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Fantasy Wuldir: a World of Monsters and Men

Dove Juniper

Cypress spoke of the wind. Frowning, Dove reached for it, tried to coax a breeze to tumble her curls pleasingly - and received such a response that she stomped her foot! She swelled herself up, unable to stand for such disobedience, calling upon the sacred imprint upon her soul, and the wind acquiesced... But the devious gales blew hard, a sudden and swift breeze through the area which left as quickly as it game, tangling her hair. Dove cried out with dismay. "It is different!"

She looks at Cypress uncertainly, then lifts her skirts slightly, beginning a stately walk towards the movement of people, though hesitant to leave the line of trees. "Do you really think it's a different world, Cypress? I have never traveled Altia. I do not know if we have lands so savage. Still, something certainly seems wrong... Dangerous. I want to go home." Her lips purse, face falling into a perfect, haughty pout.

Some distance away, a commotion erupts. She can hear the shouts, see the arrow fly, see the plantlike creatures escaping towards the trees. "We should help them!" she cries, reaching around and grasping Cypress, but she can think of no way to - more arrows are flying, more men are shouting, and she feels terribly in the way. It is not a pleasant feeling. She tentatively reaches out for the beasts' souls and finds only snarling madness without a hint of reason. She recoils visibly, hastily running to the tree line and peering out, watching the events unfold fretfully.

Calvin Haveron

Lionsguard General

"Gavin, y'damn'd fool!"

Calvin muttered a slew of unsavory curses under his breath when the plantipuses struck. Worst of all, it was Gavin that was one of the first to respond without proper protection from the beast's spores. The fool. Calvin didn't even have a chance to recover his canteen from Gavin properly before it clattered to the dirt and drained its contents. As much as Calvin wanted desperately to rush forth with his comrades and rescue the fellow general, he knew that the potential loss of two general in one confrontation would certainly deal a possible deathblow to their company's morale. If Gavin would survive --
when Gavin survives, Calvin would remember to give him an earful for his arrogance.

In the mess, Calvin directed troops towards the fray and gathered the panicking innocents away and to safety. In a preemptive decision, Calvin ordered a handful of troops to be made ready to bar the doors in case the worst came to fruition. Glancing back into the fighting every so often, he was relieved to see that the beasts were not gaining any ground, at least. However, Gavin was still caught up in the fighting. Calvin was just a breath away from forsaking it all and rushing in with his breath held and pulling his friend away by force, were it not for a glimpse of two figures beyond the fighting, dashing for the treeline. Their faces were obscured from this range, but the general could just tell their clothing was rather odd, but also that they were no soldiers and they were far from safety.

Calvin gestured to two swordsmen standing by to follow him. They gave the fleeing beasts a wide berth, in case of a counter attack and rushed to where Calvin last saw the two strangely dressed stragglers.

"Come'n out, wherever you are!" Calvin shouted, pushing his way into the trees. "We'll bring you t'safety from here, just come out and follow us!"

@QuestingBeast, @Anomaly)
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The spores had done a number on both soldiers. Their actions were sluggish, albeit driven by deeply rooted panic.

When Marc took his forward route, the rambler screamed and thrust his spear. The motion was just wild enough to miss. He drew back his spear to strike again as Marc collided with the frother, and his second thrust would have hit home had not Verret leaped in. His leap was hindered by a wounded leg, however. Verret fell into the infected soldier instead, tackling him to the ground, where they struggled. He sustained blows to the stomach, but, provided he has the gall, he prevailed against the soldier, since the man was weak with toxin. Upon being restrained, the shallowness to the infected soldier's breathing would soon become apparent. And the experienced scout commander may recognize this as a sign of oncoming death. The soldier had been inhaling toxic fumes all this while, after all.

A few scant feet away, Marc managed to get ahold of his frother with only a lucky two bruises sprouting on his shoulder (he sustained two hits from the wood pole of frother's spear.). As his pummel landed a second blow, the man in his grasp went limp, only to seize up, suddenly awake and gasping as an axe cleaved through his back, spraying chain, cotton, and blood on impact. The soldier clawed weakly at Marc as he expired. For the mortal wound, death took him quickly.

And, on the edge of the forest, its one tentacle touching the grass of freedom, the plantipus lay in a pool of oozing red, the victorious arrow embedded through its large head.

In the trees beyond grew a chattering noise, the cry of a lonely plantipus mourning the loss of its mate.

