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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

"Yeah, what she said. What's the Danger Room? And why do we need to 'suit up'?" Kyra was confused. Why was there a Danger Room in this building? Wasn't this supposed to be a 'safe' place for mutants?
Aaron couldn't help but giggle a little as he heard the 'Danger Room' questions floating around. "Calm down kiddos. Danger Room is just one of our personal toys. Helps us determine who's combat ready and all. It's all holographic simulations, rendered in magnificent 32-bit colors, or so I'm told. You probably won't die, unless you really goof this up." He explained, loudly enough for all to hear. "As for suiting up, it's part practicality and part looking awesome. Or so I'm told."
"Oh, okay. Fighting and looking cool? Sign me up!" Kyra said. She loved fighting. She wondered how exactly they determined who was combat ready. Did they just run a simulation of someone attacking them? If that was the case, most people should succeed. At least, she hoped they would. She didn't want to have to go to a class with a bunch of wussies who couldn't even fight.
"I personally think it's fun if you ask me. Even if you already know how to fight. It's like there's no end to the challenges. The better you are, the harder they get." Nicolette smiled and leaned against the wall. "If I'm not being dull and lonely, that's where I am. Can't get enough of it. And yes, the suits make you look awesome."
"Great!" Kyra said, excited. This was going to be way better than she thought it would be. She'd thought it'd be just a place where they taught in boring classrooms all the time. It would still have that, but this would make it so much cooler! She made a promise to herself to practice every single day in that room, until she was the best in the school.
She couldn't help but smile at Kyra's enthusiasm. She chuckled to herself then leaned over so Kyra and Dylan both could hear her and whispered, "After we finish here, we can chill out in my room. I've been surrounded by guys for months now and you two are exactly what I needed. I mean it's fun and all with the competition, but it gets old after a while. Just a heads up." Nicolette stood back up straight and crossed her arms studying everyone.
Kyra smiled back. "That'll be nice. Be warned though, I'm not too good at small talk." She never had many friends, and the ones she did have had been made purely for the purpose of surviving on the streets. It'd be nice having a friend just for the sake of having a friend. And Nicolette seemed like a good person to have as a friend.
Aaron waved his arm in the air, his finger trailing a circle. "Alright, lets get moving. DR is this way." He said, relying heavily on his memory of the interior to guide the group there. With some luck and a few hesitations along the way, he got the group to the door in pretty good time. "New guys, see if you can find something in your size. We're all about skin-tight and revealing here, so I hope you like the way your midriff looks." He said, laughing a bit. "And, well, old guys, if you're in for some action, you can jump in there too. I'm gonna sit up on the observation deck and then hang out in your heads. You won't even notice me as soon as the simulations start. Have fun, good luck kiddies."

