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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Tazmodo said:
Kaylee frowned. "My contract and I have a bond deeper then that of respect or the soldier. If I truly want to fight he would never stop me. The world is already dead. The continent is down. And I can't fight or the hooded bitch will kill me using the circle she placed on me. Also I was manipulated and corrupted. Anything else you wana question?"
Bob stood up. "Well that I cant allow that. I owe Ruby one for catching me I mean that would have been painful. So sorry." He glared at the woman.
"Hmm..... that's quite unfortunate. I might have to kill you too. I'll just eliminate you all to save myself the trouble." The hooded woman rushes towards Gaige.
Drumonkey said:
"Why are you trying to fight me so badly? You are like my aunt technically why do you care?"
"Because fighting is fun."

Light said:
"Hmm..... that's quite unfortunate. I might have to kill you too. I'll just eliminate you all to save myself the trouble." The hooded woman rushes towards Gaige.
Gaige pulls out her shield.

Bob threw a knife in the path she was running in. If she kept going she would get stabbed. He threw several more.
Tazmodo said:
"Because fighting is fun."
Gaige pulls out her shield.

Bob threw a knife in the path she was running in. If she kept going she would get stabbed. He threw several more.
"Fighting for the right reason. If you say fighting is fun so flippantly then it would be no wonder the other side recruited you."
Drumonkey said:
"Fighting for the right reason. If you say fighting is fun so flippantly then it would be no wonder the other side recruited you."
"I wasn't recruited I was abducted and had my memories changed. It happened to several students. Also fighting is like a form of competition. It's a way to test your skills and prove your strength."
Tazmodo said:
"I wasn't recruited I was abducted and had my memories changed. It happened to several students. Also fighting is like a form of competition. It's a way to test your skills and prove your strength."
"I see well it says something that you have to prove yourself and such. I also did not know that you got abducted."
Tazmodo said:
"Because fighting is fun."
Gaige pulls out her shield.

Bob threw a knife in the path she was running in. If she kept going she would get stabbed. He threw several more.
The hooded woman keeps running and only slightly dodges the knifes. She makes sure they graze her skin. Blood flies out of her wounds and flies towards Bob and Gaige she then turns her attention to Luna and Ruby.

Ruby puts all the other gems within her as she spreads Nemesis Mist around the area.

AnthonyWrath said:
(Trying to figure out what to post)
( Dante could use the symbol to appear in the town. What side he fights for is his choice though. )
Drumonkey said:
"I see well it says something that you have to prove yourself and such. I also did not know that you got abducted."
"I don't have to prove myself I just want to fight."

Light said:
The hooded woman keeps running and only slightly dodges the knifes. She makes sure they graze her skin. Blood flies out of her wounds and flies towards Bob and Gaige she then turns her attention to Luna and Ruby.
Ruby puts all the other gems within her as she spreads Nemesis Mist around the area.

( Dante could use the symbol to appear in the town. What side he fights for is his choice though. )
Gaige used the shield to protect herself. Bob rolled out of the way. He pulled out his sword and shield and charged at her.
Tazmodo said:
"I don't have to prove myself I just want to fight."
Gaige used the shield to protect herself. Bob rolled out of the way. He pulled out his sword and shield and charged at her.
The blood flies around the shield and has spikes reach out to pierce Gaige. The hooded woman backs away from the nemesis mist. She didn't trust it but she knew it would fade away soon since it was mist after all. She touches the ground and starts whispering several words. The ground underneath Bob turns into a symbol. Any sudden step on it would set it off.
Tazmodo said:
"I don't have to prove myself I just want to fight."
Gaige used the shield to protect herself. Bob rolled out of the way. He pulled out his sword and shield and charged at her.
"Well sorry to disappoint but I don't want to fight I just want to see this fight end."
"Thanks for coming in such drastic matters Mr.Haxk." "Shut up, I saved this town once and i'll do it again as I say." Haxk looked at the big problem of the town. A demon was eating its stock. Haxk was called to take care of the problem a few days ago by a druid of the forest. The beast was a cyclops with goat legs. It was time to blow it up. He went to work on some sticky bombs.
ConnorX said:
"Thanks for coming in such drastic matters Mr.Haxk." "Shut up, I saved this town once and i'll do it again as I say." Haxk looked at the big problem of the town. A demon was eating its stock. Haxk was called to take care of the problem a few days ago by a druid of the forest. The beast was a cyclops with goat legs. It was time to blow it up. He went to work on some sticky bombs.
( What are you talking about? )
Light said:
The blood flies around the shield and has spikes reach out to pierce Gaige. The hooded woman backs away from the nemesis mist. She didn't trust it but she knew it would fade away soon since it was mist after all. She touches the ground and starts whispering several words. The ground underneath Bob turns into a symbol. Any sudden step on it would set it off.
Bob used his bow and shot and the hooded woman. He aimed for vitals. Gaige jumps out of the way of the blood.
Tazmodo said:
Bob used his bow and shot and the hooded woman. He aimed for vitals. Gaige jumps out of the way of the blood.
She had more blood leave her previous cuts and encase the arrows. The blood hardens and weights the arrows down, making them hit the ground. The blood flows off the arrows and moves straight for Luna once the Nemesis Mist is gone. To keep her distanced from Ruby. The hooded woman reaches out for Ruby with the control stone in her hand. A symbol decorated on that same palm. Little did she know Luna took all of the hits just to knock her away from Ruby.

