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Trials of Friendship (Twi and Paint)

Nichole inched more into the lake shivering more. She closed her eyes as she floated for a second before getting vweighed down by her clothes and leg.

Jason felt something was wrong. He quickly called Nichole getting no answer.
Juan looked out the window and saw her. "NO!" he shouted. He ran out if the house and into the water. He looked around in the dark water and dove under, feeling around for her.
He kept swimming and went up for air. He felt something and saw the bubbles. He tried to pull her up and was weighed down. He tried I pull her up and barely made any progress.
Jason said"ivy I'll be right back. All of you stay inside. Something is wrong with Nichole! " running down the road to the lake. "Juan what happened?!"
"I was an idiot, I pissed her off and she tried to drown herself because I was mad. Go ahead, hit me, do whatever you want. I can't punish myself enough for this…maybe you can."
Juan said "Jasin I can't smid this. If every time something goes wrong and she does this I can't do it." He went inside and sat ok gm the couch. He looked at his bloody and disjointed hands.
Jason shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. He walked nichole inaide and put her in a chair. "Look do you think I gave up on ivy after she tried to commit suicide? No I didnt. I worked things out with her. And you are going to do the same."
He stood. "Well guess what Jason!? I'm not you!" He went into the spare room and slammed the door and locked it. He just needed to be alone, biting his lip from the pain he was in.

Ivy came over, her babies in her arms. "Jay what happened?"
Jason sighed and said"juan kinda pissed Nichole off and was mad at her for something. And she tried to drown herself."

Nichole looked down shivering.
Ivy out her kids down and said "Nikki go take a shower and when you come out I'm gonna talk to you ok? I'm not mad, I just want to know what happened."

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