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little miss burnt out
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well... mostly.


if not human?

where were you this morning?

most students of westridge university were sleeping soundly in their beds, shielding themselves from the frigid early-january air. maybe a few got a tad too tipsy at the prior night's campus parties, and found themselves strewn across a frat house floor or snuggling up against a stranger. an early riser or two may have headed straight for the gym, conditioning for a sport or just working on themselves. but you aren't like most students of westridge university.

what odd series of events lead you to head to the lecture hall professor aaron jones would be at so early in the day? did you know the others would be there? i mean, how could you, really... but did you?

were you the first one to lay eyes on his lifeless body?

life-changing events don't happen often. and no matter what your life was like before, i can promise you that now, it's about to veer off any path you might've expected.

so i ask again; where were you this morning?

portrayed by khade linnaeus

is it a boon or a curse that you're only a monster one night of the month? that for the other 27 days, you're blissfully human? does that make you more human- or does it make the beast inside that much more horrifying once it finally breaks loose?

portrayed by lillian zowmen

immortality is a prize many seek out. but to you, the price is scarce worth it. the bureaucracy. the games. the hunger. what's the point of an eternal life, when that life is spent in hell?

portrayed by devan smith

since your death six months prior, you've roamed the college's buildings, barely a whisper in people's minds. you're a shadow- unnoticeable, imperceptible. nobody to talk to, no shoulder to lean on, no closure.

portrayed by imogen de haas

their echos haunt you. their voices are constant. they beg for release, release they're certain only you can grant, but you can't answer all of their prayers. you help the ones you can, banish the ones you must, but the dead never rest.

portrayed by nanette decuir

the knowledge passed down to you feels older than time itself, more binding than anything else youโ€™ve known. you might be human, yes- but are you, really? not when you have so much power at your fingertips, waiting only for the right sacrifice to ignite.

portrayed by circe [redacted]

your mind might not remember that you drowned, but your body does. it remembers every time it draws you back to the sea, to the same spot your life was stolen. it remembers every time you weave your unnatural songs, tapestries within music. it remembers every time you take a life to restore your own. oh, how far you've sunken.

portrayed by felix romero

when did you first learn of your ability to control your unique force of nature? that your powers hang on to your every word like a drunken lover, that you keep running back to them like an addict to their fix. but like any toxic relationship, itโ€™s always self-destructive- and will only end going up in flames.

portrayed by luca bianchi

you never listened to the warning heeded by your parents, always brushed off their offerings of holy water and silver daggers even as you went off to college on your own. but now itโ€™s seeming like those stories might not have just been stories- and that he things that go bump arenโ€™t bound to the night.

portrayed by wolfe thatcher

trees and rivers, blood and darkness crowd your dreams. you're just a normal child, though- maybe peculiarly good at the art of the deal, with wit as sharp as a knife blade, but still perfectly normal. but perfectly normal children don't find their own skeletal remains in the forest, do they?


โ€ข full moon in 1 day
โ€ข meet with prof. jones
โ€ข scroll down


to-do list:
1. wake up
2. ???
3. profit

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