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Fantasy Behind the Seal - Characters



Sample template for character creation:
Note: Using/not using BB Code doesn't add or takeaway from your character application. All that's important is that your character has all the following somewhere.

Basic Info

Distinguishing features:



Positive traits:
Maybe not-so-positive traits:

Personality description:


Other info/fun facts/random stuff:

Dagin Wreath

  • _b9a4da01-aa90-4dec-ab0b-c8abcc07d916.jpegName: Dagin "The Terror" Wreath

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male


    Eyes: Vibrant purple

    Hair: Shoulder-length, curly brown hair – sometimes hidden under his cloak

    Height: 6” 0’

    Weight: 190 lbs

    Skin: Olive toned

    Distinguishing features: Wolf-themed yin-yang tattoo on the upper-right side of his back
Basic Info

Name: Elysia

Age: 24

Gender: Female


Eyes: Violet

Hair: Light Brown

Height: 5’5’’

Weight: 130 lbs.

Skin: Fair

Distinguishing features:



Born as the eldest child into royalty, Elysia was raised to be queen someday. For years, her parents had been trying to search for a suitor fit to marry her, and on her 18th birthday she was betrothed to a prince in another kingdom in order for the two lands to come together and make peace. Of course, Elysia had never met this prince she was supposed to marry but heard not so kind things regarding his character – he was snobbish, rude, and held no compassion for anyone, he only thought about himself.

Determined to avoid this wedding, Elysia ran away from home in the guise of a servant girl, being helped by one of her chambermaids to escape as her decoy took over the role for her. It didn’t last long, of course, and sadly the decoy was put to death, and the hunt for Princess Elysia began. She lies low in the city, but her luck is starting to run out. She is currently looking for anyone that would help her and not turn her in for gold. She had heard of a group involving The Seal, and so she is currently seeking them out to join them.


Positive traits: Kind, charismatic, diplomatic, adventurous, compassionate to all.

Maybe not-so-positive traits: Impatient, stubborn, daydreamer/head always in the clouds, easily distracted by things.

Likes: Actively going into town and giving the people her money so that they can live better lives, she feels for them and wants the best for them despite this going against her parents’ wishes. She also enjoys horseback riding, reading romance stories and pretending to go on adventures in her mind.

Dislikes: Snobbish and cruel people like her betrothed, injustice, not being able to fight because she’s scared of weapons, people who don’t listen to reason.

Personality description: Elysia is considered fair but firm. She feels deeply for those who are in need and only wants to help them but is frustrated that her parents keep trying to deter her in that endeavor. She is a non-violent person and would rather use her words than actual weapons. She feels strongly about negotiating peace with others and thinks it can be achievable. She can be a bit lost in her daydreams at times, and as she goes on in the story a reality check will hit her hard in the face.

Weapon: None.

Other info/fun facts/random stuff:

She has a unicorn aesthetic that is strong in her bedchamber with tapestries hanging on the walls, and her gowns have hints of unicorn traits on them such as the silver fur lining and swirling horn patterns on the long sleeves.​
Name: Meera

Role: Spy

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Eyes: Greyish green

Hair: Black

Height: 5’1

Weight: 120

Skin: White

Distinguishing features: Burn scar behind her neck, covered by her hair




Meera never liked attention. Growing up in an orphanage, she would often stick to the shadows. Watching other children interact and play, but never really wanting to intervene. At some point the children began to ignore her, not really paying her any attention. Most just didn’t like that she was so quiet. But speaking wasn’t always necessary, and it was tiring for Meera. Less is more was her motto. Her expression always came off indifferent or bored, so it was hard for anyone to really know the real Meera. Maybe she didn’t even know.

After a controversy with the headmaster, things began to rapidly change. Leadership wasn’t as loving and grew more strict, to the point that some children even ran away. It was during that time that a new boy was admitted. He too had a quiet nature about him, and he never spoke. At least, Meera never heard him speak. They would often watch birds in silence - those days were the most memorable for Meera. He was her only friend. Seasons passed as more children ran away, creating even more distrust in the orphanage. Meera wanted to figure out what was going on, but unfortunately didn’t have the chance.

One night a wild fire broke out in the kitchen, engulfing the entire orphanage within minutes. She managed to escape, but could not find any other survivors. This was the beginning of Meera’s long adventure, to wherever the wind called for her. And that would eventually lead to word of Behind the Seal. A new opportunity.


Positive traits: Curious, adventurous, loves to learn new things, adaptable

Maybe not-so-positive traits: Socially inept, withdrawn at times, blunt, stares at people often (without blinking)

Likes: Birds, books, peace and quiet, alcohol, sneaking around

Dislikes: Children (they’re too unpredictable for her), crying, the sun, loud noises, fire

Personality description: Meera is quiet and doesn’t like to speak unless needed. She prefers silence over noise any day. She can be a bit blunt and emotionally detached to some, but has the ability to be friendly as long as she isn’t judged for her quiet nature...or her height

Weapon: Small knives hidden in her attire, if needed

Abilities: TBA - might add something

Other info/fun facts/random stuff: Meera will speak for hours on end if you mention anything about birds (most notably crows). You have been warned -​
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  • Emilia von Bretzenheim

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female


    Eyes: Green

    Hair: Honey-brown

    Height: 5'8'

    Weight: 138 lbs

    Skin: Slightly tanned

    Distinguishing features: None

(Side note: I am considering potentially adding Emilia's brother as a character in this story.)
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"Death was a friend, and Sleep was Death's brother."

  • 1714372328414.jpeg
    Name: Calix

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male


    Eyes: Pale Yellow

    Hair: Platinum blonde hair that reaches past his shoulders and is usually worn partially tied back.

    Height: 5'11

    Weight: 189 lbs

    Skin: Pale ivory

    Distinguishing features: His pupils are similar to felines in that they will adjust to the darkness by dilating.


Bookie - Head Librarian

  • _aea21419-84c9-49db-93c2-ddfe3a60dd9a.jpegName: Bookie

    Age: 73

    Gender: Male


    Eyes: Sapphire blue

    Hair: White hair so brilliant that it almost appears silver in bright lighting, reaching down to the small of his back

    Height: 6” 4’

    Weight: 210 lbs

    Skin: Fair skin and without blemish

    Distinguishing features: N/A

  • AD_4nXfAVHlGVA8GGfzd3fRlAIOO4R5VmhiWymUUg2fO1urMAs3hlBqi6Exs0WEMUXTHY8qhgPfL588FytobgeQv1vN-sUFLofK3POQRMn-OhYSm7gWr10muEk0If1lvpBZIzfxbHgt1RGiqx9LpdlMr5aZhlubd
    Name: Glenn Yea

    Age: 193 but looks about 43

    Gender: Female


    Eyes: Gray

    Hair: Black

    Height: 5’8

    Weight: 230lb

    Skin: See Picture

    Distinguishing features: Physically none but she tends to wear avant-garde clothes


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