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Fantasy War's End (Tower of Trials Prequel)



Cuddly enby auntcle
It was a warm morning in the town. The sun came through the curtains of the clay hut Ennu called home. She was still wrapped in blankets from the cold night. As the sun hit her face, she slowly began to wake up. She opened her eyes and edged to the corner of the bed that consisted of a stone slab with a soft fur cover. Ennu wore a long brown dress which acted as her nightgown. Nights were cold so she at least needed long clothing for nighttime.

Next, she pulled out a wooden tub and put it under a pipe leading into the hut. She opened a valve to let water flow into the tub and closed the valve again once the tub was half full. Ennu took off the dress and threw it onto the bed. Ennu was muscular, pretty much Amazonian when it came to her build. Yet at the same time, she was beautiful. She washed herself in the tub and untangled her long hair with her fingers afterwards.

After cleaning herself, Ennu put on her shorts, top and boots. She always wore her black seamless choker. On her way out, she grabbed her greatsword that was laying against the wall and strapped it to her back.

Ennu headed down to the south wall. Any armies, bandits or refugees would end up at the south wall, if they showed up. The north wall usually had only traders, huntsmen and wildlife as there were only villages to the north and the snow clans that usually traded with the town and the nearby villages. As Ennu reached the wall, she could hear: "By the gods, we have more refugees incoming. We cannot provide food for all of them, so we might have to send some of them to the villages in the north or have them hunt their own food." Then another guard joked: "Ennu just got here. We could send her to kill some bears or elks. No doubt she could even carry them back." Ennu then chuckled: "Silly. I could maybe find a mammoth and carry it back."

"Enough joking around you two." The guard captain said. "Get out and make sure no soldiers followed them." Ennu would through the gate and walked pasted the approaching refugees. Their gazes were in awe as they have never seen such a tall and muscular woman before. Especially one that carried a weapon probably none of them could lift. Ennu walked around the corner. She saw smoke from an attacked village in the distance. Further down the path, she spotted a scout who hadn't noticed her yet. She went to hide in the bushes. If he went back, everything would be fine. However if the scout came further up the path, she might have to capture him or even kill him if he resists. Ennu snuck up a bit closer to the scout to maybe be able to hear him if he said anything.

"They went to the north. Do you think we shall pursue them?" The scout said to someone else. The other person said: "Personally, I don't think they need pursuing. In the north, they are done for. They will either starve to death, freeze to death, get killed by the wildlife or get killed by the barbarians. Let's speak with the commander about it." The scouts then headed back south away from the town.

Ennu made her way back to the town. At the gate, she called out to her colleagues: "Well there were two scouts who didn't notice me. They talked about not pursuing the refugees, however they still want to report to their commander about it. I recommend we be watchful and ramp up our defenses in case something bad happens." "Good idea" the guard captain said. Ennu then said: "I will hunt some elk and afterwards go to the temple." The guard captain then responded: "Don't take too long. In case of an emergency, we will need you up here. You are one of our strongest warriors, if not the strongest one."

Ennu went to the armory to grab a long bow and some arrows. She walked then through the north gate into the woods, greeting some town huntsmen along the way. After a while, she reached the elk grazing area. There were a handful of elk and Ennu had to be careful not to spook or aggravate the elk. She grabbed an arrow and drew the bowstring. She pulled pretty far back on the bow, but she made sure she didn't pull back too far as she had snapped a longbow before. Once she saw her target, she aimed and let go. The arrow not only penetrated the elks head but actually managed to knock it over. The other elk ran off. She tried to hit a second one but missed and heard as the second arrow whistled through the trees until it couldn't be heard anymore. "At least I got one." Ennu said.

Ennu picked up the elk cadaver and carried it back through the woods to the village. This was probably the hardest thing she had down this week. It wasn't a fully adult elk but its weight was comparable to two adult men or a single really heavy set man. She dropped off the elk cadaver at the butcher and said: "This should supply the refugees for two or three days."

She then finally went to the temple to pray to Arura and maybe talk a little with Marth, the priest.
Marth spent his mornings as he always did, thirteen prayers to the thirteen deities in the order of their command.

"Beasol, cheif goddess of life and morning light. We thank you that you have granted us each a new day to bask in the fruits of your kindness and love."

Marth spoke in the correct tone, his hands raised above his head and face turned toward the sky in reverence.

"Amon, god of the ethereal realm and the moon. We thank you for the visions of your holy realm which you grace us with last night."

Marth said, again keeping to the ritual. His prayers continued, giving thanks, paying homage, or repenting to each respective diety down the chain of command when suddenly the voice in his amulet stopped him at the prayer to Alm.

"Alm has a warning for you..." The amulet said ominously. Marth paused for a moment to take in what he had just heard.

"Great and esteemed, Alm, your servant awaits your warning," Marth said, awaiting the amulet's next utterance.

"More people are coming to this village, and you are horridly ill-prepared." The voice said monotonously. Marth grimaced and cursed under his breath.

"What would you have us do then, oh god of the harvest?" Marth asked with a noticeable twinge of aggravation. He had gotten used to having his amulet translate his words so lifelessly that he felt no guilt in mouthing off to the very gods that breathed life into him. There was no response from Alm. Marth tried his best to stop his anger from erupting. He stood to his feet and took a deep breath. He would continue his ritual as he went. Certainly, the gods would allow motility in their worship. If they did not, they would have to. Marth was the only person in the monastery who took the daily rituals seriously. He was convinced it was by his righteous deeds alone that the whole village was not swallowed into J'agos' plane. He lit the candles and prepared the offerings for Alm and Keltar that they would survive this damned war another day. He ordered two chapel boys to tend to the offerings and prayed to Beasol that they would do it correctly this time. If ever there was a deity he did not have the patience for, it was Meek. Marth was simply too important for the humility which Meek asked of his disciples. He stopped in front of a mirror to make sure he was presentable to the outside world. He brushed off his amulet and walked out the temple doors only to immediately bump into Ennu. She smelled of sweat and elk blood, she must've already been out hunting. Had his rituals really taken him that long?