Once Luna tackles her to the ground and holds her there she's able to see through her hood. "It's.... you. The world thought you died after my mother Hekate cursed you."

The hooded woman smiles. "I was upset for quite a while but trust me. I wasn't dead. At least not as dead as you're going to be." The hooded woman had been holding on to Luna for more than 10 seconds. She uses a spell and the blood that pierced Luna before to put her into cardiac arrest. Once Luna's magnificent red eyes dull once again. She throws her off to the side. Luna lays there as she regrets being able to do anything. She wished she could save her daughter but could on rely on Sapphire, the remaining Gods, and Emerald to do so. Her eyes seal shut as she hears Ruby calling out for her. The queen has fallen and the king and prince are no longer alone.
Light said:
She had more blood leave her previous cuts and encase the arrows. The blood hardens and weights the arrows down, making them hit the ground. The blood flows off the arrows and moves straight for Luna once the Nemesis Mist is gone. To keep her distanced from Ruby. The hooded woman reaches out for Ruby with the control stone in her hand. A symbol decorated on that same palm. Little did she know Luna took all of the hits just to knock her away from Ruby.
Once Luna tackles her to the ground and holds her there she's able to see through her hood. "It's.... you. The world thought you died after my mother Hekate cursed you."

The hooded woman smiles. "I was upset for quite a while but trust me. I wasn't dead. At least not as dead as you're going to be." The hooded woman had been holding on to Luna for more than 10 seconds. She uses a spell and the blood that pierced Luna before to put her into cardiac arrest. Once Luna's magnificent red eyes dull once again. She throws her off to the side. Luna lays there as she regrets being able to do anything. She wished she could save her daughter but could on rely on Sapphire, the remaining Gods, and Emerald to do so. Her eyes seal shut as she hears Ruby calling out for her. The queen has fallen and the king and prince are no longer alone.
Kaylee turned and blasted Bob away from the seal and protected him from the explosion. Bob was washed right to the hooded woman. He attack with his sword and shield. Rachel whatever power she had left to blast her with the woman with fire.
Tazmodo said:
Kaylee turned and blasted Bob away from the seal and protected him from the explosion. Bob was washed right to the hooded woman. He attack with his sword and shield. Rachel whatever power she had left to blast her with the woman with fire.
The hooded woman grabs his sword intentionally to draw blood. The blood leaks down the blade to the hilt and onto Bob's hand. Then it springs towards his head to take it off.

