Wynn Jades


I feel old
Full Name: Wynn Jades

Birth place: Vacuo

Age: 17

Social Class:  Lower-class thief

Gender: Male

Height: 5’5

Weight: 134

Race/Species: Raccoon Faunus

Additional Appendages: Raccoon tail 

Important/Usual Accessories: Wynn is never seen without Furex, even in his sleep. A small black bag is strapped to the outside of his leg holding extra dust bullets. 

Strengths: Wynn finds comfort in the shadows, effortlessly blending in the and striking when they least expect it. His acrobatic nature allows him to easily dodge blows.  

Weaknesses: He has no armor at all. He likes to play around, especially during very serious situations. 

Weapons: Umbra Furex

When not in use, Furex is usually seen as a long 6 ft brown spear with a gun barrel resting on the bottom, accented with a white, bladed 'C' shaped crook on the head  for Wynn to easily grab a hold of many different things with the right positioning. The blade can retract into the staff, becoming a quarter staff for non-lethal use. When it gets real nasty, Furex is able to become double sided and break off into two separate blades, each being around 3 ft. For it's ranged ability, Furex's transforms into a M39 rifle when the staff is full. Furex loses its ranged abilites when parted into two pieces. The weapon is kept in great shape, being the only thing to keep him company most of his life. Furex is like another arm for the thief, as through trial and error, he's found a way to make a few pockets lighter with the swipe of his spear. 

Fighting Style:A mix of ninjutsu and Eskrima would be a technical term for what he dubs "Ring-tail beatdown". He baits his opponents out, trying to tire them before he strikes hard and fast before his opponent can react. He keeps them unbalanced by moving around them, popping out for them to catch a glace at him to just appear on the opposite side. Wynn prefers to keep them at a distance with his spear, but if needed he can switch to it's knife mode and play tag with them.

Speed: Wynn is pretty quick when he wants to be, easily being able to give authorities the slip when needed.

Agility: Wynn is very light on his feet. He’s able to easily twist and move on the fly. He able to effortlessly walk across thin wires and vault off from buildings without a loss of momentum. 

Strength: Not that much. He uses his quick wits and cunning to do most of his damage, but he is able to easily lift his own weight as if it were paper.

Stamina: He was raised in a desert, he can take a few laps around the school without breaking a sweat.

Defensive Ability: Very weak when it comes to taking hits, that is if they can hit him.

Semblance Ability: “What’s yours is mine” 
Wynn has the ability to “Steal” another’s semblance if he’s has any physical contact with the person. While he dubs it as stealing Wynn is just copying another semblance. He doesn’t like to use the ability much, as he needs to learn how to use the semblance, which requires work, and the fact that most semblances he borrows are watered down versions of the original. The only time they’re of real use is right after copying them. He does retain all of the semblances he copies, but with the overuse of many different semblances can cause his aura to fade a lot quicker.

Planning/Strategic Ability: With growing up on the streets and avoiding authorities, Wynn has learned to think quickly to get out of sticky situations. He can retain and dish out fresh info easily. 

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


 ~hot tea

~his weapons

~slacking off

~mental challenges


~physical work

~His family

~The White Fang

~Social interaction

~The White Fang

~School work


~To become a wide known thief

~Sleep for 3 years

~Clear his family name

~End the White Fang
Personality: Wynn is a lazy, quiet individual who uses sarcasm and sticky fingers to get by in Remnant. He keeps an open mind about everything, not caring if insults come his way for being a thief. He's proud of being one, thieving being one of the two things he'll do without complaint. Wynn is very mouth when he gets to know you, asking the most random questions to find out your answer or just a lame joke to keep the air light. He likes to show off when he can, but is afraid to do so publicly . 

~“If you don’t get caught, you deserve everything you steal.”
~“Never pay for what you steal.”
 Favored Expletives: 

"What?", "10 more minutes", "Thanks for the free meal."



~pick pocketing
Favorite Childhood Memory: Being given Umbra Furex

Song: "It's My Turn" By Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams
Taste: Like disappointment with a hint of cinnamon 
Character Flaws: Selfish, anti-social, trust issues
Mannerisms: Avoids eye contact, strokes tail when nervous

History/Background: (Everything about them from birth to current that shaped them into who they are.)
Extra Notes: (Stuff you missed elsewhere but think is important about the character or what led to to creating parts of a character.)
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