I'm not going to force anyone to do it, but I just don't want Gudako to be overwhelmed. She only has so much mana, you know?
  5. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    Sure thing~
  6. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    @xAlter Yep. Check the rules on the character thread
  7. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon!) OOC!

    Try coming up with a character first and then deciding what class (and sublcass) they are more likely to choose. Though I think the kannagi class is the only one no one has claimed yet
  8. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon!) OOC!

    Well, I imagine that the groups are going to be changing all over the place, so I don't think you need to worry about filling a role unless we have no character in that role at all.
  9. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    Sorry for saying I'd post one day and end up doing it over a week later. My motivation has been at an all time low these past few weeks. Hopefully meds and some creative writing will help me out of this funk. So, just wondering, since the combat in the RP will be more like the anime than the...
  10. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon!) OOC!

    I'm pretty sure we're always open. What kind of character do you aim to play as?
  11. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon!) OOC!

    At least you have video games as an excuse. I just get stressed out whenever I try to write. It's annoying for someone who wants to write -_-
  12. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    Sorry for the lack of posting. I've only come back to this site recently and I still kind of forget that this site exists. I'll post later today.
  13. Thesmashbro

    Fantasy SOMH OOC

    So, now that I'm in, I'm not sure where I should start
  14. Thesmashbro

    Fantasy SOMH Characters

    Name: Atori Daisho Age: Around 35 (though she'll say she's ten years younger) Race: Au Ra Class: White mage Personality: Atori comes across as tired and cynical most of the time, but she is genuine in her attempt to help others. When she mouths off to someone, it's mostly because they are doing...
  15. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    The biggest thing to remember is that it's not a better chance of getting a 5* servant, it's a better chance of getting that 5* servant if you would get a 5* servant. Rate up isn't a lie, it's just misleading. Also, Cu wasn't in Zero.
  16. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    All right, as long as you know. I ended up rolling him and Beowulf, but no Brynhild. Now I only have enough for one x10 roll for the valentines gacha unless I put even more money in.
  17. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    I hope you're aware that Fionn is trash tier.
  18. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    I saw it. It looked good. I also saw Kintoki's new NP animation and it is amazing
  19. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    I play US, so neither of those three are available for me XD. I have two 5-stars: Okita and Tamamo.
  20. Thesmashbro

    Fandom Chaldea Days (Fate/Grand Order RP) - OOC

    It's been my experience that an active OOC thread leads to an active RP, so... How has F/GO been treating all of you? Get any good rolls?