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Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e IC

Mercy gazed from her vantage point as memories of past lives filled her mind reminding her of the atrocities of Han Tha.

Part of her thought about just running, but she had found her circle and she was not going to leave them. She had power. She was prepared to use it.

"I do not fear death. I will be reborn again if this body should fail."
Aredin scoffs undeterred. He levels his blade at shoulder height parallel to the ground feeling destiny's pull to the battlefield once again. "It wouldn't be the first time we've faced dark horrors. Valor my friends! The Sun shines on us this day!"
Ok everyone, Join Battle time!

Everyone gets a two dice bonus on your roll for excellent role playing. Purr Purr what is your JB pool and I'll roll it for you.
Rolling for Grey Stone.

4 successes, 7 initiative.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 30/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0

Spirit-Detecting Glance (The Solar can look through the pall of reality to glimpse the realm of spirits beneath. With this Charm, the Solar can see (but not touch) immaterial spirits.)
Rolling for Mercy

Join Battle 6, 1 Success + 3 = 4 Initiative
Initiative Order so far....

8 - Aredin
8 - Amara
7 - Fat Cat
7 - Grey Stone
4 - Mercy

Just holding on Chowlett Chowlett to see how he rolls for Glade to get started.
Ok, time to try out the full suite. 3m on Blinding Battle Feint, 2m on Swarm-Culling Instinct. 10 dice normally, +2 from stunt. I'm going to add an 8m Excellency to make that a round 20 dice.

First roll has 2 10s, so re-rolling the two 1s for those...

Then I'm at 8 successes on the 18 non-10 dice, which is a bit below par, so reroll with Perfect Shadow Stillness for 1m, 1wp...

Oooh, awful gamble, only 3 on that reroll 😬 . Total successes 7, starting initiative 10. If there's anywhere plausible to hide, I'm also hidden unless the enemies beat my initiative (which is not all that unlikely).
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Tired of talking, the big Solar moves with lightning speed and swings his greatsword in a powerful arc at Amara, trying to drive you back and off balance. He will hit with 8 successes unless you use some Charm or stunt to defend yourself.

Sherwood Sherwood has a defense to declare.

Initiative Order

12 - Filial Wisdom <====
10 - Glade
8 - Aredin
8 - Amara
7 - Fat Cat
7 - Grey Stone
4 - Mercy
Amara already had her sword out when she leapt into the middle of the crowd to protect the Celestial Lion, so when Filial Wisdom struck with his massive Daiklave, she was ready. Her arm raised up with Destiny in hand and interposed her own Daiklave to take the blow. He was bigger than her, and probably much stronger. But that mattered not to the Dawn Caste. She was immovable, the rock upon which the tide would crash and retreat from. With a grin, she looks up at the big man and said, "Is that the best you can do? Somehow, I was expecting more. Let me show you how its done, old man."

OOC Activating Fivefold Bulwark Stance for 5m 1wp and Dipping Swallow Defense for 1m, and spending 1 wp to boost my Parry DV to 8. Stunt bonus to increase it to 9 to be able to successfully block the attack.
Fivefold Bulwark Stance Active

Health Levels
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
I [ ]

Willpower: 9 / 7
Essence: 2
Personal: 16
Peripheral: 40 / 21 / 15
Committed: 19

Join Battle: 9 +3i
Form Charm Join Battle: 11

Parry: 6
Evasion: 4
Resolve: 2
Guile: 1

Natural Soak: 3
Armored Soak: +8, Hardness 7
Hearthstone Soak: 2
Total Soak: 13


Attunement: 5m
Type: Light (+5 ACC, +10 DMG, +0 DEF, OVW 3)
Tags: Lethal, Melee, Balanced

Evocations of Destiny
A user of Destiny may change the result of one die on an attack or damage roll, moving it up or down one digit. For example if a player rolls seven dice with the results “5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 2, 10,” they can change one of the dieʼs digits. In the above example, they might change the “6” up one digit to a “7” thus adding an additional successes. The magic of Destinyʼs evocations directly relates to the numbers rolled on dice. As such some players may also choose to decrease a number rolled.

