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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

A. J. replaced the wire cutters and cable into one of his many pockets. He closed up the breaker box. "yeah we should probably hurry, it's always a bad idea to be late on the first day"

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Maria30 Maria30
Demonhunter Demonhunter
Clark helped A.J, as he watched him closely. "Hurrying is a very good idea," he said as by accident he hit the wall with his elbow and created a whole so he didn't notice that, until he looked over and froze. "Here goes that option,"

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Demonhunter Demonhunter
Concord Concord
Rai shrugs, standing, her scythes scraping the floor as she did. They were bound to her hip from the dark and hellish armor she wore. The scythes of death that never left her... only ever were hidden. I was already late to my first class. I do not care to be late for another. The devil shrugs as she tries once again to re-disguise herself... but that only lasted for a split second. I don't think I can hide myself anymore. If they get mad, too bad. The demon brushes Bruce's light scolding off. He may think she 'transformed' or 'became' like this. She was always like this. He just didn't see it.

Lead the way. Rai offers, gaining a bit more natural nature to her movements. She was still incredibly ghost like and didn't breathe nor did her voice ever hitch. But her movements didn't seem as stiff and stony as they used to now that she could be comfortable.

Maria30 Maria30 _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Concord Concord
Scott turned to Rai "any advice I give is basically totally and utterly hypocritical, since I have a very similar problem"

He turned to face the wall concentrated for a brief while and a crack started to appear in the air in front of him. With another burst of concentration it spirralled outwards into an elongated ellipse shape big enough for a a person to step through. The portal edges had a blue tinge to them. Through the portal the corridor outside the gym could be seen.

Scott sighed "now I don't know why I ended up with both portalling and flight, but its damn useful"

Maria30 Maria30 Concord Concord Demonhunter Demonhunter
A.J. could only watch in curiosity as Scott formed the portal. He had to agree, flights and portalling was a strange combination, but he knew there must be some great tactical advantage he couldn't think off.

"I'll go first then" he said as he stepped through the portal with no hesitation, appearing kit the other side in the corridor by the gym hall.

Maria30 Maria30 _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Demonhunter Demonhunter
Rai shrugs, taking a step inside to portal. She cracks a nice smile before turning back to her new found friends. Interesting. I can do something similar... buuuut if I take people with me they come out on the other side dead. The rift has no air.Rift travel was Rai's defining feature. One that set her appart from the warlord devils of hell. She was a void jumper, one of only four who could freely pass between the planes of existance without getting caught up in the rift.

The mortal plane and hell were actually flat. Sure the world was round, but when looking at it from a planar aspect, it was as if it were laid out flat like a map, geographical features and all. Both hell and earth were intertwined. Mountains on the mortal plane sometimes crossed the hell plane and allies in hell may cross the mortal plane. However the mortal plane and hell never truely met because another dimension always separated the two. The rift. The rifts job is not only to keep hell and the mortal plane from collapsing into themselves and becoming one, it also made sure very few actually escaped hell. The rift was inhospitable to 99% for the creatures in existance, and the ones who did call the rift home were less than friendly. However Rai could use the rift to go almost wherever she pleased.

Concord Concord _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
A.J. walked through without hesitation. The Irish boy seemed to phased by nothing so far. Scott couldn't help but wonder why. A story for another time perhaps? Rai passed through, then Clark and last of all Scott. He spoke to Rai. "no air does tend to be a deal breaker for most" He closed the portal, it collapsed in on itself, vanishing as if it had never been there.

"I guess we probably have to change into some kind of gear vaguely suitable for sports"

Maria30 Maria30 Concord Concord Demonhunter Demonhunter
(Nearly there Lotheralaix Lotheralaix )
Rai shrugs. Only if you're alive I guess. The demon shrugs. Sure she may make good light of it now... but the pure gruesome nature to which she died left it's scars. The smell of smoke would whip the devil into a defensive frenzy, tight spaces make her anxious and god forbid she ever be forced upside down. It was horrible. Worst part was she wasn't even dead yet when the paramedics veiled the white sheet over her after dragging her from the wreckage. It was all they could do for her.

