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Realistic or Modern ๐—ช๐—›๐—”๐—ง ๐—ช๐—˜'๐—ฉ๐—˜ ๐——๐—ข๐—ก๐—˜ โ€” ๐—๐—๐–พ ๐—Œ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—’



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
what we've done
the half-sister
played by triples

the colleague
played by natasha

the tutor
played by weldherwings

the rival
played by triples

the ex-girlfriend
played by natasha

the ex-best friend
played by weldherwings
sonakshi 'sonny' malhotra
liam's funeral
why did i come to this thing?
It seemed that Sonny was among the first to arrive. For once in her life, she hated the fact that she was punctual. Even in high school, Sonny was early for everything. It just wasn't in her nature to be late, and it was impossible for her to wake up later than sunrise, no matter how little sleep she may have gotten the night before.

And Sonny barely got any sleep the night before.

The reunion had been hard enough. And with the way that it ended... Sonny just wanted to catch a flight and head back to London. She wanted to be back in her nice apartment, thinking hard about what to write next, or feeling conflicted over whether or not she should text that cute guy from work. The last thing she wanted to do was live in her empty childhood home with her parents now gone, while she waited for the police to carry out their investigation. While she waited for them to catch someone for Liam's murder.

Sonny didn't know if she'd left behind any evidence that could be traced back to her. Not at the scene of the crime, anyway. But back at her house, the dress she'd worn on the night of the reunion still had some of Liam's blood on it, and while she hadn't been the one to bludgeon him near to death in the first place, she was the one to finish the job. And his blood on her outfit was all the cops needed to close the case.

Needless to say, as she walked across the grass and approached the arrangement of chairs set in front of Liam's closed casket funeral, Sonny had a lot on her mind. It wasn't extremely sunny, but her sunglasses were on. She woke up with a hangover the past two days because it seemed like getting drunk was the only thing that got her to sleep. And if she was going to get through this funeral in one piece, then she was going to need more.

Standing underneath the shade of a nearby tree, Sonny pulled a flask from the pocket of her jacket and took a swig of whatever was inside. She didn't really stop to check when she filled it in with something she found in the liquor cabinet at home. It was bitter though, and Sonny cringed a little before swallowing it down and shoving the flask back in her pocket. All there was to do now was wait, so that's what she did.

While she waited, she began to wonder if she regretted what she did. Maybe the alcohol was what gave her the courage to do what she actually wanted to do. Maybe it was something else. Sonny wasn't so sure because she didn't actually devote any time into thinking about it. She was busy freaking out about how everything was going to turn out. She couldn't freak out though, if she was to play the part of the innocent, grieving ex-girlfriend. Sonny wasn't grieving, not in the slightest, but working around actors for the past couple of years taught her a thing or two.

Maybe Liam didn't deserve to die, or at least not the way he went, but Sonny didn't doubt that with all the people he manipulated, he had it coming for a long time now.
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Ravi Josiah Tjokro
liam's funeral
Ravi would be lying if he said that he mourned Liam's passing. The man had always been like a devil on his shoulder, twisting his mind and weighing him down. It was almost a relief to see him gone. Was that terrible thought to have at someone's funeral? Most definitely. But Ravi never claimed to be a good person. Despite his internal nonchalance about the apparent murder, though, his mood was still very somber. His eyes kept wandering to Sonny, who had arrived before him & sat a distance away, for reasons very different than what those who knew about them back then might assume.

His mind kept rewinding to the events of that night, playing terrible possibilities like a movie in the theater of his head. Sonny had been drunk out her right mind. At least, that was the state in which he caught her when people were starting to trickle out of the reunion. Worried, he'd separated from the res to take her home. She had seemed off somehow. Enough that, despite not having contact with her since then, he was sure something was wrong. Ravi had assumed it was just a bad mix of memories and alcohol, then. That is, until he spotted the blood on the skirt of her dress. He'd kept quiet in the moment, but the heavy, ominous feeling began to grow.

The very next morning, they hear about Liam's murder and that someone at the reunion had done it. It was obvious what conclusion he immediately came to. He didn't want to believe it. He thought, maybe she simply witnessed the murder or saw the body. Sonny wasn't a murder-her-ex type of girl, not in his eyes. Even if she was, why would she do it after so many years? It didn't make sense, yet his gut feeling kept pointing to the worst. He wanted to ask her. Had been wanting to since that day. But what if she really did kill Liam? What was he supposed to do then?