The hooded woman has a Meta Demon rise behind her to take the blast of the fire. Making it split into another copy.
Alice finally woke up again, still with Tom. She opened her eyes and stared up. She knew that Zaphkiel would have wanted her to live, but she didn't. She wanted to rejoin him, even though she knew she didn't deserve to. She silently cried, the tears dripping down her face.
Ameythyst said:
Alice finally woke up again, still with Tom. She opened her eyes and stared up. She knew that Zaphkiel would have wanted her to live, but she didn't. She wanted to rejoin him, even though she knew she didn't deserve to. She silently cried, the tears dripping down her face.
Alice's symbol on her lower stomach was warm. As if it were asking her to touch it if she wanted to die so badly. All she had to do was touch it.
Ameythyst said:
Alice finally woke up again, still with Tom. She opened her eyes and stared up. She knew that Zaphkiel would have wanted her to live, but she didn't. She wanted to rejoin him, even though she knew she didn't deserve to. She silently cried, the tears dripping down her face.
Tom could feel her tears roll onto him. "Hey your awake." He was still holding her. "Look I know it hurts but you can't just end it. You'll move on and I'll help you any way I can. So tell me everything about you and I'll do the same."
Light said:
Alice's symbol on her lower stomach was warm. As if it were asking her to touch it if she wanted to die so badly. All she had to do was touch it.
Alice felt the symbol heat up, and pulled up her shirt to look at it. She looked at the symbol, which from the moment it was put on her body, has so far caused her nothing but trouble. If only the Dark Arts hadn't taken her, if only they hadn't changed her memories, then maybe her love would still be alive. That symbol had taken everything away from her, and she wasn't going to let it take the one final choice she had. If she were to die, she'd do it her way. She summoned up a whole ton of ashes, and put them all the the mark, burning the symbol. It hurt, but she kept at it, wanting to finally get rid of the mark that had caused her so much anguish. She burned a large part of her skin, in the shape of a tree. She was getting rid of something terrible, and replaced it with the beautiful ash tree.


Tazmodo said:
Tom could feel her tears roll onto him. "Hey your awake." He was still holding her. "Look I know it hurts but you can't just end it. You'll move on and I'll help you any way I can. So tell me everything about you and I'll do the same."
Alice looked up at him once she had finished burning it all away. "Well first, do you have some bandages? Otherwise I'll end up dying of an infection." She wiped away her tears, but everytime she did, a new tear fell.
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Light said:
The hooded woman grabs his sword intentionally to draw blood. The blood leaks down the blade to the hilt and onto Bob's hand. Then it springs towards his head to take it off.
The hooded woman has a Meta Demon rise behind her to take the blast of the fire. Making it split into another copy.
Bob's head was cut off and rolled to the floor. "God damn that stings." His body slowly wonders around looking for the head. "No no no more to the left."
Tazmodo said:
Bob's head was cut off and rolled to the floor. "God damn that stings." His body slowly wonders around looking for the head. "No no no more to the left."
The hooded woman merely stares at his body as she has the blood float towards it. The blood encased it. After several minutes there's nothing but scraps of clothes left. The blood goes for Bobs head next as the hooded woman walks towards Ruby. Only to be pushed back due to having to dodge razor winds. She would try to eliminate that dragon of hers first.


( WARNING. My phone does spell checks that make my words go crazy. So if you see any words that don't make sense just know it was my phone. )

Ruby grew weak and was unable to use much of her powers since she was a Minor God herself. Meaning she'd be weakened due to the lack of praise just like the Gods. Ruby jumps on Emeralds back and flies up swiftly. He flaps his wings and sends a gust of piercing wind towards the hooded woman.

The hooded woman raises her hands and has demons of different species rise around her. They all rise in front of her to take the hit for her while the others fan out extremely far to form a vast symbol.

Ruby notices this and realizes they can't get out of the way in time since they're practically at the center. They couldn't just fly off to save themselves either. "Emerald! Stop it! Live to see another day. Just leave me!" Ruby focuses on the contract scape and breaks off the contract between the two. Emerald shudders for a moment but still continues to hold back the demons. It uses telepathy to speak with Ruby. "I shall not leave your side. Our contract was based off a deep bond. Even if you erase the contract, the moments and bond that we share cannot fade. You are my companion, contract or not. If you can muster up any strength we can at least die fighting. We should perform technique number 3!"