Hope not. Gym teacher isn't going to be happy to find that I don't own anything other than this. Rai mentions. Hopefully that wouldn't be such a bad problem. The armor was damn good armor forged in hellfire. Or at least the metal bits were. Her armor was pit fiend hide, strongest hide in the nine hells crafted into a tight corset, ribbed in steel to protect her ribs. Her pauldron on her right shoulder, heavy but allowed for movement. Her many many cloaks around her waist obscuring her movement to make her silhouette more difficult to pinpoint. She had not worn other clothes in her existance as a demon. Why would she need to? Blood and water rolled off it like duck feathers, the cloth never stained and she didn't sweat.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Lotheralaix Lotheralaix Concord Concord
A.J. looked down at himself and mentally ran through the list of various things in his pockets. Yeaaah, Scott had a point, probably not the best for doing sports in, but he just had to chime in "I have done sports in this year before, but that was back in Ireland. And it was freaking fun, but there is probably some rule here about not doing sports and while carrying tools. I would empty my pockets but that too much effort."

Yes those were the day he loved best. As a child, running around the field with a bunch of other trainees, yelling crazy shite, lapsing into weird Irish phrases. The would hurl til sunset if they ever got the chance. He couldn't help but smile at the memories of all those games they played in the lashing rain, or even that one time they all snuck out and played a midnight match, much too the annoyance of all the parents. He missed that. He missed the freedom of home. He made a mental note to Skype his sister or maybe Martín later.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Maria30 Maria30 Demonhunter Demonhunter
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To Rai, he said "would you still die if you didn't require air to breathe? "He rubbed his shoulder blades through his hoodie, probably a good idea to change out of the one hoodie and t-shirt he hadn't accidentally ripped for gym. Especially if he could use his abilities. Scott turned to A.J. " and they're probably weird about weapons too"

Maria30 Maria30 Concord Concord Demonhunter Demonhunter
Rai thinks for a moment. Come to think of it they probably wouldn't be a fan of her carrying the two scythes at her waist. She did know something she could do with them. If she set the scythes down in the material plane they'd likely come back to her. That and if anyone got their hands on it and gave themselves just one little nick on the finger with the blade, they'd be in some deep hellish levels of shit. She was pretty sure destroying the souls of other students was frowned upon in this establishment, even if it were an accident. However there was no school rules about opening rift gates for a few seconds and storing things there.

Rai takes one of her scythes and seems to suddenly slice at the air near her... it was as if she tore through the very fabric of this existance, the plane cutting itself and opening into the rift. The screams of its inhabitants wailing like banshees through the hole in this plane, the laughter of children. The rift was a terrifying place. it was were nightmares and memories alike go to die. She sets the two sythes in before stepping away as the gate immediately fuses itself shut when far enough away from the devil's presence. That was probably a terrible idea. But it'll have to do. I don't think summoning a world wrecking demon in the middle of a gym would be a very pleasing sight for a teacher to have to see... and Grimorrah is difficult to deal with in crowds.

Difficult was an understatement, more like a complete terror. He always wanted to fight, always wanted to kill. He didn't care who. Keeping him under control was Rai's job but sometimes he did take swipes at people. Best not to risk that.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Concord Concord Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
Scott had to agree with her on that "yeah, I think the teacher would probably lose it in spectacular style. Then we'd probably have to fight it off or something. Not at all awkward." he said the last part sarcastically.

He then walked into the changing room.

Maria30 Maria30
Concord Concord
Demonhunter Demonhunter
A.J. walked into the changing room just as Rai opened the rift. He didn't see it happen, but he could feel the aura emanating from it and involuntarily shuddered. His natural instinct was to get as far away from out as possible.

He set down his bag and started rooting inside it for his sports gear. Luckily he had remembered to pack it. It was nothing fancy- just a t-shirt with the Jurassic park logo on it, some old, stained sneakers, lose trousers and a grey hoodie with a large rip in the elbow of the right sleeve. He looked at the hole with a sigh.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Maria30 Maria30 Demonhunter Demonhunter
Ariston Ariston would you like to jump back in?)
Meanwhile outside the school a demon appeared and was heading into the hallway, disguised as a human student
Scott entered the changing room shortly after A.J. He pulled off his hoodie, revealing that he had a sword sheathed to his back. It was sheathed straight between his two shoulder blades, but the oversized hoodie had hidden it from view. He also had a knife sheathed in the back of each boot, which he made sure was tucked out of view.
He replaced his boots for sneakers and the jeans for loose tracksuit ends. Scott unwound the bandage on his arm, the cut he and made earlier was fully healed. He scrunched the bandage into a ball and threw it into the bin.