His first instinct toward Sonny, even now, was protection. Feelings of guilt for everything he did still haunted him whenever he saw her, making it difficult to do anything that might hurt her again. Including telling the police about what he saw that night. Which was logically a stupid thing to do. If he told them, they would've been able to figure out the answer he wanted and he wouldn't be stuck in his current dilemma. Yet he'd put himself on record spouting lies to cover for someone who technically no longer had anything to do with him.

A frustrated sigh wanted to escape Ravi but he swallowed it back. For the upteenth time, he glanced over to Sonny. Time to bite the bullet, he thought to himself. He was achieving absolutely nothing by sitting here and torturing himself. He wanted to go talk to her. He was going to do it eventually. Eventually might as well be now. Quietly, he left his seat and strode toward the petite girl, taking the conveniently empty seat beside her.

"How're you doing?" He asked in a low voice as a greeting, leaning toward her so he could whisper.
Minho Kang
liam's funeral
new post alert from minnie!
good morning. today is going to be a hard day as we lay to rest one of my closest friends growing up. thank you to everyone who has been sending all the love and support x i will try and get you a new video tomorrow night to show you how thankful i am x
we love you Minnie!

good luck today. putting a friend to rest is always heart breaking. i remember when i was twelve, and one of my friends had cancer. she died only (click to read more)

a new video?! do you think we'll finally see his ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†?? ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค

๋„ ๋„ˆ๋ฌด๋‚˜๋„ ์‚ฌ๋ž‘ํ•ด. ์šฐ๋ฆฌ๊ฐ€ ํ•จ๊ป˜ ํ•  ์ˆ˜ ์žˆ๋„๋ก ํ•œ๊ตญ์œผ๋กœ ์ด๋™ํ•˜์‹ญ์‹œ์˜ค~!

we hope ur ok :c miss talking to you!
It had been an old picture he had uploaded.

In fact, over the last few days, they had all been old pictures. Had he done anything recently, they wouldโ€™ve seen the sullen look in his eyes or the fact that he wasnโ€™t keeping himself up to date with grooming as he would possibly have in the past. It took his twin sister to come over last night to whip some shape into him and pressure him into shaving his beard growth and have a shower. So even though he looked prim and proper now, he still felt like he couldnโ€™t take any pictures โ€“ because he felt so paranoid that by looking at his face, you could see the face of a murderer.

He had zero intentions of hurting Liam that night. If anything, he had goals of going to the reunion to see the smiling faces of all the old friends that had moved over East or managed to lose contact with. But when he heard Liam and Lynn fighting, he just felt this overwhelming sense to protect her. And so, he had seen it as his duty to basically โ€˜finish the job that Lynn had startedโ€™. He could still remember the way the plague in his hands lodged itself into Liamโ€™s head before he had to practically tear it out again. It was like a knife cutting warm butter; so smooth and easy. Surely murdering someone wasnโ€™t this easy.

But these hands that were currently hidden in his pockets as he and Minji walked togetherโ€ฆ they were the hands of a murderer. He could feel his heart starting to quicken with each stride, his gaze focused on their feet as they walked upon the grass to the funeral. Swallowing thickly, he could hear people around him starting to slowly gather towards the same direction they were heading. They werenโ€™t late, but they also werenโ€™t extremely early. As they drew closer, he could feel the emotions and anxiety beginning to rise.

And then Minji stopped walking.

They mustโ€™ve been there. Slowly, Minhoโ€™s eyes gazed upwards and something happened that even surprised him. It felt like Liam himself had crawled from the gates of Hell, ran up to him and punched him in the bridge of his nose with all the power Satan couldโ€™ve given the asshole. Minhoโ€™s eyes began to instantly water and his lip quivered as his heart rattled in his chest. Before them laid the closed casket of his ex-best friend. Had Liam been a good friend to him? Well, sort of. In the end, no. He had been far from it. But there were those moments that the boys shared that Minho knew he would forever remember. They were moments where Liam wasnโ€™t the biggest asshole in the world and actually showed some sort of decent kindness.