"Ah, Ennu." Marth said, looking up at her. He was careful not to make contact with her, lest her bloodied flesh require Marth to make another stop before blessing the fields. "It would seem you've been busy this morning." He said in an effort to satiate Ennu's usual and puzzling desire to chat with him.
The priest, Marth, had taken notice of Ennu. "Ah, Ennu." He kept his distance as she was unclean in the eyes of clergy as a smelled of sweat and blood. "It would seem you've been busy this morning." Marth continued. Ennu apologized for her unclean state: "Sorry I hadn't had a chance to clean after hunt. There is a lot to do. We have had refugees flow into town as a neighboring village to the south had been attack by an army. I had to hunt elk so that we have at least two or three days worth of meat for them."

"I had originally planned to just come and pray to Arura, however the circumstance have changed my plans to include that I ask you for a favor. Can you please tend to the refugees to give them spiritual guidance and if you have any healing abilities to heal the injured within your capabilities?"
Ennu said to Marth. She took a short breather. And then looked at Marth with a slightly worried expression. "That is not all. I spotted scouts down the road to the invaded village. I overheard their conversation and while they think the clans in the north will kill the refugees, they still are going to report to their commander. If that commander decides to march north then we should pray that the gods protect us, because while we might be able to hold off a couple dozen bandits, we are ill equipped to fight an actual army. Even by my looks, I might be able to hold off some and even intimidate them, I wont be able to hold off an army even with the help of the other town guards. So in that case, I dont know what the plan would actually be. Maybe hold off the attackers long enough to evacuate the civilians to the north."

Ennu then knelt before the statue of Arura. First she apologized to Arura for her unclean state and then she prayed to Arura to keep the peace in the town and in the case of cases to lend her the strength to defend the town from the attackers.

She then turned back to Marth. "On a personal matter, if anything happens, I don't want to lose you. I value as a friend. So watch out for yourself."
"Sorry I hadn't had a chance to clean after hunt. There is a lot to do. We have had refugees flow into town as a neighboring village to the south had been attack by an army. I had to hunt elk so that we have at least two or three days worth of meat for them."

Marth grit his teeth and squinted slightly. Damned refugees, if it were up to him he'd have the gates shut and leave the bastards to whatever fate chased them here. It was bad enough he had to answer for the sins of this village crawling with heathens, but he had to welcome in more in droves because of Ennu. It would not do him well to contest her. While he may have the fear of the village, she had its respect. Much to his disappointment, her word would rally the people sooner than his words would.

"I had originally planned to just come and pray to Arura, however, the circumstance have changed my plans to include that I ask you for a favor. Can you please tend to the refugees to give them spiritual guidance and if you have any healing abilities to heal the injured within your capabilities?"

Marth took a sharp breath. His business was a matter of the entire village's continued existence, now his errands were to be overruled for meaningless charity? "I will see to them as the opportunity presents itself." He said, still through grit teeth. He moved to walk ahead, but Ennu continued with a worried look in her eyes.

"That is not all. I spotted scouts down the road to the invaded village. I overheard their conversation and while they think the clans in the north will kill the refugees, they still are going to report to their commander. If that commander decides to march north then we should pray that the gods protect us, because while we might be able to hold off a couple dozen bandits, we are ill equipped to fight an actual army. Even by my looks, I might be able to hold off some and even intimidate them, I won't be able to hold off an army even with the help of the other town guards. So in that case, I dont know what the plan would actually be. Maybe hold off the attackers long enough to evacuate the civilians to the north."

"Hm." Marth pondered. This was a serious complication. "I will see what impact I can make on the situation." He said indecisively. "Should the worst come to pass I will ensure the village elder has defenses prepared." He nodded, and finally made the motion to leave. Ennu had gone to the outer shrines, her voice rang out once more.

"On a personal matter, if anything happens, I don't want to lose you. I value as a friend. So watch out for yourself."

Marth sighed inaudibly, she had said words like this to him before, but he never saw the purpose of them. What was he supposed to say? That he was honored she would consider him a friend? Should he respond in kind as if this title is easily exchanged between strangers? He turned back around and gently laid a hand on Ennu's shoulder.

"Be cleansed of blood's foul mark, sister, and may the blessings of Arura bring rest to your weary body." He said a prayer and felt his faith energy spread through his hands into her muscles. He could feel them loosen and strengthen. It was his gesture of friendship, though to him the relationship was less mutual than a friendship. More accurately it was a strange sense of obligation the amulet placed in Marth's heart that made him so much more careful that he treats Ennu with kindness. He finally turned and went to the fields.

Just as he suspected the fields were mostly baren, though the farmers toiled over the land. Marth casually approached a wheelbarrow to find four measly snow roots in the basket.

"Times've been hard oi?" An old farmer wheezed from his rocking chair. " h've you come with a blessing for the h'rvest?" He asked, his milky eyes full of expectation and hope. Marth didn't take his eyes off the yield.

"This town is soon to feel the wrath of Keltar..." He said ominously. The old man stopped rocking, and the farmers gathered around to hear. "Any among you who are able-bodied enough to fend off the attack should follow me..." Marth continued, finally bringing his eyes back up from the harvest. It was mostly a crowd of teenage boys of either elf or human descent. "I suggest you gather your loved ones and propose a plan for them to escape somewhere because those who stay will most likely not meet their family until the next life." He left before any could object, a few scared and woeful men followed Marth as he made his way to the gates. As he walked the people murmured around him, he didn't bother trying to hear for what they whispered of. He found the caravan of refugees and frowned. Orcs and humans, the lot of them. They must've noticed Marth's robes because there were already refugees swarming him with the elderly and sick begging for him to heal them. Marth threw his hands out and spoke loudly and forcefully, cutting through the cacophony.


The crowds went silent. Marth continued, the sting of resentment now turned to a torrent of hatred, "You who have brought only misery and burden to us the moment you left whatever hovel you crawled from." He spat. "Have you now no reverence for those you leech from??" He took a step toward one of the orcs and snarled. His amulet burned yellow which Marth had always known to mean the spirit within the amulet agreed with him. He gestured to the sad and dejected men who followed him.

"LOOK!" He said, now drawing a crowd of people. " Look and see the misery you cause. These men who must now give their lives to the very foes you ran from!" He said the man he gestured to now sulking as the crowd weighed him down with their gaze. "And to what avail?? That you may run again and spread your filth and scorn to another village, and another, and another until by your hand you've leveled half of the known world!" He shouted, turning to the crowds to see the horrified and stirred faces. One of the orcs growled back.

