Treasure Hunt [Inactive]

Fiona suddenly started to moan in her sleep. "I'm sorry....I-I'm sorry," She muttered to figures in her dreams. They were the people of the past, the people who used to own the magical items she owned. The spirits were the people who had died by the hand of these weapons. This was the aftermath of being able to keep all those magical items. "Stop...Stop!" She started to yell out and tears streamed down her porcelain cheeks. Finn shut his book abruptly and looked at his sister, sadly. In addition to finding the treasure, it was Finn's job to comfort her through these nightmares.

Yet, nothing seemed to work. He tried taking the items away from her, but that was a failure. She'd still receive the disturbing dreams, which became more frightening. It was as if Fiona was cursed. Finn picked up his older sister in his arms and hugged her, trying to stop her cries. "No, no, NO! I didn't mean too! It's not my fault....not my fault," She cried, a little louder. He hugged her tighter and cooed, "It's okay Fiona, it's all in your dreams." Finn patted her back and tried to stop the sobbing. Fiona shook but began to calm down. The nightmares seemed to stop, slowly disappearing.
As Mirro was cleaning off, she heard sobs from a nearby room, but she was not fully dressed and could only listen. It sounded to her like Fiona,and couldn't help but be concerned. After cleaning off, she questioned whether or not to check on her. Deciding she didn't know them well enough, she stayed in her room, reading the field guide to the land she bought and a map of the infamous mountains.
Wes woke up early the next morning, got his armor on and headed down to the tavern. There he realized that out of the group he was the only one up. So he waited at a table for them to come down and he got some ale.
Mirro awoke, not even realizing she had fallen asleep in the first place. Her forehead was stuck to pages in a book and she was sort of sprawled out, arms on the table. It wasn't the least comfortable sleep she had. Being somewhere warm and dry meant she awoke refreshed and fell asleep fairly easy. she looked at she kid, smiling and quiet as she could, walked out and down stairs to the tavern a bit after Wes.
Finn and Fiona layer sprawled across the bed in a tangle of limbs. This was pretty normal, considering most places where they stayed had only one bed. Finn was the first to stir, despite being the last one asleep. He spent a good hour trying to get Fiona to calm down but he knew today was pretty important. After many yawns and stretches, the bed headed male got up after pushing his sister off of him. Finn suddenly face palmed, remembering that he slept in his expensive shirt that wrinkled easily. He snapped his fingers in remembering he had an extra shirt.

He had picked it up one day when his clothes faced a stinky mess. Finn walked over to his coat and pulled out a blue tunic-ish shirt. He reached in deeper and pulled out a comfortable pair of pants, black. Even rich kids had to take a break from dress clothes. He changed and draped his jacket around his shoulder like a cape. His hand met his forehead with a slap and he reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out combat boots and stashed his dress shoes in place. Finn felt the need to wear something more "appropriate" for this mission.

Fiona was up next, the side of her hair sticking up. She stretched and yawned for at least six seconds. Her face lit up as she suddenly bounced out of bed and pulled out a second change of clothes. She immediately pulled off her clothes and slipped into something new. I mean, she put on a white long sleeved shirt, complete with a red amulet from her "collection". She wore a pair of black shorts with red and white stockings. Lastly, came her combat boots that reached right below her knees.

Oh wait, her hair. Fiona let it out, her locks cascading like a waterfall. When put down, he hair reached almost to her ankles. It was beautiful, but got in the way. If she cut it, it would just come back again. Fiona finally picked it up and tied it in a pony tail, which reached down to her bottom. She was all set, almost. Fiona grabbed her coat and draped it over her shoulder like her brother. She smiled at him and nodded, before bounding out the door and downstairs.

