Vlad x Victoria (1x1 with Lady Luna and Gilmoregirl)



Name~ Vladimir Dracul

Nick name~ Vlad or Vlad The Impaler


Age~ Looks mid 30's

Real Age~ original of his kind was born in the early to Mid 14th century and became what he is today near the end


Short description~ Vlad stands at 6'2,weighs 155 lbs. He has piercing blue eye's. His hair was as black as a Ravens feather. Vlad had fair skin few marks from when he was human, he also was muscular, but not super built. He has no piercings and few visible marks. He has scars a long his back from when he was human old battle wounds. He had a Dragon tattoo going up his left arm and a sword on his right. The same sword he had used in the 14th century. He normally likes to wear a nice pair of jeans, nice button up shirt and nice shoes. His hair slicked back.



Likes and dislikes~

-Likes~ Music,Reading, eating there special diet, and His lovely Mistress/wife

-Dislikes~ Most people, being unfaithful, disloyalty, and anyone harming his family.


Postive~ loyal, fierce, caring, and Attentive

Negative~ sarcastic, cold, distrustful, hot headed, and stubborn

Bio~ ( yes changing history a bit but it is fantasy don't wig out on me)

Vald was Born in the early 14th Century. He was over a 1,000 years old. In the 14th century Vlad grew up in Transylvania. As he grew up, he learned to fight because he along with another 1,000 children for war. At age 15 he became a very well known as Vlad The Impailer.

Vlad was a soldier in Transylvania and they called him Vlad the Impaler. For many obvious reasons he was a very good soldier. How ever when his kingdom needed help he went out to find it. That he did, he was changed into what he is now. He had stopped aging at 35 when he was changed first. They called him a soul less demon from hell. He could kill 10,000 men in a matter of an hour and have them all impaled on steaks as a sign of who he was.

He finally new he couldn't not stay in his kingdom for he had become a monster doomed to walk the earth alone for eternity's. In the Early 17th Century he came back to his kingdom to reclaim it. His bravery in the war that was raging in that time had been won do to his expert combat hand and well his new found monster. He was welcomed into his old kingdom as a Hero of war. What they didn't realize is that he had owned this land two centuries ago.


Hobbies~ Reading, swimming, horse back riding, and writing poetry

What do they do for fun?~ spends time with his beautiful and bold mistress/wife throws grand parties and reads


Life before the Manor~ He was a solider

Major and Minor in College~ Majored in business when the year came about/ and minor Knight hood

Extra or other~Clothing




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Name~ Victoria Dimitru

Nick name~ optional

Age~ 25

Real Age~ 25

Appearance~ realistic only

Short description~ 5'6 127 pounds, light blue eyes, long black hair, fair skinned, she is of light build, and has scars on her right arm which is why she always covers it. She wears period dress in dark colors.


Likes ~ Dancing, going to town, helping her parents, and talking with her younger sister

dislikes~ people who try to harm her or the ones she cares for, boring places, certain people, people who try to woo her for the things she has.






-can be cold at times

-is not afraid to speak her mind

-manipulative towards certain people

-quick to anger


Victoria was born in 1501,to a middle class family in Romania. She had a normal child hood, playing with her siblings and attending small parties with her family. She loved dancing, it was her favorite part. She grew up knowing that she would be married off to an upper class man. She dreamed of this day but, things were about to go south. When she was 15 a rather unfortunate incident happened and she was turned into a monster. Her family still accepted her and they moved to the country side after that, fearing retaliation. She spent this time dreaming of returning to the city. She stopped aging at age 25 which, happened to be around the same time she met Vlad. She met him at a party she had been invited to by a noble man who, was trying to marry her. She had no interest in this man, he was different from her and he treated poorly because of this. She was upset that her fate was to marry this man who didn't love her. He was only marrying to inherit the land her parents owned.

only portrait of Victoria before the incident

Hobbies~ drawing/painting, horseback riding, and sewing

What do they do for fun?~ likes to go to the market, and race her siblings on horse back.

Major and Minor in College~ College students only

Extra or other~ usual dress :


Favorite number- 5

Favorite movie- Bram Stoker's Dracula

Favorite Quote- Don't pity the dead, they are finally free of the pains and fear of this world. Instead envy them, and their freedom from life- unknown

Victoria's parents

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-15_20-26-12.jpeg.23af830267d376f3b2a8a18c2fb2d07a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42714" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-15_20-26-12.jpeg.23af830267d376f3b2a8a18c2fb2d07a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • upload_2015-2-15_20-26-12.jpeg
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right?! I loved the tudors and I was like "who would be a good Dragos, he only wants her land" and then it hit me jonathan rhys Meyers in the Tudors!

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