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Realistic or Modern Walking in a winter wonderland | Class reunion


New Member

Character sheet:

(Highschool description)


Nickname given:

clique you usually hung with: (popular, goths,anime fanatics,loners,musicians,gamers,nerds,jocks,ect)





extra cirricular activites if any:


type of student: (toublemaker, goody two shoes, smart,dumb, class clown, most likely to drop out ect)

(Adult Description)










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Willa Holland

Nickname: Willie

Clique She Usually Hung Out With: She used to be in he popular crowd, but left after they humiliated her one day.

Height: 5'3


White - American



Type of Student: A Partier, but nice.



Initially, Willa can be seen as reckless, selfish, impulsive, and immature. She turned to a life of substance abuse and partying to fill the void of losing her father. She also has a good heart and often tries to do the right thing, and looks up to her older brother, When she meets a young criminal, she quickly forms a strong romantic attraction, and she is shown to be extremely devoted to him, repeatedly bailing him out of jail. This shows that Willa, while young, reckless, and impulsive, has a strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie for those she loves. Willa is also shown to be unpredictable. One example was when she would intentionally show up late to school and sometimes be on time.


Willa was born on January 21, 1996 to a beautiful Mother and Father. When Willa was a child she fell off her horse and was hospitalized, In instead of going to one of the most important parties, her brother stayed behind to take care of her. Willa idolized her brother as a child. They used to be close and, according to her brother, he used to chase after her when she was younger, thus giving her the nickname, "Speedy". When her father was presumed dead, Willa felt alone and disconnected from the world. She fell into a life of drugs and partying to fill the void left by her father.




Being a Vegan


Animal Products


Mean People



She Is Vegan


Willa's family basically owns the city. Everything that you see in the city, is owned by her, her family is very famous and rich, so she often has lots of money to do anything. But that doesn't affect her cherry and honest personality.



Character sheet:

(Highschool description)

Name: Farah Rain Lennon

Nickname given: "Lil Lennon"

clique you usually hung with:


personality: Very adventurous,outgoing,bubbly,nice. She had and still has a very sassy attitude,and will not back down from anything. If you offend her or her friends,you will regret it a lot.


She was born in Paris,France. She moved at the age of 15 to her new home with her mother. When she was 17,she got into drugs and overdosed on heroin and swore to never touch another needle again. She worked at a little coffee shop as the barista until she was 18. When she was 18,she was accepted into being a Victoria Secret model,and that's where she still is today.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.f2e34f2c1238da90efc0f6ce05715471.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.f2e34f2c1238da90efc0f6ce05715471.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

height: 5'2

extra cirricular activites if any: Art,Music

hobbies: Photography,Painting/drawing,Singing,playing Piano and Guitar

type of student: Most likely to succeed

(Adult Description)

Name: Farah Rain Lennon


personality: Today,she's still the same as she was in high school,but much more strong headed/willed. She thought after being a model,she would turn into a self centered bitch,but she is still the same loving person as she was when she was in high school.

likes: Photography,Modeling,Nature,Adventures and exploring,Traveling the world

dislikes:Being alone,being yelled at,rude/obnoxious people

bio: After getting out of high school,she was still a model,and when she was 19,she was offered her first out of country gig,which she excitedly accepted. She's been going strong ever since then.

height: 5'9


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.b0ecf1c1996b3c1d77401ba14e8dd5e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.b0ecf1c1996b3c1d77401ba14e8dd5e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

occupation: Model



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Character sheet:

(Highschool description)


Nickname given:Denzy | Zel | Den | Denny

clique you usually hung with: Nerds

personality:Timid , quiet , sweet , over excited , cry baby , scared , curious , hyperactive , annoying at times , awkward , Intelligent

bio: He was your typical quiet student no one seemed to notice always blending in the background, he was spotted out by a bully by the name of oscar. Another regular kid, he wasnt a jock he wasnt popular infact they were just alike besides the oscar being not very smart. hence why he beleived that he was targeted by said male. as it became more and more troublesome. one day oscar went to far and hurt Denzel badly getting scared he fled the scene and left denzel in a ditch bleeding with his ribs broken. students walked past as denzel sat there bleeding and hurt he couldnt scream he couldnt move a lady finally came along as he blacked out and helped him out. he woke up in the hospital and was very upset and started resenting his fellow students and became a outcast stopped watching and engaging in starwars which was his favorite thing in the world besides watching masters of the universe. he started working out and eventually dropped out of school. never to be seen or heard from again but he eventually came back for a breif moment to get his ged in honor of mother who passed as he began his transformation.



height: 5'3

extra cirricular ac

tivites if any:
He was the leader to the chess club and comic book fan club.

hobbies: watching chatting about masters of the universe/ skeletor/ batman/ morbuis/ darth vader/ hans solo/ yoda / you name it he loved reading comic books and talking about super heros and collecting action figures. he had over 400 he brought to school for show and tell.

type of student:Smart straight A student

(Adult Description)



personality:cold hot headed stern determined hard worker gets things done violent brat irrational at times stubborn

likes:steak money power potatoes nice figures women men liquor guns fighting extravagance having the best of the best

dislikes:being disrespected not getting what he wants being interrupted ppl being late ppl in his space having the worst loosing.

bio:after his dissapearance he was upset and angry after he built up muscles being angry and spiteful making sure no one would want to mess with him again. he joined a gang. and got into that lifestyle. so when ppl ask him what his occupation is he simply tells them to mind there own and stay out of his face. getting the large dragon tattoo that covers his whole back. indicating his high rank of leader hes been to jail once. he just recently got out. just in time for the reunion.




gang affiliation

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