Status Update

Marc begins to feel the first effects of hallucination. The infection is mild; his eyes are playing tricks on him. Since his cloth is now coated in spores, it will sparkle green, especially around his mouth, when he steps out of the sporey mist.

General Gavin lies on the grassy floor with his thumbs pressed on his eyes. He mutters, indistinct.

The spores that have hung in the air so long are now falling slowly. The sporey mist is yet thick in a five-foot radius of the combat.
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Ayola watched with an eyebrow raised as one of the Lionsguard General took the bag she offered to him, looking hesitant. With a shrug she turned from the Captain, heading back to the city. One foot in front of the other, was the thought going through Ayola's head as she passed by the women who had come to mourn and gather their loved ones' bodies, who had also decided to shoot glares like daggers at Ayola. They whispered among themselves, demeaning the redheaded Alchemist passing them by, causing the young female to wince at their pointed looks and harmful muttered phrases. Nonetheless, she continued, staring down at her feet to make sure she didn't step on any of the corpses and to avoid eye contact.

Not long after she had left the momentary company of the Lionsguard Generals did the people working the wall begin to sing a cheery tune, in hopes of lightening the hearts of the physically and emotionally wounded. The woman ceased in their cries at that moment, some of them smiling with sad faces, others sniffling and rubbing their red, swollen, eyes. Ayola continued on her way, passing through the city gates and enduring more targeted accusations as she entered the city that was her home, sighing in irritation. When the murmurs turned into cries Ayola froze, spinning on her heel. A clamor had begun, not far from where the Generals had been standing, and a green mist soon appeared, causing the fight to be partially obscured from view. The mist was familiar, however, and Ayola acted immediately, turning once more and running towards her shop.

As soon as the petite female arrived at her shop, she ignored her parents, who had been awaiting their daughter's return. With shocked expressions they tried to approach her as she ran through the shop, gathering ointments and salves that would be helpful for those who had suffered wounds and attacks from the plantipi. The female ignored them, much to their irritation and anger, but they kept silent, refusing to bother speaking with her any further.
Fine by me. She thought to herself before exiting her shop with another full bag, this time headed for the infirmary.


@QuestingBeast Character's Mood: Hurt/Worried User's Mood: Focused Location: Outside the Wall -> The Alchemist -> Infirmary Inventory: New Bag of Supplies

Dove Juniper

From her place pressed against a tree, watching the conflict, she sees three men head directly to her. She tenses, reaching out with her sense of the world to get a clearer picture of the soldiers, and her face falls at first, confused. When she fully processes what she is experiencing, she gasps and reels back, stumbling away from the approaching men. "Cypress! They don't have...!" Hm. On closer inspection, her initial assumption is perhaps not the most accurate. The men do not feel empty, devoid of souls - only blocked off. She cannot see into them. "...They're different, too," she finishes lamely.

The man's words are friendly, and Dove chooses to take them at face value. She straightens her back, angles her arms just so, and lifts her chin, re-emerging from the treeline like she owns it and every inch of the ground she steps on - as much as she can while hurrying, in any case. Her gown sweeps the grass. "I extend to you my gratitude!" she calls out. When her situation is settled, the danger to her passed, she will demand to see the one in power... but now is not the time.
Verret Explorat

Groaning, as the pain from his leg decided to shoot up his body as he did all that, he cut another swath of fabric and tied it around his leg to slow the bleeding. "See about getting this man to the healer he might just be able to be saved and, Gavin, try to have your men not kill each other if at all possible?" he said with a hint of dry humor "Its not like we can spare the men. I am going to level with you, somethings off, I don't think the harpies are done with us yet. I would advise you keep your men on high alert and, for god sakes, get those women over there to stop standing around and help out, not like anyone died to protect them or anything!" he motioned towards the well dressed lady in the distance (You @Anomaly) as he shouted that last part. "Its a wonder no one di-never mind, better luck next time." he chuckled at the last part and headed off, to most his movements looked like someone healthy but to the keen eye there was indeed a slight, almost unnoticable limp. "I am gonna find it's mate and make sure it don't come back for some revenge." and with that he was soon hidden by the trees as he went of a' huntin'.
There was one thing that Marc couldn't do at all. That was striking down the men he worked with on the wall though he could swear with every fiber of his being Emmont was on the wall and yet somehow the man he struck with his pommel looked strangely like his dead friend. Down to the broken nose of his corpse. He dropped his sword, backing away.