Maria30 Maria30 Concord Concord Demonhunter Demonhunter
Jason had seen the trio from earlier enter the locker room along with Rai. Rai! He was supposed to be tailing her for.. For.. Because he was told to. Easing his jog into a walk he waited for the others to join him, allowing for the other students to pass him with ease. Jason needed some sort of stimulation least he go mad.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Demonhunter Demonhunter Concord Concord
A.J. pulled on his sneakers, tying them tight, so they wouldn't fall off at the wrong momnet, which had a habit of happening all too often. He changed into the rest of his gear easily, making sure to stow his knives in his boots. He noticed Scott doing the same and smiled to himself, so he want the only one who came to this strange school armed. He saw the sword too, this guy was no joke. Maybe he could get some sparring practice with him?

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Maria30 Maria30 Demonhunter Demonhunter
Scott reluctantly pulled off his t-shirt. This was the moment he was dreading, having to show his back to the world. But it had to happen at some point, he was going to have to explain sooner or later. He might as well get it over with.

Scott's back was a mess to put it lightly. There was more scar tissue than untouched tissue. His torso was a map of pain and torture, the back more so than the front. His front was mainly fighting scars that hadn't healed, his arms self-inflicted cuts, including two long vertical ones, strecthing almost the entire length of each forearm.

His lower back was covered in ferocious lash marks form what could only have been a barbed whip. They were patches of burn tissue scattered throughout like little islands of angry red lava. Circular burns as if from cigarettes. A long jagged bite scar adorned one shoulder, claw scratches that wrapped around to the front of his body. Small pricks from needles and syringes. There were other marks, caused by all manner of instruments. His shoulder blades were slightly more prominent than a normal person's. Tattooed at the base of his neck was a single digit- the number 8.

He pulled on his second shirt as quickly as possible, hoping that nobody would comment on it, but knowing that it was inevitable.

Concord Concord Maria30 Maria30 Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
A.J. couldn't help but stare as Scott pulled his t-shirt off. He tended to do around any guy, because- yay being a gay teenager! But this was different. Scott's back was destroyed. Somebody had evidently used it to test a whole arsenal of weapons. And was that a freaking bite scar? Where those claw marks? He couldn't imagine who had done such awful things to him, let alone how the boy had managed to survive.

Up and down his arms were scars, evidently self-inflicted. And there were a lot of them. He couldn't keep himself from staring, even though he knew it was rude. He could feel his cheeks reddening slightly. This wasn't something that he was supposed to be starting at. He dropped his eyes and started to redo his laces, seeking some form of distraction as Scott pulled on a different t-shirt

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Maria30 Maria30 Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
Jason was not the most patient person in the world. Bruce was constantly scolding for him for his inability to sit still - or he used to. That was certainly a story for another time that he wished to never tell. One lap around the gym became two, and two and a half. Jason willed himself to keep his legs going, not out of his exhaustion but out of his boredom. He wasn't trying to be discreet with watching the locker room door. Matter of fact he was staring at the door, hardly paying attention to what the coach was saying to the class. Honestly - how long did it take to change?

"... Please divide yourself among two teams and meet out on the diamond." Was all that Jason caught from the coach.

Diamond? What kind of rich ass school had some sort of - Diamond! The teen was perking up within an instant once the wires connected. They were going to be playing baseball, or maybe softball? It didn't matter. A bat and a ball was involved, more importantly a bat, that was all that mattered in his (admittedly slow at times) head. Patience be damned he needed these three to be on his team! Lack of overall modesty or ability to read a room (that he wasn't apart of) Jason banged through the locker room doors.

"Boys! Boys, come on now what's taking so long?" Walking between Scott and the Irish male he slung an arm around either of their shoulders. "Unless of course, I'm interrupting something." Cue the all too flirty wink and the dashing smile that accompanied it.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Concord Concord Maria30 Maria30
After crossing the portal with the others Clark looked around himself as he walked into the changing room and changed clothes except he kinda crash backwards and sighed as he got back up and looked around and left the changing room . "Scott?" He called as he looked around himself for the other guy.

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