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Fantasy World of Ruin

"I wonder do I have power I can draw on my body and make it real and you saw it before or you ask"
Ellie didn't want anymore questions. The sun was going down and she didn't want to bother with these boys anymore. She lit a larntern and hung it in her shelter. She laid down and closed her eyes.
kuno finish the painting and stabbed the scrap metal into the sand and then went into his shelter and fell asleep.
kuno got up and got out of his shelter and had it disappear I look at Ellie and wonder what she will be doing"so what are you going to do I'm just wandering the world and painting what I see."
Ellie glared at him. "You think this is a time to relax? I'm going to a place that will keep e safer, for more than a sturdy shelter like this could!" She yelled at him. "I'm going to paradise, where i don't have to hunt for food... search for water, miles and miles away from where my camp was..." She mumbled.
"you got to see the world as a different place or paradise will never come to you."Kuno lookout into the desert what he see was very beautiful even if the world was harsh he liked to look at it from a different angle"what do you see when you look out into the desert."
Kuno pointed to the scrap metal he painted on the painting was of the desert but it has shack in it and people walking around having a smile on their face"now what you see through my eyes."
"don't you see I see the future not the past not the present but the future,a future I hope that will come true but I know I can achieve it."Kuno sad sadly and had a silent pause for a while"a artist always have to look at it from different ways but I'm no artist I can only look at it one way hope this is why I wander a round and paint. hoping people can see that in paintings."
Ellie sighed and walked back to her shelter to wake up Fen, her dog. "Fen. Fen wake up boy!" She says shaking him. He opens his eyes and pants. He gets up and walks around the shelters.
"but I won't stop trying to attain my future I hope you don't either and hope you don't mind me following you."Kuno just kept on looking out into the desert.
Ellie shrugged. "I really don't care..." She says throwing a bone she collected from the wyrm last night so Fen could play.
Kuno that down and look into in bag at all his pain you need more soon but he should have enough"okay I'm glad to have your permission and when are we running off to the next area."
"I'm just going to go ride around for a while see what I can find."Kuno took off his boots and painted wheels on his feet again and started ride off

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