Unsettled comics in the books.


Junior Member
The I AM and the Deled/Lyta discussion got me thinking. There are several significant story lines of comics ongoing pending resolution, and was wondering if there has been any progress in any of the following lines:

Arianna in the underworld, last I saw was in Abyssals, but I think I saw a comic of her in a later release?

Horakanis in scroll of the monk - things werent looking good


Rose and the abyssals, looked like she might have had some surgery in the Abyssals

Also, are the small toons usually considered canon or are they just window dressing [any official word]

and lastly, I know this has been posted, but I couldnt find it, can someone tell me the link to the wiki site that has all the comics in all the books, and who they are?

I think the comics are as canon as the sig characters are... who aren't that canon themselves anyways, if the statement made in 1E's Storyteller's Guide still holds true. Don't see why they would change the stance, though.

Though, on Arianna: the preview of the North book cover in the Scroll of Heroes features her with a veil over her face now. Maybe her dissing of the Prince of Shadows got her Disfigured. That powergaming whore.

Also for Roseblack: I think that image was just one of those what-ifs that get done just for kicks, like that one in MoEP:Lunars with Avaku surrendering to that panther guy. Her getting kidnapped and improved by the Deathlords would conflict with the more established plot in a rather dramatic manner. :|
Everybody that s working on the Exatled line for White Wolf have said time and again, that the comics are not canon. If an artist chose to continue on a previes comic then it's all by own choise. And by using the sig characters we already know from the first frame who the character is and what to expect from that person.
The comics are not generally presented as canon. They are usually more what-ifs and inspirations. Take it or leave it sort of thing.
About the Swan/Lilith subplot, most of it can be read in the 1e books. It starts in the core book, continues in the introductory of the Lunars book and concludes in another text still in the Lunars book. This version of the story probably differs from the 2e one, but it's still very nice.

It goes more or less like this: Lilith had been living like a wild predator since... Well for very, very long. When the Solars start to reincarnate, she feels that Desus' shard has returned, so she sets off to hunt him. Finding him, she remembers the old cruelties he used to inflict upon her, but decides to do nothing. Then, she shapeshifts into a series of birds and flies throughout Creation, looking for old allies. The most important of those is Jorst, who decides to give her an audience. Little she knows that it's actually a trap, and when she reaches his throne-room, Jorst unleashes a Sidereal assassin upon her (Ahn-Aru or something like that). Then Lilith beats them both up.
Her story actually continues - she later finds Oliphem, who is still mad about Desus deed, and Lilith promises to bring Desus there so Oliphem can confront him about what he did, as a trap of a sorts. Later yet, I believe there's one where she actually brings Swan to the titan-thing.
It shows what happened to the Sidereal assassin in 2E Sidereals book; rather than dying she chose to 'cease to exist' and spent 5 years serving Nara'O.

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