This brought tears to Ruby's eyes. She couldn't believe this. She felt so happy she's made a bond going beyond the contract with Emerald but it killed her on the inside. She's already lost her entire family. She couldn't lose Emerald nor could she lose Sapphire. But Sapphire's death would occur when dies since she's hosting her. She lays on his back and sheds tears she's been holding in. She couldn't bring herself to look down at Luna's body. She plants her hands firmly on his back and uses the power she's most practiced with. She'd push her powers to the limits if she had to. "Sapphire...n get ready to use the crystal power. I know I don't have much power within me to begin with but we can't let Emerald fight alone. Drop all other focuses and stay trained on conducting whatever power I have left to the crystal stone." The symbols appear on her skin as Sapphire starts to push her power into Ruby. "On it! One technique number 3 tremolite crystal version coming up!" Ruby remembers the properties of a tremolite crystal. It was perfect for this occasion since it removes sadness and depression. Towards the user it's highly empowering, giving them a taste of inner strength as well as physical presence. It helps both the physical and one spiritual type making it easier for love and compassion to flow. Ruby lays down on Emerald's neck so her head is even with his as the crystal envelops them with a sharp spear head. Emerald flaps his wings as he dives into the flow of demons. Spinning while he does so to come down like a sharp bullet. Coated by the blast of demons. A crystal appears beside the hooded woman as they're enveloped in the murky darkness and appear from that crystal. Slamming into her.

Unfortunately the hooded woman reacted fast enough to raise her hands. Making the point go through it. Her blood holds them still to keep them from spinning while it pushes them out of her arm. She backs away and smiles. "It seems like I'll have even more entertainment before I kill you." She has the blood from the wound harden to stop any unnecessary bleeding. The blood on the crystals start to pierce through. Waiting for them to break out.

Ruby was trapped and tired. Simply doing that much was extremely tiring. She needed assistance fast. The blood starts to grow closer to them. At that moment Emerald shakes the crystals off and rises up fast enough to cover Ruby as the blood pierces into him. The blood starts to travel into his system, heading straight for his heart as he nudges Ruby to push her away. "Emerald! What are you doing?! We experience pain together! Why would you do this! If we had to die at that moment we would have been better off dying together. Don't leave Sapphire and I alone.. I've already lost everything damn it!" Even with the Tremolite crystals scattered around her she was going through a world of pain and sorrow. Which quickly switched to anger. "How could you lie to me?! You said we had a deep bond! Now you're leaving me! You're supposed to bring me up." Ruby holds herself tightly. "So why do I feel like I'm already dead?! You should have ran when you had the chance!" She rushes over to his side. "It's okay! I don't blame you.... it's alright. I'm sorry... I can't believe I've almost forgot what a true bond is. But still.... why? Why would you risk your life for mine so easily?" Ruby wasn't angry, uncertain, nor was she completely saddened. The blood has already pierced Emeralds heart. He was dead and she subconsciously knew it. She was just unable to face the facts so she kept rambling on. She was broken and her mind wasn't the same. Her mother, brother, father, best friends, and companion had fallen before her. On the inside she wanted to be selfish and end her life herself to alleviate the pain. Even though doing so would make the end of the world come along a lot sooner. She was ready to accept death even if she knew her family wouldn't approve and Emerald's death would be in vain. She just wanted to be a selfish princess once more... She didn't mind failing her parents. At this point.... none of it mattered anymore. Ruby could only offer them the sorry excuse of; "I couldn't do it." The destruction of her heart and mind were enough to block out Sapphire whom was screaming out to her. Trying to get her to stand up and fight.

The hooded woman leisurely walks over towards Ruby. A smirk spread across her face.

( Note Ruby saying damn it was the first time she's ever cursed in this roleplay. )

( Dru how did you rate it character development the moment I posted it? )
Light said:
The hooded woman merely stares at his body as she has the blood float towards it. The blood encased it. After several minutes there's nothing but scraps of clothes left. The blood goes for Bobs head next as the hooded woman walks towards Ruby. Only to be pushed back due to having to dodge razor winds. She would try to eliminate that dragon of hers first.
Ruby grew weak and was unable to use much of her powers since she was a Minor God herself. Meaning she'd be weakened due to the lack of praise just like the Gods. Ruby jumps on Emeralds back and flies up swiftly. He flaps his wings and sends a gust of piercing wind towards the hooded woman.

The hooded woman raises her hands and has demons of different species rise around her. They all rise in front of her to take the hit for her while the others fan out extremely far to form a vast symbol.

Ruby notices this and realizes they can't get out of the way in time since they're practically at the center. They couldn't just fly off to save themselves either. "Emerald! Stop it! Live to see another day. Just leave me!" Ruby focuses on the contract scape and breaks off the contract between the two. Emerald shudders for a moment but still continues to hold back the demons. It uses telepathy to speak with Ruby. "I shall not leave your side. Our contract was based off a deep bond. Even if you erase the contract, the moments and bond that we share cannot fade. You are my companion, contract or not. If you can muster up any strength we can at least die fighting. We should perform technique number 3!"

