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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

"Darren," he whispered back, nudging his arm as well, "I am nothing if not honest." He accepted the photo from Helios, rather annoyed by the fact that he really did resemble Jean when smiling. "Besides, its not like I log everything anyone does."

The statement was half true, being that he did keep an eye out for bad seeds or Darren's safety. It was a part of his greater Misson, and while it was an invasion of privacy, it was only a usual scan--nothing more.

"Speaking of changing subjects, I think everyone should be aware of everyone elses' powers...for safety." In all actuality, he was a little bored waiting for everyone.
"I'm sorry Nico, did you say something?" Aaron said, chuckling softly. He smirked and turned his head in her general direction, although he couldn't seem to find where she was in the room. Great. She probably turned into a cat again. Her fault if I step on her, nothing I can do about it.
Kyra stared down at Nicolette in cat form. How was that possible? Well, her powers weren't much more plausible, but turning into a cat? How? Why? She guessed she'd probably actually have to learn basic science in order to understand. This school is going to be hard for me, She thought, not for the first time.
Ryan looked at the girl so called "Nico" then shifted his gaze back to the current speaker. He saw movement at the side of his eye then looked back at where the girl was standing only to find a cat. Ryan was about to casually turn back around, but his eyes widened when he thought about the cat. Suddenly he looked at the cat again then raised an eyebrow. Cat? Girl into cat? What? Oh no...what if that squirrel was a mutant? NO! That's horrible! Hold on HA ...it can't be possible. That thing was a squirrel from the start...that just so happened to get caught on fire. There are a lot of squirrels here right? Ryan quickly looked outside the window then felt a little relieved after seeing a couple of squirrels running.
"You lit a squirrel on fire?" Evan asked out loud. The kid was practically yelling in his head and the fact that a poor squirrel was damaged made him worried for other flammable things with a heartbeat. "You...need help." Ev stated, with an eyebrow quirked. 'Keep an eye on that one.' He told Darren, on a thought-wave. "And let Nicolette be. She is a cat...not Hello Kitty."
Ryan looked at Evan and responded, "I didn't set it on fire". He paused for a moment then resumed, "I was skateboarding and it got in the way. With all honesty I swerved away from the squirrel! Then I fell. Um...but next thing you know, I smelled something burning. Then I sat up and saw the squirrel burning. So I ran to get a hose and I put the squirrel's fire out..." Ryan turned a little red.
Nicolette changed back at the mention of her forbidden nickname. "Call me whatever you want Aaron. You'll get yours one day. That I can promise." She looked over at Ryan hearing the squirrel comment. "Why did you burn a squirrel? Did it scare you that bad? I mean there are some dangerous creatures here but a squirrel?"
"oh lighten up on the boy, Marvel Boy." Stan said to Evan "he's only gonna be young once, I used to light ants on with a magnifying glass" Stan laughed and patted Ryan on the shoulder.
"Aww, that's cute. Please, tell me how you're going to get back at me." Aaron replied, shrugging. "I mean, picking on the blind kid? That's just low." He added, then hesitantly reached out and gave her shoulder a playful punch. "You know I don't mean any harm. If I did, I'd be rooting around your head for secrets and stuff."
"No squirrels don't scare me! I don't even have any fire abilities" Ryan responded. He took a deep breath, "Look I did not set the squirrel on fire. Maybe somebody else did, but I did not light the squirrel on fire. Why in the world would I light an innocent squirrel on fire? I've swerved passed squirrels before and they didn't catch on fire".
Darren snickered, visibly trying to hold in the laughter at the entire ordeal. He noted Evan's suggestion, but decided he liked the kid anyway. Besides, the mental image of the accident was hilarious in itself...

He reached into his pocket as his phone vibrated, and he poked Evan when he saw the caller ID. "I gotta take this," he explained, before walking a ways away from the group to answer.