Marc stared down at his hands, his gloved fingers seeming to shift from claws to finger and claws again. Fear and horror was written on his face as he stared down at their shifting forms. All the same he was open to any attack from any attacker as he staggered backwards, recoiling from what he was seeing it was hard to actually keep calm. He knew the mist was playing tricks on him, he just had to try and envision what it looked like earlier. Except the landscape was littered with dead bodies as far as the eye can see and Peregrine Castle was in ruins. A great, winged beast sat atop the tallest spire before the tower crumbled under the weight.

He had backed away enough that he was no longer within the reach of the mist but he glowed green, sustaining whatever injuries were inflicted of him. He turned toward the castle and simply got on his knees. A defeated man, looking over at the scaled people that seemed to litter the broken walls. He had never felt his will shatter before. This was the first taste.

"It's...all lost." He chuckled. "Well shit..."

(bad post is bad))
Ash had been observing from afar with her hand clenched at the bandages around her left shoulder that was slowly turning crimson again. The healer would definitely not be happy to see her again, considering all the trouble he had to go to to make sure she wasn't seen by anyone else when he dressed the wound.

The bow in her hands hit the wet earth with a dull thump as she jogged towards the men who were around and in the dissipating mist. Verret didn't seem to have fallen victim to the spores and he hadn't seemed to sustain any major wounds so she didn't prioritise him. She had to make sure that no one would start attacking their allies again.

Both Gavin and Marc were quite badly spored (i know... Ignore this verb for a second) but out of the two, Marc seemed to have had it worse so, when she finally did reach them, she went to him first, sliding onto her knees in front of him so that she was at his level.

"Marc? Marc? Are you okay?"
Cypress Gale

Her princess cried out in surprise, and Cypress knew from her expression, not her words, that she had failed in trying to grasp the men’s natures. The maid closed her fingers on the hilt of her knife, but did not draw it. The men that approached them did not seem hostile. While her princess attempted to peer into their hearts, Cypress looked instead on their gait and their faces. Dirt-caked from battle, smeared with brown, rugged features and all. While he wore armor, it did not shine, but that was the trait of a knight who fought. Shining armor was unbecoming of a warrior, Cypress knew. A sort of brutal kindness was in the eyes of the leading man that beckoned to them. Enough that she trusted him. Not his compatriots, however. She said nothing, kept her hand close to her knife, but followed behind her princess. Unlike her princess, she bore no grace in her gait, but a certain sure-footedness still trailed upon her feet as she strode across the plains alongside her princess, nimbly stepping over mounds of dirt and roots of trees.

Her attention was called to by a wounded man, who spat sarcasm towards the man ahead of them. It was telling, seeing as she was one who utilised such verbal tactics from time to time. Nevertheless, she gathered that the latter’s name was Gavin, and the former had quite an unpleasant opinion on them. She would like to have a duel with him on a better day. Unfortunately, it would seem that day would not come, as the man dashed straight into the darkness of the trees, chasing after one of those horrible abominations that she and her princess had saw earlier. One had been skewered by an arrow loosed by archers some place across the field, but the other had escaped.

His actions would doom him, surely, Cypress knew. Hunt as a pack, as they say. At least you'd die with comrades, not alone and cold. And she wasn’t one to go and rescue people, unless they were her Princess. She quickened her pace and returned to her Princess’ side. She uttered a silent prayer to the man who had given himself a death sentence. As she did, however, she missed two figures, one dressed entirely in chainmail and a face-obscuring helmet, and the other with a jaw that could shatter monuments, dashing past her, heading towards the man who had gone.

@Anomaly @General Deth Glitch @QuestingBeast
Julius and Pal

“I just can't believe he didn't even thank me, Captain! Just stood up and wandered off like that!”

“Your ego will survive to be hurt another day, soldier. It’s a thankless job we’re doing, remember that. Now, can we please focus on finding the Commander?”

The knight with the axe apparently failed to understand what ‘focus’ meant, or promptly forgotten to do so in the space of a minute, as he soon started to speak again, ducking under a tree branch. “I’ve been meaning to ask all this time we’re dashing after the fool, how’d Commander Explorat ever make it to Commander if he keeps running off like this? Maybe if ‘Commander’ was a codeword for ‘Maiden in distress’, that’d justify things.”

