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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Aria slowly went back into the room to wait for Dante and Rebeca but as the time passed she slolwly fell asleep.
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]She left Tom there, following her. (B-but I like being evil)

(Its ok we can still be its fun that way)


[QUOTE="Suzy Mey](They did it, but just quick.)

(Hes not that tyoe of guy when he does it he does long)
Light said:
The hooded woman stares at the stone of control in her hand. "Hmm... It seems like I have the second stone in my possession. The headmaster was in on this too but it seems like he's gone to do his own things. Most of the Gods have been killed as well. Which brings us a step closer. We must get to the academy as soon as possible. It holds one of the stones we need. Matter of fact.... Now that I've been pushed this far." With that the hooded woman starts to walk out the room to the laboratory. She intended to give them their memories so they could see all the things they've done through their regular eyes. It would be amusing to see their reactions since she didn't need them anymore.

( What songs are you playing? )
Alice felt joy hearing that most of the gods had died. She figured that included Zaphkiel as well, which made her heart soar in euphoria.

(Right now, What the Water Gave Me by Florence + the Machine. Which is basically crushing my heart. Its really just a mix of Lorde and F+tM though.)
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante walked with the hooded woman to the laboratory with the others.
Ameythyst said:
Alice felt joy hearing that most of the gods had died. She figured that included Zaphkiel as well, which made her heart soar in euphoria.
(Right now, What the Water Gave Me by Florence + the Machine. Which is basically crushing my heart. Its really just a mix of Lorde and F+tM though.)
Tazmodo said:
(Im going to bed night)
Suzy Mey](Oke) [/QUOTE] ( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
@Drumonkey[/URL] )

The hooded woman has them all walk into the capsules. She smirks as she starts to revert their memories back to normal but let's them remember everything they've done while they're in the power nullifying capsules. "You know.... It's really entertaining seeing that you've read that book about the founder of this organization. I made sure the book was completely inaccurate about her entire life story but slightly the same. She has been alive since the 5th century. I can assure you it's true. Though this organization was only created centuries later when she's learned every secret to the world in the 20th century. Her name was Elizabeth Woods." She had no problem telling them this. "The immortal yet mortal witch who's organization bested the Gods. I'm quite sure you were all here to witness that. I made sure the Dark Arts members of today don't know this as well." She starts to sign several papers. "Would you like a pay check to go? I'm sure our founder would want me to pay you."
(Light wants last thought posts before they died so.... blame him. To be honest I WOULD NOT READ THIS. But hey this time Ill put color and itll be beautiful. But yeah after this I'm out. Sorry to yall. Like I knew they were all loved and shit but I didn't reeally know the magnitude)

Decimus watched as his friend walked up, kind of drained from the Body of Hades. "Hey. It looks like we're doing pretty well. Are you ba-" But before he finished the darkness spikes pierced through him, shock and horror on his face. His eyes twitched as he fell to his knees, eventually collapsing. His soul so powerfully bonded to those on earth, he tried to heal, force the darkness out, anything. Anything to live. He thought about Rikka, Daliah. Isabella. How he told Rikka he wasn't ready for another child. He lied. He so lied. He now wish he had. And now his wife was off going insane and he couldn't stop her. And it was his fault, his idea. He slightly cried, his eyes starting to dim. His left eye had turned blue so long ago for the love he felt for Rikka. His right eye turned red 15 years ago when Daliah and Isabella were born, his strength. Now he'd never see them again, never see them grow. His eyes slowly turned back to their normal black, his life ending. He tried to send a call to warn Morpheus but couldn't get his mind to work anymore as his life ended

Daliah felt a strange.... chaos. She didn't know what it was. She tried to focus on it. Something was going on in Underworld. She feared the worst and she was right. That moment she felt her father's soul in Underworld. She hopped up, ready to go to him and figure it out, panicking. Then she felt a blade to her throat. She gasped and held her hand to her neck. So much blood spilled on the floor. There was no pain really. Just blank... warmth. She thought about Ruby. How she should have just been honest. She apologize silently to Sapphire, asking the demon to protect her one and only love. She fell forward, her face hitting the ground. Her last thought was of her little sister. How horribly she treated her .And how sorry she felt because of it

Angelica didn't have any time to react. She was skipping, on her way to Eric when she felt a weird... pinch. She looked down to see a hand through her chest. She didn't understand what was happening. Then her heart was ripped out and her life ended, falling forward. Her hair was no longer flowing, the tips breaking in the air. It was all still. Her life was truly over