"Aren't you some kind of priest?? What in the 13 hells do you do if not help people who need help?!?"

"Are you my poor?" Marth exploded back. "Are you my destitute? Am I now the priest of the world?? Had you any notion of what a true priest's role was yours would've damned you all." He said, stepping from the caravan. The refugees once again began to clamor and object, but Marth would hear no more of their mewling. A guard from the walls suddenly emerged from the crowd.

"MARTH PARSONS!" The guard roared, pushing past everyone. He stopped in front of Marth, brandishing his spear and shield. Marth shook his head.
"You would speak to me in such a way?" He asked indignantly.
"Ennu has insisted these people stay in the village. I don't think she'd take kindly to your condemning them like that." He protested. At the mention of Ennu, the crowds stirred more and Marth cursed.
"Do you not see the state of our village?" Marth asked. "Did she not tell you that an army marches toward us as we speak?" He said loudly, knowing it would start panic through the village. "If these refugees are the reason to bring this army to our doorstep, then I say we send them back to buy us time to leave." He said wisely. "Keep them in your own homes like stray dogs if you wish." He submitted, "but I will not bless the scourges of J'agos which bring war to our midst." He said, pushing past the guard and moving toward the elder's house.
"Be cleansed of blood's foul mark, sister, and may the blessings of Arura bring rest to your weary body." Marth said as he touched Ennu's shoulder. Ennu felt as her body rejuvenated. She smiled and thanked him and left back for the barricades. She passed many refugees. They looked afraid of what may come.

As she approached the gate, a guard came down to her and said: "We have spotted an army moving towards the town!"
"Already? They waste no time on making decisions." Ennu said. "Evacuate the civilians to the north! Find militiamen and have half of them escort the civilians and the other half help us in the defense to buy the civilians time. Even if we can buy them an hour, it can increases their survival!" A guard then immediately made his way into the town to warn everybody. A guard at the gate rang a warning bell.

Ennu went back to look for Marth. She spotted a commotion. It seemed to be an argument between Marth and some refugees. Marth's words were harsh towards the refugees. While it may have been true that the refugees may have doomed the town for fleeing to it, it was unknown if the army would have scouted the area and attacked anyways.
"Enough. I understand your anger and frustration, but like us, they are only trying to survive in the hateful world. Should they have stayed back and be slain by that army or even worse? I don't think the gods would look too favorably on condemning the weak and the innocent. Sadly however, we must evacuate the town. It seems the army has decided to make their move towards us. Everyone, please leave immediately and take only what is necessary. The militia, the town guard and I will try to hold off the army to buy you enough time to get away. Try to get to the snow clans. They might have mercy for unarmed civilians and please offer them help where they need it." Ennu said.

"Marth. I am sorry, but we might first see each other in the next life. Please don't be too hard on the people." Ennu said, ready to die to protect the innocent. She headed back towards the southern gate. The lower part of town was slowly being abandoned as the army approached the town wall. There were over a thousand soldiers, maybe even several thousand.

A man in armor approached the wall after the army halted.
"I am Arvol of Nogand. Surrender immediately and grant us passage through to the north and we will spare your lives." "I am Ennu Ktaura and we will do no such thing. Find another way north and leave us be." Ennu replied. The commander of the army was somewhat amazed by Ennu. It had been long since he had seen such an Amazonian figure. "A strong woman such as you could be a wonderful addition to my army. I can offer you riches, even domains." Arvol said. Ennu shook her head: "I protect the innocent. I would rather want to stop this war and not prolong it. I will say it again in a more stern tone. Get lost. We wont fall for your folly. We know you will harm our people if we surrender to you."

The commander turned his back and said: "Too bad. It would have been great to have you within my ranks. But I guess your principles and pride are more valuable to you." He then waved his hand for an attack. As the assault began, Ennu swore to at least hit the commander with an arrow, at least scar, if not, kill him. She took an arrow and pulled back the bowstring of the longbow. She aimed and let go. Just as the commander raised his hand for another signal, the arrow penetrated his hand and the power of the arrow flung his arm back nearly dislocating his shoulder.

As long as the gate stood, Ennu tried to shoot down as many enemy soldiers as she cold. Each arrow hit a soldier, some lethal, others not. But as every arrow hit, it felt as if someone was punching the targets at the same time. It didn't take long for enemy to tear down the gate, but not before fire arrows set the huts of the lower town ablaze. Ennu threw the longbow aside and pulled her greatsword. As the army streamed through the gates massacring the town guards and the incoming militiamen, Ennu stood there as a force to be reckoned with, cutting down soldiers in one swoop.

She managed to take down two or three dozen men before getting hit by arrows. Despite the surging pain from the arrows that stuck in her shoulders and thighs, she still fought on, swearing to fight to her last breath, even if it would save one more soul. Surviving militiamen and guards tried to aid her in a retreat once she became heavily wounded, but in the end, even they went down one by one. Then another three arrows pierced her skin. She then fell to the ground and her sight began to blur. Everything began to fade to black as the commander approached her.

"It isn't even worth killing you now. It is better to let you die slowly and bleed out in the town you swore to protect, so that you can watch it all burn." The commander said. As Ennu tried to reach for her blade, the commander stepped on her hand. "You wont need that anymore." He then tried to lift the greatsword noticing that it was extremely heavy. "Impressive you could fight with this thing. But I guess right now, not even you can lift it anymore. Maybe we will see each other in another life. I bid thee farewell." Then the commander disappeared out of Ennu's sight.

Ennu faded in and out of consciousness. She tried to crawl to her hut. Soldiers largely ignored her and stepped over her. And those who noticed her, didn't even deem it worth their time to finish her off. A slow death in failure was in their eyes a dishonorable feat. Ennu, severely injured and dying, at least wanted to make it to her home and die there. And somehow, after crawling for a while, she managed to get there. Inside however on the floor in front of her, was a red glowing orb. It felt like it was calling out to her. Ennu grabbed the orb and it seemed to have been absorbed by her. It gave her a sharp, stinging pain. She then blacked out.