He nodded once, then made his way up to the observation deck. He loved 'watching' people in the Danger Room. Told him a lot about who they were, at least when things got difficult.
Nicolette watched him intently as he made his way up. She turned quickly and grabbed her suit then went to change. After coming out, she slid on her black, leather fingerless gloves. Glancing up once more, she sighed internally and shook her head knowing better than to think with Evan here. She had a secret no one knew about and she planned to keep it that way. She made her way over to Kyra and smiled, "It's harder than you think but gets easier once you get used to it. And I know you're thinking, 'I'm gonna train everyday and become the best' aren't you?"
"Yeah... How did you know? Can you read minds too?" Kyra asked. She wasn't too fond of the idea of having someone look through her thoughts. She had thoughts that were... Private. None of anyone else's business. Like how good Nicolette looked in her suit... She stopped her thought right there. She didn't need the mind reader here finding out that little thought of hers.
"No I can't read minds. That's Evan's thing so if I were you I wouldn't think around him. I knew because that's everyone's mindset when they first come in here. And when they find out the difficulty, it only intensifies. But beating a bunch of simulations doesn't tell you if you're the best here. To be the best, you've gotta beat the best, and the best here is blind spot up there." She motioned up to the observation deck before sitting on the floor to lace up her boots. "Aaron's blind so his other senses are intensified. And the echolocation thing helps with the sense of what's in the room and where." She stands up and starts jumping from toe to toe.
"I'll make sure to get better than him then" Kyra said confidently. She looked for a suit her size. Luckily, she found one. She went to change, then came back out, sitting next to Nicolette to lace up her own boots. "So, how good are you in there?" She asked, curious of her new friend's abilities.
"I'll tell you this now, if she trained with me more often she'd be a goddess in there." Stan said as he appeared in his classic yellow jump suite. "But no one cares about the fundementals anymore" Stan turns to Kyra "don't go to crazy with the flames, some people don't like fire"
"Fine." Kyra said. She liked using her fire powers, but she supposed she could keep it down. She didn't want to really hurt anyone, after all. "Nevermind how good she could be, how good is she?"
Nicolette couldn't help but smirk as she stretched. "I'll try not to kill you. An ice pack should heal the bruising nicely," she said before turning to Stan. "You name the times and I'll be here. I'll let you start training me more." Sitting back down, Nicolette reached to her left foot and counted to ten, then she did the same with her right foot.
It did not take long for Ryan to find a suit his size. Ryan quickly changed into the suit and sat down. He looked at people stretching while having conversations about various things. This is exciting... Ryan mumbled, "Yep I can turn into ice and then bam it's all over". He leaned back against the wall as he waited for the next instruction.
Darren pulled his gloved on to his hands, making sure his suit was secure before letting his electricity power it up. Satisfied, hen retried his swords from the weapon rack, and spun on of the katanas in his hand, testing the weight. The sharp blade made a whistling noise as he did so.
Dylan smiled and nodded when Nicolettes suggested that they would go to her room afterwards. Then, she followed everyone into the so called "Danger Room" and found a suit in her size. She suited up quickly and found that the suit fit her body perfectly and even made her look good. She took a glance over at the guy who was swinging his swords around and said, "Do we all get the option of weapons, or is that just a 'seasoned warrior' thing?"
Evan slid his linen shirt and black slacks off, uncovering his suit. His green shirt revealed every inch of what vould have been his skin. His leather pants were tight, with a green stripe running down the side. He took off his shoes and put on his boots, feeling complete in his uniform.

"This is a test to see how you use your powers," he answered Dylan, "No weapons involved."

He then tipped Aaron off to chose a program for them.
Alright, Dylan thought. I've got some hand to hand combat skills. My wind power will hopefully help, as well. She nodded to Evan to say she understood and began preparing herself for the program by stretching and practicing her powers. Changing my appearance probably won't help much in this case.
Nicolette stood up and watched her hand change into a wolf's paw and then back again. She became silent as she sat on a nearby bench interlocking her fingers. Dropping her head, she closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. It's always been a habit of here's to get into her zone before training. It helped her concentrate when she blocked everyone and everything out.
Kyra stood up. She decided to wait until she was in the Danger Room to use her power. She did a couple of stretches, then asked "Do we all go at the same time? Or do we go in one at a time?" Kyra asked.
"Either. You can choose. I personally like to alternate. Last time I went with others so I'll go by myself this time," Nicolette stated as she stood up. She looked over at Evan and shouted, "Hey Ev! Is my bow and arrows ready for the weapons section?"
Evan looked in a mirror on the wall and saw his reflection. For a second, he was held in a trance. Before him stood a boy with his face, but the hair and eyes were wrong. They blinked at the same time. 'Who are you?' Evan asked, having seen this image time and time again. The boy just cocked his head and smiled. 'I am you.' It responded before the mirror splintered as he grinned with a sliver of insanity.

Turning away in shock, Evan looked up at Aaron. "Have you picked a damn program yet?!" He asked, a layer of fear covering his voice. It was becoming more frequent, and the only two who could help him were gone. 'Why me?' he asked himself, tightening his bracers.
Darren sheathed his swords, holding his helmet under his arm. "How about a search and rescue?" He suggested to Aaron. "It'd be a good test of both their powers and tactical ability..."

He glanced at Evan, hearing something off in his voice, but the man had turned away before he could see his face. "What do you think Ev?"

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