We, The Gifted: Primordial


Kitsune. Vixen. Trickster.
There has been a mishap with my Character Sign Up page. I've contacted an administrator who's looking into the matter for me. Sorry guys, if you're interested, let me know here! :)

We, The Gifted: Primordial



July 07, 2014

Alisha Reynolds

(616) 376-9543


On behalf of Nicholas Garroway, President of the United States, I would like to address the events that transpired on 6th July, 2014. At precisely 12:03am, a man originating from Houston, Texas was seen attending a charity fundraiser in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The aforementioned guest was recently identified as Carl Hayes, a construction worker who had recently discovered that he was the carrier of a very rare condition. It was through this condition that Carl Hayes ultimately made an attempt on President Garroway's life before being apprehended and restrained. It is my belief that there are others who may carry the same damaging disease that Mr Hayes suffered from and we urge anyone exhibiting odd or unusual symptoms to seek medical help immediately.

If you come across somebody who you think may be a carrier of this unknown killer, please contact your local police department. All departments are being informed of this threat and we hope to contain the problem within fourteen days. These
hindrances to the survival of the human race are not superior to us, but merely afflicted with a deadly genetic make-up. We are not sure if the disease is contagious, but we advise against any physical contact, especially where the exchange of bodily fluids may be involved.

We hope that as a nation we can triumph over this threat not as a people, but as a family. Medical facilities in your area are hosting free tests to determine the infected, so please make an appointment today.


White House Chief of Staff

Alisha Reynolds


Maria Esperanza's last words on national television before her assassination

We are not superheroes. We can be killed, just like all of you. We're vulnerable to bullets, to car accidents and even the same bacteria. We are your mothers, brothers and friends, but we are certainly not superhuman. We are the next step in natural evolution, and I hope in time the world will see us as proof that we are doing something right opposed to a walking, talking cancer. It could be said that we were given these gifts for a reason, and that was to help mankind move forward, but President Garroway has seemingly made it his job to eradicate us. People are scared, terrified even, of what this unmasking means for them; but on behalf of my kind, I say that we are not your enemies. We are your neighbours, your lovers and your family. So before you shun the unknown out of fear, I implore you to—

Maria Esperanza

Maria is a twenty-nine year old woman from Roswell, New Mexico. Unbeknownst to most of her family, she is gifted with the ability to perceive the future within her dreams. She can't control who or what she sees but the dreams almost always relate to one another. Recently, after the incident at the charity event, she began having dreams of a devastating future that is filled with death and destruction. After realising that she would too die, Maria planned something that would give evolved humans a good chance at survival. She began by making several copies of a handwritten note, compiling lists with a mixture of names from a larger list of the evolved humans she'd dreamt about and separating the list of people responsible for the inevitable deaths between the folders. It was her aim to unite this unlikely group of heroes and have them stop a plan that has been perfected for years.

Your Job

Three days after the assassination of Maria Esperanza, you receive a parcel that you don’t remember ordering. Once you tear the paper away, you discover that it’s a folder. It’s no larger than an A4 piece of paper but what catches your eye is the post-it note; stuck on the very front, the small square of yellow paper has your name written on it. Deciding that this must be some sort of prank, you open the folder but immediately freeze. Inside is a note and two lists; but as you finger through the pages, you begin reading the first few paragraphs of the stapled note.

My name is Maria Esperanza and if you’re reading this, then it means that three days ago, I died. I do not know who fired that fatal shot and honestly, I’m torn with whether or not I should task you with this. By now you should have realised that you are different. It could be in a very minor way or it could be something you struggle to hide, but either way, I am asking for your help.

I have had dreams of you and others like you for quite some time. I have seen you accomplish great things as well as commit acts that you may not be so proud of; but beneath all of that, I have realise that you are special. So if you haven’t thrown this in the garbage and are still reading, then I beg of you, use what I have given you to find my killer and to stop the government from eradicating our kind. The names on the list are others like you and I, they have received a folder of their own; go to New York.

You’ll find everything you need within this folder, but one thing must be clear. You can’t do this alone. Find the others.

The Four

The people charged with protecting the United States are corrupt and all of them have ties to the cover up in one way or another. The four that Maria dreamt of before she died are listed below with what little information she could discover about them; however, there are certainly more people out there and they're a far greater threat.


Alisha Reynolds

Ability: Luck Manipulation

descrip. subconsciously alters her own luck which causes her to succeed in most areas, though her ability can only react as fast as she can

  • Alisha is the current Chief of Staff for President Garroway
  • She does not seem to have any romantic ties
  • Spends most of her time within the white-house
  • Serves as the main reason behind the success of the cover ups
  • Poses as an ordinary human


Lawrence Bourne

Ability | Amplification

descrip. the ability to 'jump start' the dormant abilities of other evolved humans

  • Appears to be one of many leaders of a government task force
  • Uses his ability to provide the government with humans to experiment on
  • Attempted to capture his own daughter, Maria Esperanza
  • Poses as an ordinary human


Mortimer Loft

Ability | Strategic + Genius Intellect

descrip. grants the evolved human an enhanced genius intellect and the thoughts as to how to best utilize the ability

  • Serves as the brain behind the medical clinics testing for evolved humans
  • Thought of the entire plan to experiment on evolved humans
  • Poses as an ordinary human


Charles Vaughn

Ability | Signature Tracking

descrip. the ability to track others by the energy spikes caused when they use their abilities

  • Serves as a lackey for the above
  • His employers know that he is an evolved human
  • Seemingly has no conscience
  • Tracks and catches many other evolved humans


A List of Available Abilities

Adoptive Muscle Memory – The ability to replicate any physical movement after seeing it performed

[NEW*]Athleticism - An ability that grants the individual peak physical fitness and allows them to execute a number of complicated maneuvers, including: running, acrobatics, gymnastics, parkour etc

