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Fandom Undertale RP


> ο ωο

* KEEP ALL OOC TALK HERE, non in the IC tab.

* Be polite

* Have fun!

* If you need me, feel free to
@katseye in your message. I probably won't see it otherwise.

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MoltenLightning said:
So, if I might ask... What is the general plot? Are we out of the mountain, in it with an au, something else?
That's what I'd like to know as well please.. QwQ
electroShogun said:
Hate to be "that guy", but... can we get started soon?
yall can start whenever. I don't know when I'm going to have a character, if ever. Feel free to start whenever.
I think @The Reaper Of Souls should start first since they're playing Chara and Frisk.
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Also @The Reaper Of Souls have you decided on what Gender to give to Frisk? Not saying you need to as you could always leave them in the genderless position the game placed them in.
Archdemon said:
Also @The Reaper Of Souls have you decided on what Gender to give to Frisk? Not saying you need to as you could always leave them in the genderless position the game placed them in.
im always rootin for nonbinary frisk
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]I thinking about making Frisk Male.

But if its easier I'll keep him agender.

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