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Fantasy Welcome to Vanguard! Home of Pirates

Within seconds of the simian's uttering of the word "cyclops" Machiavelli had darted forward with incredible speed. It was clear to him that his chimp opponent had taken him for a joke this had driven him mad with rage a rage that would only be soothed with the spilling of blood. Before many of those within the tavern could realize it the one-eyed sell-sword had positioned himself directly in-front of the wise cracking humanoid, his blade now at the man's throat...

You think your funny smart-a**? lets see how funny you are when I paint this tavern crimson with your blood."

As he spoke his left arm lay in wait for any sudden movements, though he lacked one of his eyes' he would not be put at a disadvantage he ensured that he would be able to draw another one of his blades in-case things started to go south after all he was no pirate so he had no crew to back him up...

Draw your blade chimp, I'd hate to spill your blood without you at-least attempting to defend yourself."

It was true Machiavelli though he was a pirate he did have a sense of honor, it was not in him to attack someone who would not defend themselves, he viewed this as cowardly and it was nothing he hated more then a coward, well that his loathing of being on dry land.
Vaal heard Dolli and was greatly interested, "Oh really? Another person with wings in this place. We shall have to stick around this place a bit longer than expected until we find this person." She smirked, "because as you know, your captain loves a good challenge."

She then heard someone from a bar scream, "Are all of you too chicken-sh*t to stand up to my challenge? Will no one face Machiavelli!?"

"Speaking of challenges, looks like we'll need to take a detour on this little trip," she took a sharp turn into the bar seeing someone had responded.

and they continued to bicker for a bit until she saw that he was not all that interested in fighting the man, but she was. Vaal drew her weapon, a double-sided scythe.

"can't you see that the man does not want to fight you? You are better off fighting with a person who in fact does want to." She smirked at the strange-looking person with one eye. "If you are as strong as your ego says you are then I would like to put that to the test. So what do you say? Spare these poor people in this bar and come out with me to fight... unless you are getting second thoughts," she inquired.
"Awe. Your petty insults are so cute." Benjamin stated as he stared the demon in the eye. "Can anyone one up this genius?" he asked the entire tavern. Keep cool. If you strike, there is no going back. And that may not be the smartest move, the simian thought as he counted the five extra swords his opponent was carrying. His hand itched for his blade and it took an insane amount of control to keep it off. Hopefully he has some sense of honor and won't fight an defenseless opponent. I can see this guy following through with these threats.
(Oh god i didn't get the notification and already left behind so far!)

A cat man figure walking on the dirt road with some goods at his wrist. Many people around tried to stay away from him while the other that talking about him make Nyanta pointy ears twitched. He just smiled and pretend not to hear what they said. It doesn't really bother him anyway. He stopped at the front of the pirate ship, The Fleeting Ghost. He climb up to the deck and saw two of his crewmate is dueling. "My, my... Young people does have a high spirit" he smirked and watching them.
Dolli looked towards the way she heard Vaal run, quickly turning into a creature to keep up with her. "C'mon Melody!' She called back. Dashing into a building after her captain, she heard silence, which was slashed through by angry voices.

"Draw your blade chimp!" She heard someone trying to get him to calm down, but he was doing a terrible job. With the confident voice of her Captain following, she backed towards the wall. She didn't want to interfere with her captain's battle.
He smirked at the sudden challenge from the woman, though he did have a code of honor, fighting women was not in that code so she of course was fair game. He lowered his blade towards the simian then turned his attention towards the new challenger. His single eye meeting with both of her's, a fire burned with him revealing his desire to fight hinting at his blood-lust.

Gonna let a woman fight your battle aye? No matter... I will face you gorgeous but don't expect me to go easy on you..."

His entire demeanor had changed within an instant, for Machiavelli however cruel and murderous he could be had a soft spot for women. He absolutely adored the opposite sex and often spared women who'd had the misfortune of crossing blades with him but not before besting them in combat.