When a player rolls their attack and it has three “7s” the user increases their weapon parry by 1 for three actions. Should they roll three “7s” again they may increase their parry by an additional 1, to a maximum of their (Melee or Martial Artist, whichever skill they use with Destiny), or extend the duration by 1 action, to a maximum of five actions.

Evocations of Fire Dancer
A user of Fire Dancer may place one of their Intimacies, which must be Defining, as their “innermost desire”. While the Intimacy is set and Fire Dancer is worn the user increases their Withering Damage by 4 when fighting for a cause related to the Intimacy.
A loud crash of metal-on-metal rings out across the square, along with a bright flash of sparks from the two swords as Amara's blade blocks the swing of Filial Wisdom's grand Daiklave. A brief look of surprise crosses his face at his failure to slice Amara in two, but he quickly hides that expression from you. An angry snarl replaces the surprise, and he growls out, "You got lucky, little girl. I will show you what I can do!"

Chowlett Chowlett is up with Glade
Edit: Purr Purr has his action now also.

12 - [Filial Wisdom]
10 - Glade <====
10 (7) - Fat Cat <====
8 - Aredin
8 - Amara
7 - Grey Stone
7 - Celestial Lion.
4 - Mercy
4 - Mortal Battle Group

Round 2
12 - Filial Wisdom
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Glade curses as the unfavourable location of the combat leaves him out in the open, anima flaring; and with the reactions of the creature inhabiting Filial Wisdom seemingly beating even Glade's.

Recovering, he moves towards the fray, reaching for one of his heavy darts as he goes. He'd spent rather too much essence trying to get the jump on Filial Wisdom; it was time to show a bit more caution and test his defences.

Moving to Medium range of Filial Wisdom, apparently (it'd be useful to know if I'm any closer to the mortal ring); and making an unaugmented Thrown attack.
7 successes on the attack roll.
Chowlett Chowlett Is your attack Withering or Decisive?

12 - [Filial Wisdom]
10 - Glade <====
10 (7) - Fat Cat <====
8 - Aredin
8 - Amara
7 - Grey Stone
7 - Celestial Lion.
4 - Mercy
4 - Mortal Battle Group

Round 2
12 - Filial Wisdom
With incredible agility, the possessed Solar steps back to clear some space between him and Amara and swings his blade in a rapid arc that manages to knock the dart aside before it could hit. He glances up at Glade and shoots him a poisonous glare before returning his attention to the three right in front of him.

Purr Purr is up with Fat Cat

12 - [Filial Wisdom]
10 - [Glade]
10 (7) - Fat Cat <====
8 - Aredin
8 - Amara
7 - Grey Stone
7 - Celestial Lion.
4 - Mercy
4 - Mortal Battle Group

Round 2
12 - Filial Wisdom
10 - Glade
O Mighty Fat Cat watches from the shadows listening to every word spoken or murmured, including Silent Glade's own. He glares intensely at the Han Tha, eager to return Filial Wisdom to his proper state and his followers to their proper minds. A great plan forms in his cat-like brain.

"My Circle," the jungle cat of the Celestial Wildlands whispers. "If you can take on dis... Han Tha... mebbe you can leave de cannibals to me? I may be a fledgling in de White Reapa Style... but no Man of Luna can stand long opposed if Luna's blessing are upon him. I can beat de people and try to protect de Lion. You use your combined talents to... how dey say in de bars... "wreck his day?"
From his spot outside the ruckus, O Mighty Fat Cat calls out to his Circle as they come, each in their own way, to the aid of the Celestial Lion - "Hey, me friends! Mebbe disarm Filial Wisdom so dat none of us wind up like de first lion, yes?"