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Nicolette sighed softly, "You and I both know the biggest secret I have is my past, but that's not much of a secret now is it? And you know I wouldn't pick on you if I wanted to hurt you." She gave a small smile and look back over at Ryan. "And as for you! You're here for a reason. Squirrels don't randomly catch on fire and as far as I know from what I've heard, no one else was around so it had to be you," she says with a hint of sympathy
There are windows here. Anyone could have easily peered out a window and said "Oh a squirrel let me light it on fire". Anyone could have also accidentally lit it on fire by just looking at it through their window. You know what? I'm not even going to say anything else. This whole discussion is causing an interruption. Sorry Evan...if you could hear this. Ryan sighed and quit conversing about the squirrel topic. He just wanted to get on with the tour so he could go to his room after it, and end the horrible day he was having.
"Well, lets begin, shall we?" Evan asked, glancing Darren's way. 'Don't get too caught up.' He told the mutant, leading his group down the hall. "That is the kitchen aand the dining room. The living room is over there. But, those aren't the parts of the mansion you'll want to know about." he smirked, going up the stairs.
Dylan was late. Very late. What do I do? Are they going to punish me? She thought wildly as she stared at the trees flying past. Finally, the taxi pulled in front of the large building and stopped. She payed the driver and jumped out of the car, racing to get her bags and up to the school so that she was no later than she already was. She was wearing her usual appearance, the one she was born with; dark brown hair, brown eyes, skinny, and about 5'7". It was the appearance she was most comfortable in and knew the best.

Finally, she had successfully pulled her bags out of the taxi and slammed the door. She only had a duffel bag and a suitcase, so it wasn't to hard to tug them to the front door of the school. She took a deep breath and raised her hand. Tentatively, she knocked and waited for whomever to come and bring her into this new world.
Upon hearing the knocking Evan flicked his wrist at the door, unlocking it and twisting the handle with ease. As it opened, he smiled brightly at the brown haired girl past the door. 'Welcome. We've been waiting.' he said mentally, drowing out the chatter that was going on with the group.

'Leave your bags at the door and we'll have them.brought to your room. I am giving a tour, if you'd like to join us."
Nicolette stopped and looked back at her. She was pretty. Probably looks like her mom. She stayed silent and ever so slightly clenched her jaw. And I thought I was safe from preps here. Well, best to learn to work with her or we'll both end up dead. Smiling, Nicolette turned around and moved back down to the brown haired girl and quickly, but gently, pulled her up to join the group, " If you don't hurry you'll be lost for at least a few weeks. Whats your name?"
Dylan quickly did as the man said, not caring about whether it was telepathically or not, and placed her bags near the door. Before she could speak, a girl grabbed her and tugged her along with them, saying something about getting lost.

"What's your name?" the girl said.

"The name's Dylan,"she replied, smiling and following closely behind.
Ryan looked around the area and blinked a couple of times. His curiosity allowed him to temporarily forget about the squirrel incident, thus prompting his horrible feeling to slip away. What else was in that massive place now that some of the "normal" rooms were taken care of? He turned around to see a new girl come in late just as they were about to go up the stairs.
Darren disconnected the call, smiling as he did so. He had decided he kind of liked having some non psychotic family members around, and Laura was practically his sister, never mind cousin. She'd been away for a while now, something to do in Bulgaria, and Darren liked to keep up with his packmates.

He headed back over to the tour group, walking by Evan again as he pointed everything out to the new students.
Peter took a nap on the sofa when everyone started to leave the lounge. He didn't get any rest the previous night so, he was out cold for awhile. When he awoke he found that he had the room to himself.

Peter got up from the sofa and walk to the kitchen where he began to prepared himself something to eat. Living with a human girl two years, he picked some recipes. He went into the fridge and pulled out a steak. He went to the stove and began making a cure for his hunger.
Hey. Ev. Hate to sound pushy, but I'm pretty sure word from the top says that they're working on putting together a new team. My advice? Get the FNGs through training as quickly as possible. We can tour the whole d*** place later. Aaron turned to face the redhead as he projected the thought towards him. Hopefully he'd get it over all the other chatter, and if he didn't, there was always the option of sending it another three dozen times.
"Well, it seems we don't have the time for a tour, seeing as everyone needs to get placed." Evan groaned, knowing Aaron was right--as usual. "If you'll follow me, we can get you guys suited up and in the Danger Room." He chuckled, hoping the older students would come along to help.
Nicolette smiled politely at Dylan, "I'm Nicolette but for some reason the guys here have a habit of calling me Nico. Do that and I'll kick your a**." She couldn't help but laugh as they looked at some paintings on the walls. "Soon enough, you'll be shown a room that's yours to keep. Now that your here, you're family and I'm supposed to be the b**** of the group so don't take that from me. It's all I got left."
"I guess I won't be calling you Nico," Dylan said, smiling. "As long as you refrain from calling me Dyl. It sounds like the type of pickle and, yes, people called me that." She though about what Nicolette said about being the b**** of the family an added, "And I will try to stay on your good side." She turned her attention to Evan and, hearing about the Danger room, she asked, "What is that?"

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