Amplification - Jump start the dormant abilities of other evolved humans

Clairsentience – The ability to perceive the history of an object just by touching it

Cloaking – The ability to cause things to disappear and then reappear (can also shield others from telepathy and signature tracking)

Cryokinesis - The ability to manipulation and create cold temperatures and ice

Danger Sense – The ability to sense danger

Disintegration – The ability to disintegrate objects without touching them

Electrical Manipulation – The ability to create and control electricity

Electronic Communication – Able to perceive and understand all forms of technological communication, including the internet, traffic cameras, CCTV etc

Enhanced Hearing – The ability to hear far greater than the average human

Enhanced Memory – The ability to quickly absorb and accurately retain great amounts of information

Enhanced Strength – The ability to exert greater than normal physical forced

Fire Breathing – The ability to breath out fire

Flight – The ability to propel oneself through the air

Healing – The ability to heal the wounds of others

Healing Touch – The ability to control the flow of life, either healing or killing

Heat Generation – The ability to heat things up

Genius Intellect - An enhanced and extremely high IQ

Illusion – The ability to alter the perceptions of others

Invisibility – The ability to render oneself invisible

Levitation – The ability to levitate oneself

Lie Detection – The ability to detect when others are lying

Luck Manipulation - The ability to subconsciously affect ones luck

Memory Manipulation – The ability to make an individual re-experience forgotten or past memories as well as erasing memories

Mental Manipulation – The ability to manipulate the minds of others, including erasing memories as well as preventing others from using mental abilities

Motor Function Control – The ability to control the motor functions of others

Persuasion – The ability to force others to obey ones spoken commands

[NEW*]Omnilinguism - The ability to understand and communicating in any language without having previously learnt it

Phasing – The ability to pass through solid objects at will

Precognition – The ability to accurately predict the future through dreams, writing or drawing

Regeneration – The ability to heal rapidly without scarring as well as growing back lost limbs

Sedation – The ability to lull victims into a sedated state

Shapeshifting – The ability to change your appearance and adopt the vocal chords of the person you’ve shifted into

Signature Tracking – Being able to track others by the energy spikes when they’re using their ability

Sound Manipulation – The ability to release deafening sound waves from ones voice

Space-Time Manipulation – The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including slowing down, speeding up, reversing, stopping, moving backwards and forwards through time and moving instantaneously through space

Spontaneous Combustion – The ability to cause things to catch fire without realising

Super Speed – The ability to move at a higher rate than normal

Technopathy – The ability to control and manipulate technology with the mind

Telekinesis – The ability to move objects with the mind

Telepathy – The ability to read and hear the thoughts of others

Teleportation – The ability to instantly move between two locations

Terrakinesis – The ability to control geological materials such as dirt and rocks

Weather Control – The ability to control the weather

  • This role play is as much mine as it is yours, offer up ideas if you have them and don't be afraid to point out any holes in my plot!
  • Whilst this is loosely based on Heroes, this is not a fandom RP
  • The entire idea of this RP is ordinary people with extraordinary abilities - keep it realistic! If you can fly, it doesn't automatically mean you can go around fighting crime, or did you take judo without telling anybody?
  • Solo posts are fine! Everything is going to move a little slowly whilst we all get our characters to New York!
  • Romance is fine, but it isn't necessary - if you don't want a lover, that's fine by me!
  • Of course, all of the usual RPNation rules apply
  • If you like to curse, keep it to one per post and your character cannot use it verbally - thinking about how fxxking irritating that teleporter is, is permitted!
  • If you've read the rules, add a * next to your ability [if you aren't sure what this means, take a look at my character profile]
  • Keep all OOC posts in the OOC page - there's nothing worse than a messy RP thread!
  • Reserved spots can be kept for three hours after my acknowledgement - from the moment I like or say alright, your time starts!
  • Most important of all, have fun and please don't be afraid to PM me with any questions! I'm always happy to answer / listen to others' ideas as to where the RP is heading

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Aw dang it, I wanted healing touch xD Then could I have---- Wait... 
Weather Manipulation please?
This looks really good. Just a question though: What is the difference between telekinesis and levitate? The speed of the objects and the limitations in speed?

Also, I'd like to reserve Illusion – The ability to alter the perceptions of others. Assuming I can do it on people in sight or in a radius or something similar.
Can I reserve a spot for Space-Time Manipulation – The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including slowing down, speeding up, reversing, stopping, moving backwards and forwards through time and moving instantaneously through space? (Yes, I copy and pasted ;p)
Can I reserve stealth? (Invisibility, but more undetectable except for physical contact and footprints.)
I don't think there's much of a difference. For example, everybody has had that moment where they think somebody is looking at them; that would be some people's feeling when around somebody who is invisible. Aside from physical contact and footprints, what else could give an invisible person away? Heat signatures and randomly throwing flour around a room is all I can come up with. :3

But sure, Stealth is fine
:) !

Levitation should have also had a different description. It's being able to levitate oneself into the air, opposed to other objects.

Reserved for the rest of you!
Ah first off thank you for accepting ^ ^ and its about 11 something at night where I am so can I have extra time to create my char.? I'll have it up and posted by the next day (I have sleep soon so I might not have enough time to finish as of late ^ ^ ;)
We'll I meant something like no heat signatures and he doesn't make noise when he moves. Things like that.

I'm about to pass out over here,it's 1:50am and if I go to sleep,the time would have been up

Is it ok if I do it when I wake up?
Is it okay if I do the Bio and Personality when I wake up. It's 2am here and I can't keep my eyes open.
No problem, I'm in the UK so I understand the time differences, heh. Have a good nights sleep! 
@Cupid Crawler


You're characters are great! All I ask is that you read the rules before I can accept them!

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