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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"Was it really necessary to kill her right away? We don't even know what that liquid was. We could have tried to get some answers." She said using the force to drop the body slowly.
The body was still writhing. The head was still growling, snarling, and snapping. "You don't know what it is. I do. I've seen these effects before,"
"Never heard of that before" she said
"I'm not surprised." Kallum said. "It's years before your time. You lived during the clone wars. During the time of the reformed galactic republic. I am from the time you would have called the Old Republic." He said. "Before the sith rule of two. Before the Jedi lost their way entirely."
"I'm not surprised." Kallum said. "It's years before your time. You lived during the clone wars. During the time of the reformed galactic republic. I am from the time you would have called the Old Republic." He said. "Before the sith rule of two. Before the Jedi lost their way entirely."
"Yeah long before my time" she said. "So tell me about this?"
"Yeah long before my time" she said. "So tell me about this?"
"Millenia before my time a sith lord called Darth Drear thought he had unlocked the secret to immortality. He hadn't." He said. "It reauired a disease, a ceremonial sith sword and the still beating heart of a jedi. Supposedly if you were infected and then cut out the heart of a jedi at a sith temple and consumed it, it would grant eternal life.",
"Millenia before my time a sith lord called Darth Drear thought he had unlocked the secret to immortality. He hadn't." He said. "It reauired a disease, a ceremonial sith sword and the still beating heart of a jedi. Supposedly if you were infected and then cut out the heart of a jedi at a sith temple and consumed it, it would grant eternal life.",
"That is scary and creepy" she said.
"I see. So how do we deal with this?" She asked
"We find the source of where she got that jar. The disease cannot survive long if its far away from the source. No more than the length of what you call a Star Destroyer. So it's likely somewhere in Cyriodiil. I doubt whoever has thr source is going to stop with this one attack." Kallum said
"We find the source of where she got that jar. The disease cannot survive long if its far away from the source. No more than the length of what you call a Star Destroyer. So it's likely somewhere in Cyriodiil. I doubt whoever has thr source is going to stop with this one attack." Kallum said
"That's pretty obvious. " prym looks around. "Think some others here might have a similar jar?"
"Seems to be so. Anything is possible in these times." She said
Kalem looked at Ben who was keeping people away then back at Prym. "I must speak to the Imperial Cities guard. Make sure they search everyone who comes and goes." He said walking off. He was a little disappointed. He had really wanted to test his skills against someone like Ben or Prym.
Kalem looked at Ben who was keeping people away then back at Prym. "I must speak to the Imperial Cities guard. Make sure they search everyone who comes and goes." He said walking off. He was a little disappointed. He had really wanted to test his skills against someone like Ben or Prym.
"Alright sad to see the event end so soon." She said and went over to Ben. "Quick question. I know your watch can scan species but do you know if it could pick up whatever she drank? Just trying to come up with an idea to track that liquid. "
"Alright sad to see the event end so soon." She said and went over to Ben. "Quick question. I know your watch can scan species but do you know if it could pick up whatever she drank? Just trying to come up with an idea to track that liquid. "
Ben looked at her. "I don't know." He said. He walked up to the jar and held the Omnitrix out to it. It didn't do anything.

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