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Fandom Warriors:Dawn Of The Clans


Warriors:Dawn Of The Clans

Thunderclan, riverclan, Shadowclan, and Windclan are not the only clan cats... There is another group of clan cats who are just like them. these clans are named Sunnyclan, Ivyclan, Lightningclan and Blossomclan. the moonlit sky is to big to hold just one set of Starclan cats and so these cats share Starclan with the cats we know. Sunnyclan, lives in a open area that recives a lot of sun and they lay on a set of rocks called the heated rocks when it's warm out. Sunnyclan also has a bit of forest in their territory. Blossomclan lives withing a meadow of sorts. the herbs are plentiful there and many flowers bloom in NewLeaf around their hollow. they have trees that surround them about 13 fox-lengths away from their hollow. Ivyclan lives among the trees and have a abandoned twoleg nest on their territory that is used as training hollow at times. at other times it is used as a place to relax. in Greenleaf it it can help cats keep cool as it blocks out the burning sun. Lightningclan has a stream within their territory that they use to get water from. they have had problems with a rouge lately but recently, the rouge has stayed away. Lightningclan has a rock tunnel that leads to a secret herb patch and it is also where the medicine cat goes to train their apprentice without interference.

Recently twoleg kits have been coming around and scaring prey away from all the clans territories. if that's not bad enough, the big twolegs are setting up green pelts and some are starting to build wooden shelters. the building is causing so much racket that prey is getting scarce and as the prey dwindles so does every cat's strength. Starclan has not sent any message to the medicine cats and now it seems Starclan has forsaken the clan cats! but that's what the rouge cat says to lightningclan which is causing uneasiness among all the clans. too bad the medicine cats still talk to the Starclan cats with no problem. whenever one cat brings up the scarcity of prey, the Starclan cats ignore it or change the subject. it's obvious something is happening, but what?


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