Well then Ms. I am a gentlemen so ladies lets give these people a show... Don't worry I'll go easy on you"

His voice now calm void of any real aggression yet the fire within his eye still burned despite his sudden change in mood he still meant business and his gleaming blade still cried out for blood. He had indeed beckoned for her to make the first move, but as usual he was prepared for whatever move she made, here double-bladed scythe was new to him he'd never faced someone who wielded such a weapon but then again he was certain she'd never faced the One-Eyed Demon Machiavelli.
Eunad just wanted to report what had happened but then Nyanta came in.

"Good day, Nyanta." He said, happy to see the Neo-Islanders "Where have you been?"

Eunad did not wait for the answer Nyantas, but turned to Fenton. He explained what had happened and in which direction the Draconian flew away.

Eunad waited for the reaction of Fenton.
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"Draconian?" He muttered. "I've never seen one up close..." He thought, organizing the pros and cons. "They can use magic, right?" He thought. "So any battle with them would be hard to do..." He scratched his head. He groaned. "But we don't have a choice... He already tried to scout us out... He might think of it, so it's 50/50 if he will go through with it... Actually more like 70/30..." He looked at the hole in the ship where the draconian escaped. "We need to leave though..." He looked at Sandra. "Get wood from the ship stores so we can fix this hole while we sail, if you'd please." He then looked at Nyanta and Eunad. "Please make sure our weapons are at the ready in case he does come. Magic takes time to cast, right? If we hit him first, maybe it would stop him before he does so..."
"Of course!" Eunad said. He turned to Sandra "When you go shopping could you get 'Zusteinische Nachrichten' for me?" Ask Eunad and gives her a bit of money for the newsletter. Also this time he did not wait for an answer and went into the storage room. Once at the bottom, he controlled all weapons after damage.
She scoffed at the man thinking looks like he is a softy for women, this should be all the more easier. "It matters not whether you go easy on me or not, I just wish to see your tactics and skills." She said as she led the man outside and they both crossed over to opposite sides of the road. many people scattered seeing her with a weapon and just knew that a battle was about to occur in the streets. This was her way of recruiting and to her it did not matter who beat who. If his fighting style was one she found interesting then she would ask him into her crew. If not, well she wouldn't go easy on him either because she would have no use for him anyway. She pointed her sword in his direction.

"Whenever you are ready 'gentleman'." She then curtsied in a mocking manner.
“Oh yeah babe?...” A man in a dark black cloak was resting on the on the bar counter, standing and flirting with a girl. His hood was up, but the young bar maid look swooned by him. He had his dark tan hand around the brunette haired waist. He whispered sweet things in her ear that made her giggle, completely ignoring the chaos. It was like they were in their own world, and that’s how he felt most of the time.

Out of the back of his cloak, and oversized great axe stuck out, and at his feet an open guitar case. “Ahh… yes…hahaha…. Yes I guess you do deserve a song, mi bella.” He smiled and sat in his chair, grabbing his guitar.

He made good money on the streets performing so he thought hed reward himself on this hot summer day in this pirates paradise. As he drink, he of course spotted the girl. When he saw a girl he liked…. He chased.

“Briiing.” The metal strings ran on his black acoustic guitar. He cleared he throat and began…

“Voy buscándote a ti...Tú no sabes como yo pienso en ti, Porque como tú no hay nadie más,Porque como tú no hay nadie igual…” He cooed in his native tongue. The woman seemed to almost fainting.
AuroreZell said:
Damien heard yelling from a ship nearby, followed by a flying figure coming towards him. On closer inspection it was the captain. He chuckled to himself "About time". As Octavian landed, Damien greeted him.
"So the Fleeting Ghost ey? It could be interesting. If you feel like going back there i would be more then happy to back you up" He got a smirk on his face "Maybe we could raid the ship? Capture everyone on board and sell them off as slaves? Or even better, just kill them and take the ship" He wasn't really expecting the captain to go along with any of his plans, but he threw them out there just in case. "No matter what you chose to do, i doubt that they would stand any chance against your crew" He chuckled.
"Woah, woah. Hold it back there. We may be pirates but we're not that cruel. As for beating us, your right about that, no one can beat us!" He laughed again slapping his knee. A bit far away he heard the voice of a man yelling. "Do ya hear that? That my friend, is a man with a bit to much to drink. I bet there will be a fight too." He looked up at the sky and sighed. "It seems like everybody has something better to do. I want something more. More in life.....forget it, it sounds like a cheap musical." He got up and went under the ship to get a jug of beer. He soon came across Brooklyn and he bowed into a hello. "Mi-lady, good morning! What might you be doing down here?" He said taking a full bottle of rum. He sat on a empty hammock and rocked on it like a child while listening to the woman.
"Yes Sirs!" Sandra said, saluting the Captain and taking the money from Eunad. "I'll be back soon."