“I’d appreciate it very much if you refrain from commenting on the promotional choices the Lions make on a regular basis. I’ve a headache as is just trying to keep up with a scout in this damned armor.”

“Not for long, Cap’n. Ho there!” The soldier called towards the figure that seemed to shimmer under the dotted ray of lights that stabbed through the thick glade above their heads. “Oy, Commander, might wanna slow down there, sir! You’re breaking the speed limit!”

Not one for japes at a time like this, Julius took a swing at his understudy, who deftly ducked under it, as he expected him to. “Commander, with all due respect, I suggest that we call an end to this hunt of yours. The threat of harpies may return and without you at the head of your men, we’ll be in a deeper debt than we already are.”

The soldier was silent for just about a second, before he said, loud enough for Julius to hear, but not for the Commander, “Boot licker.”

“Shut up.”

@General Deth Glitch

Calvin Haveron

Lionsguard General

By the time Calvin got close enough to the two mysterious women loitering in the treeline, it had become clear enough that the two were out of place. Their clothing was peculiar and neither quite seemed too prepared for travel nor combat. Where had they come from? Calvin hadn't the slightest, but he was willing to set that aside for now. Not preparing to take any risks, Calvin ordered the two soldiers that flanked him to secure the near perimeter instead, so he could speak with the two strangers uninterrupted. Calvin even kept his sword drawn, but pointing non-threateningly at the ground.

"By the Heel, you two lasses have found yourself in quite the predicament, have you?" the Lionsguard nodded in greeting as he approached. "Lionsguard General Calvin Haveron, in your services. These woods 'ere aren't the safest to have a morning stroll in, I assure you. However, Castle Peregrine extends its gauntlets in welcome, should you require food and shelter -- at of no cost but your company, of course. What say you?"

Calvin and Gavin might have had a long history together, but he knew that above all he had a duty to serve the people. As much as he
wanted to see if his friend Gavin was still alive and kicking after the scuffle, his main priority would be the two women first. However, that didn't stop him from hoping that they would stay quiet and follow his men back to the castle without question. It was getting hard to hold back the shouting that he was saving for Gavin as soon as the fool was conscious again.

@Ryuuko Shin, @Anomaly)
"Oh hey. Ash. Did you know we kinda just lost our home?"

There was a defeated grin that was on his green lips. He was peering past the boy who seemed have lost his legs but somehow still hobbled toward him by sliding on whatever those plates were that replaced his knees. He saw Peregrine Castle turned into a nightmare from the outside he wasn't sure just what he'd expect on the inside. He shook his head again, staring with confusion at the boy.

"Well I thought you'd look shittier but hey, this grotesque bastardization of a human's cool too I guess."

Marc was uncharacteristically calm about everything that was happening around him. When in fact there was probably nothing happening around him.

"I am fine. I'm okay with this. Not like I can bring the dead back to life or anything. Woulda been nice if they killed me along with the rest of you but no. Last human."

A chuckle escaped his lips.

"This is fine I guess. Just have to...I dunno. See if the bar isn't as gross."
It took her three seconds to understand what hallucinations he was probably going through. Just the look in his eyes and the sad, defeated smile on his face was enough to tell her how dire his situation was, and realization made her uncharacteristically curse under her breath.

Gripping him by the shoulders, as if such an actions would bring him back, making him look at her instead of everything around them.

"Marc, don't believe everything you see. It's just a night mare, okay? A really lucid nightmare." Her grip on his arms tightened slightly as she tried to make him get back to his feet. She had to get him to the healer, but with the lack of muscles she had, she wouldn't be able to knock him out and carry him over.

"Everything's going to be fine, Marc... You're not alone, you're not the last one alive. So don't believe what you see right now. Just listen to my voice..okay? Just listen to me, Ash..." She said softly, in the hopes of coaxing him to follow her and reassuring him.
Verret Explorat

