Recent content by Jorian Drake

  1. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    To be honest, a detailed background is both for the others who like these, and also for myself, so I won't forget things later and can check back myself. I find this useful especially if one creates a system/race/culture and the RP continues for long. I understand it does however annoy some...
  2. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    hmm thanks for opinion, also for the spoiler help, I think it is better now, plus who really is interested can dig into the details under the spoilers further
  3. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    I think I slightly overdid the history background, still just barely got to the point to actually making the culture & character section, but I have to sleep or my day will be terrible O.o in any case, first impressions are welcome, hope no one is bothered by the length of it
  4. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    *post under construction* (Solaris Data Library, CURRENT DATE: 416 ADE, 15th Neogen Generation) Race: Neogen The neogen have their roots in the human species originating from Earth. They look almost identical to humans except for natural hair & eye colors that would seem strange to actual...
  5. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    When I still had a team of RP-ers living in my area I was often the GM so I consider my own GM / story building abilities to be better than actual player ones, I do believe giving the GM the possibility to interact with existing NPC-s toward the player characters is important, but I choose to...
  6. Jorian Drake

    Fall of Magic

    in that case yes, please do notify me aswell
  7. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    Yes, the replies of all of you are helpful :) No I don't plan to make a Krayer character, but I do think my idea of a government on the verge (sp?) of deciding to either be annexed by them or side against them would offer the NPC Krayer leader to interact more with/through a semi-neutral...
  8. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    I considered to create a home system which is currently considering to either side with the Krayers (allow diplomatic/peaceful annexation) or against them (engage in full scale war as ally of others)
  9. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    thanks for the info I wonder if it is acceptable to have an exchange student who is circa on same level of expertise as other player characters, so if the others are in year 2 or 3 of academy I could fit in right away and not have to start on year 1, this was basically the main reason to ask...
  10. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    I checked the overview subthread but wasn't sure about that, the forum is a bit strange compared to other ones I am used to. Better ask than to be mistaken, thanks for the reply though :)
  11. Jorian Drake

    Centaurus Military Academy

    Greetings! Just recently signed up for the forum, but I'm not really new to forum, I noticed the game I originally signed up for is most likely dead so I looked around to join something else and I think this one is interesting, seems to mix a futuristic military setting with anime-kind of...
  12. Jorian Drake

    Fall of Magic

    Hi! Greetings @Tenshi Hinara, I just joined the forum, as this game interests me. I also played 2-3 years ago on other forums so forum RP is not really new to me, although I have to admit that due to not being a native English user (I'm Hungarian) I may make mistakes, but I hope not too many...