It seemed as if nothing happened last night, nothing. It was like this every day, best to forget than face it right? Finn suddenly nodded back to her and packed up the rest of his things before heading back downstairs. Today was surely to be full of fun. Fiona and Finn greeted Wes and Mirro. "G'morning," They said as they ordered something for breakfast.
Wes waved at the twins and smile, "you guys seem well rested, so did I miss any thing when I went to bed?" wes took a drink of his ale and chuckle a bit," by the way Finn fix your hair its sticking out on the side a bit." wes just smiled and lauged
Finn opened his mouth to answer but blushed intensely at the moment of truth. He slapped a hand over his hair and mumbled something about sleeping the wrong way. "Ah, thanks Wes. I never notice these things, he he...." He said, finally chuckling. He stretched and sat down at the table and waited for his food. "I'll fix it later, I'm too hungry and excited," He said, smiling happily. Fiona watched her brother's reaction and laughed. Despite looking calm, he was a little insecure at times. She shook her head out of thought and said, "You totally missed Mirro's performance! She was SO awesome!" She plopped herself down on another seat and smiled. She twirled her finger on a piece of red and black hair, absentmindedly.
Wes just sat there smiling," She is a mage I wouldn't have expected less." then wes chuckles and grinned like an idiot. "you know I have a trick up my sleeve to watch." wes grabs a near by knife and cut himself from one side of his hand to another," watch." Wes grabbed his arm and the wound started to close." pretty cool huh?"
Fiona's eyes widened and she smiled. "AWESOME!" She yelled, waking up a few dozing travelers. She received hushes from the innkeeper and whispered, "Oops, sorry!" She shook that off and started asking questions, "Have you always been able to do that? What kind of magic is this? Does it hurt?" Finn sighed and said, "Sometimes she gets like this, ignore her."
Wes just smiled at the twins," its ok and for as long as I can remember I could do this and yes it hurts why wouldn't it, but there is a down side I can't heal a sickness." wes smile faded a bit and then returned. He looked at Fiona and ask," you got anything to heal a sickness?" wes just laughed and lean back in his chair.
"Yeah it's called fluids and bed rest" Brecka shuffles down the stairs while stretching his limbs as if they threatened to reach the cieling in his devotion to erase the grogginess from his system. "I thought the time for show boating our abilities was done by last night, not like I'm not always looking for a good reason to prove myself though. Morning you three." He smiles and nods as he asks the bartender for tea.
Fiona questioned his faded smile but knew not to bother. It was rude to barge into someone's business, especially someone she just met. "Ah well, it depends on the sickness. But I have plenty of different healing charms. I know I have ones that can keep down common cold symptoms, not cure it however," Fiona said thinking about her amulets. There was one that healed warts too. Crazy stuff. Fiona suddenly heard Brecka's voice and smiled. "Morning, Brecka! Have a nice rest?" She said, cheerfully. Finn looked in Brecka's direction and scoffed. "I like to show my goods is all. You haven't even seen me use any of it. Anyways, good morning."
Wes looked at brecka and smirked," well good morning sunshine and for the record I went to bed remember so I didn't get to show my abilities, but if you want to see my sword play step outside. Wes sat up smiling look at brecka and then just laughing for a period and looked back at the twins. " you have a charm to heal warts were in the world did you guys get that." wes chuckled and took a swig of his ale.
"Well if I'm going to ride with you, I hope to see your aptitude with your weapons soon. While I may like the lot of you I'm not ready to trust someone with my life until I know they can shoulder the burden of doing so." Brecka smiled as he tipped his cup to his lips to let the soothing scent and taste start his day. "Is that a formal challenge Wes, so soon in the morning? This early you're lucky I even have pants on much less ready to fight" He chuckles. "I have a trick for removing warts too, it's called a biting plate and a dagger, would you beilieve not to many are a fan of my methods?" Brecka looks back to Wes with a certain glint in his eye "If you'd like to test be I'd be more than happy."
Finn and Fiona exchanged nervous glances. "Ah, ya see. It was the first mission we set out on and Fiona here saw this person on the street selling goods of all kinds. We kinda sorta were desperate so we jumped him and ran away with the loot. Don't tell anyone." The twins said flatly, finishing together. Finn sighed and rubbed his temples, "Worst judgment ever," He said, sighing some more.
Wes looked at brecka with a spark in his eye," sure ill test you but not now to early and besides id would like to be on the road a bit before we duel, are you find with that my rival?" wes smiled and laughed, then he looked at the twins. " so you guys are also thieves?" wes started to laugh and smile then he winked at both of them.
Fiona snorted and said, "Psh, us thieves. I meant to say we borrowed from the guy! After we 'talked' he gave us the stuff!" Finn rolled his eyes and said, "We WERE, no use lying Fiona while you're at it." Fiona laughed and punched Wes in the arm. "Okay, we were, now I'm interested in seeing you two, our master swordsmen, duel!" Fiona said as their food arrived and she began to stuff her face. After they left Shadowwick, she seemed to loose sight of that polite girl she was all those years ago.
"Well we can chalk that trait up for another one of our unusual set of party members!" He laughs at the knowledge of them ransacking a man for the shiny object they seemed to enjoy. "Don't worry, I won't say a anyone else of course because you two have just given me ammunition' he chuckles. "Agreed Wes but I still have to see what you're capable of before I can call you my rival" he smirks.
Mirro listened in to the conversation, itching. To leave. From all she read the night before, she felt completely prepared. She said a quiet goo morning to Brecka and the twins.
Wes just looked at his mug and grinned "if we come into any trouble you'll see what I can do and just dont be disappointed if you lose to someone younger than you, my friend." wes laughed and leaned back and stretched, "so when are we gonna get ready to head out cause were still missing two people." 
"wait I'm sorry I ment one where's stone?"
Finn flushed again but said nothing. Well, this added on to their poor reputation. Who are they kidding, there were still some good traits there. Finn heard Mirro's good morning and said, "Good morning to you too, Mirro!" Fiona laughed as she watched the two guys. This was all too amusing for her.

(Darn it, I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow! And I'll be able to stay up late, cause tomorrow is friiiiiiday!)
"Well if it isn't the Grandeuas of greenery. How are you feeling Mirro, you look anxious." Brecka chuckled slightly into his cup at Wes's words "And you shouldn't be upset when your seniors show you why they are in the first place." He gestures for Mirro to sit beside him while he summons the bartender. "What would you like?"

Wes smiled at mirro ,"I'm a bit surprised that you didn't bring stone down with you," wes turned to look at the stairs." is he still in bed?"
Mirro shrugged at what brecka said. She was just nervous. A bit worried about time and held a bad feeling about Arlen in her stomach. "Fine.. and stone seemed pretty exhausred all around. Best let him sleep."
"We're going to be travelling far, best let him rest so he doesn't complain that he's tired later, you all wouldn't like my style of child disipline" he looks serious for a moment but then cracks the smile at the end to show he was joking. Although it might hold a bit of truth, Mibus children were always to be on thier best behavior during important matters. "I'm more concerned for you right now Mirro. Eat somehting maybe it will help you shake that morning groggniess."

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