Ryan was shocked to see Damian. He immediately saw the blood on his hand and quickly got ready. He didn't know what was happening but he knew this was bad. He pulled his bow at the man who made his own copy, his darkness bow. The two had their battle go out but Ryan started to lose. He tried to escape, go to Gagie, Rachel. Anyone. But Damian caught him and dropped him into the darkness. He tortured, draining the light out of the man, leaving him there in the silence, the madness, for who knew how long. But it wasn't really too much time. Ryan was just the god of music. He needed sound and being in the shadow realm was killing him. He weakly stood and tried to escape,finally being killed by Damian. He looked the man in his eyes, watching him. Seeing all of the insanity in him. Ryan used the last of his power to cure the corruption in his friend as his life finally ended

Zaphkiel was sitting on the roof, looking the town, the destruction. This was his and Alice's spot. But it didn't matter. She hated him. He spent all of this time thinking about it. It made sense. He was annoying, irritating, bothersome, clingy. He knew it. He tried to hide it but it was just a problem. He craved attention. He knew he shouldn't have fallen so hard but how could he not? But it was a ruse. She was just a good actress. He sighed deeply and felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see Damian. He didn't understand exactly what was happening but he could feel the slight... negative thoughts in him. Next thing he knew the two were fighting. Damian wanted to... kill him. But he didn't care. He didn't want to live at this point anymore. He was tired of it. He took the finally strike and let the man catch his head. The moment he touched him one thought crossed his mind. Puriel and the new contract. He didn't even get to name him. He just promised to be there for him. But before Zaphkiel could escape Damian had ripped his skull off and crushed it. Puriel was in Zaphkiel's room. When he felt the boy die, he quickly went to Katie. He didn't know what to do. He sat on the girl's head and just... died inside. The other contract stayed in Zaphkiel's room. He couldn't move. He wanted to believe in the kid but... now he was gone. He believed it now. He would always be alone. The beast crawled under the pillows and wouldn't leave

Brooke felt.... empty. She didn't know why. Before she really knew her mother was dead, Damian rose out of the darkness behind her and ripped her arms off. She screamed in agony and he had no mercy, ripping off her legs. She bled out and felt too much pain to ever think

Isabella didn't know anything. She had no ties to Underworld. Her natural power was weak. So she was focused on being with Ruby. Next think she knew, she felt a blade in her heart. She looked up to Ruby, begging in her eyes. The blade was pulled out and she died

Sitiri scream in pain. He was dying. He was trying so hard to exist, escape. But he couldn't. Before she died, Sitiri forced the symbols on Isabella and spoke so weakly. "Hey babe... sorry I... have such a weak temper. But it looks like this is it. Damn and... no real kiss" He had a chuckle as the life left him, the stones escaping

Rebecca was so focused on her journey she didn't notice the horrors going on by her father. She was going to save Reed and tell him she thought she loved him. She did in the hall, but he didn't hear her. Had she just said it again... maybe he would have stayed. But it wasn't too late. She could tell him. Then she felt her father with her. She was so happy and hugged him "I knew you were alive!" He comforted her. And quickly betrayed her. She felt hell. True hell. Her own father had just killed her. Her body fell off the dragon and crashed into the water, bleeding out

Beleth raised an eyebrow to the man. "Interesting. Well then that solves my problems. I have nothing else to do. I will inform the Dark Arts. Thank you for your assistance. He watched the man disappear and grabbed the stone, going to the hooded woman. Satisfaction in his heart. But he didn't want to complete the goal after the point of the gods being dead. He didn't care anymore now that Morpheus was dead.

Morpheus had no idea what was going on but he could feel so many of his friends were dropping. He tried to warn Luna but she was too focused. He didn't understand. It just didn't make sense. And one thought shared between most of them. Damian. He had clones all over before he realized it was pointless. He had told Damian the secret to them all. His face contorted to horror. He went to Luna, moving as fast as he could. But it wasn't enough. Just as he made it to her, just as he opened his mouth to speak, he was dropped into the shadow realm. "Cu-" was the last thing he said to her. In the realm he stared at his friend with.... fear. True fear. "Damian what are you doing?! It's me! Morpheus! Your best fucking friend! We have been together since we were children! What're yo-" But the man wouldn't listen. He fought all he could but it wasn't enough. Damian had even called him by his real name. He had used Morpheus so long he almost forgot he changed it. In the end he couldn't think straight as his life was ending. Luna... I don't know whats going on but I am so sorry I had so many secrets. Please... look after the kids. Stop Damian. For me. Ruby.... you are a beautiful young woman. You have made me so proud. Don't ever think otherwise. Zaphkiel... poor stupid Zaphkiel. You're just like your old man you know? Just like him. I.. I can't feel your pain anymore. I am so sorry son. Believe me. I wish I had done more. I love you all. I am...... so... sorry" He life ended

