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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

"I'll do you a favor and give you both, just not right this minute" Stan stood up "I'm going back inside to make help evacuate the students and I'm gonna need you to just take it easy" Stan started running back to the mansion.
"Evan Grey." Apocalypse murmured, glaring at the one standing before him. "I think it's time you join your mother."

He raised one gloved fist towards the X-Mansion and snapped. In the blink of an eye, the mansion was shifted fifteen feet in the air, carrying the concrete foundation with it. In another flash, it was relocated so that Evan would be buried under the rubble of the front room when it fell. All those still inside had been simultaneously teleported beneath the building, dazed and disoriented. They would all become casualties in mere moments.

Aaron, still unconscious but alive despite the multiple lacerations and bruised ribs, was fortunate enough to be the only one left inside the building. Perhaps being unconscious had spared him from the fate that awaited all his friends, or maybe Apocalypse had already assumed him dead and didn't waste the effort. Either way, he was still going to be in for quite the fall the second the mansion fell back to the ground.
Kyra ran out of the building, then turned around and saw it be shifted into the air. "Oh my god" She said softly to herself. She ran away as fast as she could. What in the world could possibly do that?! Whatever it was, she didn't want to meet it.
"Shit." Evan mouthed. He didn't have alot of time and he couldn't save everyone. Not to mention the growing hunger in his flesh. He moved at an amazing speed, grabbing Darren; slammed his body through the mansion to where he felt Aaron, grabbing him as well; then dropped them both on a part of grass far away from the crash. The debris flew outward, causing a forceful explosion.

Evan flew toward the source of chaos, his powers on the fritz again. A flare of psionic flames flew out toward ahead of him, crashing sporadically with his target.

'What the hell?' He thought, stoppolin his flight path mid way.
The fall broke the mansion apart like a twig snapping over one's knee. A wave of telekinetic force had hammered it into the ground, shattering it into a pile of ruined architecture. Most of the students died as the building came crashing down on top of them, what was once their home was now their grave.

The brunt of the psionic flame washed over Apocalypse as he raised a force field over his entire being. "Pitiful. The humans have softened you." He bellowed, launching into the air straight towards Evan, one fist extended out towards his target.
Evan was unprepared for the brunt force that knocked into him. He sailed to the ground, the impact causing the ground to quake around him. As he fell into unconsciousness, he reached out, trying to grab something. His vision faded into a blinding white and he fell under.
Nicolette heard the mansion crash on the ground. She knew people were dead, but she refused to admit it. She slowly made her way to her feet and kept her arm close to her. She backed up, inspecting the damage, and turned around walking over to Kyra. "You okay?"
"I'm fine..." Kyra said. "Just a bit surprised... What the hell was that?!" Kyra started to regret coming to the school. The day she came here just happened to be the day the whole school got destroyed. Just her luck.
"Apocalypse. I would explain but I don't even understand it completely," Nicolette said leaning over in an attempt to ease the pain. "Just a tip, if you wanna stay on missions, don't do anything stupid. You'll just get yourself hurt on the process." She sighed looking back at the rubble, "It'll be a miracle if anyone survived that." She got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and sighed shaking her head.
"This one.. Bring him to the Pens." Apocalypse hovered over Evan, staring down at him. "First we shall break his body, and then his mind. We shall reshape him, and he will be another of my Horsemen if he proves capable."

The Horsemen Death gathered up the unconscious Evan and prepared to leave the area, intent on imprisoning Evan as the first of what would become many mutant captives. The other Horsemen, along with Apocalypse, wandered amongst the rubble of the mansion, each seeking a survivor to either imprison or kill.

Aaron came to, finding Darren besides him. His head was hazy and he couldn't quite think clearly, but even the disorientation couldn't have distracted him from the mental screams of anguish left behind by those who had just died. He reeled and scrambled along the ground, trying to put distance between himself and the source.

"Darren! What the f*** just happened?" He asked, trying desperately to shut out the background noise.
Darren shook his head from side to side, trying to shake away his blurred vision. "I...I'm not sure. Apocalypse...Wait. Where's Evan?" He sat up straight, a little too quickly as he immediately felt dizzy again. He panicked, realizing that the school had gone completely to s***, and the distinct smells of fear and death reached his nose. "Where is he Aaron?!" He shouted, horror dawning upon him as he realized what had just happened. He scrambled to his feet.

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Aaron shivered and frantically plowed through the few mental signatures that were around still. Finally, he found what he perceived as a low hum, overshadowed by something both conscious and rather dangerous.