This brought tears to Ruby's eyes. She couldn't believe this. She felt so happy she's made a bond going beyond the contract with Emerald but it killed her on the inside. She's already lost her entire family. She couldn't lose Emerald nor could she lose Sapphire. But Sapphire's death would occur when dies since she's hosting her. She lays on his back and sheds tears she's been holding in. She couldn't bring herself to look down at Luna's body. She plants her hands firmly on his back and uses the power she's most practiced with. She'd push her powers to the limits if she had to. "Sapphire...n get ready to use the crystal power. I know I don't have much power within me to begin with but we can't let Emerald fight alone. Drop all other focuses and stay trained on conducting whatever power I have left to the crystal stone." The symbols appear on her skin as Sapphire starts to push her power into Ruby. "On it! One technique number 3 tremolite crystal version coming up!" Ruby remembers the properties of a tremolite crystal. It was perfect for this occasion since it removes sadness and depression. Towards the user it's highly empowering, giving them a taste of inner strength as well as physical presence. It helps both the physical and one spiritual type making it easier for love and compassion to flow. Ruby lays down on Emerald's neck so her head is even with his as the crystal envelops them with a sharp spear head. Emerald flaps his wings as he dives into the flow of demons. Spinning while he does so to come down like a sharp bullet. Coated by the blast of demons. A crystal appears beside the hooded woman as they're enveloped in the murky darkness and appear from that crystal. Slamming into her.

Unfortunately the hooded woman reacted fast enough to raise her hands. Making the point go through it. Her blood holds them still to keep them from spinning while it pushes them out of her arm. She backs away and smiles. "It seems like I'll have even more entertainment before I kill you." She has the blood from the wound harden to stop any unnecessary bleeding. The blood on the crystals start to pierce through. Waiting for them to break out.

Ruby was trapped and tired. Simply doing that much was extremely tiring. She needed assistance fast. The blood starts to grow closer to them. At that moment Emerald shakes the crystals off and rises up fast enough to cover Ruby as the blood pierces into him. The blood starts to travel into his system, heading straight for his heart as he nudges Ruby to push her away. "Emerald! What are you doing?! We experience pain together! Why would you do this! If we had to die at that moment we would have been better off dying together. Don't leave Sapphire and I alone.. I've already lost everything damn it!" Even with the Tremolite crystals scattered around her she was going through a world of pain and sorrow. Which quickly switched to anger. "How could you lie to me?! You said we had a deep bond! Now you're leaving me! You're supposed to bring me up." Ruby holds herself tightly. "So why do I feel like I'm already dead?! You should have ran when you had the chance!" She rushes over to his side. "It's okay! I don't blame you.... it's alright. I'm sorry... I can't believe I've almost forgot what a true bond is. But still.... why? Why would you risk your life for mine so easily?" Ruby wasn't angry, uncertain, nor was she completely saddened. The blood has already pierced Emeralds heart. He was dead and she subconsciously knew it. She was just unable to face the facts so she kept rambling on. She was broken and her mind wasn't the same. Her mother, brother, father, best friends, and companion had fallen before her. On the inside she wanted to be selfish and end her life herself to alleviate the pain. Even though doing so would make the end of the world come along a lot sooner. She was ready to accept death even if she knew her family wouldn't approve and Emerald's death would be in vain. She just wanted to be a selfish princess once more... She didn't mind failing her parents. At this point.... none of it mattered anymore. Ruby could only offer them the sorry excuse of; "I couldn't do it." The destruction of her heart and mind were enough to block out Sapphire whom was screaming out to her. Trying to get her to stand up and fight.

The hooded woman leisurely walks over towards Ruby. A smirk spread across her face.

( Note Ruby saying damn it was the first time she's ever cursed in this roleplay. )

( Dru how did you rate it character development the moment I posted it? )
(I always have at least a tab open for this rp and the last one I was in with you and I got a notification while I was making a CS so I looked at it, skimmed it because I basically don't care what is happening here anymore and rated it character development for the last line.)
Drumonkey said:
(I always have at least a tab open for this rp and the last one I was in with you and I got a notification while I was making a CS so I looked at it, skimmed it because I basically don't care what is happening here anymore and rated it character development for the last line.)
( Seems legit. )

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