She went down into the lower decks to her room to grab her bag. Then she headed back up and off the ship toward the shipping stores.

When she passed the tavern, she heard yelling, but she ignored it walking on past. The store was only three stops down the road, and a bell jingled as she entered. The interior was dark, barely lit by the light from the front windows and the lanterns hanging spaced around. She walked back to the wood section, found the board she needed. She hauled it onto her shoulder and took it to the front counter.

"Hello, Mr. Gimble," she said to the propetier, a small fat man with a happy face.

"The men sent you to do their dirty work again, hmm?" he asked, smiling, and making Sandra grin. Then she looked over and saw the newsletter Eunad wanted, so she placed it on the counter with the wood.

"This everything you need?" Sandra nodded, and when he told her the price, she gave him the money. She threw Eunad's paper into her bag, and hefted the board onto her shoulder again.

"Thank you, Mr. Gimble. I'll see you next time the men get lazy. Bye!"

"Bye deary."

He held the door open for her, and she made her way back to the ship.
"Same as always Eunad" Nyanta replied to him before he go to the storage room. He also heard the captain order him to prepare the weapon. "Will do captain" He smiled and went to the kitchen first to store his goods. After that he go to the cannon room to make sure every single cannon is loaded and ready to be fired.
Dolli could feel people going outside, the fight moving. She got ready to run after them, just in case her Captain needed any help, but she heard singing. It was nice singing, beautiful singing even. She twitched her ears, and ran towards the voice. As she dodged people's feet, she heard a scream, and if she had eyes, they would've rolled. Sure she looked pretty strange, but you'd think the tough people of Vanguard would be a little bit used to it by now.

She sat at the feet of the two people, but out of the way so they couldn't see her unless they deliberately looked towards her. The edges of mouth reached her tall ears, her sharp teeth on show, she opened wide for all to hear, and screeched to sing along. Whether in this for or her human form, she was far from a good singer, but that never stopped her from trying...
"So I'm starting us off? here I come...."

As he spoke a gruesome smile dance across his face he raised his before the woman before charging at her backed by incredible speed the smile still painted on his face whilst a devilish shine filled his eye. As he came within a few feet of her he'd seemed to vanish, his shadow the cast over her, he'd launched himself into the air intent on crashing down on his challenger.
"I hope she kicks your ass for going easy Cyclops." the simian said before ordering another drink. "I may even fight you if you don't get utterly destroyed." The bartender was quick in this instance, probably wanting to avoid watching the fight.

Benjamin then turned to watch the fight begin. The guy is fast, I'll give him that. But let's see what he can do with those swords, Ben pondered, watching the fight with an intense eye.
As soon as she saw that he had vanish she noticed that his presence was replaced by a shadow above her so she did a somersault with her weapon horizontal. She turned on her feet whilst swinging one side of the weapon at him having their blades meet. At this point she still had not made a decision yet. Vaal wanted to wait a little bit longer to see if he had anything more to offer her. In the mean time she intended to reciprocate and do the same hoping that she will prove to him that she is worth being captain, showing him a bit more of what of she had... But not too much of course.
On her way back to the ship, Sandra came across the scirmish going on in the street in front of the tavern.

"Stupid drunks," she grumbled, passing the crowd surrounding the fight on a side street. "Why the hell do they do that, get drunk?"

She walked up the gangplank with the 8' board over her shoulder.

