

Bust :(
Country Name:Uscia

Flag: Forest Green background with a black crouching tiger the middle.


(No current factions)

(5,000 Foot soldiers  (2,500crimsonFall Elite Squadron"""Can man most machinery)☆♡☆ (7,500 Pilots) 5,000 Tank Troops (2 groups with 2 tanks a peace) 5,000 Naval soldiers)

National Stability:75%        Economy Points: 9

"We have stood idle while war destroys mankind, no longer ,we will end this, ONCE AND FOR ALL." After economical downfall 200 years ago the Uscarians have since then then 3× in size. The Uscarians have never been in war , but there years of study in preparation have fitted them well.

There lack of experience is made up in knowledge and pure pride.
Leader: Shirqe the claw (male) 6'1 feet tall 

Very large and visable scar running from his lower jaw to his hip from a bear attack at

 the age of 8 in which he barely survived he is liked by most of his subjects except 1,he can't earn respect from his son by force or reason  no one knows why...  muscle tone: above average 

Survivalist beard (blonde).         blue eyes. lightly tan  hair mid length.

no faction 

Mental factors ...

has a silver of mercy.

a dash of schizophrenia 

does not love war but will not stop it If necessary.

refuses to take pointless civilian casualties.
(CrimsonFall Elite)Expanded...

Soldiers trained in High altitudes, scorching desserts ,and freezing tundra. They have been taught the art of war, infiltration ,and strategy from the age of 3.  Average age 25-30. Equipment  (depends on opp) Any day the squadron is not on a opp they are teaching a new generation of CrimsonFall Elite.¤♡☆♡♡♡♡
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