After making substandard headway, thanks to his wounded leg. some soldiers caught up to him "slow down, your breaking the speed limit" said one to which he retorted "hardly if a couple of brutes like you can keep pace." he said in a less then pleasent tone as the other added "Commander, with all due respect, I suggest that we call an end to this hunt of yours. The threat of harpies may return and without you at the head of your men, we’ll be in a deeper debt than we already are." He took a knee, to allow his leg to rest, despite his madness he knew there was no hope in this cause "Aye, I fear you'll be right in that. Forgive me, I am not myself. Though your protege their seems to have an issue with etiquette!" he said this in a much more endering, almost polite tone, almost, as he said the last one he chuckled and then eventually added "Are you sure your friend wouldn't be better suited as a scout? A good deal of my men are recalcitrant." He gritted his teeth as he got up again trying, moderately well, to hide the pain. "Lets get an old man something to drink 'eh?" as he followed after them "I like your gall soldier but I would keep sarcasm at bay when talking to the generals, if you ever manage such an... honour" he chuckled again "I get away with it because of my title, you will likely not be so lucky. That is unless you join the scouts... they seem to get away with a lot... even when I dont have to invervene.." he said trying a second time to recruit this man to his ranks.

@Ryuuko Shin
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"Ash. Right Ash. The young kid who can't hit for shit."

He had a hand right on the boy's face. Remorse painting his features as he stared hard at the young man. His brow furrowed and he shook away what could have been tears. He lightly pounded the young man's chest. Marc hadn't realized how heavily he leaned against the other boy. He must have not only forced down his weight but the weight of his defeat as well

"I told you you should have been enjoying your drink more, lad. Now look at you. Yer. Yer like some sort of hacked off, cobbled together monster. We can still get some drink yet."

He was adamant about his hallucinations and yet he'd hear the boy's signature, almost feminine voice. A clear contrast from the guttural grunting from his monstrous imagination. He had to blink twice to focus on the boy's rupturing features. He squinted to see the monstrous image burn away in favor of the strangely young man, not at all cobbled mess a few seconds ago though the rest of the castle was still a hellscape of death and dead bodies.

"Not alone?"

He held onto the other man and nodded, lifting himself up though he looked quite disoriented as he surveyed the area around him. Patchwork monsters barking orders here and there to their subordinates.
She would've laughed at his way of describing her, or would've feined offense if she was not so worried about him. She would've tried to push him away when he leaned on her with the weight of the world on his shoulders if she was more worried about the bandages that wrapped her chest tight than his well being.

Gently trying to shift his weight onto her under injured shoulder, she gently wrapped a free hand around the wrist of the hand he was lightly pounding her chest with, supporting him with her other arm around his back.

"Close your eyes, Marc...everything you see isn't real, that i promise. And i haven't broken my promise before...have i?" She urged him on, forcing some ease and slight cheerfulness into her voice.

Her eyes searched his in the hopes of finding some kind of recognition in all that confusion she saw in his orbs. What was he seeing...? She couldn't imagine.

"it's all just a nightmare and you'll wake up soon... And then maybe we can go drink at the bar just like we always did. Wouldn't you like that?" Her mouth shaped into a forced smile, "we just need to get you to bed, so you can wake up, okay?"
General Gavin Loch


"Another one," said the crone. A red banner hung from the headboard, and she took it. The women tending to the man retreated their hands, and dispersed to join the tumultuous spread of those women already at work in the closed space of the infirmary.

Groaning, with outstretched hands, the soldiers fought for life and cried out for aid. Yet many were passed by; there was only so much that could be done.

The work of women was as much a task of telling if a man would live as it was deciding whether they could spare the time. Their hands and knowledge were limited, and the aftermath of a harpy swarm left piles of soldiers for the flies to flock.

Those of higher rank were given higher priority; those of the lower ranks were given minimal attention. Those common men had their wounds sealed with a brand, then bandaged over. Some wine for the pain, some leaf to chew. If they wailed no longer, they were taken out, and hopefully they lived. If they did not, then like the man the crone pronounced lost, they were abandoned.

Now, in the far corner, the last gasp of life left him, and the man died. The writing was on the wall; long since the blood had soaked through the sheets, long since his wailing grown weak. His hope was defeated by despair; so there was no hope for him. The women had turned from him to care for those closer to life, so his body was left there a while in its rest until one returned to find him lost.

They carted him out to the pile outside and dumped his body wrapped in the same soaked sheets. His cot was replaced, and an injured man lifted from the floor to rest in it. He met the brand, screaming, but his cries were scarcely heard above the din of dying men.

A tattered curtain of cotton separated those commoners from the men of rank. Captains and commanders mostly sat on their cots, mild wounds tended to. Only one of the lot lay on the bed, but he had long since been neatly wrapped in a tie of bandages, and sucked on a wineskin to alleviate his burden.

That a Lionsguard should meet the ranks of these injured men raised a few eyebrows, but they were too fatigued to press for the tale.

