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  • I no longer find any joy in this. This feels like an obligation and work now, and that's the exact opposite reason why I came to this site.
    I'm A Grill
    I'm A Grill
    Shake things up! Try something new or take a break for a bit. Even the best of us suffer from burnout. Do what you need to do to recoup and find joy in it again.
    Check it. My wings are bigger then yours, blacker then yours and prettier then yours
    Ok, you can post in GA. We've waited long enough.
    Your left is already my right, so you just aim forward and fire. Since the elements are opposites it should at least help the attack from now destroying you.
    Oh gods, thanks. Lawl, I'm working on it right now, sorry sorry.
    Well just let me know when you done.
    Hey everyone, I was going to post tonight, but I got kicked out of my house. I'll try and post tomorrow, in everything, but I mightn't be ab
    Hey I just sent a post to the other members of Guardians Academy, so hopefully they should post soon and we can continue that Rp after that long period of inactivity.
    Sure thing. My Internet has been wonky though so I don't know when I'll get a post in
    Ok cool :)
    Hey there! I just joined the Riverview academy role play and our characters are in the same year. I was wondering if your character already had a room mate or not.
    Nope~ My dorm is still open, I was planning on having just a random second year, but actually having someone to interact with in there would be fantastic. If you want to know what's going on in there, she's already claimed her side of the room, and unpacked.
    I want to change this to something cool, but I'm not cool. But I feel like changing stuff so.... Yeah. God damn it, I fail so hardcore.
    sorry about that, I was waiting on Itsuki to post so i could post again. I was waiting to see if he could teach Riyoshi some Kido to help out.
    It's cool. I'll post tonight when I get home and some hw done. And you did great with analyzing their styles. Kishi will analyze until she has something figured out and until then she'll hold back a bit. Hishi is a hollow so she's instinctual, more brute force then finesse. But their fighting styles nearly mirror each other besides those aspects, with few exceptions.
    What was your offer again?
    From when you asked to use my pictures so everyone else could see them. I offered to draw out the other races as well, with boys as well as girls.
    That would be so amazing!!! I would love that! Tho we would have to discuss them to make them perfect.
    I don't know what to put here. If you were expecting something funny, you came to the wrong account...Enjoy my flailing 0_0
    I think we need to both start checking our posts and that the other hasn't already posted. Otherwise we will be waiting weeks between posts for no reason...
    I finally post but now you don't? I've checked and this time you definitely haven't left a post I've missed...
    I think we need to both start checking our posts and that the other hasn't already posted. Otherwise we will be waiting weeks between posts for no reason...
    Yeah...Okay, I'm going to do this more often. But it wasn't that I didn't check for posts, it was my computer crapped on me and I'm really sorry about that.
    No it's not your fault. we just gotta check more often with our bad luck lately...
    For anyone who roleplays with me, and I mean actually roleplays with me...I did post. But there's some weird glitch showing that Lash was the last person to post. So if you actually look at my profile, here's an update!
    You reacted fine, I wanted it to be just a normal reaction a burp like disgust and what the heck. The truth about the burp will be revealed soon.
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