โ€œItโ€™s okay, Minhoโ€ฆโ€ Minji said softly to her brother, dragging his hand out of his pocket and holding it in her own. โ€œItโ€™s okay to cryโ€

Well, I suppose no one would suspect the emotional, crying ex-best friend as a murderer, right?
sonakshi 'sonny' malhotra
liam's funeral
Sonny felt the space beside her becoming occupied and she looked over to be met with a familiar face. Perhaps one of the only few friendly faces, though that was also subjective, given what had happened in the past. But if she had to put up with anyone during this funeral, she preferred it to be Ravi.

His question wasn't something she thought she could answer right away, mainly because she wasn't so sure how she was doing. There wasn't much grief โ€” Liam may have played a role in her life at one point, though he'd been the very reason she'd chosen to get rid of that role. She didn't miss him. But she was still trying to digest the fact that she'd more or less been the cause of his death. It was hard to wrap her head around, and while she would have trusted Ravi with anything else, this wasn't something she could bring herself to say out loud. The less people that knew, the better.

"Not great," she shrugged and popped open her flask again to take a sip. Once she did, she held it out in Ravi's direction, in case he wanted to indulge as well. If he didn't, that wasn't a problem. It just meant there was more for her.

"I came back home for a reunion. Didn't think I'd be staying for a funeral." She pried her gaze away from that stupid picture of Liam kept up ahead. "How are you doing?" Sonny knew they hadn't been on the best of terms but he was here now.

"Thanks for taking me home the other night, by the way," Sonny added after a moment, looking toward Ravi with a softer gaze. As drunk as she had been, she remembered everything from that night. And while part of her was happy to think that there was a part of Ravi that cared about her, a much bigger part of her just wanted to forget the entire night in general. The sight of blood didn't leave her mind, and Sonny doubted it ever would.

Of course, in the moment, it didn't occur to her that Ravi might have seen any blood on her.

People were still trickling in to take their seats. Sonny recognised many of them as their classmates. What bothered her more about the night of the reunion was the fact that someone had tried to get to Liam before she did. She'd stumbled upon him by chance, and an opportunity had presented itself. But Liam had his head pounded in way before that, and it could have very well been done by someone at this very funeral. It was impossible for her to know who that was โ€” but she was still busy worrying about whether she'd covered up her own tracks well enough.
louis 'lou' marchand
liam's funeral
Louis was still trying to wrap his head around the whole thing.

It felt almost surreal to think he'd seen Liam at the reunion not too long ago, only to show up at his funeral now. It hadn't even been some freak accident. Someone had killed him. That was probably the hardest thing to digest, though he wasn't sure why. Liam hadn't been the greatest person alive, and Lou knew that firsthand after the way he'd been shunted to the side during the one โ€” and only โ€” time they'd worked together.

While Louis held some resentment, he had put it all in the past. He had no intentions of clearing things up with Liam, but he did plan on just ignoring his existence. Lou was doing fine for himself. Dwelling on past betrayals was only going to make things worse for him, and he didn't want that.

It seemed he was somehow being dragged into Liam's life all over again, and like last time, almost against his will. While Louis had left the reunion early, he had still been present, and as a result, he was still very much a suspect. Only, he knew he didn't do it... so the question was, who did?

He had a couple of ideas, of course, based on a few interactions he'd witnessed. It was perhaps one of the few reasons Lou was happy to be an observer more than someone who actively contributed to conversations. It was better to watch and to understand than be oblivious, but right now all it did was give him several ideas, and none of them concrete. Louis didn't want to out whoever did this. He didn't want to put them in prison. He just wanted to know who did it.

As he walked toward the arrangement of chairs, his gaze glossed over the rest of the crowd. He saw Ravi and Sonny. He saw Minho and Minji. Liam's step-sister had yet to arrive, or maybe she was already around and he just hadn't spotted her yet. Louis knew he should probably speak to some of them. At least Ravi and Sonny, if not anyone else. High school hadn't been a great time with him, so he didn't have a lot of people at that funeral he felt entirely comfortable talking to.

Deciding to catch up with them once the service was over, he opted to take a seat somewhere in the middle, close to the aisle. He didn't feel like he'd need to escape from anything here with Liam gone, but there was some reassurance in knowing that he could if he wanted to.
Evelyn "Lyn" Zhang
liam's funeral
Lyn lingered in the washroom for much longer than she needed to or should have. She couldn't handle seeing her mother cry over Liam; not when she had a sure hand in his death. She knew she was one of the parties involved. But with the knowledge that his head had been hit by something sharp and that he'd been pushed into the water to drown while helpless, it was clear she wasn't the one to actually end him.

