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Fandom Welcome To Hogwarts


Rapper, writer and just genuinely a neat guy
You are a student at Hogwarts and this RP is a story about your time at the school and the friends and arguments you make and inevitably have.

Have Fun :)
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Joe sighed as he looked around at all the happy families. He looked up at yet another Foster parent who'd tried to look after him for the summer but had turned him aside. He left them without a word being shared between them and went to find a spare compartment on the train
"Can I sit down?" A disheveled fifth year had opened the door to the compartment, her tangled red hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. Her words formed a question, but it was her eyes that gave way to her demand. "Most o' the others are full, an' the train'll be leavin' soon." She spoke quickly, recovering from the burst of panic after almost missing the train.
He looked down and blushed "sure...go ahead" he shuffled over to the window to make more room before staring outside, not making any move to start a conversation between the two
With a grateful squinty-eyed smile, she entered the corridor and sat, putting her feet on the edge of the seat across from her with a relieved sigh. After a few moments of silence, she turned her head to him "And wha's your name?" She asked
"Josef" he mumbled, his voice not clear and he avoided looking at her, only telling her what she asked
Catching on to his demeanor, she let out a subtle frustrated sigh. "You can call me Leslie," She began, getting the courtesy out of the way. "Not the friendly type, eh?" She asked, peeking curiously at him.
"I'm not used to other people" he sighed, looking at her for the first time "especially not girls"
She narrowed her eyes with a slow nod of her head and smirked playfully "Ahh, 'fraid of girls are ya? Well I don't bite" She rasped with a soft chuckle "promise" She reached a hand out for him to shake.
He stared at the hand fear in his eyes. He moved his hand out and shook it slightly,pulling back to the window almost straight away
"W--It's not a weapon, it's a hand!" She said, her expression a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "How long you been attendin' Hogwarts if you're not so used to bein' around people?" She crossed her arms as she settled herself further into the cushioned seats " 's a big school, you know"
"I don't get involved" he sighed "I'm used to being alone. Not being alone with a pretty girl like you"
Her smirk grew, "well that was a bold move. Not many boys have the stones to tell a girl she's pretty, I'll give ya that." She remarked, narrowing her eyes a bit at him. "Where are you from?"
"I'm from nowhere...constantly moving" he sighed and looked out "it depends who will have me at the time"

I boarded the Express to the response of my mother and father waving by and yelling at me to have fun and whatnot. I eventually found myself looking longingly back towards my mother. She had always been there and encouraged me in everything I did, leaving her side every year was bittersweet, but I knew that greater things awaited me at Hogwarts, people I had yet to meet, friends I had yet to make. My personality was an off one and a little off putting to most, but I had made a few friends through out the years. I started wandering the halls looking for one of my friends from years past, or just looking for someone that might be interesting.
Elena was sat in the next train car over, on her own with a book. She hadn't seen any of her friends before arriving, and had taken a seat without a second thought. Relaxing back into the chair, she twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she read her copy of Pride and Prejudice. Her parents had dropped her off early at Kings Cross but had had to leave earlier than usual. They were supportive of her going to Hogwarts, but she had felt somewhat disconnected from them since her letter arrived.

I eventually found a near empty car that had only one occupant inside, she was a brown haired girl that was reading a book in which the title I could not make out clearly. I peered closer and finally decided to open the sliding door to the room inside. opening the door it made a soft creek allowing her to hear me before actually seeing me. I looked into her big brown eyes as I bowed slightly "Is this seat taken?" I said motioning to the plain seat that was right across from her. It had seemed the she was alone here, with no one around just as I had been. It may be that like minds draw each other closer to each other without us realizing it.
"Ya have to be from somewhere" She narrowed her eyes, "But I get it, you're tryin' ta come off all mysterious like" She laughed, hearing the trolley came down the hall. "Want any sweets?" She asked, standing up "To lift that foul mood of yours?" There was laughter in her eyes as she teased her new friend.
Elena smiled at him brightly and shook her head. "By all means, take it," she said shutting her book and placing it on the seat besides her. She crossed her ankles and straightened her dress out nervously. Her boots locked and she rolled her shoulders gently.

I sat down across from her as she crossed her legs in front of her. She had seemed a bit odd to me, like she either was new here. I didnt know what was off but I didnt really care all too much at this point in time. I thought I would be polite and make my introduction first. "My name is Stanley Marx" I said as I held out my hand for a handshake "and who might I have the distinct pleasure of meeting?" I spoke with a smile on my face, I always did like meeting new people, and if I was to meet a girl it was still equally as thrilling for me.
He looked nervously "no thanks...I couldn't pay you back...I don't have any money that my brother doesn't give me" he sighed and looked around wondering where his best friend was.
"I'm Elena," she said running a hand through her hair to push it away from her face. "Elena Collett." She looked out of the train car door and frowned. She wondered briefly where Joe was, and wondered why he hadn't come to find her when he boarded.
"I....I have to go" he looked at her "you can come with me if you want but my friend will be waiting for me"
He stood up and grabbed his solitary bag, slinging it over his shoulder. He went outside and turned right, walking straight into a group of tall boys outside the compartment that Elena was in. He looked up nervously to see three of the biggest bullies in Hogwarts "oh...hello Michael, James, Ryan"

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