Xander Gage Carter

Ember Spark

Sparky AKA Flint

Age, Height, Weight

Gender, Sexuality



Strengths and Weeknesses


Likes and Dislikes


24 6'1" 160lbs

Male Heterosexual

Nephlilm The offspring of humans and angels, Child of the nephilim, a race made to protect humanity from demons

He can heal himself and others to an extent, illusion manipulation, flying

Strengths: • His powers • His wings • Hand to Hand Combat Weaknesses: • It is almost unbearable when his wings come out. • He is easily angered • His hair that’s in his face that he refuses to cut

Xander is very closed off. He dosent enjoy big groups of people. He’d rather sit in and study or watch movies. He is scared of the reaction people will have if he lets his wings out so he keeps them hidden which is very painful for him.

Likes: • Books • Smoking • Music • His favorite leather jacket Dislikes: • Groups • Chocolate • Soda • Birds

Xander knows nothing about himself other than his father was the archangel Michael and his mother was human. He was put in a ‘supernatural’ orphanage when he was a baby.

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