"Eunad! I've got your newsletter! And the wood to fix the stair. I'm coming below deck!" she yelled as she started down the stairs watching for the broken step.
As Eunad heard that Sandra comb, he went to his workshop to the necessary tools to get. He went upstairs to fix the hole now. "Ah very good!" Said Eunad and took Sandra the news paper from her hand "is always upon thee relied!"

He wanted to read the newspaper, but then he remembered why he had actually come up. He put his news paper on one of the nearby chairs.

"Please put down the boards." Said Eunad and began the hole to repair.
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The tavern door crashed open and most of the bar goers fell silent. Heavy buckled foot steps thudded toward the middle. A heavy man with a big white moustache that curled scanned the room. He was in a grandiose white and blue uniform covered with many ribbons and medals of military achievement. His pot belly did not take away from his hairy muscular arms, and standing of 6'4". He was Vice Admiral Eater, known for teariing apart whole ships with just his teeth. Known for eating megalodon sharks whole. He could probably chomp through this beat down joint in one big movement.

Some stood in awe. Some in fear.

Outside of the tavern many armed navymen patrolled the town. Noises of marching men, orders and horses filled the town, kicking up the dirt. The ones on horseback carried wanted posters and ship pictures. This was a popular spot for pirates you know. But this was not why Eater was here.

He scanned the room then stopped. His rugged, hardened face grew with a big devilish grin. "YOU!" He pointed to the cloaked man playing the guitar. "By Decree the of Navy of Vangaurd, I order you, Dante Mancini, otherwise known as The Bear of The Red, to surrender yourself to me! You are wanted for 200 million gold for escaping Vanguard Maximum Security prison, as well as for murder, pillaging, rape, and other horrendous crimes! If you so refuse to come , I will have to take you by force... dead or alive!..."

The man in the cloak sighed. He put his guitar back in his case. He picked it up smiled then raised it to his side. Bullets began erupting from the case, causing Eater to retreat back outside.

"YOUVE DONE IT NOW BOY!" Eater said as bullets whizzed passed the door way.

"captain!" A nervous young soldier said frantically. "Th-The-Th-"


"THEYRE ALL HERE!" The captain pointed to the port where all the ships were lined up

Eater looked down each ships flag... the three most powerful pirates were in one port at the same time. He looked and saw familiar wanted pirates as well. "REQUEST ALL THE BACK UP YOU CAN GET! I WANT THIS PLACE BLOCKED OFF!" He yelled as he pulled out a huge mace. " BOYS! NOWS FIGHTIN TIME! GET IN THERE! AND SEIZE THE SHIPS!"

The navy men stormed the tavern and ran towards the ships. If you thought it was chaos before.... now its time to really mess things up....
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Eunad who just wanted to be finish, heard the sounds of battle outside from the ship.

He grabbed quickly some of his 'Fireworks' and went out side.

He looked at the docks and everywhere Navy soldiers marching to the ships ... on there's too.

"Damn!" Hissed Eunad.

One of the men walked up to him a gun at him directed

"On behalf of the Marine Vangaurds you are ...." He could not finish the sentence because Eunad kicked the plank away and he fell into the water.

Eunad pulled out a grenade, lit them and threw them at the soldiers. Most tried to jump away but most got it.

"Guys, we have visiting!" cried Eunad. "Time to go!"
Sandra ran to her berth for her revolvers and her cutlass, straping them on her waist, and ran pistols drawn to the top deck. She paused at the stairs, barely peaking over the edge.

"Damn! The navy! What the hell are they doing here?! Oh well. Time to shoot some navy asses!" She raised her pistols just over the edge if the deck, aimed at two of the soldiers and fired. BANG!BANG! The two med went down with shots to the chest.
He jumped to action, grabbing the wheel. "Time to go!" He knew more were to come. "This is a fight this ship can I'll afford."
Sandra felt the ship begin to move, so she quickly helped Eunad clear the rest of the navymen from the deck, then pulled the gangplank onto the deck, and asked Eunad and Nyanta to help her weigh anchor.

"Were ready to leave Captain!" Sandra called to him at the ship's wheel.

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