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Fandom X-Men: Legacy

Even mostly ignored the mumblings of peoples voices in his head, but at the mention of Jean, his ears perked. "Speaking of her as if she is gone." He seethed, his eyes flashing white for a split second. "Really, we should get to the newbies before the Vets do." he growled, setting his coffee cup in the sink rather briskly.
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A weird scent started to make its way to Ryan, "What?" He sat up and saw the squirrel burning, "WHAT?!" Ryan quickly got up and ran around looking for a hose, "I don't think I ever want to leave again..." He found the hose then sprayed the squirrel. As the fire extinguished, Ryan kept his gaze on the squirrel and grimaced at its body.
" It entails fighting against anti-mutant activists and even radical mutants, you'll also get your own suite" Stan chuckled "So what do you think, it's a lot of danger but for noble cause."
"It sounds awesome! Can any mutant join? Or is there some sort of requirement for joining?" Kyra asked, excited. She had thought this was going to be just boring school, but this sounded awesome. Using her powers and fighting people? Sounded like exactly her kind of thing.
Nicolette spent a good half hour writing before finally getting bored. I guess I can just walk around until I'm needed for something. She got up and straightened her shirt then walked out of her room. She decided to go the long way around and headed down the hall. Running into Kyra and Stan still chatting, she smiled and put an arm around Kyra's shoulder. "Did you inform her she's not the only fire manipulator here?" she asked Stan.
Ryan increased the hose's water pressure and sprayed the squirrel onto the soil under a bush so that it could decompose, "Rest in peace buddy...I'm sorry". He put the hose back and picked up his board again, "Where the heck did the fire even come from?" Ryan was not yet fully aware of his fire abilities, although his parents were. He only knew of his enhanced combat skills.
"There's another?" Kyra asked. "Who?" She thought she was the only one. In the world. Now she realized how foolish that thought was. Of course there would be another person who could control fire. With all the mutants in the world, there had to be a few repeats.
"You'll see a lot of mutants with similar powers. but answering your other question Kyra, yes any mutant can join, Even Raven here." "I'll have to show you too my lab later on, I've been keeping tracking down other mutants and getting information about radical mutant activities from a few outside informants."
'All new students, please report to the Foyer for a tour of the premises.' Evan projected across the mansion like a mental P.A. system. 'This is Mandatory.' he added, his lips in a firm line. "Darren...Aaron... would you like to accompany me?" He asked, hoping to inform everyone on the rules and most things about the mansion--including how not to get lost.
She heard some kind of voice in her head. "What the hell?!" She exclaimed, hoping she wasn't the only one who heard that. It had been... Inside her head, somehow. How could anyone do that?
"Ah, Evan seems to be in a bad mood, what a surprise" Stan said sarcastically "well the sport wants to give you the ol' ground rules" Stan pats kyra on the shoulder " Don't be scared, he's a rather handsome young man. "
Ryan threw his skateboard back behind a bush after he heard the mental announcement, "Hm 3 days.......yep I'm still new alright then". He made his way to the Foyer and waited for whoever spoke in his head to make his appearance. As he waited, Ryan looked around and peeked back at the bush where the squirrel was located.
"Okay..." Kyra said, then proceeded to walk to the Foyer. She was still amazed by the size of the building. Who was Evan, and what right did he have to order her around?
Nicolette stood up straight bringing her arm back down by her side. "Telepathy. It's just Evan. But you better get going or they'll leave without you, or worse. They always know if a new student doesn't go. I know that from experience." Nicolette chuckled at the rememberance then gave Kyra a small, gently push. "It's easy to get lost in here if you don't know your way around so go."
"Okay." Kyra said as she walked to the Foyer. She was still amazed by the size of this place. Who was this Evan? And what right did he have to order her around?
Darren nodded. "Sure why not. Got nothing else going on..." He rubbed the back of his head. The feeling of someone else in his mind felt creepier still, especially since theirs were now connected- somehow. Not that he minded so much, but his thoughts often wandered off into Evans head accidentally, and he had to make a conscious effort not to let the secret he'd been concealing slip.