Damian was feeling a sick satisfaction from it all. He hated the gods with a passion. He killed them all one by one. But when he got to Angelica.... his memories returned. She was the inhibitor. The one holding his memories back. And he hated her more. But they flooded. He remembered his entire childhood. He was a happy kid. Until his parents were killed by Zeus. He went from foster home to foster home until his birth father finally picked him up. He was a demigod then. He remembered meeting Morpheus, their friendship. He remembered Morpheus' real name. He felt.... remorse. But it all didn't matter. He had a goal. By the time he got to Morpheus, he let him speak. For old time's sake. But eventually he had enough. "That's enough Zachariah. It's time we end this old friend" When he was done he brought Luna the man's body and smiled in her face. He knew the woman would be too shocked to attack but that wouldn't last long. He quickly killed himself, his objective done. Then he heard his last thought before his mind was changed. "You better fucking save me my old friends" His smiled turned to a slight smirk. He was about to feel true pain due to his actions but his body gave out and he finally died.

(Wow that was long. Anyways, NOOOW i'm done. Done die too much. All things beautiful must come to end. That's what makes them great. Do not focus on the pain. Remember the good times. Or some deep shit like that idk I dont feel like being philosophical anymore. Goodbye All. I am sorry for killing you inside
Light said:
( @Drumonkey )
The hooded woman has them all walk into the capsules. She smirks as she starts to revert their memories back to normal but let's them remember everything they've done while they're in the power nullifying capsules. "You know.... It's really entertaining seeing that you've read that book about the founder of this organization. I made sure the book was completely inaccurate about her entire life story but slightly the same. She has been alive since the 5th century. I can assure you it's true. Though this organization was only created centuries later when she's learned every secret to the world in the 20th century. Her name was Elizabeth Woods." She had no problem telling them this. "The immortal yet mortal witch who's organization bested the Gods. I'm quite sure you were all here to witness that. I made sure the Dark Arts members of today don't know this as well." She starts to sign several papers. "Would you like a pay check to go? I'm sure our founder would want me to pay you."
"I want the electrical impulses from your mind for making me harm those people. I am an elemental and should behave better than that." (its not just them @DizjayDeathPride it is you too)
Eric had given up. "Luna I'm sorry. I knew this was coming but.... I couldn't stop it. It was a lost cause. No matter what actions I took it only made things worse. I kept trying but it spread from Morpheus and Zaphkiel to all the others even Brooke and Angelica. I am sorry." He went to Angelica and dug her a grave next to Brooke. He didn't cry. He couldn't. No matter how much he wated no needed to it wouldn't happen. He had gotten used to this feeling and couldn't open up like then again. His heart closed up and he had no emotion anymore. He was hollow. @Light