In a dream like state, Ennu floated in a void and the orb was in front of her again.
"Am I dead?" Ennu mumbled. Then a female voice said: "Not for long. You will soon be reborn and I will give you the strength to fight against this war to stop it. You however will be no longer human." "Who are you? And what do you mean I will be no longer human?" Ennu asked. The voice then replied: "I descend from Arura and you will soon understand. Now feed my child. Feed to your hearts desire."

Ennu woke up. She began to pull the arrows out of her body. She felt no longer weak as if she was dying. Again the stinging paralyzed her. She felt her body change. Her teeth felt sharper and a sweet, delicious scent began to fill the air. Ennu stumbled out of her hut. Enough time had gone by that only a handful of straddlers remained in the lower town. It was unknown if the rest had gone further north or if the army had gone back south. Ennu found the corpses of her guard colleagues strewn across the area. She felt despair as she failed to hold the army back for long and now all of the militiamen and guards were dead. Something caught her scent though. A corpse of an elven archer guard gave off a most exquisite delicious scent. It was as if someone had prepared a feast for her.

Ennu crawled over to the corpse as if she was some beast or ghoul. She sniffed the corpse like a wolf and gave it a lick. It tasted amazing. While aware that something was seriously wrong with her, she couldn't hold herself back as she chomped into the dead elf's neck. It felt refreshing. It made her feel stronger and healthier. Her wounds began to heal with every bite she took.

One of the remaining soldiers noticed her and turned to another soldier.
"It seems someone is still alive." He said. The two soldiers slowly approached Ennu. As they got closer, Ennu heard their footstep and turned to them, her face covered in blood with her holding a severed arm in her hands and biting chucks off it. "What is that thing?" One soldier said. The other then said: "Wait. It looks like that one woman from earlier. The one on the wall." Ennu stood up and said: "Thing? I am not just some animal." The two soldiers took a step back. Ennu could smell their fear and almost hear their hearts racing. The sweat and the fear gave them a distinctive smell. It was almost as good as the smell of the elf.

"You two smell..." Ennu licked her lips. "...tasty. And the fear is making it more appetizing. Just let me have a little bite. Just to replenish my strength." "Bite what?" The one soldier asked not understanding that she meant them. Not before long, Ennu said: "You." and ran towards the soldier, dodging his spear and jumping on him, biting deeply into his neck. The other began to run but Ennu quickly caught up and pounced on him as he screamed in terror. Before Ennu could bite him, he plead: "Please. I have a wife and children. I had no other choice to join the army." He held his hands between him and Ennu. That ring on his finger. She knew the person who wore that ring. It was another town guard who wore it. Ennu then noticed the soldiers bloodied spear. In her eyes, a man who actively participated in killings and then looted corpses was no innocent. "Those men also had families, yet you didn't show them mercy. It will be only justice to kill you." Ennu then mauled the soldier as she did the other.

When done, she finally understood what the voice meant. She was given another chance, however she wasn't human anymore. Maybe though, she could use her new strength to find an end to this war as long as she didn't stray from the path of justice. Ennu spotted her greatsword nearby and picked it up. Now she just needed to see if anyone made it out safely and offer protection if needed. Ennu grabbed some things from her home and then made her way through the ruins of the town towards the north gate following her sense of smell.
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As Marth probably could've predicted, Ennu was shortly on his heels after his condemnation of the masses. The warning bells had already begun. Marth turned to his followers and spoke quickly and sharply.

"find your families and run. May Amonkira guide your path and Xorn be of good heart." He said, a palpable tone of misery and failure hung in his voice. The boys nodded in shock and scattered. Marth still kept his destination in sight, when Ennu's voice came from behind him.

"Enough. I understand your anger and frustration, but like us, they are only trying to survive in the hateful world. Should they have stayed back and be slain by that army or even worse? I don't think the gods would look too favorably on condemning the weak and the innocent. Sadly, however, we must evacuate the town. It seems the army has decided to make their move towards us."

Ennu lectured Marth. The righteous fury in Marth rose again like embers roaring once again into a flame. But before he could make any response, Ennu turned to the crowds.

Everyone, please leave immediately and take only what is necessary. The militia, the town guard and I will try to hold off the army to buy you enough time to get away. Try to get to the snow clans. They might have mercy for unarmed civilians and please offer them help where they need it."

It would be maddeningly hypocritical for him to do the very thing he condemned the refugees to do. His advice would've been to hunker down and let this army stop its rampage. They had come from far enough south that this terrain would be all but unknown to them. Without having a trail to follow they would surely be sorted by the gods. But once again, this was a difference of the people's fear or their respect. The people quickly (albeit chaotically) obeyed. Ennu slowly approached Marth that made him suddenly aware that his life was near its end.

"Marth. I am sorry, but we might first see each other in the next life. Please don't be too hard on the people." Ennu said with a martyr's conviction. Marth lowered his eyes in reverence.

"I do not share your dedication to those who can contribute nothing to the world, but somehow I feel that the gods are soon to bless you for it." Marth said, slowly looking back up. "It is a deep conviction that you instill in my soul. I will be happy to meet you in the next life, friend." He smiled. The two parted ways, Marth heading toward the chapel and Ennu toward the front lines. Marth did not fear death, he knew if anybody's soul was to be taken to the heavenly realms it was his own.

The chapel was in complete disorder, the priests had all abandoned their post and just as Marth had expected the offerings were done incorrectly and incomplete. He sighed in resignation and quickly began to prepare the offering correctly. The sound of screams alerted him that they had reached the gates.
"Kaltar, give the soldiers of this village strength..." He prayed as he spread the red silk sheet over the bronze battle-ax. "Fight at our side and know that our cause and faith are just." He continued as he snapped oak sticks above the altar and began to burn them. His amulet pulsated.

"Kaltar has abandoned your village. It is lost."

"Optimistic as usual." He retorted.

