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Fantasy Welcome to Camp Halfblood, Demigod!

"Let's get the Athenians to work on the borders and then you and I go and weaken their forces," Kevin said offering a plan of strategy.
"We ought to bring some others with us" Lucille said. "I can get the Hephaestus cabin to build some sort of protection for the camp as well."
"That will work. The group should be able to work together, which eliminates the Ares cabin. Since they don't get along with you, Lucille," Kevin said bluntly.
"I'll just head back to my cabin, I guess. Seems like you guys got it covered." Leo sulked a bit, dismayed at the fact he'd already made an enemy. His face still beamed it's usual everything is okay look though. He walked back to his cabin and sat on his bed.
"Well, that's up to you. If you can't, i'll create more people with my skills," Kevin said as he looked at her gently.
"We'll want a variety of people with different skills." Lucille said thinking. "We ought to talk to Chiron about this"
"I'll try," Kevin said heading to Chiron. Sighing he said, "Chiron, I have a plan."

Looking at Isabelle, he said, "I'm Kevin Dobson, son of Ares. You can join us just prove your skill with a sword."
Leo looked up and thought about his biological mother. He had followed her instructions, yet all that brought him was sadness. He heard music which was soon followed by a growing curiosity. He followed the sounds to a stream and saw a harp playing itself. As he approached it he saw a note on the harp, it read. "This is my gift to you. Use it well." He smiled and picked up the harp. He would stay, if only for a little while.
Whoosh. There was a man laying unconscious on the shore in Camp Half-Blood. Well, not all unconscious. He was groaning loudly, and his hand was on a sea green hilt of a sea green sword. There was a trident symbol floating over his head, and his clothes weren't damp or wet from the ocean. "Urghhh," he managed to mutter.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Leo heard what sounded like someone in pain and quickly put away his new gift and headed toward the sound. He noticed someone on the beach and ran over to him, he said "Are you okay?" as he began to look to see if he had any wounds.
Lucille went to the Athena cabin first then went to her own. "We need to create some sort of defensive weapons for around the camp"
When he saw his lack of injuries and state of unconsciousness he was a bit panicked. He saw the insignia and remembered a few movies he had watched, he splashed some water on him, hoping to wake him up.
Brendan woke up and saw a man splashing water on him. He bolted upright and touched the sheath of his sword, which had the trident on it. "Wh-where am I?" he asked the man, eyes wide. He had many tattoos on his arms, including a trident. His sea green eyes looked extremely fierce and he was staring the man in the eyes, looking for weakness.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
"Well, right now, a beach. To be less specific a camp for special people with special abilities, my guess is you're a demigod, that or a monster, but if you were a monster I doubt I'd still be alive. Welcome to Camp-Half Blood, I'm Leo." He held out his hand to help Brendan up.
(Sorry for joining in at this time)

Nevaeh woke up in a tree and was startled by birds. She then fell out of the tree and landed on a soft patch of grass. "Ow...." She said picking up her book. The birds screeched above her as She dusted off her dress and stood up. She then rubbed where it ached on her back and saw a bunny. "So cute..." She said as she walked towards it. It ran away and Nevaeh sighed. ~Wow. It can sense my evil... I can't even enjoy that can I.~ she thought as she climbed the tree again.
Brendan took his hand. "I remember something, my name is Brendan. I don't remember my last name," he said, lifting up. "Let's see, a trident tattoo, a sheath with a trident, and I think my sword has a trident on it." His gaze softened with him being nice. He yawned, raising his hands and a wave rose up hitting the shore. "I'm probably not a monster."

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Lucille walked to the Apollo cabin where Jeremy was standing outside. "Jeremy I'd like for you to help me out"

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