(My phone is at 1% and I dont have my charger)
Alice went in the chamber without a clue of what was about to happen to her. She had been feeling such euphoria over Zaphkiel’s death, that she didn’t even care too much about it. She entered the capsule, letting herself be strapped in, as the memories start to flood back in. As the memories flood in, her euphoria immediately fades from happiness, to shock. She wasn’t betrayed, she was never a part of the Dark Arts to begin with, and her time with Zaphkiel. Oh god, Zaphkiel. The dorm, the tree, the cooking, Grey, the roof, everything. Her shock began to wear off, and she immediately wished it hadn’t. Her heart felt as someone has decided to twist it around inside her chest. She could’t even make a sound, sobbing so violently she almost vomited. She was in the worst kind of hell, as her body shook from the force of it. She thought of everything she ever did with him, everything that she would never be able to again, everything she never did. She never to got to tell him how he was the most attractive guy she ever had the pleasure to know. She never got to hear that story he owed her. She never got to tell him how much she really loved him, that she could never possibly hate him. She never got to tell him that all of it was real. She took him for granted, and now it was coming back to hurt her in the worst way imaginable. His laugh, his voice, his jokes, his love. All of it was gone. She would never get to hear it again. Never had she thought this would happen to her. If only she never choose the desert path. Then this would have never happened. She felt so guilty, and such grief that it hurt her inside. It hurt, oh god, how it hurt. Her heart, her mind, her soul. She wanted to scream, to punch anything. She wanted to somehow get rid of this pain. But she didn’t get that luxury, nor did she deserve it. This was all her fault. If only she was stronger, if she had gotten out. She wished that she never even met him, even though in her heart she knew it wasn’t true. Alice loved him for god’s sake. She loved him even more than herself. She would have given anything to him, anything he wanted. She would have died for him, and right now she wished she had. She wished that she was the one who was dead, the one who was gone. He was good, kind, funny, and absolutely beautiful. She was a murder, who lusted for things like blood, and terrible. She slumped in the capsule, her body too weak to hold herself up. Her voice came back, and she looked up at the sky, bawling. She pleaded for him to come back to her, for it to all be over. She cried out his name, as a fresh waves of grief washed over her. Her whole body shook, and she dug her fingernails into the palms of her hand. She broke the skin, and blood began to drip from her hands, but she didn’t care. She looked at the hooded woman and pleaded with her. “Please, please just kill me. I beg you. Just kill me, please,” She begged, tears pouring down her face. She looked back down. “Please,” She repeated quietly, looking back down. Her will to live was gone. They had broken her. She would have felt angry, but all she felt was a terrible hollowness in her chest, and misery that no human being should ever experience.
Last edited by a moderator:
Nikolay went to the laboratory and watched Alice while grining madly. "Poor...poor Alice...." He said to himself and to the hooded woman with a sarcastic tone in his voice. "No...no....she wont kill you...." He said to Alice.
Jack was on the floor. All the death was heavy and all but without their power they were uses. He slowly stood and went to Luna. "Luna I know it's bad timing but we're all going to die if we don't do something. The students are our only hope. We need them." @Light

Kaylee had finished grieving and grew angered. She walked over to Luna and the others. "I agree with Jack we need to fight."

Rachel walked out slowly. She didn't have a body to mourn. Gaige was with her smiling that she was okay. Rachel gave her a hug and the two walked over. "I'm ok to fight if necessary."

Reed was oblivious to it all. He laid on the bed and tried to relax. He still didn't care for the gods he focused on Rebecca. He loved her but could never tell her. He thought about the last conversation they had. She was upset when he zoned out and missed what she said. He concentrated on what she had said. It was important to her but he couldn't put his finger on it. He smiled thinking about her. "When I het back I'll tell her." He was happy for deciding what to do and he couldn't wait.

Bob went back to Luna and the others. "What's the plan?"
Tazmodo said:
Jack was on the floor. All the death was heavy and all but without their power they were uses. He slowly stood and went to Luna. "Luna I know it's bad timing but we're all going to die if we don't do something. The students are our only hope. We need them." @Light
Kaylee had finished grieving and grew angered. She walked over to Luna and the others. "I agree with Jack we need to fight."

Rachel walked out slowly. She didn't have a body to mourn. Gaige was with her smiling that she was okay. Rachel gave her a hug and the two walked over. "I'm ok to fight if necessary."

Reed was oblivious to it all. He laid on the bed and tried to relax. He still didn't care for the gods he focused on Rebecca. He loved her but could never tell her. He thought about the last conversation they had. She was upset when he zoned out and missed what she said. He concentrated on what she had said. It was important to her but he couldn't put his finger on it. He smiled thinking about her. "When I het back I'll tell her." He was happy for deciding what to do and he couldn't wait.

Bob went back to Luna and the others. "What's the plan?"
"Well before there is a plan I must check something first." Luna asks for Ruby to help her stand. Ruby carries Luna over to Emerald and climbs up on his back with her. "I shall return soon... there is something I must check." With that Emerald speeds off I to the air.