Was it Sonny? Lyn didn't remember seeing anything sharp on the other girl, but she was too out of it then for her memory to be trusted. Would there really be such an unfortunate circumstance where three separate people try to kill one guy, though? She supposed there could be, for someone like her step-brother. A soft sight left her lips. She should have just confessed her own part when the police questioned her. She hadn't meant to kill Liam, or even seriously injure him. It was a mistake, and if she had just admitted it, then maybe she wouldn't be feeling so suffocated now.

After one last hard stare at herself, as if issuing the figure in the mirror a warning, she resolved to return to the funeral. Even if she wasn't fully ready, she'd been away too long. Gathering her belongings, Lyn stepped out of the dark room into the painful light, careful to keep up a straight face as she arrived where the crowd that had gathered could see her. She knew it would have been normal for her to look upset at her own family member's funeral, but guilty conscience left her terrified of giving off any hint at all.

There were many familiar faces among the attendees. Ravi, who was surprisingly with Sonny. Louis, someone who she didn't expect to see. Minji, that quiet girl she remembered as Liam's tutor, and... Minho. Minho who was looking haggard. Minho who was crying. Lyn's steps stuttered, her attention caught.
Min-Ji Kang
liam's funeral
โ€œItโ€™s okay, Minhoโ€ฆ Itโ€™s okay to cry.โ€

Almost like that was the key trigger, Minji witnessed the tears beginning to run down her brotherโ€™s cheeks. She knew that Liam and her brother hadnโ€™t spoken in a while. Heck, he knew there was some sort of tension or beef there, but they had been friendly at the reunion. Well, from what she gathered they had been friendly. She didnโ€™t get a chance to talk to Liam which was one of her biggest regrets. But she had the chance to watch her brother interact with him for the very last time from afar. They seemedโ€ฆ neutral, I suppose?

Entwining their fingers together, Minji placed her other hand upon Minhoโ€™s forearm to provide physical contact to let him know that it was okay. She didnโ€™t think that he would cry today. After all, when they were six years old and he fell off their neighbourโ€™s trampoline, breaking his arm, he didnโ€™t shed a tear. When he was thirteen years old and the girl he had liked found out he didnโ€™t have any pubic hair yet and told everyone at school, he didnโ€™t cry. Crying and Minho just never seemed to go hand in hand. And yet, here he wasโ€ฆ a mess. A complete, and utter mess.

She could feel her own eyes beginning to sting as she stood there, holding onto his hand and watching the tears fall from his eyes. Swallowing thickly, she moved her gaze from her brother to the people around her. She thought that she would be the one crying at this funeral. After all these years, Liam still had a way of captivating him. There was just something soโ€ฆ she didnโ€™t know how to explain it. There was just something there when she tutored him. And it followed him all the way through his adulthood until the moment he took his final breath. She had tried to distance herself, putting her education and career first butโ€ฆ something kept on bringing her back to him. She was drawn to him as gravity pulls us back down to Earth. But now it was too late to question that gravity. Now it was too late to figure out what the hell that sparkle was that captivated her every time she looked at him.

Releasing a soft sigh, Min-Jiโ€™s eyes travelled across the crowd, hoping to see others and a seat for them to sit down. Well, there was her. The girl that she had always envied. Sonny. And then there was Ravi, whom Liam would often rant about during tutoring lessons. Louis had just taken his spot. And thenโ€ฆ Min-Ji saw Lyn looking at them. Well, Lyn was looking at Minho. Now, Min-Ji had nothing against Lyn. What she didnโ€™t like was how Minho used to always talk about her and then all the sudden, just stopped. Out of nowhere, you mentioned Lyn and he would get furious and storm out of the room. Something mustโ€™ve happened between the pair and her twin was way too stubborn to admit anything.

Slowly, Min-Ji raised her hand slightly, giving the girl a small wave. It was an odd occasion; Lyn was technically Liamโ€™s sister (well, half-sister), so she mustโ€™ve been in a state of grieving. How do you even talk to someone when their brother dies? God, she felt so damn awkward. And they were yet to find a seat.


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