Music What song has had a positive imapact? Is this song your favorite?


Heaven restores you in life.
For me, It was verbatim by Mother Mother. Its a song abouten going against the stereotype and not being gay. This has helped me to realize my sexuality as a straight male as what i like doesnt classify me as anything else.

Not only that, i generally love the sound of the guitar, the first 4 strings plucked set the song high, followed by female vocalism. Its just the best, not to mention the lyrics. I strongly recommend listening as well as their other albums. With all things given, this song(and album) has made it to #1 on my favorites as of now.
Falling Slowly from the musical Once is actually a favorite song of mine. I went to see this on Broadway after I lost my father. Literally cried during the show when the song played. Its basically a song saying "you still have time", meaning whatever you need to do DO IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. I think we spend so much time planning instead of doing and then it's too late. Do the things you can do right now, say I love you often, because the only thing we all have right now is right now.

The other song that really lifted me from a dark place is Come Running Home from the Flash musical episode. My fiancee loves the Flash, has tons of his comics. When I'm down he sings this to remind me he'll come running if I'm in danger. One of my fears is to be left behind; I had a really hard time after my dad. I was kicked out of my house by my mom and a whole series of unfortunate events happened. I was basically abandoned by my family, sleeping out in the street. So my fiancee reassures me with this song that he won't leave me like that. Both physically and emotionally, he'll never leave me in a dark place, he will always come running.

Oof oh gosh, that was quite the rant 😅
That is just so beautiful. Something to think on, for me. Having only right now. I appreciate this amazing addition to the thread.
Speaking of Mother Mother, "It's Alright" is a very good one.

I also adore "Hello My Old Heart" be Oh Hellos. Very soft, melancholic, soothing, and has a good ending.

Those are the two feel-good songs I can think of right now...

Oh! Lately I've been listening to "Sacred" by Citizen Soldier on repeat. If my life had a theme song, this would be it.

I'll add more when I think of them, because I'm certain I have them lying around. Most of my songs are edgy and angsty, so this is a really nice thread. I appreciate it.
I added "Its Alright" to my spotify just recently. Its kinda therapeutic, the song. A very soothing and reassuring song that, if said by my own mother, i would cry. Which she did. So i did. Anyhow, Jack Stauber also has a song called "Its Alright". Its mostly gut wrenching screeching with guitar. I like it because the way it sounds just grabs my soul. And its how i cry lol

I just listened to Sacred and his voice is. Just. Rockin. The song had many questions, ones which got me thinkin bout my brothers. Love em.

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