"He's.. he's unconscious, Darren. One of the Horsemen has him. I think they plan on carrying him off to.." Aaron paused, just long enough to devote some effort into finding any sort of location. "I think it's called the Pens. I don't know where it is, but it seems a bit.. dark." He finished, frowning. "Listen to me, Darren. We need to fall back and regroup, gather everyone up. Get strong again, and THEN we can go after him. If you go out there now, even with me at your back, we're both going to die, and then Evan's got no one else to count on."
Dylan woke up and groaned. Everything ached and she couldn't feel anything below her waist. She remembered exiting the Danger Room after defeating only a couple of the thugs and walking into the kitchen to get something to drink. After that, everything was a blur of people screaming, the mansion getting picked up and then thrown down, and her falling unconscious. She shook her head and moaned as pain racked her brain. She tried sitting up and found it hard but doable. Finally, she managed to pull herself into a sitting position and look at her legs to make sure they were alright. One of them was bent at a disturbing angle and the other looked fine other then a bump near the middle of the calf. She didn't know what else to do so she called, "Is anyone there? I need help!"
Aaron struggled to get to his feet, hoping he could find someone still alive. With no real way to search other than telepathy, he forced out a message as far as he could around the remnants of the X-Mansion.

This is Aaron. Darren is with me, Evan was taken. If you're still alive, either find us or get to.. Ah, sh**. I think there's a hill down the road, on the right, about a quarter mile. Get moving.
Darren grimaced at Aaron's words. If Evan had been taken...this guy had some serious powers. Which explains all the sounds of death surrounding them.

He brushed the dirt off of him, closing his eyes and sighing. He reached out with his power, trying to get a fix on Evan's location, but his mind recoiled quickly when he met something dark and sinister. Snapping back to reality, he faced Aaron, who was getting to his feet.

"I can't find him," he said, clenching his fists. "There's something...something dark wherever he is. And it's blocking me."
A scream lanced out from the cell, with a red headed boy chained from the ceiling. Below him, a man held a blacksmith's hammer and iron nails. Blood ran in tiny streams along the torn body, which had been worked on since they'd gotten there, only a mere hour ago. "Please don't! Please!" the boy screamed, only to have another sharp nail driven into his skin. He tried pushing the man away with his mind, but was too weakened by the pain.

'Take me back.' A voice in his head cried out, 'You can't get out without me. The boy grunted, incoherent in the sea of torture that was being inflicted upon his flesh. The hammering stopped and the metal clad man stood before him once again.
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Nicolette heard a faint yelling come from the rubble that was the mansion. She listened closer and froze. She recognized it As Dylan's voice and sighed. I'll be lucky if I don't get kicked out for this. She slowly made her way towards the sound as she clutched her arm. She inspected the pieces of building closely and shook her head, "It's too heavy." She knew she had to push her emotions to the side to help her. Dylan's still alive, but she's hurt bad she thought, hoping Aaron could hear her. It might be her legs.
Stan rose up from the ruble coughing and struggling to stand up. He was covered in cuts and bruises he looked down and realized he was missing his left hand. Stan noticed Nicolette trying to move pieces of building. "Raven! are you alright?" Stan rushed over to help her with the piece of building.
Then get her out, Nico. I can't play middle management here, I'm a bit busy trying to find Evan.

Aaron had finally come to grips with the situation and was already working on a resolution. He needed everyone, yes, but what he really needed was focus. If Evan was out there, he would find him. If he was converted.. it would spell certain doom. Aaron couldn't let that happen.
I can't do much with a broken arm and a concussion. She looked at Stan and kept moving what she could as she spoke. "Dylan is still alive but she can't move, and Aaron's being an a** and is having me try to get her out." I could hear the irritation in my own voice, but that would have to wait.
Darren turned to stare at the other man, as he could tell the telepath was communicating with others in the area.

"Is everyone..." He stopped, knowing the answer to that question even before he said it. He spoke again, rephrasing his thoughts.

"Where are the others? And how many of us can still fight?"
Then. Find. A. Way. Aaron had nothing else to say on the matter. He knew it was harsh, he knew it was probably pretty mean, but he couldn't have given a s*** if he had just eaten a bottle of laxatives.

At the sound of Darren's voice, Aaron turned to face him. "No Darren, they're not okay. The last thing they are is okay." He whispered, shaking his head. "Most of them are dead. Almost all of them, actually. Nico's hurt, Stan's hurt, and Dylan is pinned beneath some rubble. Go help them out. I'll be here."
Dylan wasn't sure what to do. Her legs were probably both broken beyond use at the moment and she was surrounded by the mansion's rubble so that she couldn't see if anyone was coming. She heard someone telepathically speak in her mind, but was in such a panic she couldn't make sense of the words. Calm down, Dylan, she thought, taking a deep breath. She calmed herself down enough to think through her situation. Suddenly, she had an idea. She extended her hands and caused a large gust of air to sweep the rubble around her away. Then, continuing to use the air, she swept herself up and looked for a place to lower herself a safe distance away from the building. I must look ridiculous. Imagine, a girl with a bent leg floating through the air.
Kyra stood in shock. The entire mansion was destroyed, and most of the other students were dead. She couldn't believe it. It couldn't be happening. This was all just a dream she was having while sleeping in the mansion. She was going to wake up and then train. Who was she kidding? She couldn't lie to herself. This was really happening. The mansion really was gone, and the mutants were dead. "What now?" She asked, not to any one person in particular.
Ryan shrugged his shoulders, "I was new there too". He looked at Kyra then thought about the voices he heard down the hall earlier that morning. "I could be wrong, but are you...Kyra? I heard a few voices earlier in the hall and your voice sounds familiar. You can do things with fire right?" Ryan asked.

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