Go and protect Ennu." it said. Marth huffed and ran out only to see the village in flames and soldiers running and pillaging everything. He raised his arms and called down a smite upon the enemy soldiers, blasting them with holy magic and killing or mortally wounding them. He grimaced if the enemy soldiers were already here that means the front lines had been breached. He called down a blessing of warrior's strength on himself and grabbed the Battleax from the altar. He rushed through the fleeing soldiers, his eyes fixed on the road to the southern gate. An enemy soldier swung at him, Marth brought the axe up and caught the sword in the notch of the axe and threw the sword down. He held his hand out and dissolved the enemy's soul. Suddenly he saw the enemy routing quickly, in passing he heard them say something about a beast in the village. The amulet spoke with a chillingly pleased voice.

"So she has awoken on her own accord. It has begun " The amulet mused. Marth had never heard the voice so emotive it was unsettling.

"What do you mean?" He asked the amulet.

"Arura's misguided attempt at world peace. You and Ennu have been chosen to enact it." It said. Marth was speechless

"What are we to do then?"

"You have already taken the first steps, dear priest... A war cannot be fought if nobody is alive to fight it." Marth could see nobody to go with the voice, but he could imagine the wicked smile across its face. He paused, and the world seemed to stop around him. He saw Ennu walking over the horizon and could see blood around her mouth. If this was the will of the gods, then this would be his finest calling. He approached Ennu with a smile.

"You have done well, sister," Marth said, careful not to mention the wounds on her body. "Together we can protect the village and stop this war party." He said, laying his hands on and healing Ennu. "Lead the way, and I will follow."
As Ennu walked towards the north gate with soldiers fleeing her as if they had seen a ghost, she noticed Marth approach her. "You have done well, sister. Together we can protect the village and stop this war party." He said. Ennu then said: "When I said we will see each other in the next life, I didn't expect it to be this soon. If what I say perplexes you, I have died and have been reborn. But I seem to be no longer human. I crave them meat of all things living and feeding on it seems to energize me further. I will use this power for justice and end this forsaken war once and for all, even if I have to destroy the armies of the world myself. My only concern is that I could succumb to my new instincts and stray from my path."

After a short breather, Ennu said: "Alright. Let us clear the rest of town of these soldiers and find out whether the army went further north or if they just came to lay waste to town." Ennu then heard a suspicious sound nearby and quickly rushed over to it. It was a soldier in hiding. Ennu didn't hesistate and decapitated the soldier, then carrying his head by the hair back over to Marth. "I found him hiding behind a burning house over there." She then dropped the severed head.

(Sorry, short post.)
"When I said we will see each other in the next life, I didn't expect it to be this soon. If what I say perplexes you, I have died and have been reborn. But I seem to be no longer human. I crave them meat of all things living and feeding on it seems to energize me further. I will use this power for justice and end this forsaken war once and for all, even if I have to destroy the armies of the world myself. My only concern is that I could succumb to my new instincts and stray from my path." Ennu said. The last part about craving meat was worrying and perplexing to Marth, but the amulet radiated peace into his heart. Her words also brought some sadness to Marth. Even when possessed by a spirit of genocidal design, Ennu still believes that justice and peace will prevail.

"This power may be the very thing to help you do so if that is your mission." He answered truthfully. "But we will start with this army now." He said, turning to gesture to the burning village.

"Alright. Let us clear the rest of town of these soldiers and find out whether the army went further north or if they just came to lay waste to town." Ennu said, then suddenly whipped around and leaped behind a building from a standing position. Marth stood there in shock as she emerged from behind the building with a severed head. Marth hadn't heard a sound, but Ennu acted like it was as audible as speech. Marth nodded.

"The people here certainly have evil in their hearts, my smite obliterated some. Don't be swayed by any plea for mercy they may make." He recollected himself. "Their sins have been counted against them and they will suffer for it." He said, readying another smite, this time in smaller pillars scattered throughout the city. Like stars falling, righteous light poured down into the village only indicating they hit someone by the screams. "If your appetite is still voracious, there is much work for you to do." He smiled wickedly.
(Sorry for the wait.)

"The people here certainly have evil in their hearts, my smite obliterated some. Don't be swayed by any plea for mercy they may make. Their sins have been counted against them and they will suffer for it." Marth said. "If your appetite is still voracious, there is much work for you to do."

"I will end the war, starting here. I plan to do so by uniting the land under my banner and those who resist or gain power to abuse it shall feel my fury. It is the corruption that has caused all this bloodshed. Even heretics can in my eyes keep their beliefs if it doesn't make them attack others and maybe with time, seeing that our gods are forgiving, they will come to believe in our gods. But our ultimate goal is to end this war, to end all war." Ennu said. She picked up a spear of a dead soldier. She then hurled the spear towards one of the fleeing soldiers, impaling him on it.

"We better hurry before they reach the civilians." Ennu said then slowly pacing up into a sprint, slashing through any enemies she encountered along the way. Everywhere there were burning homes and corpses of civilians who didn't make it out on time. It angered Ennu further. So much needless bloodshed, all because of a war that had a reason long forgotten. It was basically just a war over power and out of the corruption of hearts.

Shortly beyond the north gate, Ennu encountered the main army. The archers were almost within firing range of the civilians. So Ennu felt at ease that she wasn't too late. She craved herself through the army from behind, cutting many soldiers in two along her way with her greatsword. She even managed to tear a head off with her bare hands in the process. The fact that a presumably dead warrior came back to the living as a monster to get vengeance on the army terrified many of the soldiers and many of them began to scatter. The army's commander began to cut down deserters he managed to catch.

"Keep order! Alone you are weak! Deserters will be executed!" The commander shouted. While many had fled, there were still a couple hundred soldiers who stayed by the commanders side. Ennu meanwhile was busy cutting down the archers to prevent any ranged attacks against the surviving civilians. Once she finished with the archers to a point where they were either dead or fleeing southwards, she stopped to confront the commander of the army. The commander froze when he saw Ennu and said: "It can't be! You were dying and mortally wounded. How are you still alive and well, killing so many of my men?"