Then, seeing his friends engage in battle and realizing the stakes of it all, O Mighty Fat Cat charges toward the fray as quickly as his muscle-bound big-Buddha-belly can get him there. All the while, he is raising his arms and shouting to the cannibals - "Filial Wisdom is possessed! Dis is NOT your masta, but an imposta!"

"Of course, if you will not lissen to wisdom for de sake of Wisdom, you will have me to deal with! ALL OF MEEE!!"

"Rob Zombie - Superbeast" Because Lunars are superbeasts! 8D

It begins with an inner prayer to the Goddess beyond all gods - the eternal moon that can be seen in the sky, night or day, transforming all beneath it. While the Sun provides life, the Moon provides meaning, purpose, and change incarnate. As the moon is ever-changing, so are Luna's mightiest followers. Recently, O Mighty Fat Cat along with his treasured Circle has finally risen to a new plateau, one that opens moonlit doors into new Charms, new powers, and thus, new possibilities.

O Mighty Fat Cat shine with the light of the full moon - the Survivor. He begins to run not away from the chaos, but toward it - at it. His thick muscles quiver and become thicker, larger, and in a very short time. As he transforms, his voice becomes greater, fiercer, and altogether something that perhaps no one and nothing in Rathess has ever-before beheld. O Mighty Fat Cat shouts at Han Tha until his voice can speak in human tongues no more.

"Release Filial Wisdom and desecrate dese sacred tombs no more! Refuse us and you suffer! RAAAWRR!"

Larger and larger and larger he becomes, dwarfing men, dwarfing Filial Wisdom, towering above all living things until it seems he might reach up and touch the moon itself. Now his running shakes the earth. He falls forward until he is running on all fours, his gargantuan furry tail swishing angrily as he faces all enemies with enormous bared fangs, steely-sharp claws, and such a face filled with Lunar fury as to rival those of the great dinosaurs of the past - for now, Da Chonk has become the size of them.

He falls upon the cannibals, swatting them, barreling through them, and even now, trying not to trample them - but mistakes happen. Either they flee or they face the full might of... O MIGHTY FATTEST OF CATS!
The cannibals are nowhere near a disciplined and well-trained group of soldiers, so when the massive Fat Cat charges into the midst of them, and the sight of so many other Exalts showing up, they are on the edge of breaking and running for the hills. The few with more backbone that dare to stand up against the Lunar quickly learn the error of their ways as huge paws smack them aside.

Rykon Rykon and Sherwood Sherwood are up

12 - [Filial Wisdom]
10 - [Glade]
10 (7) - [Fat Cat]
8 - Aredin <====
8 - Amara <====
7 - Grey Stone
7 - Celestial Lion
4 - Mercy
4 - Mortal Battle Group

Round 2
12 - Filial Wisdom
10 - Glade
7 - Fat Cat
With a predatory grin on her face, Amara casually says, "What's the matter, old man? Haven't you ever faced an opponent that can stand up against you before? You still planning on 'showing me what you can do?' Somehow, I'm not impressed yet." Moving her sword in a smooth motion, Amara remembers her training and slips herself into the familiar patterns of her martial art style, and she spends some Essence into boosting her physical strength far beyond her own natural limits. Despite her bluster, she has a feeling that she will need all the advantages that she can get.

Amara slinks around with the grace of a cat, shifting from side to side, she looks for an opening in the defense of her foe. With a testing strike, she begins the process of pushing Filial Wisdom back, forcing him to fight on her own terms and not his own. It is not yet time to go all out, she first needs to get an idea of what he is capable of.

OOC Going for a Withering attack, 5 Dex + 5 Martial Arts + 5 Accuracy + 1 Specialty + 2 Stunt: 18 dice
EDIT - 12 Successes to hit thanks to Destiny's effect of changing die rolls by 1.