A pillow fluffed to catch his neck, a loose band of bandages around his eyes, salve smeared over his nose, cool against his skin, Gavin lay back, but he did not relax. The cries beyond the curtain were no lullaby.

"Even if I say anything, you wouldn't listen, now would you?" His nurse, his cousin, Abigail whose niggling voice cut under his ears. "Here I thought with you being promoted and all, I'd never find you here again. Yet you still insist on leaping into a fool's mission rather than thinking the situation through."

"The credit's all yours, Gail." Gavin waved a hand, mouth like acid. "Common sense, you're the voice of it. Just what I needed to hear."

"Please," she sighed. A bowl of water met his hand, cool under his thumb. "I know you missed me, but come now, this is hardly the way to get my attention."

The bandages were loose enough around his eyes that a slit of sight let the light creep in. She was blurry, but Gail's blonde hair matched the gold torchlight as she crossed the room again to redress the bedded captain's wounds.

Gavin tried to relax a moment, though the din beyond the curtain did not make it an easy task. It would not be long before the Lionsguard called him in for a scolding of their own, of that he was certain.
Dove Juniper

Dove doesn't notice the cajoles or grievances of nearby soldiers; they aren't of her concern, and she has other things to focus on.

Dove tilts her head. The man has a funny way of talking; she can't quite place it, but it's in his inflections, in strange figures of speech. By the heel... what a funny thing to say. She can at least recognize that this is an important man, a General, one who is accustomed to fighting. It brings her some peace to know that she has made contact with someone capable.

"...I have observed this for myself. You are beset upon so horridly... It gives me great honor to accept your kind invitation. We seek all the things you speak of, and news furthermore. I do not think it wise to speak at length here; we will gather our skirts and make haste, if you will but lead us to safety!"

As they move, Dove ruminates. The idea that they have been transported to some other world would be outlandish to an earthly being of Wuldir, but the Fae are accustomed to the bizarre, and Dove has surprisingly little difficulty giving the possibility serious consideration. She knows everything seems different here; the other Fae don't really feel like Fae. They look the same, but different. Sturdier, more grounded. Souls walled off and guarded. The earth does not respond to her customary, absent-minded suggestions, not do the winds heed her nudges.

There are some things Dove must hold to be true so she may continue to be. Another is added to the list; one can always find their way home. She casts a glance over her shoulder to snatch the reassuring sight of Cypress behind her, then picks up her pace with newfound determination.
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Calvin Haveron

Lionsguard General

"Castle Peregrine is a stalwart lady, you will not be a burden upon her shoulders, that much I can assure you," Calvin called out, and ordered his men to flank the two women, protecting them as they followed him back to the castle grounds. "Stay close, and we shall hasten our stride."

Fortunately, Calvin and his cohort made it back to Peregrine without incident. As he continued his escort of the two out-of-place women into the castle, a rush of fresh faces, both medical orderlies and patrol guards pushed the opposite way. Reinforcements were very slow to mobilize, far too slow for Calvin's standards, but at this point he could not complain for every man and woman had already given their hearts and bodies for the cause -- more than the general could ask for. As the wounded were carted to the castle, the dead buried, and the guards shifted, the relieved personnel were free to roam and respite until they were called to reinforce after the next inevitable attack.

Either the cycle would continue 'til their bones ground to dust and none remain, or they'd kill every last monster the realm had to offer.

"Pardon the mess and any breach in etiquette you may encounter in your stay, we surely welcome you to our home, but our stores and morale have seen better days," Calvin explained as he lead the two into the main hall, where nurses, soldiers and refugees were bustling about. "However, you are still our guests. Should anyone question your presence, mention General Haveron, and I'll have them straight as a board in no time. I should ask before I am on my way, might I be graced to know your names?"

@Ryuuko Shin, @Anomaly)
Dove Juniper

Dove curtsies, though not very deeply. She has her pride, after all.

"Many thanks, General Haveron. I am Dove Juniper, Princess and Heir to Altia. This is my handmaiden, Cypress. Your people seem busy; I daresay they need you. May fortuitous winds blow over you... Goodbye!"