Ennu chuckled and said: "I guess it was divine intervention. I have been reborn to achieve the goal of stopping this war and all wars to come. And the flesh of my enemies will make me stronger." Ennu picked up a severed arm and took a bite out of it. Every bite was refreshing. "You see, I will destroy your army and have you for dessert. I will protect the innocent and that means by destroying and feeding on the corrupt." Ennu continued. The commander felt dread for the first time in a long time. "B...but you are just a monster! You will just attack the innocent when there are no enemies left." "I am a monster? You kill and slaughter the innocent for the joy of it and you call me a monster? I will kill your men and make you watch. But even then, that suffering is too light for you." Ennu said before grabbing a soldier by his neck with one hand and snapping the man's neck. "And I bet the town priest is taking care of the deserters now. He is a capable magic user you know?"
"I will end the war, starting here. I plan to do so by uniting the land under my banner and those who resist or gain power to abuse it shall feel my fury. It is the corruption that has caused all this bloodshed. Even heretics can in my eyes keep their beliefs if it doesn't make them attack others and maybe with time, seeing that our gods are forgiving, they will come to believe in our gods. But our ultimate goal is to end this war, to end all war." Ennu said, shortly before hurling a spear with godlike accuracy across the square into an escaping soldier's chest. Marth nodded, impressed. "We better hurry before they reach the civilians." Ennu began to run north. Marth tried to follow, but she was just unbelievably fast. He opted to stay behind and try to stop anyone who tried to escape. He figured if she was to cause enough damage, they would come streaming back this way, terrified. There was something wickedly satisfying about her feeling a more intense version of what Marth had felt all these years. People only looked at her with fear in their hearts. He wanted to know how it felt to her when respect was out of the question for her.

Screams came from the burning buildings. Marth was not compelled to run to their aid, the gods would sort out their souls. Sure enough, he could see a gaggle of routed guards, screeching for their lives. Marth quickly evoked a prayer of immobility on the escaping party. Spectral vines ripped from the ground and rooted them to the ground. Their screams made Marth smile as he slowly made his way over to them. As more trickled out, they saw Marth and drew their weapons. The amulet pulsated and with a flick of Marth's hand there was a dome of blackthorns surrounding them, and it slowly began to shrink as Marth continued his chat with the currently rooted deserters.

"So you have witnessed the wrath of Arura..." He began, reveling in their undivided attention. "You have witnessed what becomes of heretics and those who would conquer in the name of mortals and mortal vices." He spat with disdain. The vines loosened just enough that each man could move their arms and legs ever so slightly. Marth did a quick estimation of how many he had ensnared. A mere 300, but even that could do for an impressive band. "Among you all... Which of you refuses to worship any of the divine pantheon..?" He asked, still pacing through the troops. None were brave enough to raise there hands. Marth knew the ones who were lying. He could see the taint of heresy on them like paint. "I will not have liars in my army..." He said disappointedly. At the phrase, "my army" many faces perked up slightly. Quickly the crowd erupted with people ratting their former comrades out as heretics. Marth grinned and walked over to the ones people said were heretics and (after a prayer of Sunfire from Beasol) branded each heretic with an upsidedown triangle on their shoulder. After the ritual, he turned to the crowd with a smile. "You have heard me correctly. I offer you all a second chance at redemption. That beast you flee from is a companion of mine. We mean to end war... ALL WAR... By way of the total eradication of any who would wish to even begin a war." He said, gesturing to the group now screaming as they are slowly suffocated and impaled by Enata's Agony. "Those of you who willingly surrender to us and our just cause will join our ranks and destroy the parasite that is heresy and villainy. And those of you who do not will be fed to my companion." He said nonchalantly, letting the images of her undoubtedly bloody rampage slowly resurface into their heads. One of the people marked as a heretic bleated.

"Please! I'll convert! I swear, father! I beg your forgiveness!" He went limp in the vines and wept. Marth clicked his tongue and walked over slowly, putting his hand on the weeping convert's shoulders.

"You have seen the light just at the darkest moment, brother. May the guardian welcome you to the heavenly realm!" He said, ramming a dagger through the heretic's chest. All the soldiers gasped and began to cry and weep loudly. Marth stood again and turned at the thoroughly terrified audience. "Cowardice like this will not be given another chance. Let this man's death be a lesson to you all. If I have decreed it then so it shall be lest a god themself contradict me." He growled. All the soldiers' faces fell and Marth waved his hands to slowly release the vines. The ball of agony was now a dense sphere able to held in the palm of Marth's hand. "Follow us or be destroyed." He said, turning his back and walking up the path. Certainly enough, the army walked back the way they came, killing any deserters they came upon. Finally, he saw Ennu fighting with the commander on a hill. She was fighting the commander already. Marth ordered his troops to attack the commander's troops slowly surrounding Ennu and the commander. The commander's morale was dropping by the second, he saw the army and then Marth who was grinning. "Your opponent is speaking to you, commander. Rude of you to ignore a lady." He said sharply.
Ennu noticed the following Marth had amassed. "Impressive. I wonder how you got them to switch sides." She said.

The commander of the army charged her while Ennu was distracted by the arrival of Marth. However it was anticipated by Ennu as she grabbed the commanders arm and broke it with a simple move. "You think you are so clever. However, you are no smarter than the average soldier. I would even go so far to call you a coward for attacking someone who had their attention diverted." She said. Ennu then grabbed the commander's other hand and crushed it to make sure he couldn't attack anymore.

"Who of you dares to defy Arura's will and continue this senseless war?" Ennu said. A soldier charged her only to be decapitated by Ennu. "Again, who of you dares to defy Arura's will? We are here to end the fighting. I give you the choice: Unite under my banner or die fighting on a side that creates the injustice in an unjust war." Many soldiers laid down they weapons. But a select few tried to attack Ennu together just to be stuck down by her. Those who remained, Ennu would spare. However the commander was unreemable in life for her. "You will become my meal and hopefully the gods will forgive you in the afterlife for your crimes." Ennu said to the commander before chomping a big chunk out of his neck. And slowly but surely eating him.

When Ennu had finished dining on the commander, she turned to Marth. "I hope you survived without injury. We should build a base of operations and have the turned soldiers aid in the rebuilding of the town. I will get the civilians and have them get to gathering food and producing more arable land. From here, we shall end the war, even if I had to do it myself."

Ennu travelled further north and caught up to the civilians. "It is safe now. Come back and help rebuild. Make fields out of the woods around the town, because from here a new world will begin." Ennu said. Some of the civilians were fearful as Ennu seemed different. Almost as if she was not human. The civilians began to walk back southward. "We managed to get a number of soldiers to switch sides. Don't hold grudges for them. They will help with the rebuilding or feel my wrath." Ennu said.