Once they make it to the academy going through the storm Katie has caused, Luna and Ruby make their way to the Medical room. Luna still uses Ruby for support. Once Luna enters the room and searches through Ryan's findings she crushes the paper in her hands as Ruby picks up the stone Ryan had been holding. Nemesis Mist. Luna seems to be infuriated but her sorrows are drowning her rage out. She leaves the room with Ruby and gets on Emeralds back. Once they return Luna clears her throat. "No... we shall not send our children to fight them. We must defend what we have left. We don't know their numbers. We only have a few students. We don't even know exactly where they are. So we'd just send them on a wild goose chase to die. I know what they're after and I think I finally know who we're dealing with as an enemy. We must help the mortals in any way we can and try to fortify everything. With that we should get slight prayers at least out of hope but we can't win them all. We wait for the Dark Arts to attack since it seems to be our only choice. They want the stones of some power over the Meta Demon... so be it. They'll have to fight for them. Spread out and start."
Light said:
"Well before there is a plan I must check something first." Luna asks for Ruby to help her stand. Ruby carries Luna over to Emerald and climbs up on his back with her. "I shall return soon... there is something I must check." With that Emerald speeds off I to the air.
Once they make it to the academy going through the storm Katie has caused, Luna and Ruby make their way to the Medical room. Luna still uses Ruby for support. Once Luna enters the room and searches through Ryan's findings she crushes the paper in her hands as Ruby picks up the stone Ryan had been holding. Nemesis Mist. Luna seems to be infuriated but her sorrows are drowning her rage out. She leaves the room with Ruby and gets on Emeralds back. Once they return Luna clears her throat. "No... we shall not send our children to fight them. We must defend what we have left. We don't know their numbers. We only have a few students. We don't even know exactly where they are. So we'd just send them on a wild goose chase to die. I know what they're after and I think I finally know who we're dealing with as an enemy. We must help the mortals in any way we can and try to fortify everything. With that we should get slight prayers at least out of hope but we can't win them all. We wait for the Dark Arts to attack since it seems to be our only choice. They want the stones of some power over the Meta Demon... so be it. They'll have to fight for them. Spread out and start."
Bob, Kaylee, Rachel, Eric, Gaige, and Jack spread out ready to fight.
Suzanna retrieved all of her memories.

She seems...indifferent.

"I maxed out power in your organization. The school would have never let me do that..." She says. "I understand what I have done."
Light said:
The hooded woman simply stares at most of them. "Does this sadden you? Would it hurt even more if I told you Zaphkiels dead?" She smiles at this and waits patiently for her reaction. She found entertainment in this. "He died without knowing you slept with his best friend even though he he told you about his story. Would you like details on how many of your friends died in one instant or would you prefer a summary? I forgot, you made zero friends there. Not one of you did. It really is a shame now that everyone is gone, you can't attempt to make friends now. Which makes things a lot more easier on me. All we have to do is kill Ruby and collect the stones from her and our goal is complete. You've done a great service for the organization. Elizabeth would be proud. At least you all have each other though. Would you two like another room?"
Alice had a feeling in her heart that he was dead. But to hear it be confirmed, it hurt even more. It was true, she had no friends. He was the only one who even gave her the light of day, the only one who loved her. "Please. Just kill me. I can't take this anymore," She felt hollow, and absolutely miserable. She couldn't even cry anymore, her eyes all dried up.
Ameythyst said:
Alice had a feeling in her heart that he was dead. But to hear it be confirmed, it hurt even more. It was true, she had no friends. He was the only one who even gave her the light of day, the only one who loved her. "Please. Just kill me. I can't take this anymore," She felt hollow, and absolutely miserable. She couldn't even cry anymore, her eyes all dried up.
[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]Suzanna retrieved all of her memories.
She seems...indifferent.

"I maxed out power in your organization. The school would have never let me do that..." She says. "I understand what I have done."

"Really? You're not going to cry? I thought you cared? Maybe you were meant to be apart of this organization. You were just using him to get into the castle weren't you? I can't blame you... It makes sense since you did sleep with Dante instead of him." The hooded woman sits down in a chair. She looks at Suzanna. "Are you sure you truly understood? Do you intend to stay?"
Light said:
"Really? You're not going to cry? I thought you cared? Maybe you were meant to be apart of this organization. You were just using him to get into the castle weren't you? I can't blame you... It makes sense since you did sleep with Dante instead of him." The hooded woman sits down in a chair. She looks at Suzanna. "Are you sure you truly understood? Do you intend to stay?"
Alice shook her head. "No, no that's not true! It's not true, I swear it's not!" She did care for him, she cared too much for him. It hurt to hear her even accuse her of not caring, or not loving him. "I don't want to live anymore! You got yourself down here, most of the gods are gone, what more do you want from me? I just want to die!" She yelled, getting angry.
Ameythyst said:
Alice shook her head. "No, no that's not true! It's not true, I swear it's not!" She did care for him, she cared too much for him. It hurt to hear her even accuse her of not caring, or not loving him. "I don't want to live anymore! You got yourself down here, most of the gods are gone, what more do you want from me? I just want to die!" She yelled, getting angry.
Nikolay laughed at her reaction. "Hehe.....you're funny....so damn funny....." He said, slowly lowering his sunglasses, revealing blood red eyes.

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