Join Battle for my Sword is 10i for next round

Spending 10m on Single Point Shining into the Void Style, and 6m on Increasing Strength Exercise
Fivefold Bulwark Stance Active
Increasing Strength Exercise Active boosting my Str to 5
Single Point Shining into the Void Form Active

Health Levels
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
I [ ]

Willpower: 9 / 7
Essence: 2
Personal: 16 / 15
Peripheral: 40 / (21) / 0
Committed: 19

Join Battle: 9 +3i
Form Charm Join Battle: 11

Parry: 6
Evasion: 4
Resolve: 2
Guile: 1

Natural Soak: 3
Armored Soak: +8, Hardness 7
Hearthstone Soak: 2
Total Soak: 13


Attunement: 5m
Type: Light (+5 ACC, +10 DMG, +0 DEF, OVW 3)
Tags: Lethal, Melee, Balanced

Evocations of Destiny
A user of Destiny may change the result of one die on an attack or damage roll, moving it up or down one digit. For example if a player rolls seven dice with the results “5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 2, 10,” they can change one of the dieʼs digits. In the above example, they might change the “6” up one digit to a “7” thus adding an additional successes. The magic of Destinyʼs evocations directly relates to the numbers rolled on dice. As such some players may also choose to decrease a number rolled.

When a player rolls their attack and it has three “7s” the user increases their weapon parry by 1 for three actions. Should they roll three “7s” again they may increase their parry by an additional 1, to a maximum of their (Melee or Martial Artist, whichever skill they use with Destiny), or extend the duration by 1 action, to a maximum of five actions.

Evocations of Fire Dancer
A user of Fire Dancer may place one of their Intimacies, which must be Defining, as their “innermost desire”. While the Intimacy is set and Fire Dancer is worn the user increases their Withering Damage by 4 when fighting for a cause related to the Intimacy.
Filial's Caste mark and Anima banner flare as he spends his Essence to try and defend himself. He manages to interpose his sword in between himself and Amara's blade just enough to keep from getting sliced open, but not enough to keep from losing some ground to her attack. Amara hits her mark with 2 successes, Soak is 16. Go ahead and roll your damage.

Sherwood Sherwood gets to roll some dice.
Rykon Rykon is up with his action.

12 - [Filial Wisdom]
10 - [Glade]
10 (7) - [Fat Cat]
8 - Aredin <====
8 - [Amara]
7 - Grey Stone
7 - Celestial Lion
4 - Mercy
4 - Mortal Battle Group

Round 2
12 - Filial Wisdom
10 - Glade
10 - Amara's Sword
7 - Fat Cat
21 dice total, minus the 16 soak, and that gives me 5 to roll.

total of +4i
Rykon Rykon is up

12 - [Filial Wisdom]
10 - [Glade]
10 (7) - [Fat Cat]
8 - Aredin <====
8 - [Amara]
7 - Grey Stone
7 - Celestial Lion
4 - Mercy
4 - Mortal Battle Group

Round 2
12 - Amara
10 - Glade
10 - Amara's Sword
9 - Filial Wisdom
7 - Fat Cat
Aredin takes a deep breath and lunges forward, sliding across the dusty cobbled graveyard pathways. Adorei gleams and thrums in the light as its master's caste mark ignites in a white-gold flare. The rapid reverberations of Aredin's essence stormed up the wish-metal fuller, echoing Aredin's brutal howl into the shattered battlefield around the tainted solar and wounded lion. The shining, burning blade sweeps low, aiming to disrupt Filial's stance and send him sprawling to the broken stones beneath him.

[Withering Attack on Filial Wisdom. Using Excellent Strike for 3m and Fire and Stones Strike for another 3m, setting Anima to 1 stage in. Pool is base 14 + 2 for a stunt and 1 auto success. 11 total successes to hit. Even if he's not negating Onslaught penalties, at 16 soak I'm going to assume Overwhelming/minimum damage applies plus the 3 post soak from Fire and Stones Strike.
3 more initiative lost on Filial Wisdom, Aredin gains 4 initiative. Assuming I did all that correctly]
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