Ennu then raced back south to Marth. Once she got to him, she said: "What do you think we shall do from here on out? I would think we should manage a little here in town and then travel to neighboring settlements, liberating them and solving their threats if not."
"Impressive. I wonder how you got them to switch sides." Ennu said in passing. Marth allowed himself a japing smile.

"What kind of Priest would I be if I couldn't move mountains with just my words?" Suddenly the commander's remaining forces converged on Ennu. With a wave of his hand, Marth's army rushed in to intercept any soldier seeking to attack Ennu. While Ennu fought, Marth cast prayers of healing on Ennu to ensure she had the endurance to continue the fight, he knew that she had godlike powers, but he couldn't be sure where Ennu stopped and whatever demigod possessed her began. Sure enough, Ennu made short work of the commander and yelled a challenge into the crowds. Marth quickly commanded his troops to hold and witness Ennu.

"Again, who of you dares to defy Arura's will? We are here to end the fighting. I give you the choice: Unite under my banner or die fighting on a side that creates the injustice in an unjust war." She challenged the crowd. At last, the rest of the commander's troops dropped their weapons and surrendered. Ennu turned to the commander and began to eat him. Some of the soldiers gagged and turned away, but Marth ordered them to watch.

"This is the fate of those who stand in our way. The fate of those who betray us." He said ominously. Finally, Ennu turned back to Marth.

"I hope you survived without injury. We should build a base of operations and have the turned soldiers aid in the rebuilding of the town. I will get the civilians and have them get to gathering food and producing more arable land. From here, we shall end the war, even if I had to do it myself." She said. Marth nodded quickly.

"I am fine. The soldiers are at our command." He spoke shortly. He briefly considered hunkering down at this town and continuing life as it was before this event, but that was impossible. "That being said, I wouldn't rest on our laurels. The elven conquests were so successful because how suddenly and unannounced they began. We have an army and the means to spread our influence down halfway to the human empire." He said with a twinge of impatience. "The moment the villagers can provide our army with enough rations to make that trip I suggest we march south." He said after a recentering breath. "Until then I will have the soldiers rebuild as you have asked." He turned and went to his soldiers who were still in dumbstruck shock.

"By the teachings of Meek: "Let him whose hands were used to destroy another man's prosperity take to rebuild a greater one. That he may learn humility and generosity from his pride and wrath."" Marth proselytized to the soldiers who did not ask for a sermon. "You will rebuild this city you have left in ruin, and then we will march and continue our conquest." He said. Reluctantly, the soldiers turned and marched back toward the city and diligently began putting out fires and rebuilding the city, starting with the temple (by Marth's order). Those marked with the upsidedown triangle were left in a barn to be consumed by Ennu when she desired. Eventually, Ennu returned.

"What do you think we shall do from here on out? I would think we should manage a little here in town and then travel to neighboring settlements, liberating them and solving their threats if not."

"Our people suffered a drought and severe lack of food, then we were attacked and what little rations we had are ashes. Our troops have rations of their own but at best that will last them another few days, If we leave now we could find another place to get supplies, but if we hunker down here there is the chance that the village becomes more prosperous." He reported as if to a general. "The way I see it, we have been given this opportunity from the gods to destroy anyone and anything that stands in our way, so we should mobilize at least in two days."
When Marth mentioned the marked soldiers in the barn, Ennu said: "I am slowly getting full. My hunger isn't that unsatiable you know. I will only pick out the strongest ones and depending on the quality of the others spare them or kill them out of mercy." Ennu felt that Marth was being a bit too zealous and that it could be dangerous and possibly hurt their cause.

She went to she out the soldiers in the barn. She found two or third really muscular soldiers to feed on, much to the horror of the others. After feeding on the few, Ennu concentrated and asked to the voice from the orb: "Do these men have families? Do you know?" It took a little bit but the voice then said: "Most of them don't. They either lost them in the war or didn't really have families to begin with." "I see." Ennu replied. "Then guide my hand to spare those who have families. May this experience be a lesson to them. Those without families might be better off in the afterlife when they might find more to commit to them."

Ennu began to kill those who the voice said didn't have families. She killed them mostly out of mercy, but partially because there would be no one to miss them. In the end, there were only six men left. She released them and told them to go home to their families, because their families need them and not because they deserve it. But not before she warned them to never lift a weapon against unless it is to protect their neighbors and families, otherwise she would come for them.

She then returned to Marth: "I let six of them go as the voice who gave me these powers said they were the only ones who had family to return to. I am pretty sure they are fearful enough to not raise a weapon anymore unless it is to protect their families. The rest of the soldiers I killed out of mercy. They have no one to return to and it is probably best for them to move on to the afterlife and face judgement there."

"You remind me of Beasol." The voice said. "But you wield a greatsword instead of a lance and think more before you act." "Your compliments are cute. But I wish to not be compared to gods. Power should be wielded responsibly and that means I cannot get carried away either." Ennu replied to the voice.

She turned back to Marth. "My reasoning behind the rebuilding of the town and the expansion of it's infrastructure is to secure a supply for the army. We need to play safe, otherwise we may have unnecessary deaths. If you hear a child of Arura too as people say you do, then maybe they can reveal better farming methods or have ideas on how to improve the town so that is cannot just provide for itself but also for a couple hundred more."
Marth grimaced at the comment about letting the heretics go. Ennu was too pure of heart to carry out this grand calling they have been given. He hoped it would not interfere with any further actions, but knew in his heart that it would. Before Marth could answer, Ennu began talking to herself, or more likely the child of Arura which lived inside of her.

"My reasoning behind the rebuilding of the town and the expansion of its infrastructure is to secure a supply for the army. We need to play safe, otherwise, we may have unnecessary deaths. If you hear a child of Arura too as people say you do, then maybe they can reveal better farming methods or have ideas on how to improve the town so that is cannot just provide for itself but also for a couple hundred more."

Ennu said to Marth. Marth furrowed his brow but nodded in compliance.