She would like to keep him a while longer and ask him more questions, but a glance around reveals the state of the place, and a pang in Dove's heart will not allow her to prevent the man from his duties. Once he departs, she looks around, taking it all in. Everyone is dressed oddly, like something out of a storybook about olden days, but that's hardly the most prominent thing. The stench of bodies and their excrement, the fear and weariness on the faces of all around her... She draws closer to Cypress and speaks in hushed tones. "This place is so downtrodden... Do you suppose we could do something to help?" She looks at a passing wounded man being carted in by a worn-down young woman. "Queen's mercy, I wouldn't even know where to start. And it's more important to speak with their leader, besides, but who am I to ask...?"
Verret Explorat

Verret arrived just as the two women were carted into the castle "Why do they deserve such luxury" he muttered, thinking they had done nothing to help. "Soldiers, return to your posts, ready for an attack. I shall see the general and discuss with him what we plan to do." he said before muttering under his breath "Then find an excuse to question the 'noblewomen'" as he made his way to the infirmary tent where he expected General Loch to be found. Taking a look as he went at the world, so vivid and bright after such a dark fight, the greens in the trees and the field. The Red and grey of the wall and the odd clumps of brown and feathers were soldier fought deperately outside the walls against their foe. "What use are walls against them?!" he called out to the sky.

@QuestingBeast @Ryuuko Shin
"Ah bed. Right like this is just some sort of nightmare everything's going to be fine?"

Marc shifted his gaze from the ruined and monster infested city to the oddly young and unmarred face of the boy in front of him. It was that easy to ignore the fact that the boy still looked like a cobbled patchwork of body parts like all the other monsters around him. He peered past into the city and then back the Ash. A smirk on his face, grunting and raising himself unsteadily onto his feet he marched into the town.

"I mean, I..."

As he made his way past the gate everything began to melt. The spires, the cracked and broken buildings, all repaired themselves to a slightly better condition but the same kind that said they were just about ready to collapse anyway. He looked up in fact to see the sun break past the black and red sky and the stench of death came back to his senses. He turned around a little too fast and almost toppled as he took in the rapidly melting scene. It looked like the same old place he always knew. And that Ash kid...still looked like a kid but hey at least he wasn't some sort of cobbled together mess.

His fingers pointed to the boy then the buildings then himself then back to the boy, cycling as he tried to get his bearings that seemed to run off a few leagues. He looked every bit the confused fool. More to the point his lips tasted off as his tongue dragged over the cracked dry flesh. He brought his hands over to it and found spores clinging to his fingers.

"Right. Ash, take my hand and take me to the infirmary. I think I'm about to see death again."

He spoke calmly or tried to as the same nightmarish hellscape reappeared before his eyes, replacing everyone and everything. His pupils dilated to show he was consumed by the hallucinations once more and it was all he could do without breaking down again.

"Ash. Do it. Now."

He held his hand out.


For a few seconds, everything seemed to be going fine. He seemed to forget whatever nightmareish hell he was in and for that single moment, his eyes were clear with recognition in them, and she had hope. That familiar, iconic smirk that was growing on his face made a hint of a smile crack on her chapped lips despite the grimness of their situation.

But then, it looked like he was about to fall, tripping over nothing even though she was trying her best to support him with her uninjured shoulder and her arm wrapped around his torso. Stumbling slightly when he seemed to almost topple, she cursed the burning pain in her strained arm muscles and herself for being so weak when she needed herself to be strong the most.

"Stay with me, Please.. " Ash muttered between rapid breaths as she tried to steady him, realizing that she was talking to herself as well as him, "just for a little longer... stay with me.."

When she heard him speak, she stepped away from him slightly so that she could look at him, her eyes searching his which were dilated, telling her that his mind was trapped within another hellish hallucination.

She took his out-stretched hand without a moments hesitation, stepping away from him to take his other hand in hers, letting out a sigh as her shoulders relaxed, no longer bearing his weight.

Now with her back to the looming castle they were heading for, Ash slowly began to edge backwards, leading him forward with her hands till she stumbled slightly over a hand, which belonged the the corpse of a harpy sprawled out on the ground. Holding back a gasp, she quckly turned back to Marc, trying to ignore the drumming of her heart in her ears and the bile rising in her throat. As she lead him, she glanced over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure she wouldn't trip over anything.

"Look at me, Marc," She spoke, praying that her voice would stay steady, "don't look at anything. Just focus on me.. Okay? We're nearly there.. I promise.." Her gaze lifted to his eyes, hoping that somehow the nightmare he was in would disappear, but she knew there was nothing she could do.

"Please, just look at me, me only."
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