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"Okie dokie. Aaron, you can join when you feel up to it." he smiled, striding from the kitchen to the foyer.

The room was only a taste of the subtle class that tthe mnsion had to offer. Evan came to two new kids, but there were usually the laggers to follow. He usually took the time to answer questions and wait on everyone.

"Welcome to the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. I am Evan Grey--and yes, there is the most awkward relation ever. This school is dedicated to helping young ones hone their 'gifts'." Evan levitated with ease to ecentuate the statement. "We are also the home base for the legendary X Men, created by our founder and beloved former headmaster, Dr. Charles Xavier. The school's name was changed to honor Ms. Jean Grey, who may be gone but is definetly listening in." he laughed. Waving to his friend, he smiled widely.

"This is Darren Creed, the nephew of Wolverine. He is constantly in and out of this facility. He and I can answer any questions you may have." Evan finished, touching ground once again. "Any questions?"
"Yes" Kyra said. "Who is Wolverine?" She hoped it wasn't a dumb question. She seemed to ask a lot of those, having lacked much of a formal education at all. She had pretty much no idea about history at all really.
Ryan shook his head and smiled a little. He thought to himself Did he just levitate? Awesome!...Too bad I can't do that. Oh well! Ryan was excited and wan-... wait a minute. Did this girl just ask who Wolverine is? He took a moment and glanced at the girl then looked back at Evan. Ryan just decided to clear his head of the Wolverine question and wondered what the other mutants were capable of doing.
Nicolette turned to Stan, "I always loved watching the tour. I'm gonna go eavesdrop." She laughed going back the way she came and made her way downstairs. Near the end, she slowed down and started listening. She touched the floor silently and leaned against the wall, watching intently. Remembering there being nothing to do in her room and not feeling like going outside, Nicolette spoke up, "Mind if I tag along? I won't make so much as a purr." She smile sweetly straightening up.
Aaron made his way to the foyer at a slow pace, even for him. New people, wonderful. More people he wouldn't know and may have to explain himself to. When he finally arrived, behind most of the others, the room was already loud with the confused thoughts and questions floating about. See, this is why I hate the new guys. Haven't figured them out enough to filter all their bull**** background noise out, so now I get to hear every intimate detail of their life for the next week.

Judging by the sound around him, he was somewhere towards the middle of the group by now. He stood quietly and kept to himself, mentally scanning the crowd instead. As expected, he recognized most of them, whether or not they knew him was an entirely different matter.
"If you don't know who Logan is, you'll figure it out soon enough." Evan answered, pinching the brudge of his nose. "I'd ask for intros, but I know most of you better than you know yourselves. And I really don't know why you ask that question every week, Nico." He added with a smirk. "Is this everyone or do I need to invade heads again?"
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A camera flash is seen and Stan appears next Evan shaking a picture " now that was a good one. I love it when you smile, you look just like your mother" Stan handed the picture to Evan "there you go, son"
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Darren glanced at Evan, then back at the faces of the kids. He could tell Evan's blatant admittance of his 'mind roaming' was making them uneasy, and he nudged the ginger, giving him a look. "Lay off a bit, would you?" He muttered, before addressing them himself. "We just want to make sure everyone gets the chance to be properly educated about the place," he said, smiling fangs and all. "I've gotten lost in here way too many times for not paying attention. Lucky me that I was friends with this guy..."

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"I ask because it's too much fun irritating you," Nicolette smile fighting back the urge to laugh. "And for the thousandth time don't call me Nico. You know damn well I can't stand it." She couldn't help but smile and shake her head. She went up to Kyra and ruffled her hair laughing before backing up as she started growing cat ears. Soon enough she was a small house cat, and she sat down waiting for everyone to start moving.

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