"Then it will be done. But Ennu, For all intents and purposes you are the commander and champion of our army. Surely you must understand our enemies will provide you with situations in which there is no way to prevent gratuitous death. I would counsel you to reconsider your approach to this war." Marth counted his words carefully. "Your concern for the lives of these deserters is admirable, and I am certain Beasol and Arura smile upon your actions, but that concern is not shared. The child of Arura which dwells in-" Marth caught himself before he said "my amulet". It was important that for now, Ennu believed they were equals in some capacity. "-my soul feels the same way." As he spoke, his amulet glowed in compliance. "I will see to the infrastructure of this village, but I pray you to consider my words." He turned with a swish of his cloak toward the remnants of the town square.

"Ennu tries in vain to protect her morality. It will be shattered all the same." The voice said monotonously.

"Then your sister will have to work harder to break it," Marth said in exasperation. He went to the square where people were quickly reclaiming their land and possessions including the band of refugees who had preluded all of this. One of the deserted soldiers came to Marth's side as he passed.

"Sir. The refugees are begging for supplies from our ranks. Can something be done about them?"

"What would you have done about it?" Marth mused. The soldier blinked silently in response then squinted.

"Are you condoning their death?"

"I would only condone what is just." He answered ominously. With that, he made his way toward the mayor's house which was now mostly ash and broken wood. He poked his head through the doorway and saw the charred remains of what he could only guess to be the mayor. He pushed his way past the rubble and knelt beside the corpse to pray that the soul is welcomed to the heavenly realms.
Once Marth was gone, Ennu muttered: "I want to save these people. But I feel Marth wants this world to burn. I want to stop this perpetual war and bring justice, not further create suffering. It is not the refugees fault that they were attacked and even when the soldiers followed them, they were only fearing for their lives. It feels almost to me that Marth is a bitter fool and if he wants me to reconsider my approach, maybe I should reconsider his position as an ally or subdue him before he tries to subdue the world."

"Yes. You should destroy him. He is only holding you back and working against you. This world is yours alone. You end all wars and unite the people under you. Destroy those who oppose our will. Destroy those who want to continue war and abuse their power." The voice said.

"I shall first try to subdue him. He could be useful alive. Time will show if he would need to die to fulfill our goal." Ennu said. "I regard him as a friend. But his emotions and his understanding of justice are irreconcilible with mine."

"No. What good is he alive? Do you want to use him as cattle? Drink his blood to basically gain strength daily? That might work." The voice said.

"Shut up. If I only listened to you, I would end up alone and feared. Why did you choose me if you only want to corrupt me?" Ennu asked the voice.

"I was to choose you for your innocence and pure heart. You were basically the strongest and most uncorrupted soul I was able to find. You need the blood to become unstoppable and immortal. You could be a goddess and a dominator." The voice said.

Ennu felt disgusted. Why be of pure heart but become consumed with power? Power corrupts. "If I am supposed to do this, I wont let myself be corrupted by power. I'd rather save this world than destroy it. What reason is there to end war if you cannot end injustice?" Ennu said.

"Fine. Do what you want. But eventually you will need my advice. I am now a part of you and you cannot ignore me forever." The voice said.

Ennu headed back to Marth. "I have taken thought to what you said and discussed it with the voice. I have reconsidered by position, but not on how I do things. Rather I have reconsidered our relationship. I considered you a friend, but we are likely just opposites emotionally and in opinion. So I give you a stern warning. If you stand in my way, I will destroy you." While giving her warning, Ennu put her hand on her hilt. "The voice had more drastic ideas. But I wont be corrupted so easily."

"What the hell? Dont make me look like a bad guy! I am helping you!" The voice said.
Marth didn't notice Ennu enter at first. He was finishing his prayer for the mayor.

"... And grant him favor in the eyes of the guardian, that he may stand at your side as he worked tirelessly to do, Beasol. The sun sets in your name."

He noticed Ennu behind him and he rose to his feet. There was a kind of subtle fury in her eyes that he had not noticed before, perhaps the child of Arura had already begun her transformation.

"I have taken thought to what you said and discussed it with the voice. I have reconsidered by position, but not on how I do things. Rather I have reconsidered our relationship. I considered you a friend, but we are likely just opposites emotionally and in opinion. So I give you a stern warning. If you stand in my way, I will destroy you." While giving her warning, Ennu put her hand on her hilt. "The voice had more drastic ideas. But I won't be corrupted so easily."

Marth couldn't help but smile. "Destroying me is a less drastic idea? I must be due for a trip through the thirteen hells then, eh?" He sat at one of the charred tables and invited Ennu to sit across from him.

"You rightfully question the state of our relationship, sister. Though your friendship was a fleeting and wholly unique comfort it was tenuous at best. I am a man devoted to the will of the gods, as ugly and unfair as they are given to me. I do not hold it against you to think of me as some kind of heartless, emotionless husk, as often I think myself to be that very thing." Marth leaned back in the charred and cracking chair and fiddled with the amulet semi nervously. As usual, he chose his words very carefully around Ennu. He always felt the need to even before she had this godlike fervor, now it was all the more reason to appeal to her sense of logic.

"While she still has one to appeal to..." The voice seemed to sneer as it read through Marth's thoughts like a scroll.

"I appreciate the warning, sister. But please know I have no intention of standing in your way. Despite our clashing moral compasses, our goal is the same and I would see to its completion in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Your newfound strength and nigh immortality is incredible but clouds your judgment and ability to make rational decisions. My faith and intelligence are sharpened and honed to near perfection, but without any kind of physical force my power is moot the moment I encounter a golem, or heavenlies forbid, someone with nullification magic."

Marth leaned onto the charred table with the brittle snaps and pops of the wood buckling under his shifting weight.

"I plan to cooperate with you, as I already have. If you walk through the village you will find that I have ordered the soldiers to do exactly as you have asked. Our relationship is now entirely professional. My words to you should no longer carry the weight of a friend who judges your character but as an advisor judging your actions and their effect on our shared goal."

He stood up sharply, reducing the table and chair to dust and rubble.

"I pride myself on my zealousy for law and the will of the gods. I would prefer it not come into question, and I will not question your zealousy for protecting the innocent."

He waited nervously for a response from Ennu. He discretely readied a ball of unfiltered magic. It wouldn't do much to someone of Ennu's constitution but it may buy him time if she decided to swing at him with her sword.

"Is that all you have come to discuss with me, sister Ennu?"

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